God is Coming

Chapter 702 Warning

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Olmer's hair was disheveled and his beard grew wildly. It seemed that he hadn't trimmed it for a few days. His clothes were shabby and stained, and his trousers were still shiny and greasy. Such a man who seemed to be on the verge of wandering was actually the super sniper who ambushed Chu Jungui in the hotel that day.

At this moment, he was clutching his stomach, blood was seeping from between his fingers, and there was a wound on his left leg, which soaked the solid overalls with blood.

The room was not big at first, and it was full of sundries, and now even the tables and cabinets were turned over, and things were spilled all over the floor. The walls and ceiling were littered with bullet holes, evenly spaced. There's a fresh shoe print on the ceiling, which looks a bit odd.

In front of Olmer, Chu Jungui calmly replaced the new magazine, and then threw the empty magazine aside.

At this time, a head came in from outside the door, and someone said vaguely: "Why is it so noisy? Why don't people sleep..."

He swallowed back the second half of the words, and the hot muzzle of the gun was pressed against his forehead, and he didn't know how the gun appeared.

"Go back and forget about this, otherwise you will be the same as Olmir." Chu Jungui said coldly.

The one who came in with his head was a somewhat wretched and drunken thin man, but with the muzzle of the gun on his head, all the drunkenness vanished. He trembled uncontrollably, unable to speak.

Chu Jungui didn't look back, and said, "Your heartbeat is only slightly faster, and you want to counterattack? You can try it. If you have twice the strength of Olmer, you may have a little chance of success."

The man pretending to be drunk froze for a moment, and said, "We are just mercenaries, and we take money to do things. There is no need to target us specifically, right?"

"You took the money you shouldn't take, and you did the things you shouldn't do."


Before the man pretending to be drunk could continue, Chu Jungui interrupted him directly, saying, "I let you live this time just to send a message to the mercenaries: the money from your employer is money that shouldn't be taken." , whoever dares to take it will face my hunting, even if he is A-level. Get lost!"

The man pretending to be drunk swallowed nervously, looked at Chu Jungui's muzzle, stepped back slowly, and closed the door.

The moment the door closed, Olmer suddenly slapped the ground with his hand, and the fallen table suddenly bounced up, blocking Chu Jungui's sight, and at the same time he bounced up from the ground without warning, trying to get out through the window !

However, the moment he exerted his strength, before his body completely left the ground, a bullet penetrated the table and hit his exerted left leg, doubling the wound.

Olmir groaned and fell back to the original place. The desktop fell to the ground again and bounced. It was noise, and there was no sound downstairs.

Despair finally flashed in his eyes. A normal person would think that he would use his uninjured right leg to exert force, thus judging the wrong direction of jumping, and the shot missed or only hit an insignificant part, and by using this opportunity, he could go out through the window and escape.

Olmer groaned, ignored the wound on his left leg, looked at Chu Jungui, and asked, "Why?"

"That question needs no answer."

"You should go directly to the employer, to Richard, to Kun!"

"The murderer needs to be punished, and the murder weapon must be destroyed." Chu Jungui pulled the pistol, loaded the bullet, and said, "You have accepted their commission twice in the past year, and the reason is enough."

"Then... let's do it." Olmer panted.

Chu Jungui raised his gun and pointed it at Olmer's head. He suddenly shouted: "Wait! At least let me leave a last word!"

"From the day you became a killer, you don't need this anymore." Chu Jungui pulled the trigger.

Olmer's body gradually lost temperature, and the famous mercenary killer came to the end of his life. Chu Jungui did not leave immediately, but quickly checked the room to see if he could find any further clues.

There are as many as 5 hidden compartments in the extremely narrow room, which are full of guns, ammunition and various tools, which are not very meaningful in themselves, and Chu Jungui has not found any equipment with enough distinctive characteristics to be worth tracing back to the source. The most important equipment is two sniper rifles, which are driven by gunpowder and electromagnetic mixture. They are extremely powerful and accurate. The problem is that the rate of fire is extremely low, and they need to be reloaded after each shot.

Chu Jungui had no interest in these two sniper rifles. For medium and short distances, he prefers machine guns if they are more powerful, since they can still have the effect of sniping. But at a long distance, Chu Jungui would use the cannon directly.

In the drawer of the closet, Chu Jungui found a stack of letters and photos. This archaic way of recording information is rare. There is nothing special to note about the contents of the letter. Half of the photos are landscape photos, and the other half are group photos. There are two or more people. In a group photo of five people, Chu Jungui suddenly saw a familiar figure.

It was a maiden, full of joy and sunshine, standing beside Olmer, clasping his arms tightly. Olmir in the photo looks very young, less than 30, and dressed in a more formal way. From the photo, the 5 people seem to be traveling and took this group photo during the trip.

The girl's five senses were somewhat familiar, and Chu Jungui looked at it, and it gradually overlapped with another face: Rose.

Is this the first love or the ex who killed Rose? Chu Jungui thought strangely, and looked at the photo again. The girl in the photo is still very young, she seems to be under 20, and probably hasn't undergone major body transformation.

Chu Jungui held the photo, twisted his fingers, and the super-high-speed friction caused flames, burning the photo little by little. After burning the photo and leaving nothing else, Chu Jungui left the apartment.

An hour later, Chu Jungui appeared in another block and walked into a club.

He walked up to the girl in charge of reception and consultation, and said, "Help me register an identity."

"Okay, 50 yuan."

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After paying, the girl took a photo of Chu Jungui, went through most of the registration procedures skillfully, and finally asked, "What nickname do you want?"

Chu Jungui had already made up his mind and said, "A mercenary hunter."

The girl was taken aback, and said, "Are you joking? Don't you know that this is actually the club of the Mercenary Guild?"

"I know."

"This name is provocative to all mercenaries. You must know that mercenaries are not very good-tempered." The girl dutifully reminded.

Chu Jungui said: "It's okay, they will soon find out that this is not a provocation, but a warning."

"Who is the warning for, and what is the warning?" The girl suddenly became curious.

"Don't touch money you shouldn't have."

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