God is Coming

Chapter 707 Clearing the Obstacles

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In Rongshan Hotel, Chu Jungui walked out of the bathroom, wiping the water off his body with a huge towel. A projection appeared beside the sofa in the living room, and a plane ticket was slowly spinning inside. This is a ticket to the N77 star field, and it will be docked at the star port closest to the 7703 galaxy. From there it's a quick trip back to planet 4.

The itinerary in the Red Ocean is coming to an end, so Chu Jungui booked a ticket for the next day to return. The stormy lawyers worked hard, and any action to arrest Chu Jungui would be very difficult, but Chu Jungui could walk very calmly.

Chu Jungui went to the living room, clicked on the video, and confirmed the itinerary. Sino has already left one step ahead and headed for the planetary star port, where the red beard is already waiting for him, ready to handle the handover.

The handover procedure is very simple. After experiencing a catastrophic defeat, many of the surviving Red Beard Star Thieves became bored with their Star Thief career, and many people questioned Red Beard's commanding ability. This star bandit has long been on the verge of collapse, even if it is not transferred, it will split up on the spot in a short time.

According to the information provided by Redbeard, in addition to handing over the starship purchased from Light Year, there are a total of 4,100 star thieves who are willing to join the new star thief group, and more than 5,000 people left voluntarily. More than 4,000 people sounded like a lot, but in fact, less than 1,000 people were able to fight, and the rest were family members or civilian personnel with little combat effectiveness.

As the price for receiving the remaining personnel, Redbeard reduced the transfer price from 2 billion to 1.2 billion, which is actually a little less than the money she paid for the starship from Light Years.

After Chu Jungui changed his clothes, he sat down on the seat in front of the window and began to browse the interstellar news on time. The first move has already been made, and now it is time to wait for the opponent's counterattack, and the opponent will inevitably counterattack.

In the N77 star field, in the outer orbit of the 7705 galaxy, a huge mobile base floated quietly, becoming the tenth planet in the galaxy.

On the upper floor of the base center, in the large command room, a middle-aged general stood in front of a huge virtual porthole, looking at the dark red sun not far away.

A staff officer walked into the accusation room, saluted and said, "Admiral, Marshal Xu's call back."

The middle-aged general turned around, showing a face as cold as iron, glanced at the special light screen in the hands of the staff officer, and said, "Such a high level of secrecy?"

"Top secret level." The staff officer handed over the light screen, and then exited the command room.

This is the communication method with the highest level of secrecy in the dynasty, and you must use specific hardware to see the corresponding information. The light screen was in the hands of the general, and it was successfully unlocked after a series of authentications.

A man with a picturesque appearance appeared on the light screen. Against the backdrop of the military uniform of the Marshal of the Dynasty, he had an indescribable aura. He said unhurriedly: "General Su Jian, preparations for the follow-up operations of the Battle of the Vertical Line have been completed and will begin soon. This battle will mobilize the three major fleets, a total of 11 squadrons, and 6 planetary legions. All legions The list of Commanders and Squadron Commanders has been issued and is attached to this letter.

In addition, I heard that Marshal Lu Ke's age limit has been fermented again, and there may be results in the near future.

The vertical line is the key strategic direction of the dynasty, so the material support of other front lines will be reduced. The situation in the N77 star field is delicate, and it is necessary to prevent the Federation from opening a breakthrough here. Although the Ninth Fleet had a brilliant record in the last battle, the Federation may not give up. There are signs that the Federation may be secretly gathering troops in the N77 star field.

After finishing the business, talk about a few gossips. I still remember that when I first entered Zhige Academy, Brother Su Jian was very bright when he spoke at the entrance ceremony as the representative of the graduating class. Thirty years have passed by, and the gunpowder is rising again. I am willing to fight hand in hand with my seniors in the flames of war, and jointly defend against the enemy outside the country. "

The image on the light screen disappeared, and a list appeared. The admiral looked at the names one by one, very carefully. When he got to the end of the list, he went back to the beginning and read it again. Fang whispered to himself, "Isn't there anyone with the surname Lin?"

He was silent for a long time before he put down the light screen and reached out to caress the three generals on his shoulders.

Su Jian called the staff officer in and asked, "Is there a meeting?"

"There are still 10 minutes."

"Let's go now."

After a while, Su Jian walked into the meeting room. On the meeting table, there was a star map of N77. There are not many people in the meeting room, and there are only ten people in total, and the lowest rank is also a lieutenant general. All the senior officials of the Fourth Fleet stationed in the N77 star field are already in the meeting room.

Su Jian sat down at the end of the long table, looked around, and said slowly: "A new war may break out at any time, and we must complete preparations as soon as possible. Everyone knows that our fourth fleet has always been a second-line fleet. Second-line deployment. It is undeniable that in this star field, the strength is still dominated by the Federation, so our situation is very dangerous. In addition, in the next period of time, we may not receive additional support and supplies."

All the generals understood what this meant, the dynasty had another strategic focus, and the N77 star field was likely to defend strategically like last time. The problem is that the combat power of the Ninth Fleet has always been recognized as the top level of the dynasty, and the last battle was even more splendid. With the strength of only two sub-fleets, it stubbornly withstood the siege of the two full-fleet fleets of the Federation. As a long-term second-line fleet, the Fourth Fleet has only three squadrons in total, and its combat power is not much higher than the two squadrons of the Ninth Fleet. And if the Federation makes a comeback, the situation of the Fourth Fleet is indeed worrying.

Everyone has a competitive heart. These generals don't think that they are necessarily inferior to the Ninth Fleet, but they are just unlucky to be assigned to the Fourth Fleet.

Another elderly general said at this time: "Our existing supplies can only support a high-intensity defensive battle. If the battle is prolonged, there will inevitably be a shortage of supplies. Don't the people above know about this situation? Even if they don't know, Lu Shuai will always know, right? When Lu Shuai comes, the situation will definitely improve."

He looked at Su Jian with inquiring eyes, but Su Jian had no expression on his face. The admiral felt a chill in his heart, and stopped talking. All the generals had their minds turned, combined with the rumors in the open and in the dark, they all more or less understood that, as the commander of the Fourth Fleet, Marshal Lu might never appear in the Fourth Fleet again. As for where Su Jian's news came from, it doesn't matter, and there is no need to ask.

After a moment of silence, after initially digesting this amazing information, a lieutenant general said: "Based on a month of high-intensity defensive operations as the bottom line, our supplies are far from enough, and it is necessary to establish a planetary base."

Another lieutenant general shook his head: "This star field is extremely barren. Look at the 7705 galaxy in front of us. Although there are nine planets, none of them can be developed as ore stars. A few valuable ore veins have been discovered by the Ninth Fleet. It was almost as good as it was in the last war."

Su Jian frowned and said: "Materials can be put aside for now, but in order to ensure victory, we must eliminate uncertainties in the theater."

A general was thoughtful and asked, "Are you referring to those independent forces?"

Su Jian nodded: "Yes, they are nominally attached to the dynasty, but in fact they are in an uncontrollable state. It is not impossible to defect to the enemy. There are many such precedents in the past. This time stationed in the N77 star field is both a challenge for us It is also an opportunity, as long as we can stop the federal attack, everyone knows what it means. Maybe 10 years later, we will still be colleagues."

The hearts of several gray-haired old generals were shocked.

They have reached the age of retirement, and they all know what Su Jian's words are referring to. The closer it is to retirement, the more reluctant to leave. As for the reasons for the reluctance to leave, it is difficult to explain clearly.

A young and vigorous lieutenant general frowned and said: "These independent forces are inextricably linked with the higher authorities, and there is no clear evidence that they will be passive or betrayal. I am afraid it is not appropriate for us to directly attack them." , and we do not have the corresponding authority."

Su Jian pondered for a moment, and said: "It makes sense, we really have to be cautious. Let's see, there are 4 relatively large independent forces in the star field, and 7 medium-sized forces. Send them a notice. According to the law of war, the fleet will temporarily To collect materials, after 10 days, we will send people to check the assets and personnel, and determine the recruitment plan.”

"10 days?" Everyone was puzzled by this time interval.

Su Jian said slowly: "During this period of time, there is enough news to go back and forth from here to Capital Star. We will just wait. If there are instructions from above, we will follow the instructions. If there are no instructions, we will follow the predetermined plan."

The generals suddenly realized.

The 10 days are neither long nor short. Those with a background can get people to say hello twice. If the background is not so strong, it may be too late for public relations, but it is not hopeless. As for those who have no background at all, there is no difference between 10 days and 100 days.

Seeing that the generals had no other agenda, Su Jian declared the meeting over and was the first to leave the meeting room. Several generals then left, and the rest of the generals had a tacit understanding and sat still.

The door of the meeting room was closed again, and an old general took the lead to say, "If there is a battle to be fought this time and it can be won, General Su will become Marshal Su, right?"

"You have to fight to win." A general said.

In fact, everyone knew very well that at the level of admiral, Su Jian's background was very average, and his ability was not amazing. If I miss this opportunity, I'm afraid it will be the same as the previous two times. There was hope for promotion, but suddenly an immediate boss was airborne.

The old general coughed and said, "The ones left are all old comrades-in-arms, and they all hope that General Su can go further. Let's do our homework in advance and analyze these independent forces one by one to see which ones can move and which ones must be I can’t see it. It’s good to have a plan when we act like this, and the Federation won’t give us much time.”

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Another general also nodded and said, "For those who can strike, you might as well be more ruthless. This way, when the war ends, it will be considered a credit."

Everyone understood and nodded. From the perspective of the dynasty, it is natural not to like vassal and independent forces.

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