God is Coming

Chapter 705 Impressive

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The recruitment of a team of lawyers is a defense within the Federation, and the establishment of its own star thief army is part of a long-term plan. After completing these two things, Chu Jungui thought about it and pulled the price of the Light Year Bond to 160. At this time, Light Year Bonds enjoyed a fairly high reputation, but there was little liquidity. Chu Jungui scanned the goods all the way, but he only found coupons with a face value of tens of millions, which was better than nothing.

This action itself does not make much sense, but in the eyes of political components, its significance lies in the dazzling price of 160. Although the bond will not enter the settlement period for at least ten months, the price will be meaningful at that time, but in this long period of time, it will always remind Jane: You were blown by me.

The meaning of provocation is that it is possible to make the opponent take irrational actions.

Chu Jungui didn't care about it, he just did it, and then he started to prepare for the real thing: spending the money earned in the Federation.

Chu Jungui is already very good at how to spend money. He ordered 20 sets of starship power engines in one go, and spent 15 billion in one go. Then he ordered 2 billion starship miniature brains, 2 billion starship life support and entertainment systems, and finally 1 billion rare raw ore.

In half a day, Chu Jungui spent 20 billion. At the same time, his reputation in the entire Federation was raised by a level, and the stock price of 1 Light Year rose by 5%.

Seeing that the balance in his hand was less than 10 billion, Chu Jungui was a little worried, feeling that the money was not enough to spend.

In the past, when he was short of money, all Chu Jungui could think of was working or fighting. Whether receiving salary, receiving rewards or accumulating military merits, the essence was the same as moving bricks, relying on selling physical or mental strength to make a living. But now, Chu Jungui seems to have a new choice.

He looked at the stock price fluctuating around 100 for 1 light-year, and inexplicably felt the urge to clear it out, then restart the stove, and make a light-year 2.

100 is a bit low... Chu Jungui shook his head and gave up on this idea. Chu Jungui now has a general understanding of the style of individual investors in the capital market, and knows how to mobilize their emotions. There is indeed a lot of room for stock prices to rise. It's just that Chu Jungui felt a lot of negative emotions when he thought of Kun's 10 million shares.

This kid, no matter how the price fluctuates, he will not sell a share, and hold it in his hands. What is he trying to do? Long-term investment?

Chu Jungui looked through the federal laws, but he couldn't find any clauses that could prohibit certain people from buying their own stocks. Setting up a separate article in the company's articles of association is not in compliance with the law.

Chu Jungui had no choice but to give up, turned off the stock interface, called up the image of the No. 4 planetary base and the surrounding map, and began to think about the next expansion plan. After provoking, it is necessary to prevent the opponent's attack. Mere provocation is meaningless. And the best way to deal with the core children of big families like Kun and Richard is not to defeat the strong with the weak like the last time they accused Redbeard, but to strengthen their strength by light years. Only with basic strength can we talk about other things.

So Chu Jungui ordered nearly 20 billion equipment in one go, enough to build 20 destroyers. The last 1 billion raw ore is an investment product. This kind of raw ore can smelt more than a dozen rare metals, but the smelting process requires a lot of energy, so the price is very expensive. The unit price is more than ten times that of gold. The main cost is in energy consumption. superior. All 1 billion raw ores are smelted into refined metals, worth more than 3 billion, which is still a bulk price.

After dealing with all these, Chu Jungui saw that there was still some time, and thought that he could give Jane a small gift.

He left the hotel, boarded the flying car, and flew to the city where Jane was, and then rented a tourist flying car in that city by the way.

Jane stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, slowly sipping the red wine, her eyes fell on the magnificent scenery in the distance, but she had no intention of appreciating it. She kept a suffocating silence, she didn't know what she was thinking, and only occasionally made some small noises when she took a sip of red wine. Richard, on the other hand, was uncharacteristically, seriously processing massive amounts of data behind his desk.

The silence in the room was somewhat breathless. After a long time, Richard leaned on the back of the sofa, picked up the wine glass next to him, and took a big sip.

"Is there any result?" Jane tilted her head slightly.

"The other party insisted that we buy the entire hotel, saying that such a serious incident had occurred, and the reputation of the hotel had been irreparably affected." Richard cursed angrily.

"4 billion?"

"No, 6.5 billion. They don't think it can be calculated according to the current value, because the decline in value is caused by us, so they ask to buy it at the price before the action."

There was no expression on Jane's face, she just said: "If you dare to ask for a price, it seems that you don't pay attention to the Louis family! Your elders just let it go like this? It seems that it is the tradition of the Louis family to swallow their anger!"

Richard was a little ashamed and angry, and said loudly: "This is not the Middle Ages! The federal aristocracy is not a medieval aristocrat either! This is a place with laws, reputation and traditions! Not everything has to bow down to others, it's not something The situation can be unreasonable! If so, who would dare to associate with the Louis family in the future? We only have resources and history, we are not emperors!"

Jane sneered and said, "Come on, do you really believe in these things? If you don't even have the ability to disobey the rules at critical moments, what do you so-called ancient families have? Can you make fair money by your own ability? Besides, even assassination I've done it all, what else can I do?"

Richard was speechless for a moment, scratched his head vigorously, and continued to stare at the numbers on the screen.

"How about Kun?"

Richard sighed and said, "Not too good. The last explosion in the research center was initially suspected to be related to Chu Jungui's arm, but no definite evidence was found. So some people suspected that Kun destroyed the evidence, but They couldn't produce any evidence. In addition, Kun's private army killed 500 people, and the training and equipment losses alone cost 2 billion yuan. The compensation may cost more money. These two things may make Kun's family succession from the first 3 dropped to outside of 5."

Jane said: "I hope his subordinates will learn how to refill their guns in the next operation. This lesson should impress him deeply."

Richard was a little unhappy: "Jane! Kun is my best friend, and he has paid a lot for our affairs. I don't want to hear you commenting on him like that again!"


Richard's anger subsided, and he said with a wry smile: "Actually, even if we kill Chu Jungui, we will still suffer a heavy loss this time. It can be said that the gain is not worth the loss. It is crazy to pay tens of billions to kill someone who has never known before! "

Jian Dan said: "This shows that your status in the family is not high enough, or that your so-called family is not as omnipotent as you usually boast."

Richard's face was a little ugly, and he said, "Just because I like you doesn't mean I will accept insults to my family!"

"Do you know why your family supports my marriage with you, or my marriage with Sino?"

As soon as Sino was mentioned, Richard's expression became a little unnatural, and he said, "Can we not mention him?"

"Okay, you don't have to mention it, but the problem is still the same."

"Tell me, why?"

Jane took a sip of wine, and then said: "Obviously, the generation of your Louis family is not very good, even those like Sino are outstanding. Of course, the previous generation is not much better. That's why those old guys You want me to help you open the situation. Otherwise, they can only hope for the next generation."

Richard snorted, but said nothing.

Jane flicked the red wine in the glass and said, "I think it's time to think about how to keep your damn line of succession. Although your brothers and sisters are not very capable, they are quite good at internal fighting of."

"There will be a temporary drop, and I don't know how much it will drop. But it doesn't matter, just try to get back later." Richard didn't care much.

Jane didn't speak, looking at the volcano outside the window, there were several flying cars flying over the crater. This is very common in the local area, and many tourists who are new to the Red Ocean have a regular tour item to venture into the crater.

The volcano seemed to be enraged, and suddenly surged, spewing out streams of magma, and some burning stones flew into the sky. Those speeding cars were frightened, and they scattered like birds and beasts, dodging in panic.

In fact, this is also a kind of tourism project. The intensity of the volcanic eruption has long been accurate data. But a close encounter with an erupting volcano will leave a very deep impression on tourists.

At this moment, an accident happened!

A speeding car dodged too fast and too fast, triggering the life-saving system. Passengers were ejected directly from the car and flew into the sky, while the speeding car lost control, rolled all the way, and hit the building where Jane was at a very high speed!

Jane froze for a moment before she had time to let out a scream!

She just let out a scream when she heard a bang, and the speeding car smashed into the floor-to-ceiling window and exploded!

The strong vibration made Jane fly out and fell heavily to the ground. Richard rushed over and took the sofa in front of the two of them. It was actually too late for him to do this, but fortunately, there was no explosion, fire, and flying debris as expected.

Richard slowly raised his head, large cracks appeared on the floor-to-ceiling windows, black oil stains flowed everywhere, and some of them had already started to burn. A piece of wreckage from the flying car was embedded in the window, and more small fragments slowly slid down with the oil.

Jane also raised her head, her body was still trembling subconsciously.

"It's okay, the windows here are very strong." Richard comforted.

Jane got a little better now, but the scene of the speeding car rushing towards her face and hitting the window in front of her was still in her mind. At that moment, she thought she was going to die for sure!

In fact, the high-level buildings built next to the volcano have extremely high security protection. The floor-to-ceiling windows seem to be cracked everywhere, but they are still far from being broken. This kind of floor-to-ceiling windows can block the direct bombardment of powerful ground-to-ground missiles. It is based on the standard of being able to directly defend against volcanic eruptions. A collision with a speeding car is nothing at all.

Jane stood up, feeling calm, but her hands were still trembling slightly. The out-of-control speeding car came too fast and suddenly, as if suddenly walking around the edge of death. This kind of shock was unbearable even for Jane, after all, she hadn't really experienced the edge of life and death.

At the foot of the volcano, a distress signal flare rose into the sky, and two police speeding cars roared over and landed beside the signal. The person who gave the signal had already unbuckled his seat belt and stood up from the ejection seat.

"What happened?" asked the policeman.

"My flying car suddenly lost control and ejected me. Is this also part of a special tourism project? I have to say, this idea is very impressive!" Chu Jungui said with a smile.

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