God is Coming

Chapter 708

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In the capital city of Tianmen 7 galaxy planet, an inconspicuous building is underground, but there is a disproportionate amount of underground space.

In an office deep underground, Xu Yan sat at his desk, quickly checking the information on the screen. There is some noise around, and there are hurried and heavy footsteps from time to time. Since the raid, the Security Bureau has moved to a new office, and there is still a lot of finishing work to be done.

There was a knock on the door, and a young subordinate walked in, quietly put the coffee cup on the table, and took away the empty cup by the way.

"Prepare me something to eat." Xu Yan said without raising his head.

"Okay." The young subordinate backed out and closed the door gently.

After reading the information for a while, Xu Yan stood up, stretched his body, and walked to the wall on the other side.

There is a huge light screen hanging on the wall, presenting a static picture at this moment. On the screen is a complicated relationship diagram, with as many as nearly a hundred people. The few people at the top have no names, no photos, and only an internal code name. The middle class does not have so many scruples, there are photos, names and brief information.

Anyone who is a little familiar with the dynasty can see that there are many members of the Lin family on this relationship map, and many of them are still in important positions.

Lin Xi is also impressively listed, and his position is above the middle, even higher than many members of the previous generation of the Lin family. Xu Yan rubbed his temples and looked at the people on the relationship list one by one. Chu Jungui is also among them, but his position is in the middle and lower, lower than many others.


Her eyes stopped on Chu Jungui's portrait for a moment, and she wanted to move Chu Jungui up, but she looked at the people in front of Chu Jungui and shook her head again. A lone wolf-type fighter is actually not much of a threat, and correspondingly, he is not of much value. In front of the state apparatus, the individual is nothing.

Someone knocked on the door again, and it was her new deputy who came in, an ordinary-looking middle-aged man with thinning hair. But if anyone despises him because of his appearance, he will find that he is very wrong. This man has been promoted slowly and steadily. Although the rank is not high until now, he is in a key department. The Security Bureau has changed 4 directors due to the change of factions, and his position has always been as stable as Mount Tai. No matter which director will use him.

He saw Xu Yan's hand on Chu Jungui's head, and asked, "Do you want to arrange an action?"

Xu Yan didn't move, he thought for a while and asked, "What do you think?"

The man said: "My suggestion is no. Dealing with him is very troublesome and requires a lot of resources, and perhaps most of the mobile troops are involved. Moreover, he is still active in the border area, and it is difficult to restrain him with the laws of the dynasty. He, past experience shows, he will not accept coercive measures. Under such circumstances, taking action against him will lead to the failure of our main mission. After all, our core target now is not him. Moreover, his value is not not tall."

The flame hidden in Xu Yan's eyes gradually subsided, and he said: "You are right, what we need to do now is to seize the opportunity and deal a heavy enough blow to the Lin family, pushing them on the road to decline. Now these positions are very important, Just by taking them off the horse, we can get to the real core of the characters."

Xu Yan glanced at the top positions that had no portraits or names, and there was a faint fiery look in his eyes.

The man said without any expression: "At that time, you should also change the office, or change the office building."

Xu Yan looked around. This office is small in size, which is equivalent to the office of a director, at most a deputy director, in a normal organization. The room was barely furnished, with concrete walls, cheap synthetic carpets on the floor, ceiling wiring and air-conditioning ventilation ducts were exposed, just painted black for decoration. If it weren't for the huge light screen hanging on the wall, this office would be hopelessly shabby.

"Don't you think it's nice here?" Xu Yan asked.

The man was taken aback, not knowing how to answer.

Xu Yan asked lightly: "Before me, you worked under the three directors. Why didn't they take you away after being transferred or promoted?"

The man said: "Everywhere needs a down-to-earth person. I just want to be such a person. I will work in the Security Bureau for a lifetime until I retire. Then I will sign a non-disclosure agreement and find a warm and comfortable planet to spend the rest of my life." .Well, it's calm."

Xu Yan glanced at him, without any change in expression, just picked up a light screen, handed it over, and said, "Tell me your opinion."

This is a confidential light screen, on which only the most confidential documents are recorded, and it is beyond the scope of his authority. But since Xu Yan handed it to him, it meant that he had obtained a temporary authorization.

On the light screen was an investigation report, which listed all the events and actions that Chu Jungui had recorded, and conducted an in-depth analysis of the actions. And all kinds of relationships related to Chu Jungui are also included, not only the dynasty, but also the part of the Federation, including Hathaway, Joseph, Sino, William, and so on.

The man read every word, very meticulously. Although the reading speed of modern people has been greatly improved with the help of chips, and the reading volume per minute can easily exceed a thousand words without affecting memory and comprehension after the blessing of high-grade chips, but he still read this report for a full 20 minutes.

Xu Yan did not urge, and continued to think.

The man finally finished reading the report and said: "From the analysis of behavior, he has many contradictory points, but there is one thing that is consistent. When it comes to people who are close enough, this closeness can be either blood or psychological. There is a tendency to be impulsive and to put the other person above oneself, that is, to sacrifice oneself to save others. This should be exploited.”

Xu Yan nodded, motioning for him to continue.

The man said: "According to the analysis of the existing data, the person who can make him change his behavior pattern is Lin Xi, and some of the people who changed his behavior pattern are Li Xinyi and Li Ruobai. And potential family members who never showed up may be among them."

Xu Yan praised: "Very good. Take a look at this."

Another piece of information appeared on the light screen in his hand: "Chu Longtu, 75 years old, currently living in Laizhou City, Yueyongxing... received basic genetic optimization after birth, and third-class genetic optimization at the age of 16. The optimization direction is strength, Endurance and visceral function, dropped out of school at the age of 18, engaged in interstellar deep space cargo work, and worked as a crew member....Leaving the job at the age of 25, his occupation was unknown after that, suspected of smuggling. He returned to the deep space cargo industry at the age of 35 and worked as a navigator. Unemployed at the age of 40, From then on, he lived on the aid of his only son, Chu Yunfei."

"What is Chu Yunfei doing?" the man asked.

"He should be a researcher of a secret institution. The level of secrecy of that institution is too high, and I have no right to investigate. However, there is definite news that Chu Yunfei is dead, and the cause of death is beyond my authority, so I cannot investigate."

The man said, "Secret government researcher? But since he's dead, there's nothing wrong with it."

"Go and see this Chu Long Tu."

The man asked, "What's the purpose?"

Xu Yan said meaningfully, "Anything you want."

"Then I'm leaving tomorrow?"

"No, I'm leaving tonight."

The man checked the time and left silently. Xu Yan pressed Chu Jungui's name and pushed it up lightly, and the relationship between several characters in the relationship diagram changed immediately. She watched it quietly for a while before turning on her personal terminal. On the private channel, there was an anonymous letter.

Xu Yan opened the letter, and it was just a simple form. The entries included: the sale scale of light-year bonds and the net value after deducting the repurchase part; the stock price and market value of 1 light-year, and the item, price and quantity of bulk purchases.

In Xu Yan's eyes, this simple table naturally corresponded to time and turned into charts that could reflect trends. Those curves, the speed of expansion is a bit too fast.

After a while, Xu Yan sent a message to the man: leave early. She believes men should understand what this means.

At the end of the form, there is an address and time. Xu Yan cut his hair, put on a windbreaker, and was about to go out. After thinking about it, he took out the pistol and put it on the table, and then left like this.

In the dead of night, Xu Yan walked into a bar. Guests in twos and threes drank and chatted under the soft music, killing the boring time of the night. Xu Yan came to the corner, and there was already a customer sitting on a table. He was leaning back in his chair, looking up at the sky. Under the dim light, he was wearing a pair of large sunglasses, obviously showing what he was looking at through the eyepiece.

Xu Yan sat down in front of him and ordered a glass of wine. The man sat upright and took off his sunglasses.

"Who are you?" Xu Yan asked directly without drinking.

The man smiled slightly, took out a mini terminal from his arms, flicked it lightly, and sent a digital certificate to Xu Yan. Xu Yan took a look, a little surprised, "Are you from the Sixth Fleet?"

The man nodded, "I have been with the marshal for ten years, and I started to take charge of some peripheral affairs independently five years ago. The nature of my work is similar to yours, but it is a bit darker. By the way, I got some news from the federation. Some people want to pay a high price to kill Chu Jungui. The other party also provided some information by the way, which is what you received. They believe that you can understand his value."

"How much are they willing to pay?"

"The initial payment is no less than 1 billion. If Chu Jungui is successfully killed, an additional 3 billion will be added. If he can be completely controlled, it will be 5 billion."

The man said with a serious face, Xu Yan suddenly smiled and said, "At this price, do you send the beggar?"

The man also laughed, "It was a few young people from the Federation who gave the task. You know, these little guys from big families always feel that they are omnipotent after they have achieved a little bit, and they especially don't like relying on money to make a way. Giving less, but showing a gift. It’s as if they have more dollars than others.”

"Then why do you still pick it up?"

"It's going to be done sooner or later anyway, so why not get some extra funding? We've never had enough funding for our operations. Of course, this is just my idea, and it's up to you to decide whether to do it or not."

Xu Yan said: "Tell them, it's okay, but you have to pay 3 billion in advance."

The man shrugged, "This seems a bit difficult."

Xu Yan sneered: "If I don't want to do it, no one in Dynasty will do it."

The man let out a hey voice and said, "Does it mean that if we don't do it, others don't want to do it either?"

"You can say that."

The man spread his hands, "Be careful, those little guys will scold you. You look down on others too much!"

"That's not a disgrace."

"Then how can you look down upon it?"

Xu Yan said: "After receiving their money, I may not necessarily do anything."

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