God is Coming

Chapter 701 Debt Collection

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boom! The red wine glass smashed against the window, and the scarlet wine mixed with the glass fragments slowly slid down the glass window.

Jane has lost her elegance and composure, her chest is heaving sharply, her teeth are almost biting her lips to bleed! Her heart was filled with the rage of being humiliated, but the reason was very simple. She had carefully prepared three words of provocation, threat, and ridicule, and she was going to step on Chu Jungui's dignity a few times, and then turned a few times. , but unexpectedly, Chu Jungui cut off the communication just after saying one sentence.

How dare he cut off my communication! Jane felt like she was on fire and wanted to destroy everything she saw.

For some reason, seeing Chu Jungui's expressionless face, Jane always felt that he was provoking her, and couldn't help but want to throw something at him. In this matter, all the self-control she had always been proud of seemed to have disappeared.

In Rongshan Hotel, after hanging up the communication, Chu Jungui browsed the news first, and then noticed a big explosion that happened recently. The explosion destroyed a private hospital and multiple buildings attached to it, and it was initially estimated that there were more than 300 casualties. After comparing it with other information, Chu Jungui knew that this hospital was actually the biological laboratory of the Bilinde Group. It seemed that the explosion was probably caused by his broken arm. It's just that Chu Jungui was a little surprised when he saw the photos of the scene. The biological bomb modified by Kaitian is actually so powerful? This must have an equivalent of at least a hundred tons, right?

Chu Jungui immediately called Kaitian and asked for the living bomb modification formula. However, Chu Jungui immediately discovered that this formula would only be effective if it was applied to his flesh and blood, because the body cells of the test subject actually stored a lot of energy, while the effect of ordinary people's flesh and blood was much worse, not as good as bio-mass explosives .

Chu Jungui turned off the news, this can only be regarded as an appetizer for revenge. He sat quietly, constantly searching and analyzing the massive amount of data information, and finally found the information he was looking for after a while.

By this time the first batch of three arms had arrived. Chu Jungui chose a general-purpose biochemical arm, which is relatively balanced in strength, reaction speed, and sensitivity. After installing the new arm, Chu Jungui boarded the flying car and left the hotel.

The flying car cut through the sky, flew at a speed of more than a thousand kilometers for an hour, and landed on the edge of a city. This city was built on the scorched land, without the lava background that the major hotels and group headquarters are proud of, and there are no active volcanoes erupting. This is just an ordinary city.

The city is built on a foundation ten meters above the ground, and there will be a huge steel pillar several hundred meters standing at intervals on the edge. Steel cage. The giant pillars are covered with a transparent insulation layer to keep out the hot and poisonous gas.

After passing through the isolation gate, Chu Jungui really walked into the city. The buildings in the city are tall and dense, making full use of every inch of land. The narrow streets have people passing by at the bottom, trams with fixed rails pass through the middle, and speeding lanes on the upper.

The armor automatically analyzed the surrounding environment. The external temperature was around 50 degrees, which was still very stuffy, but it was already within the range that the human body could barely bear. Compared with the surface of the outer planet, it was already much milder. The air is very turbid, the oxygen content is extremely low, and it is almost unbreathable, but the toxic gases have been filtered out.

Some pedestrians on the street wore full armor, some wore ordinary clothes, or a simplified version of armor, and some went out with only a breathing mask.

The city is not big, less than 2 kilometers long and wide, but nearly 200,000 people live there. There are traffic pipelines in the main urban area connecting more than a dozen satellite bodies, which are industrial areas with many factories.

The city is mainly populated by middle- and lower-class residents who work in nearby factories and suffer from stuffy heat, expensive housing and medical care, and oxygen filled with pungent smells. The middle class with slightly better conditions will live in nearby cities.

According to the map, Chu Jungui walked into the back alley between two tall buildings, where there were rows of trash cans, some of which had been overturned. At the end of the alley, there was a fence iron gate, which was half open, and people came in and out from time to time.

Pay attention to the official account

Chu Jungui walked into the iron gate. At the end of the doorway was a simple isolation door. After passing through the isolation gate, he entered a shop. This is a weapons shop that sells all kinds of civilian weapons, all of which are knives or single-shot gunpowder weapons. Chu Jungui looked around, came to the counter, and asked, "I heard that you sell a lot of things here?"

The boss behind the counter was wearing greasy overalls, glanced at Chu Jungui, and said, "As long as you give me enough money, I can buy anything here."

"Don't worry about money."

"Okay, let's talk inside." The boss gestured to the inside.

The inside room is small and full of boxes and tools. After Chu Jungui entered, the boss closed the door carefully and asked, "What do you want?"

Chu Jungui sent photos of the past three people and asked, "I heard that they are all very powerful snipers?"

The boss identified them carefully for a while, and said: "I only know two, and they are very difficult to mess with. Oh, Olmer just came back."

Chu Jungui took out two stacks of cash and put them in front of the boss, saying, "I want their address."

The boss twitched his eyebrows and said, "Are you trying to commit suicide?"

Chu Jungui smiled and said, "Maybe."

The boss took a deep look at Chu Jungui and said, "These two are A-level mercenaries."


The boss shrugged and said, "That's up to you, but the money is not enough."

Chu Jungui put two more stacks on the table, and the boss opened the map, quickly marked an address on it, and said, "Olmer lived here yesterday. I don't know if he's still there now."

Chu Jungui wrote down the address and left the weapon shop. After a while, he stood in front of an apartment building in a corner of the city. The rooms in this apartment building are very small, most of the units are no more than 20 square meters, and it is the most common residence for the bottom-level residents of the city. Chu Jungui walked into the elevator and reached the 30th floor amidst the bang.

The 30th floor is considered a high-rise. The difference between here and the lower floor is that there are two more public toilets. Compared with more than 50 units on the first floor, two public toilets may not seem to be many, but compared with the lower floor, it is twice the difference.

According to the address, Chu Jungui came to a unit, checked the house number again, and knocked on the door.

"Who?" A hoarse, vicious and guarded voice sounded in the room.

Hearing the inquiry, Chu Jungui disappeared without a sound, pulled out his pistol, pulled the trigger through the door, and the bullets of an entire extended magazine shot into every corner of the room in an instant. It wasn't until the whole magazine was finished that Chu Jungui opened the door and entered, looked at the middle-aged man sitting slumped on the ground in front of the window, with his hands on his stomach, and said, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it would be a The residence of the A-rank mercenary. We meet again, Mr. Ormir, and I will collect the debt of the right hand."

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