God is Coming

Chapter 721 Under the Shadow

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It took Chu Jungui three full days to get the supply of raw food. Not all companies are as slow-paced as Lightyear's own Scone Industrial Foods, and there are always those who want to seize every possible opportunity.

The frequent movements of 1 light-year aroused the curiosity of some people, but they couldn't figure out what to do with purchasing 200,000 tons of raw food every month. After proportional dilution, this is 1 million tons of high-energy food!

Chu Jungui returned to the surface of the planet to supervise the new base that had initially taken shape. There are thousands of small construction vehicles of all kinds busy around the base, and there are dark patches of work beasts carrying various equipment and materials, and some work beasts are even building the base!

The whole base is like being covered by locusts, and there are jumping work beasts everywhere. Yes, since batch 5, workbeasts can jump. As for stacking together, connecting each other to form strange shapes, it has become a routine operation.

But there are not only working beasts in the base, many equipment and construction machinery are desperately adding drama to themselves, so as not to let the working beasts become the only protagonists.

For example, the metal blocks sprayed out of the furnace are sprayed farther and farther, and the more accurate the spray, the pieces are neatly stacked together, and there is no need for work animals to arrange them. Then the two transport vehicles roughly pushed away the work beasts that wanted to be loaded and unloaded, cooperated with each other, bumped on the left and hit the right, and loaded the pile of metal ingots away and transported them back to the warehouse.

Looking at the noisy base, Chu Jungui has a sense of a factory becoming a master. The base is only in a 40% state, and it has already reached the capacity to produce 10,000 tons of standard alloys per day, and about 150,000 tons of raw material alloys can produce all the structural parts of a destroyer. The remaining material needs to be returned to the furnace and forged again.

In other words, the base that has not been fully completed in front of him gives Light Year the basic ability to produce a destroyer every 15 days on a rolling basis.

On the orbital station, the number of production docks has been expanded from 2 to 4, and it is going to continue to expand to 6, 8...

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed.

The interstellar situation is becoming increasingly tense, and the media of the Dynasty and the Federation have already started a new round of mutual accusations. In the vast frontier star field of hundreds of light years, frictions of all sizes are happening every moment, and become The trigger for the next round of friction.

At the end of the original vertical line battle, in the Wufu 3 galaxy, both sides have deployed heavy troops, constantly gathering fleets and planetary marines, and the smell of gunpowder in the war is getting stronger and stronger.

In the N77 star field, the preparations for the 4th Fleet are coming to an end, and the huge war machines of the fleet have begun to roar.

In the command room of the mobile base, Su Jian habitually stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and thought. There was an unconcealable exhaustion on his face, obviously he hadn't had much rest during this time.

Although the 4th Fleet is at the bottom of the dynasty fleet in size and strength, it is still a huge war machine. With 4 mobile bases, 8 capital ships, thousands of starships of all levels, as many as 20 planetary bases and hundreds of asteroid bases, the data generated every day is massive. If you want to mobilize, you must start each component and cooperate with each other to make this machine work.

Although it is facing away from the star map, the entire star map has been engraved in Su Jian's mind, and all kinds of dense symbols are automatically transformed into bases, starships, and continuous fighting, evolving into different endings.

The Federation still has the advantage, but the advantage is not obvious. The total combat power is about 1.3 times that of the 4th Fleet. This advantage is not too much, and it is not too little, so that the 4th Fleet cannot act rashly, but it is not completely without hope of winning. In the war game deduction, Su Jian tried to take the initiative many times, and won 4 times out of 10 times.

While contemplating, a major general walked into the command room and said in a deep voice, "General, are you looking for me?"

Su Jian turned around and looked up and down the major general with sharp eyes. The major general is stocky and dark, as strong as iron, with a resolute look.

Su Jian said slowly: "General Wei, you were transferred from the Seventh Fleet. It has been more than ten years?"

"11 years and 7 months, General."

"Well, the time has not been short. You were considered very young among the major generals back then, but 12 years have passed, and now you can only say that you are quite satisfactory. A major general at the age of 50 is not a good resume."

"Military rank and position are not the purpose of my joining the army."

"Hehe, military rank and position are just a means, not an end, but you can't do without it. I heard that your record in the Seventh Fleet is very good, but you also offended many people, so you were transferred to our Fourth Fleet. If Lu Shuai is still there If not, I’m afraid you will retire like this.”

The major general's face changed slightly, obviously he didn't really care about this matter in his heart.

Su Jian raised his head, looked into the major general's eyes, his eyes suddenly turned sharp, and said, "It's been 12 years, will you still fight?"

The major general's body straightened immediately, his eyes were spitting fire, and he said: "I don't know, general! In the past 10 years, I have not even been given the opportunity to command war games."

"Okay, let's have a game." Su Jian waved his hand, and the star map immediately switched to the war game deduction mode, and each side led a fleet to start fighting.

The deduction ended quickly, and both sides fought inextricably and suffered heavy losses. Su Jian lifted the previous barrier between the two sides, and said with satisfaction: "It seems that I haven't let go of my fighting skills. Now there is a very difficult task, do you dare to take it?"

"As long as I can go to the battlefield, what tasks do I dare not take?"

"That's right, I will give you a small mobile fleet. Your main task is to test the federal defenses and find out their weaknesses. During the battle, I allow you to use all means to increase your strength. Wait until the war When it officially starts, you have to cooperate with the fleet on the flanks. Your combat area is here, you will have no supplies, you can only rely on yourself, and there is likely to be a main force of the Federation hidden here, find it!"

Su Jian marked out an area on the star map, and the N7703 galaxy is also in it.

The major general stared at the star map for a long time, and asked, "What happens after you find the main force of the Federation?"

"Find a way to hold it, at least delay it, don't let it appear on the side of the fleet's main force, understand?"

The major general looked serious and nodded slowly.

Su Jian seemed to relax a bit, and said: "You may face 3 times, 5 times or even more enemies. This is almost an impossible task. But if there is anyone in our 4th Fleet who can complete this For the task, only you, General Wei!"

The major general didn't speak boldly, but just gave a military salute.

"This is the mobile fleet I prepared for you, and General Liu Miao will cooperate with you."

The list given by Su Jian included a heavy cruiser, a light cruiser and 5 destroyers. The number is indeed small, but they are all cutting-edge starships, and the heavy cruiser is the latest model that entered service only 3 years ago. Obviously, this mission is not to die, and Su Jian has high hopes for him.

"Don't let any enemy appear in that direction, understand?" Su Jian finally urged.

The major general gave another military salute and left the command room to receive the fleet. As soon as he walked out of the command area, a fair-skinned general walked by and shouted, "General Wei!"

Wei Dong stopped and recognized Liu Miao, the general who was going to cooperate with him. Liu Miao put his arms around Wei Dong's shoulder affectionately, and said, "Are you okay now? Let's go, find a place to sit and discuss the next action plan. General Su has given us a problem this time!"

Wei Dong frowned slightly, but did not refuse. Unlike him, Liu Miao has just turned 40 this year, and he thrived no matter in Lu Shuai's era or Su Jian's era. In the next task, the cooperation of both sides is also crucial.

Under the shadow of war, the front line is increasingly tense and busy, and everyone is working hard. Every detail in the preparation for war may affect the success or failure of future wars. But in the rear, some people's world is full of sunshine.

Kun walked into the office building under the sun again. People kept saluting and saying hello along the way. Many beautiful female staff bowed specially, and bowed deeply.

The window is actually cloudy, but Kun has his own sunshine. Regardless of his appearance, stature, ability and family background, he is impeccable. And it can be seen that he is in a very good mood.

Kun walked into the office, threw himself on the sofa as usual, and opened the securities channel casually.

Kun hadn't realized that the first thing he watched a few months ago were political and military channels.

The stock price of 1 Light Year dropped slightly by 2%, which put a small shadow on Kun's mood. Fortunately, 1 Light Year still rose by 6% in the past month, so it is still a small profit this month.

Seeing the stock price trend whose volatility has slowed down significantly, Kun suddenly felt a little dissatisfied. This was not the case in the past few months. At that time, the stock price rose in a magnificent way, and the momentum was like a rainbow. Why is it like a plague this month? And in the beginning, there were various news in 1 light year, and I wish I could make an announcement one day, what about now? Haven't seen one for half a month. After the starship factory was put in, there was no movement. Where did the promised Star Pirates go? They were destroyed?

Kun has an urge to hate iron but not steel, and even wants to command the Star Thief Troop 1 light-year away by himself. But Kun still has dignity, and his dignity cannot be bought with 2 billion!

Kun's mood suddenly became less beautiful, and even the ad for the limited-edition speed car lost its appeal: I've already bought all these cars, why can't I rush out two new ones?

N7703 galaxy, planet No. 4, Chu Jungui is patrolling a newly built starship with two clouds of black mist. The wise man and Kaitian who turned into black mist can find the smallest flaws and flaws, and in the end Chu Jun returns to decide which ones need to be adjusted and which ones can be kept.

Each starship will be improved, although the changes are not many, but each is better than the other. After the inspection, engineers will be stationed to make final adjustments to all equipment, and then the crew that has been prepared in advance will board the ship for routine training and operations.

After returning to the orbital base, Chu Jungui was actually a little tired. He hadn't closed his eyes for 20 days. The structure of human beings and the Wuzu are different, even if it is a test body, it is good to sleep a little.

Chu Jungui exhaled, relieved his fatigue, and asked, "Which ship is this?"

Kai Tian replied: "The 8th ship, there are 4 more ships in this batch to be completed. Then we can fully carry out the new project."

"En." Chu Jungui nodded, his eyes fell on the end of the base. There is a brand new station area there, and in the dock berth, a behemoth has just taken shape.

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