God is Coming

Chapter 709 Accidents Always Happen

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The chubby public speed car parked on the mid-air platform. The man stepped out of the public speed car, pressed the hat that covered his semi-bald head, and walked along the rainbow-like sky street to his apartment building. This public flying car has a stop 300 meters away from the secret base of the Security Bureau. After getting off the bus, he only needs to walk less than one kilometer to the sky street to get home, so he has been taking the public flying car.

The middle-aged man's apartment is not big, with three rooms, which is already at the upper-middle-class level on Planet 5, where every inch of land is expensive. It was already late at night, the two children were already asleep, and the woman was busy preparing meals for him before going out.

The man came to the study room which was only a few square meters, opened the hidden compartment on the wall, took out a stack of different documents from it, and put it on the table. He took out the ID in his pocket again, opened it and looked at it.

Next to his photo on the certificate, only the words of the 7th Internal Affairs Management Office of the 39th Bureau were displayed, and his name was Ding Yi. He looks young in the photo, at least with thick hair, but this photo is from 20 years ago. At that time, Ding Yi had just exhausted all his strength and was lucky enough to be admitted to the Security Bureau and become a civil servant. Unexpectedly, 20 years have passed in the blink of an eye.

His fingers stroked the ID card, and the photo changed instantly, showing his current appearance, slightly bald, loose skin, and tired eyes.

He put down the documents, selected from a stack of documents, and took one. The photo on this certificate is of an ordinary-looking middle-aged man. His face is so ordinary that he has not undergone advanced genetic optimization. He tore off a sticky pellet from the back of the ID and put it in the water glass. The small particles swell rapidly when exposed to water, and become a mask in a blink of an eye. The man picked up the mask and slowly covered his face. After a while, he had become the person in the ID photo.

Ding Yi took out a small pistol and a dagger from the hidden compartment, checked them, and put them in the bag.

The woman had already prepared the meal, walked in, and saw the pistol and dagger in the bag. Ding Yi turned around and smiled. Facing the man who has completely changed his appearance, the woman is not surprised. She has had many similar experiences in the past.

She forced a smile and said, "You've never carried a weapon before."

"The task this time is a bit special, but it's actually not dangerous. Don't worry, I'm an expert after all." Ding Yi paused for a while, and then said: "People always have to change. Ah Heng needs to go to a better school. And we have lived in this house for more than ten years. After completing this task, everything will be fine for us, and I don’t need to go out to work in the future.”

"Is there really no danger? I don't need a big house, Ah Heng can go to any school he can go to, and we don't have to compare with anyone!" The woman's voice was a little strange.

Ding Yi was silent again, then smiled and said: "It's really a dangerous mission, they dare not let me go!"

The woman felt the same, so she didn't say anything, and she knew that there would be no result. As soon as Ding checked the time, he realized that it was too late to eat, so he picked up his bag and left the house. Not far from Tianjie, there is already a speeding car waiting there without any logo.

Before getting into the flying car, he took another look back at the apartment building to see the room where the light was still on, and then got on the flying car. He knew that he could not refuse this task.

Times have changed, for him.

Yue Yongxing Laizhou City, a taxi drove into the Linhai District, and after driving along the Linhai Highway for a while, it turned into a quiet tree-lined road. On both sides of the road are independent houses, not too big, but they all have their own small courtyards, with different scenery, elegant and tranquil. This community has brushed the edge of the rich area, but it is not really a rich area.

An ordinary-looking middle-aged man got out of the taxi, carrying an old-fashioned briefcase, came to a small building, and pressed the doorbell. There was no response in the room, so he pressed twice more, waiting patiently. At this time, an old man walked out of the neighbor's house and looked at the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man raised the briefcase in his hand and said, "I am an investigator of the pension fund, and I want to investigate the current physical condition of the residents here."

Exchange good books. Pay attention now to receive cash red envelopes!

"Oh, he moved out last month, saying he was going back to the old house, and he's not used to living here."

"Old house? Okay, I see, thank you."

The middle-aged man returned to the taxi and left the community. He opened his personal terminal, which showed another address. It was an old apartment building on the edge of an industrial area, and the conditions could only be described as manageable. The house here was bought by Chu Jungui at the beginning, but it seems that the old man is not used to living in it, so he moved back to the original place.

Ding Yi, who turned into an ordinary middle-aged man, pulled out a relationship map. There were six people on it, all of whom were old and had different experiences. These old people live in the same building as Chu Longtu, and they often communicate with each other. One of them caught Ding Yi's attention: Qiao Liang, 61 years old, 197cm tall, served in the Dynasty Special Forces for 7 years, worked in many jobs after retiring, and had no fixed residence. Now he often goes to the shooting range to practice shooting, and has three registered guns at home.

Several people lived on different floors, ranging from the 2nd floor to the 30th floor.

The taxi quickly drove to the edge of the industrial area, where the sky above the city was covered with a layer of gray, and the neighborhood also looked dilapidated. With the drying up of the mine veins, the residents of this urban area are decreasing year by year, and many homeless or unemployed poor people have moved here, making the neighborhood messy and dangerous.

Ding Yi walked into the apartment building, took the elevator all the way to the 24th floor, walked through the dark corridor, and finally stopped in a unit. The unit has a very thin door with an old mechanical lock. This is common in civilian areas on normal planets, where electronic locks or smart locks often fail, and many people are unwilling to pay a repairman.

Ding Yi knocked on the door, and the door opened after a while, and an old man with a face full of vicissitudes but still faintly dignified appeared.

"Mr. Chu Longtu? I'm an investigator of a pension fund. You were selected in this year's random inspection, so I need to conduct a simple investigation on you and ask some questions."

Chu Longtu nodded, opened the door, and said, "Come in."

Ding Yi walked into the room and looked around. The room is not big, the layout is very old, and there are many old-fashioned furniture, all of which are hundreds of years ago. Although the room is simple, it is very clean and tidy, but it is a little cold and the lighting is not very good. Even in the daytime, the lights need to be turned on.

Chu Longtu turned on the multifunctional beverage machine and made two cups of coffee. This beverage machine is one of the few modern appliances in the room. The old man waited patiently for two cups of coffee to be ready before walking out of the kitchen with the cups in hand. He saw Ding open his briefcase and put it on the table, revealing the pistol inside.

Chu Longtu didn't panic at all, and slowly put the coffee cup on the cabinet next to him, and said, "I don't seem to have anything worth grabbing here, and the people in this building also have nothing to grab. If there is a shortage of money, I think You seem to be in the wrong place. If you fancy something, take it."

Ding Yi smiled and said: "You originally lived in Linhai District, but you moved back later. When I get old, I should be more willing to return to the six old friends like you, even if I live in a small house .”

"Six old friends..." Chu Longtu paused on the coffee cup for a while, then took it back, and said, "The investigation was thorough."

"Working for the Dynasty, you still need to be a little responsible." Ding Yi picked up the pistol and wiped it with a soft cloth.

Chu Longtu said: "Now there are not many old-fashioned people like you. However, you, a small gun the size of a palm, can kill people?"

Ding Yian sat still and checked the ammunition of the pistol. The ammunition is all translucent, with a bit of a translucent substance in the bullet. He loaded the bullet and said: "This is a needle bullet. It will only make a small hole in your body, and then the bullet will melt in your body, paralyzing and stopping the heart within half a minute, and then the drug ingredients will be completely decomposed, and finally The cause of death can only be acute myocardial necrosis, nothing else can be found out."

He took out a palm-sized instrument from it and put it on the table, saying: "This small thing can completely copy more than 95% of the data in the brain memory area within 1 minute, the only problem is that the copying process will cause irreversible damage. How to describe it? The copied brain is probably like porridge that has been cooked all night."

Ding repeatedly took out a finger-sized vial and said, "This is growth-stimulating hormone, which can increase the speed of wound healing hundreds of times. Bullet holes caused by needle bullets can be completely healed within 3 minutes without any trace."

Chu Longtu couldn't see the fear, but he was a little puzzled: "These few things are much more expensive than my old life, and the dynasty's funds are already so much that they can be wasted at will?"

"Don't worry, we have never encountered funding problems. This time, not only you, but the six old friends will also be treated similarly, but there is no need to copy their memories, just create a small disease. Rest assured, the cause of death for each of them will be different. We have developed a total of 15 ammunition for sudden death symptoms, and this time I brought a total of 8 of them.”


"Because you have an excellent grandson."

"Jun Gui? Hehe, shouldn't you take me back as a hostage?"

"No need, the hostage may not cooperate, and may be rescued. With your memory, you are no different from the hostage. He will never know whether you are alive or dead." Ding Yi said eloquently Come.

"It makes sense. It seems that you have made some progress over the years, but it is also limited." After finishing speaking, Chu Longtu snorted and said without getting angry, "Didn't you learn how to distinguish opponents during the novice training?" , don't provoke someone you can't afford? Even if you want to come, you should send more people, right?"

With a harmless smile on Ding Yi's face, he took out a small knife less than 10 centimeters from his bag, put it lightly in his hand, and said: "During the novice training, we trained with the students of the special forces at the same time. The passing standard for graduation is to be able to beat the active soldiers of the Special Forces one-on-one. I got excellent in that training. But it was decades ago. I bought a weapon because I was afraid of accidents."

"There will always be accidents." Chu Longtu opened the drawer of the cabinet, took out a huge old-fashioned pistol, and slapped it heavily on the cabinet.

"Your gun must be more than a hundred years old, right? I forgot to tell you that the clothes I wear can protect against direct fire from heavy machine guns. It's almost time. Goodbye, Mr. Chu." Ding Yi's smile remained unchanged. Slowly picked up the needle pistol, suddenly brought up an afterimage, and shot at Chu Longtu's heart like lightning!

The old man's body suddenly became a little blurred, and when he gave way slightly, the needle bullet flew past his body!

Empty? ? Ding Yi felt his brain go blank, and before he could react, he saw the old man pick up the pistol slowly, and fired it out!

The whole building seemed to vibrate, and the old man's movements had a distinct rhythm, which was not fast by any means. But Ding Yi wanted to dodge, but he didn't dodge inexplicably, he only felt that his sight was getting higher and higher, but his lower body was still in place.

There was a big hole in the door behind Ding Yi, there was also a big hole in the wall of the corridor, and there was also a big hole in the wall of the opposite apartment, one hole within another, piercing through so many walls, the depth was bottomless.

On the same floor, as well as upstairs and downstairs, many doors opened silently, and strange faces appeared, looking towards this side.

Ding Yi's upper body fell to the ground and twitched unconsciously, his face full of shock.

The old man put down his pistol, rubbed his numb wrist, and said slowly, "What age are you still playing with heavy machine guns?"

The thunderous gunshots and the vibrations caused by a demolition hammer did not cause commotion, and the entire apartment building seemed to become a black hole, swallowing all the changes without a sound.

There were rustling footsteps in the corridor, and the sound of the elevator opening and closing became the harshest sound in the world. The apartment manager didn't know where he went, as if he never existed. As for the automatic alarm system, it seems that it was completely broken decades ago.

In the big hole in the door of the old man's apartment, there appeared an old, but still full of fleshy face, with a natural fierceness in his eyes. One of his eyes is an unusual gray, and he can still see the subtle texture of the circuit. This eye is obviously a biochemical organ, and it is a model that is unknown how many years ago, maybe even older than his grandfather.

The man glanced into the room and opened the door. This is a big man over two meters tall, his muscles almost tore through his clothes. He could only bend slightly to enter the room. Behind him, a person appeared. Although they were all old, they all had an indescribable murderous aura. They stood silently, the broken corpses and the blood everywhere did not touch their nerves of nervousness and fear at all. Instead, some people showed faint excitement, like seeing a shark with blood again.

The big man bent down with some difficulty, and picked up the pistol from Ding Yi's hand with two fingers. In his large hands the tiny needle gun was like a child's toy. The big man's ten carrot-like thick fingers moved suddenly, and the needle gun was dismantled into basic parts in an instant. Then the pile of carrots moved again, and the needle gun returned to its original shape, but the remaining needle bullets in the gun remained in the palm of the big man.

The big man weighed the needle and said, "With such a motherly equipment, it looks like those shameless dogs! Boss, what should we do now?"

The old man picked up the coffee cup, took a sip of the still hot coffee, and said, "It seems that I can't retire in peace."

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