God is Coming

Chapter 703 This is just the beginning

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The City of Steel is a typical industrial and mining base city on the red ocean planet, where middle and lower class workers and civilians live. The club here is an external window of the Holy Silver Spear mercenary union, and the Holy Silver Spear is one of the many mercenary unions. The entire mercenary world is loose and disorderly, there is no unified order, and there is no one person or organization that can order everything.

But under such a structure, the transmission of rumors is faster than the speed of light. Ormir's death will soon spread within a certain range, leading people to inquire about the truth of his death. And the next name will greatly deepen people's impression.

Chu Jungui boarded the flying car, and this time he rushed out of the atmosphere directly, and quickly flew to the other side of the planet in low orbit and high altitude. A woman with light brown hair and a hot figure appeared in his vision, and the corresponding information of the woman appeared next to the image.

Her name is Ferna, her mercenary rank is B+, and she does not make a living by fighting, but is an information and intelligence expert. She has a double doctorate in mathematics and psychology, and is good at interrogation, conspiracy, and planning. In the past five years, she has been an intelligence center of the Bilinde Group on the outskirts, and in recent years has mainly served Kun. Olmir was selected by her to carry out the assassination mission. And in her hands, she also holds clues to nine other mercenaries, all of whom are outsiders who have provided services to the Bilinde Group for a long time.

The speeding car flew quietly outside the atmosphere, and layers of black fog gathered inside the car, covering Chu Jungui's body, causing his appearance to change rapidly. The internal structure of Chu Jungui's body was also fine-tuned accordingly. He was ten centimeters shorter and gained a lot of weight, with an obvious belly. As a messy beard began to grow on his face, the people in the car had become Almere.

The flying car penetrated the atmosphere again and landed in a small city. This city is obviously much more luxurious, and the city center has a large area of ​​luxurious green landscape, and the density of residents is much smaller. This is a livable and landscaped city, designed to provide long-term residences for the upper class and rich in the six industrial and mining cities within the range.

On the edge of the city near the volcano stands a tall apartment building, the whole body is dreamy blue, there are only two residents on each floor, and they all have their own swimming pools. Ferna lived on the upper floors of this apartment building.

Standing at the gate of the apartment building, Chu Jungui, incarnate as Almir, first looked up at the whole building. This apartment building is also the most expensive place in the entire city. One house can buy two entire apartment buildings like the one Ormeer lives in. Although with Olmer's previous abilities, he would definitely not be reduced to that point, but it can be seen that Olmir's status seems to be far inferior to Ferna's in the eyes of both the mercenary world and the Bilinde Group.

This is normal, and those who work generally get less than those who manage. Chu Jungui complained silently in his heart, and walked into the gate.

There was an automatic scan at the gate, which instantly verified Olmer's identity and gave the visitor permission. This permission can only go to room 01 on the 25th floor.

Chu Jungui walked to the elevator lobby, looked at the owner's elevator in the center, and then turned into the visitor's elevator on the left. At the rear side, there is also a freight elevator. In other words, each apartment here has three entrances with different functions, corresponding to three different elevators.

Chu Jungui took the elevator and came to the door of the apartment. He looked up again at the 4-meter-high, matte-treated red copper door in front of him, and then rang the doorbell. The moment he rang the doorbell, he had already pasted a layer of dark ooze on the door lock.

A light screen appeared on the gate, revealing a beautiful face. She was obviously very surprised, and said: "Olmer?! You are dead..."

She suddenly realized something, her face changed suddenly, and she wanted to fly back, but with a small bang, the door lock suddenly exploded, and a dozen pieces of mechanical parts hit her body, knocking her down. He flew upside down and fell into the living room.

Chu Jungui pushed the door open and walked into the apartment, then closed the door behind his back.

Ferna stood up with difficulty, and looked at the alarm system in the room. Several probes are still shining with light, and there is nothing abnormal. It made one of her hearts sink straight to the bottom.

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Just after the explosion, the atomized Kaitian sealed off the space around the explosion, absorbed the sound waves, and transformed them into its own energy. In the end, the sound detected by the alarm system was not as loud as the volume of the conversation between the two, so naturally there would be nothing reaction. The only problem is that the energy dissipated by the explosion is a bit small, not enough to open the sky and wash the eyes.

Half of Ferna's body was soaked in blood, and she couldn't stand up anymore, so she could only move her body and lean against the side of the sofa.

The physical strength is average, the defense power is only better than ordinary people, and it can resist limited cutting by knives. Chu Jungui quickly judged the physical data from her injury, which was slightly inconsistent with the data, and her condition seemed to be worse than the data.

Looking at the living room which was comparable to the melting mountain hotel, Chu Jungui roughly came to a conclusion. It seems that the long-term luxury life made her give up her efforts to strengthen her body and turned to intelligence support and other behind-the-scenes fields.

In Ferna's eyes, that familiar face had an unprecedented coldness and indifference. A flash of inspiration flashed in her heart, and she lost her voice: "You killed Ormir!"

"That's right." Chu Jungui nodded, and said, "You make a plan, and he is responsible for carrying it out. Since you want to kill me, you should think that death is your due end."

"No, no! You can't kill me. I work for the Bilinde Group, and Master Kun stands behind me! If you kill me, the Bilinde Group will definitely not let you go! Not only you, but also Your family, friends, everyone related to you, will..."

Before she could say death, Ferna let out a long scream, and Chu Jungui shot her in the leg, shattering her knee.

Ferna screamed one after another. In terms of willpower and ability to endure pain, she was much worse than Ormir. During the whole process, Olmer just let out a low groan.

The alarm system was silent.

Chu Jungui pulled the trigger of the pistol, loaded another bullet, and then shot out amidst Ferna's screams, shattering half of her shoulder. Then he pulled the trigger again, the movement was smooth and rhythmic, just like the engraving of the previous movement.

"No, don't!" Then there was another gunshot.

Then Chu Jungui pulled the trigger again and pointed at her forehead.

Instead, Ferna calmed down, pointed to her heart, and said, "Hit here, not in the face."

"Okay." Chu Jungui moved his gun towards her heart.

Ferna smiled wryly, and said, "I... have interrogated so many people, is this... retribution?"

"Probably." Chu Jungui pulled the trigger.

Chu Jungui did not touch her body, but took away her personal chip. As the person in charge of external intelligence of the Bilinde Group, the number of people killed by her subordinates in the interrogation room alone is at least three figures, and the number of people killed in the actions planned by her will only be more.

After quickly and thoroughly searching the apartment, Chu Jungui left the same way. When he left, he changed into another appearance, boarded a speeding car, and left the city.

Regardless of the ancient family or the big group, they are like towering trees, and Richard and Kun are the fruits they bear, hanging high. If you want to reach them, you have to clean up the surrounding branches, leaves and vines, and approach them step by step. Now Chu Jungui has enough experience to know that in such a process, although the opponent has not been directly injured physically, the mental injury has already begun.

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