God is Coming

Chapter 720 Looking for food for the beast

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In the Ark command room, Chu Jungui and the wise man Kaitian are surrounding the holographic map of the new base, perfecting the planning of the new base.

Kai Tianzheng talked eloquently: "Quantity is quality, and starships are the truth! Since we need more starships, we need more structural parts and more main guns. After decomposition, there are more Metal, non-metal and organic raw materials. Yes, raw material capacity determines everything! To expand production capacity, we need not only bigger furnaces, more powerful furnaces, but also smarter furnaces, as well as manufacturing machines. This is mine The solution is to add a wisdom center to each machine! Of course, the wisdom center is very valuable, and if you want to maximize its value and share its cost as much as possible, you need a big enough furnace!"

Then, Kaitian gave a series of blueprints, from the furnace, the raw material processing machine to the manufacturing machine, there is only one characteristic, big!

Looking at the 100-meter-high melting furnace that can process 5,000 tons of raw materials at one time, Chu Jungui was also shocked. The total power of this furnace exceeds 5 million kilowatts, which is no more than a hydroelectric seat in the parent star era.

The principle of the raw material processing machine is simple, and the energy consumption is not too large. A single machine can separate 1,000 tons of rock per hour into main metal and non-metal components for processing in the furnace. Kaitian plans to build 30 of this kind of raw material processor.

As for the manufacturing machine, it can manufacture various parts within 20 meters in length, width and height at one time.

All in all, the idea of ​​Kaitian is nothing more than large and multiple, but it is much larger and much more than existing equipment.

After Kaitian contributed his ideas, it was the wise man's turn. The wise man is confident: "Production capacity not only has production capacity, but also raw materials. And our current raw material mining method is too refined. Although the production capacity can be increased in a certain link, the overall increase is not much, and the raw material is wasted. Seriously. In line with the principle of never letting go of a grain of sand, my suggestion is that the engineering vehicle should be further modified first. The car designed by Kaitian is easy to use, but it is too small, with the same size as Kaitian. as small..."

The wise man grandly launched a brand new engineering mine car. The diameter of the wheel of this car is 20 meters! The overall vehicle height exceeds 50 meters, and up to 12 excavation modules are installed. The excavation surface reaches a terrifying 50 meters wide and 20 meters high. If necessary, more excavation modules can be installed to achieve 80*80 meters The excavation face!

This terrifying engineering vehicle is code-named Titan I. After being fully armed, its excavation surface is even higher than some low hills! This big guy can flatten a small hill by going back and forth a few times.

The wise man sprinkled a spot of light on the holographic map, and the map changed immediately. Several Titan Ones were seen advancing side by side, smoothing out one hill, then the next hill, and then the next hill. In a blink of an eye, a hill turned into a plain. Then they plowed the plains again, and the plains became valleys, and plowed again, deep valleys, and then plowed again...

These images are of course demonstrations, but also demonstrations based on reality.

Looking at the holographic map constantly changing, Chu Jungui was thoughtful, this is not an engineering vehicle, it is completely a map modifier!

Kai Tian couldn't sit still without a wise man coming up with a new plan. The raw materials produced by one Titan are enough to supply the three bases together, and there is still a surplus. The wise man wants to build 5 units in one go. How can the base digest it? Kai Tian immediately withdrew the original plan and threw out a brand new manufacturing plan. In fact, the new plan is nothing new, it is nothing more than double the number of bold and bold.

The two Wu tribes kept revising their plans, and entered into an endless cycle of adding more water to noodles, and more noodles from water. When the wise man launched a mining vehicle with his feet on the ground and stormy clouds above his head, Chu Jungui had to intervene, interrupting this meaningless Cycle, if this continues, the ambitions of the two Mists can swallow the entire planet.

However, Chu Jungui's heart moved, why not?

He immediately threw away this unrealistic idea and seriously thought about the problem in front of him. Chu Jun Guiyi was silent, Kai Tian and Zhi Zhe started to quarrel again, entering an endless loop again.

Chu Jungui sorted out the whole process in his mind, came up with the final plan, and said: "Build power furnaces first, 200 sets!"

For the time being, the volume of the power furnace cannot be simply increased, so Chu Jungui simply increased the quantity. After the completion of 200 power furnaces, the new power will be 50 million kilowatts, which is no more than the national power generation capacity of a small and medium-sized country in the parent star era. However, if the production capacity of the two bases is fully produced, the construction of the power furnace can be completed in 10 days.

The power furnace is the priority target, and it does not mean that all other constructions will be stopped. After Chu Jungui optimizes the plan, a small part of the production capacity will be used to produce and transform engineering equipment, and simultaneously increase production capacity.

The plan was decided, and the wise man immediately disassembled and distributed it, and thousands of work beasts all moved. The foundation of the base is expanding in a circle, and the power furnace is installed in the central part. Put 25 on the first floor. After the installation is completed, it will be started immediately, and then the second layer will be added on top, and the new power furnace just produced will be installed. This kind of power unit consists of 50 power furnaces, and 4 groups will eventually be built in different locations of the base.

Next to the power unit, 200 workers were carrying a huge closed main brain cabin, and squirmed to the designated position little by little. Then, countless workers scattered like frightened mice, and the main brain cabin landed on the ground with a bang. The location was designated, but there were two beasts running slower and their feet were pinned down.

In a few days, the new manufacturing machine was launched in the predetermined factory area, and began to process the raw materials processed on site into designated components, half of which was building structures, and half was building new engineering equipment.

According to this progress, the new base will be able to build a basic self-circulation production system in about 3 days, but it will take about 10 days for the production capacity to reach its peak.

Chu Jungui observed for another day and returned to the orbital base when he saw that the plan was implemented smoothly. The first thing he did when he returned to the base was to contact Ralph of the Federal Scone Industrial Foods Company.

"Hello, Mr. Chu! It's been a long time, it's a pleasure to be in touch again! During your absence, I'm honored to tell you that everything in the company is booming! Last month, our production increased 1.1%, sales increased by 1.3%, and the annual growth rate is expected to reach an astonishing 5%. This is quite rare in the food industry. If there is no accident, this year we will enter the top 10,000 in the entire federal food industry , entering the list for the first time..."

Ralph was very excited, but still elegant, and perhaps the only fault was that the slight speed of speech was the only fault. As a true elite who has been in the CEO position for nearly 20 years, his demeanor is a model for all professional managers to learn from, except for the slightly old-fashioned aesthetic. Even if he hinted that Chu Jungui could consider giving him a salary increase, he was still very reserved, first talking about his performance.

It's just that after getting used to the wise man and Kaitian, Chu Jungui is a little out of tune with the human style. 5% increase? Isn't it just a matter of a day? Oh, because the light-year base is relatively low, so the production capacity increased by 15% in the latest day, and it will drop to 5% after a while.

As for the hint of a salary increase, the subject automatically ignored it, even if it was explicitly stated.

Chu Jungui waited patiently for Ralph to finish, and asked, "How long will it take for the company to expand its production capacity?"

Ralph was very surprised: "Expanding production capacity? We still have 9% production capacity redundancy, and there is no need to expand production capacity in the next two years."

"How long does it take to expand production capacity?" Chu Jungui repeated the question.

"The construction of a production line takes time, at least 14 months, and this does not include the time for evaluation, site selection, employee training, inspection of suppliers and planning logistics. We also need to establish good relations with the local government and trade unions so that in the future Long-term cooperation……"

When he heard 14 months instead of 14 days, Chu Jungui had the urge to cut off the communication, but out of politeness, he still planned to listen to Ralph. But when Ralph talked about the construction of a production line for half an hour, Chu Jungui finally couldn't bear it and said: "Do you know, in the past half an hour, you used beautiful sentence structures, appropriate adjectives and Over 98% of the time is spent on repetitive or useless details. Now I wonder, how much time does it take for a production line to go from planning to production?"

"...47 months."

Chu Jungui was silent, and the other party was also silent. In the end, it was Chu Jungui who broke the silence and asked, "How many stocks are there now?"

"Food synthetic raw materials? There are still 100,000 tons."

"All shipped over, I want to see tomorrow out of the warehouse."

Ralph was taken aback and said, "It's a bit urgent. I'm going on vacation tomorrow, and it's 15 minutes before I get off work. I'm going to pick up the kids later. We just booked a very good restaurant... "

"Do you want me to say at the next board meeting, 'Thank Ralph for his service to the company over the past two decades'?"

"Oh, no..."

"Okay, tomorrow I will see the raw materials leave the warehouse."

"This is an impossible task, and now there are only 7 minutes until the end of get off work!"

"Tomorrow I will see the raw materials come out of the warehouse, otherwise, all bonuses and subsidies of the management this year will be cancelled."

Ralph was taken aback, and said with a little anger: "It's inappropriate for you to do this. The management's incentives are approved by the board of directors, and should be decided by the board of directors..."

"It's very simple. If any director disagrees, I will replace him." Chu Jungui said decisively.

Reluctantly, Ralph shuts off communications, cancels appointments, and starts working overtime. The test subject also turned off the communication, and there was still uncontrollable anger in his heart. These professional managers are not as easy to use as wise men and open days. However, Chu Jungui didn't have much time to be angry. He contacted a food company again and had to find food for those locust-like work beasts as soon as possible.

When the test subject was overwhelmed with work, Kun walked into his office full of sunshine. He threw himself into the comfortable sofa and turned on the securities channel immediately. Seeing the slow but determined rise of 1 Light Year's stock price, Kun suddenly felt that the humiliation of failure had dissipated a lot.

But dignity is not something that can be bought by a mere billion or so! Thinking about it, Kun Ru opened an advertisement for the latest top-level limited-edition speeding car.

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