God is Coming

Chapter 722 Of course I will try my best

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More than a dozen starships sailed out of the mobile base one by one, and flew into the endless deep space.

The image of Liu Miao appeared on the podium next to Wei Dong. He was biting his cigar, looking very casual, and said, "Old Wei, you didn't even let go of the command room?"

"It's just a little more decoration. I'm not like you. I may not have a chance to replenish it in the future."

The command room was full of packing boxes, and the corners even piled up to the ceiling, leaving only the necessary vision and space. This looked less like a command module and more like a warehouse.

Liu Miao said: "This time, General Su has made a lot of determination to start a decisive battle with the opponent. What do you think, do you think we can win?"

Wei Dong said solemnly: "The Federation has the upper hand. They probably never expected us to make such a determination. By surprise, the situation on the battlefield is likely to be balanced. But the longer the time drags on, the worse it will be for us. After all, we We can only try our best to hold down the Federation Fleet, and there is always a limit."

"Yes, our side is the key. I got news that the Federation's Lunar Legion has secretly entered the Star Field, and the whereabouts of their two squadrons of the 39th Fleet are unknown."

"The federation's squadron is weaker than ours. The two squadrons are roughly equivalent to 30% of the 4th fleet's combat power... If they are really here, then we can't let them appear on the battlefield anyway!"

"Old Wei, the strength of your fleet is only 5% of the fleet. In other words, this time you may have to face 6 times or more enemies. If you want to complete the mission, you may have to use some tricks. "

Wei Dong remained calm and said, "Say it."

Liu Miao said: "To tell you the truth, Qu Ruiyi came to see me before leaving and asked me to help him vent his anger."

Wei Dong snorted, and said, "That guy who only shows off his family background and makes connections? What good idea could he have? Wouldn't it be for you to deal with me?"

Liu Miao smiled and said, "Let me tell you the truth. In the past, the fleet was stationed at the rear. Although it was safe, promotion was slow. If you want to be promoted, you naturally have to find other channels. At that time, you were the most unpopular with the marshal. You were completely idle. It's not even worth being bullied. Now, it's another matter. General Su's heart is different from that of Lu Shuai. This is a tough battle, and I can only rely on you. I think I'm pretty good at fighting, but I dare not accept your mission."

When Liu Miao said this, he was very serious: "If I lose, I will be dismissed at worst. But the problem is that if I lose here, it will implicate the overall collapse. This is not about me alone, it is about the entire 4th Fleet. At this time, even if I have the means, I have to put it aside."

"...Okay, what did Qu Ruiyi say?"

"There is an independent army called Light Year in the N7703 galaxy. Last time Qu Ruiyi wanted to collect supplies, but he was driven back. It was very embarrassing. He wants us to teach Light Year a lesson."

Wei Dongdao: "Light Year? I've heard that they performed well in the previous battle, so it's not suitable to deal with them, right? Besides, the infighting at this time will allow the Federation to take advantage of it. This can't be done!"

"Don't rush to conclusions. I think winning this war is more important than our personal reputation. You can't turn thousands of soldiers into corpses for your own integrity and reputation, right? Qu Ruiyi This person is not important at all, and I have nothing to ask about his family. But one thing is very important, Light Year has supplies and starships!"

Wei Dong was thoughtful.

"Old Wei, I know what you want to say. Indeed, it is possible for Light Year to stand on our side and fight the Federation. The question is how effective is their star thief style of play? Those starships are in his hands. How much contribution can you make, if it is in your hands?"

Wei Dong's eyebrows gradually tightened.

"Old Wei, we are all very clear that these independent legions are actually a mess. Don't look at them as the king of astrology here and there, and they can be wiped out by random squadrons. How can the Star Bandit be the opponent of a regular fleet? ? What do you lack now, lack of starships, lack of supplies, just light years away."

Wei Dong heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Old Liu, to be honest, that little guy Chu Jungui is quite admirable. No matter what, he fought the Federation to the death, but we turned around and copied his lair. This is too unreasonable."

"Look at you, you still care about your reputation! Is your reputation as important as the lives of thousands of soldiers in your fleet? Is it as important as your mission? Do you think this battle will be won?"

A series of questions made Wei Dong unable to answer, but he did not immediately agree.

Liu Miao said: "Old Wei, I'm not targeting Light Year. In fact, Light Year is just a part of our plan. Let me show you this picture and you'll understand."

A star map appeared in front of Wei Dong, which marked 7 independent forces, big and small. Wei Dong saw the problem at a glance, and said: "There are 4 companies here that have been greeted by the superiors and cannot be moved, and the other 2 companies have already collected supplies."

"Can't you recruit again after you have been recruited?" Liu Miao poked his hands falsely and said, "We don't want to be famous, and the greetings from above are not that important. We will scan them one by one. How can the strength of the fleet be more than doubled. You can’t lose a one-to-two battle, can you?”

"One to two is of course no problem! But the problem is, the background of these four companies is very strong, what should we do after the investigation?"

"It doesn't matter, I'll go with you. As long as the battle is won, even if the higher-ups want to investigate afterward, they will only come to me."

Wei Dong frowned and said, "Old Liu, I know your family is tough, but they are not bad either. Can you stand it?"

Liu Miao laughed loudly: "Try it first, otherwise, what should I do? Is it up to you? Haha!"

Wei Dong gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Let's do it this way! If we win the battle, I will make you my friend!"

"Why, if you lose, you are not friends anymore?"

"If you lose, you probably won't see me anymore."

Commonwealth, Planet 2 of Luna V galaxy, this is a beautiful and habitable planet. The gorgeous rain and fog on the planet is unique in the entire galaxy. It is a unique and unrepeatable scenery, which makes countless people yearn for it. Therefore, it has become the planet with the highest living cost. one.

There are large and small lakes on the planet, all with clear bottoms, and the bottoms of the lakes are mostly paved with gravel of various solid colors. Next to a natural blue lake, a manor encloses the entire lake, and the main building is built by the lake, with excellent scenery.

Jane still stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, admiring the scenery with one eye, and processing work with the other. Richard was much more relaxed, dozing off on a recliner with an old-fashioned magazine over his face.

There was an electronic device embedded in the back of Jane's hand, and a red light suddenly flashed on it, and then Jane's body trembled slightly, and she let out a low snort, as if she had been stabbed by something.

Richard took the magazine away and asked, "Why, the stock price of 1 Light Year has risen again?"

Jane shook her left hand and said, "I thought I had controlled my emotions well, but it has been rising for a month!"

"Didn't it still drop a few days ago... oh, 11% today. But it's normal. Now everyone knows that war is going to start, and the entire military industry is on the rise. I heard that the surname Chu is purchasing food and starship equipment on a large scale. , with the stimulus of these news, it will definitely rise.”

"But he is on the side of the dynasty, and his development will also increase the combat power of the dynasty!"

Richard shook his head, "Investors don't care what side they are on. Even if the starships they build are used to fight the Federation, what does it matter? Isn't the profit still a listed company? Jane, you used to be like this Yes, why has it changed now?"

The electronic device in Jane's hand was about to light up again, and she immediately took a deep breath to calm down. This little device monitors her anger and, above a certain limit, discharges it to calm her down. The purpose of simplifying it is to keep myself absolutely calm when making any decisions about Chu Jungui or Guangnian.

"Richard, is there a way to freeze 1 light-year worth of assets?"

"Its assets are all outside the Federation, how can it be frozen?"

"Then seize its accounts and funds, and prohibit it from trading with the Federation. It's best to arrest it directly..." Jane suddenly groaned, and couldn't continue speaking.

Richard sighed, and said: "The last time we listened to you to assassinate Chu Jungui, we caused enough trouble, and even brought my evaluation in the family down by one level. That guy Kun is not lucky. Forget it, the responsibility of the biological laboratory is not counted on him, and the loss of the Legion will be subsidized by half of Linde Group. Now the rest is the problem of money, as long as it can be solved with money, it will be easy to handle. But I heard After hearing the news, Hathaway is extremely dissatisfied with you and is looking for an opportunity to deal with you. At this time, stop looking for trouble."

"Is it that difficult to put him on the wanted list?"

"Yes. His lawyers are difficult to deal with. Although the assassination case has been closed, they have initiated more than a hundred lawsuits in the periphery. Before these issues are resolved, we have no conclusive evidence in hand and want to send Chu Jungui to court. It's almost impossible to get on the most wanted list. What's more, the Winton family is also watching. I don't want to spend another 1 billion to put him on the list."

"Is there a way to ban the transactions of 1 light year, even if it is a few."

Richard hesitated for a moment and said, "Kun can help with this matter. His family happens to have a lot of power in the field of trade approval. I'll go and talk to him."

Jane cheered up and said, "Food, starship engines, and small masterminds must be banned! No buying, no reselling, and no shipping out of the country."

"Actually, it's useless. He can still buy it through other people. But well, I know you just want to spread the ban." Richard began to contact Kun.

At this time, Kun was half lying in the office that was always full of sunlight, watching the news one by one. He has been staring at the securities channel for half an hour.

At this time, Richard's communication was picked up. Kun was chatting with him while browsing the news. Suddenly, the movement of his hands paused, and then he continued to slide the news.

"Sanctions for 1 light year? Okay, no problem, I'll do my best."

After cutting off the communication with Richard, Kun pulled out the avatar of the elder in charge of trade review in the family for a look, and then sent it back to the address book. Then he looked at the stock price of 1 Light Year, and now his dignity is worth 2.7 billion. Originally, there were not so many, but he added a little more to his position a few days ago. As a result, the sharp rise in the past few days had an immediate impact on his dignity.

Kun turned off the securities channel, glanced at the speeding car advertisement, and suddenly felt a little tired of watching, so he accidentally opened the page of the luxury star wheel. Kun's dignity is now able to support him to read this page.

At the same time, as soon as Chu Jun, who was so busy in the dark, returned to the orbital base, he received the latest shareholder register. After reading it, he suddenly felt bad.

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