God is Coming

Chapter 706 Payment in installments

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After a while, Chu Jungui sat in the police station instead of the hospital.

A middle-aged police officer was in charge of the questioning and said: "I'm sorry to waste your time, but the out-of-control flying car crashed into the apartment building next to it, so we need to do some investigation on the cause of the out-of-control. What did you do before the speeding car lost control? operate?"

Chu Jungui did not answer the question, but asked: "That building is very expensive, and the people living in it are all rich people?"

"No matter who lives in it, we treat it equally. This investigation is just..."

Before the middle-aged police officer could finish speaking, Chu Jungui interrupted him and said, "Isn't the reason why you brought me here is that you might cause harm to those rich people? Under normal circumstances, shouldn't you send me to the hospital first?" check?"

The middle-aged police officer said: "You are not injured."

"Whether I was injured or not is determined by the doctor, not by the police. By saying that, you don't want me to sue the company that rents out the travel speed car for compensation?"

Anger flashed across the middle-aged police officer's face, and he said, "Please cooperate with our investigation!"

"Impossible!" Chu Jungui sneered, leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair, and said, "It's your business to investigate, but it's not my duty to cooperate. By the way, I forgot to tell you, I just I hired legal consultants, they are known in the industry for their tough style. It just so happens that they also have a firm here, and by this time, my lawyer should have arrived at the gate of the police station."

Before the middle-aged police could say anything, the door of the interrogation room was pushed open, and someone said: "We always act quickly."

A middle-aged man with sharp eyes walked into the interrogation room and said: "I am Mr. Chu's lawyer. From now on, I will answer all questions of Mr. Chu. Before I come in, all written testimony will be invalid .By the way, I have completed the bail procedures, Mr. Chu, you can leave now."

Chu Jungui stood up and smiled at the policeman opposite.

The middle-aged lawyer said to several policemen: "Please tell Mr. Thomson that this early interrogation will cause his company to get into very big trouble. I am looking forward to getting the complete investigation report of the tourist speeder. By the way, I will remind you again. , the report can only be issued by a certified independent third party."

The policemen looked very unhappy, but they could only watch the lawyer take Chu Jungui away.

After walking out of the gate of the police station, the lawyer said: "Mr. Chu, thank you for using the services of Storm Law Firm! You will soon find that every penny of legal fees you spend is worthwhile."

"I'm looking forward to it!" Chu Jungui shook hands with the lawyer.

The lawyer pointed to the parking lot next to him and said, "I have already taken back the speeding car you came here from the police, and it's in the parking lot."

Chu Jungui raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "Your efficiency is impressive."

The lawyer said: "This is not all our credit. The police are also unwilling to seize the VIP speed car of the Ander Group, which will make them spend several extra nights staying up late to write reports."

Chu Jungui smiled and said, "At least Ander's flying car won't eject people casually."

The lawyer said sternly: "The accidental ejection did have a great impact, but judging from your past experience, it is difficult for you to be injured. I want to know your attitude towards this accident. Do you need to reconcile?"

"Why reconcile?"

"Volcano projects have always been the focus of the tourism industry. In order to protect the reputation of the tourism company, I think Thomson is willing to pay a sum of money to reach a settlement in exchange for your silence on this accident. This will make things resolved quickly and get Much more compensation than normal."

Chu Jungui smiled and said, "Because I wasn't injured, the compensation I can get is not much?"

"That's right."

Chu Jungui nodded and said, "I understand, there is no reconciliation."

"Okay...what?" The lawyer was taken aback.

"No reconciliation. Let the lawsuit go on, and all possible compensations will be brought up until the verdict."

The lawyer seemed a little hard to understand, and said: "This will make the judgment process very long, and it may not be resolved in a year or two."

"I don't care about the lawyer's fee." Chu Jun returned.

"I understand, and I will follow your will."

At this time, the lawyer's assistant had already driven the speeding car over. Chu Jungui boarded the speeding car and said before closing the door: "The out-of-control speeding car seems to have crashed into a building. If someone files a claim for it..."

"That's all the responsibility of the flying car rental company." The lawyer continued.

Chu Jungui was very satisfied, closed the door, and the flying car took off automatically, and left the city.

A few minutes later, a fat figure appeared on the middle-aged police officer's desk, and he immediately stood up and saluted: "Director!"

"Didn't there be an accident with a car out of control just now? I heard that you have arrested the person who rented the car. Good job! First throw him in the darkest detention center and lock him up for a few days. Is there anyone in the building where the car hit?" Less my good friends, they all want to let out a sigh of relief."

The middle-aged police officer was silent for half a minute before saying, "That man has been picked up by his lawyer."

"Lawyer?!" The director was furious, "Which unsightly lawyer? He hasn't gone far, arrest him immediately! What a damned lawyer who is a bitch!"

The middle-aged police officer said: "It's Clark, yes, it's from the Tempest Office."

The director was taken aback, "Isn't he the chief partner of this planet, he came here by himself?"

"Yes. The other person who rented the tourist speed car came here on the VIP speed car of Ander Group."

The director's anger gradually faded, and he turned serious: "Then follow the rules, after all, we are a professional law enforcement agency."


After the image of the chief disappeared, the middle-aged police officer continued his afternoon tea.

A day later, in the penthouse suite of another hotel in the city, Jane stared blankly at the hologram projected in front of her eyes.

The image is a circuit court. A trial is in progress. The judge sitting on the top is expressionless, and the lawyers of the two sides below are fighting fiercely. The court heard the case of a speeding car out of control. Because the facts were simple and the data was clear, it went directly to the trial stage.

In the middle of the court, the video of the whole process has been played back. In fact, the whole process from the speeding car out of control to the collision with the building took less than a minute.

At the end of the replay of the accident, Clark of the Storm Law Firm stood up and said in a calm and firm voice: "The facts are very clear. The speeding car mistakenly activated the emergency rescue system, ejected my client, and caused the accident that hit the building behind. .All responsibility lies with Thomson Travel Company!"

"Objection!" The lawyer hired by Thomson stood up and said loudly: "The data show that the plaintiff manipulated the speeding car improperly and violently at that time, which was the direct cause of the speeding car's activation of the emergency life-saving system! So the plaintiff should bear the main responsibility. responsibility."

"Son of a bitch!" Clark suddenly cursed, and threw the pen in his hand at the other lawyer's face!

The lawyer jumped in fright and frantically dodged the flying pen.

"Are you crazy?" The lawyer opposite was shocked and angry.

Clark regained his composure and said, "First of all, even if the pen hits your face, it will not hurt you. This is common sense. But when you dodge, you raised your hands, leaned your body, and stepped on one foot. chair, do you want to jump to the back row?"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Clark turned to the judge and said, "None of the actions of my colleagues just now were necessary to avoid a small pen, but we all know that this is human instinct. In a dangerous moment, you will subconsciously act A lot of actions to protect myself. My colleagues are afraid of a pen like this, and my client is facing the oncoming magma. At that moment, I hope my client can accurately judge the degree of danger and follow the optimal Is it possible for the process to make every correct decomposition action accurately? Is this a requirement for people?!"

The people in the auditorium whispered to each other and nodded.

Clarke added: "Past data show that my client basically rides in a flying car driven by autopilot or someone else, which shows that his flying car driving skills are very average. Even if he used to be very good, he is now rusty. In that dangerous At this moment, how should a person with poor driving skills react?..."

With a bang, the red wine glass in Jane's hand passed through the image and hit the wall opposite the living room, smashing into pieces!

"I'm fucking!" Jane yelled, completely disregarding her image, "His driving skills are terrible?! Can you show me some face!"

Richard stood by, sighed, and said helplessly: "If I hadn't experienced it myself, I would have believed it was just an accident. In fact, even now, I can't imagine how he did it. All The evidence shows that the flying car is not pre-programmed with automatic control. If the flying car is automatically ejected and hits our apartment accurately, even Kun can't guarantee that it will be successful the first time."

"That was by no means an accident!" Jane gritted her teeth.

Richard smiled wryly, and said, "Yeah, I also know it wasn't an accident. Since we failed to kill him with such a powerful ambush, I know it's definitely not an accident.

But why should we provoke him?

Just for him to help Sino? "

Jane moved her gaze away, obviously not wanting to answer the question. Richard didn't force it, and turned off the video of the trial, saying: "At this stage, there are not many choices left for us. I will seek further support from the family and never let Chu Jungui develop. !"

At this time, Richard's terminal had a communication request, and after he agreed, a handsome middle-aged man appeared in front of him.

"Fourth uncle? Are you looking for something with me?"

The middle-aged man took a deep look at Richard, and said slowly, "I have something to tell you in advance."

Richard's heart tightened inexplicably, and he asked, "Is there a decision in the clan?"

"Not too much difference. The other party has agreed to reconcile. As the main condition for reconciliation, Xinuo will return to the Luyi family, and the inheritance sequence will be 8. Due to the impact of the aforementioned incident, your inheritance sequence will drop to 9."

Richard was not surprised, just snorted and said, "He still has the face to come back? It's nothing, anyway, this ranking is only temporary."

The middle-aged man gave Richard a meaningful look, and said, "Sino has already applied for the installment payment of the assets he should inherit."

"Is it so poor?" Richard sneered.

The middle-aged man said: "He still has a second request, voluntarily giving up half of the assets that should be inherited, and giving up part of the property to the family, provided that the assets he withdraws are deducted from your name. Well, the family has agreed to his request , so from now on, the family fund under your name will transfer 300 million yuan to Sino's name every year, and the 300 million yuan can be paid in 12 installments."

Richard finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said angrily: "Don't bother! How much will you pay in total? I'll give him all at once!"

The middle-aged man said slowly: "The payment must be divided into 12 installments each year. This is the third requirement of Sino."

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