God is Coming

Chapter 704 Abnormal Plot

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On the way back to the Melting Mountain Hotel, Chu Jungui once again sorted out what happened during this period of time, as well as the next action plan.

The conflict between the two parties originated from the conflict in the bond market. Although the scale is large, it is also a commercial conflict and is essentially a zero-sum game. From another perspective, as long as Chu Jungui is willing, the two parties can reconcile at a certain price, just like Serena and the little princess.

In the stock market, there is no essential conflict between the two parties. Even if the stock price of 1 light year rises to the sky, it will not bring any losses to Jane and Kun. Oh, and as far as mental damage is concerned, there is, and it can be considerable. But that's just for Jane. As the actual controller of 1 Light Year, Chu Jungui has the right to regularly check the register of shareholders. From this, he knows that the recent mysterious buyer is likely to be related to Kun.

The battle between the red-bearded pirates and the Bilinde fleet was Chu Jungui's revenge for the previous incident, not only Kun, but also implicitly included the revenge of the Bilinde Group, but at present, the Bilinde Group should be more Not sure.

In a sense, there is actually no endless conflict between the two sides, no irreconcilable contradiction, at least at the beginning.

According to the normal plot, with Chu Jungui displaying outstanding financial talent and his own light year belonging to a neutral force, shouldn't the ancient family and the major forces first find a way to cooperate or even recruit?

Especially in the financial field, Chu Jungui directly defeated Jane through a series of operations, and has fully proved himself through Jane's corpse. Even if Chu Jungui has no background and no military power, this talent alone can skyrocket in a large company, and it will not be a problem to be a C or O in the end.

Chu Jungui, who is light years away, is even more valuable. Although he cannot directly create value for the big forces, he can create value indirectly. He can completely accept various investments from the big forces from A to Z rounds, from The periphery of the periphery began to grow, killing all the way to the core of the 2nd ring.

But none of these.

At least tens of thousands of routines for business warfare, emotional warfare are stored in the art component, but none of them are like this.

In the final analysis, the root cause of the conflict between the two sides started from Jane, to be precise, from the moment Jane saw Sino. Since then, it seems that the contradictions have developed rapidly towards an irreconcilable direction, until Chu Jungui was ambushed and assassinated.

All the while, Jane never expressed the possibility of compromise or reconciliation, never. Thinking about it this way, the enmity between Jane and Sino seems to be a bit big!

Thinking of this, Chu Jungui was also a little helpless. The development of the matter has completely exceeded expectations. If the normal script had been followed, the two parties should have negotiated the conditions long ago, and the two forces that had fully proved their resources and abilities had already begun to join forces to harvest those weaker guys. Or if the conditions are good enough, Chu Jungui doesn't mind giving priority to the other party.

In the matter of seeking refuge, even if the test subject has no experience, the political component must be good at it.

But the reality is, even if Chu Jungui can swallow his anger, the other party will not let him go. What's more, the test subjects have never tolerated this kind of virtue. He was originally born for war, and war is not fighting, so in a sense, one-on-one is not Chu Jungui's strong point, but his other aspects of the level have not yet been developed, and Dr. Zero customized it for him. Several major components are in urgent need of demonstrating their true strength.

Cleaning up Ormir and Ferna will not be a big deterrent. There will still be a large number of mercenaries willing to work for the Bilinde Group. The dream of most mercenaries is to join the Bilinde Legion and become part of the regular order. . But Chu Jungui counterattacked immediately and killed the two direct participants in the assassination. This is a provocation, and Chu Jungui is telling the other party that even if I can't do anything to you for a while, it will not prevent me from killing a few of your subordinates first, and see what you can do.

There was still some time before returning to the hotel, and Chu Jungui activated the political and tactical deception component, and began to plan the next action.

The flying car returned to the atmosphere again and stopped at the gate of the Melting Mountain Hotel. Chu Jungui returned to the room and connected to Hathaway's communication. The image of the little princess seemed a little melancholy, but when she saw Chu Jungui, she put on a bright smile and bowed her knees dignifiedly.

Chu Jungui's left hand shook, and he managed to control the urge to grab the back of her neck.

"How's the arm doing?"

"It's not bad, it can be used." Chu Jungui showed his right arm that could move freely. But what he didn't say was that this biochemical arm reduced his combat power by more than 30%.

"As long as you like it, I'll find some special limited editions."

"The arm is not in a hurry, I need your help with something. Help me find a strong law firm that dares to fight tough battles. I still lack a perennial legal consultant in 1 light-year."

"Dare to fight a tough battle?" The little princess keenly captured this extraordinary request.

"I want the kind that is not afraid of old families and big groups."

The little princess nodded and wrote down the request.

In fact, Sabo was originally a logical candidate, but he worked more for the Winton family and was not completely driven by money. The meaning of this job itself cannot be measured entirely by money. Backed by the Winton family, Szabo's network will be greatly expanded. This is also because there are so many barristers at the same level in the Federation, but Szabo can be ranked among the top 50. Lawyer's reason.

What Mr. Chu wants is a group of freshmen, ambitious lawyers who are willing to work hard for money and bite their opponents. Such a group of people may eventually lose against someone like Sabo, but they will definitely bite off a few pieces of meat in the process. This is what Chu Jungui needs, to cause enough trouble for the opponents, and let all the opponents know that trying to deal with 1 light year in court will never be a pleasant experience.

After finishing the communication with the little princess, Chu Jungui called Xinuo. At this time, Sino has calmed down, and he is training hard in the gravity zone of the gym.

Chu Jungui considered his words and said, "After this time, maybe your succession sequence will be improved, and it should be almost the same as Richard."

Sino was silent for a moment, and said, "I've already made up my mind, and I'm ready to give up my inheritance rights."

This was something Chu Jungui did not expect, and asked, "Why did you give up?"

"The restoration of inheritance rights is only temporary. Even if I return to the family, I will still be ridiculed, stared at and made things difficult. They will always find various excuses and reasons to drive me out, or go further, without completely canceling my inheritance rights. It pressed down so low that it even gave me a special serial number, like Louis 10086…”

This is a public humiliation... Chu Jungui understood.

"So why do I want this inheritance right?" Xinuo spread his hands.

"No, this inheritance right is very useful. First of all, your existence itself is a mockery of them. If they come to mock you, you can also mock back. I will give you some templates for how to mock." As Chu Jungui spoke, he separated the art components into a simple functional version and passed it on to Sino.

A real artist can turn swearing into an art.

In this regard, Chu Jungui is full of expectations for Dr. Zero's art components. As one of the three major components seriously developed by Dr. Zero, the art component is not good for drawing, music is not good, and appreciation always tends to develop in a strange direction. There must be one thing, right?

Chu Jungui thought about it, and continued: "In addition, I heard that the descendants of ancient families are not forbidden to compete with each other?"

Sino is very familiar with this point: "Yes, some families encourage competition, thinking that only in this way can we truly select excellent offspring suitable for inheriting the family business. Some families will impose certain restrictions to avoid vicious and disorderly competition. But Generally speaking, no family has explicitly banned it."

Chu Jungui nodded, "That's all right. You can contact the people in the family to show that you agree to accept the family's inheritance arrangement, but you have to start your own business. Then apply for the use of your property..."

"You can only receive a small portion each year. If you want to receive the full amount, you need the approval of the family council." Sino added.

"Part of it is fine. After you get the money, you can wait at Xinggang and start your own business."

"But I don't know anything!" Sino didn't want to brag about such an important matter.

Chu Jungui said: "It doesn't matter, what you do is what you are best at. First of all, the first step is acquisition."

"M\u0026A funds? I don't know anything about this!"

"No, you are very good at it. The acquisition platform has been prepared for you." Chu Jungui handed over a virtual business card.

Sino subconsciously caught it and glanced at it: "CEO of Sino Special Operations Security Company... what is this?"

"A newly registered company, let it complete the acquisition, and the acquired assets will be your main business in the future."

"What asset?"

"Red Beard."

Xinuo felt that his brain was a bit overwhelmed, and it took a while to realize: "You want me to be a star thief?"

"Legal star robbers." Chu Jungui emphasized the word legal.

Sino re-examined his new title, and suddenly realized, isn't this just a newly registered Bilinde? After realizing it, Xinuo let out a hey, and said, "This is still a Star Bandit!"

"Almost. What Bilinde can do, you can do too."

Sino said: "Then what if what they want to do is the same as what I want to do?"

Chu Jungui smiled slightly, "That depends on how good your fleet command is."

Sino understood instantly, lifted his spirits, and said, "Very good! I will let them understand the difference between a fleet admiral promoted through his own efforts and those of them who were promoted by their families!"

Looking at the high-spirited Sino, Chu Jungui shook his head helplessly. This guy seems to have forgotten that the influence of the Louis family in the army is not much worse than anyone else.

Anyway, a dude always looks down on other dudes... Chu Jungui comforted himself like this.

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