God is Coming

Chapter 723 I refuse

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The war has not really broken out, but the flames of war have begun to burn.

Chu Jungui did not receive a formal declaration of war, but all the scattered conflicts and troop deployments in the public news were collected by Chu Jungui, and finally the political team came to a judgment: war is inevitable, and the prelude has already begun.

For this reason, Chu Jungui dispersed the two orbital bases, and moved the shipbuilding base hundreds of kilometers away, and de-orbited to the limit that would not affect production. Under the background of storm clouds, almost all detection methods are ineffective, and using normal optical detection methods to find a base hundreds of kilometers away is similar to finding a grain of sand in a large lake.

The judgment of war is not only based on public information and political components, but also the special operations department. The Special Operations Department has not forgotten Chu Jungui as an agent. Although Chitong's mobile base has left this star field and cannot provide large-scale material support, there are still intelligence and a small amount of special equipment to choose from. Now Chu Jungui does not have much demand for a small amount of advanced equipment. What he needs most is starship engines, at least ten of which are sold.

The Special Operations Division provided a large amount of secret information, allowing Chu Jungui to have a considerable understanding of the dynamics of the war. At the same time, the Special Operations Department also proposed vague tasks, requiring Chu Jungui to cooperate with the 4th Fleet when necessary.

Just as Chu Jungui was speeding up his preparations, a ghostly fleet appeared outside the N77 star field, and quickly headed for planet 4. When Chu Jungui received the news, the fleet had already begun to enter the planetary orbit.

"This is planet No. 4?" Wei Dong's eyelids twitched. Even though he has been in the Xinghai for many years, the storm clouds in front of him still make his heart palpitate. Many difficult-to-operate devices in the command room also testified to the power of the storm clouds from the side.

The message had already been sent, and after waiting for a while, a starship appeared in front of Wei Dong's flagship.

A young staff officer in the command room muttered: "This is the first time I have seen such an ugly starship! It is not as good as the previous ones. Although it is a bit old, it is a standard starship."

Another experienced staff officer said: "I heard that light-year starships are surprisingly capable of fighting. You will know it when you are fighting. Combat strength is the first priority. It doesn't matter whether it looks good or not."

The young staff officer was not convinced: "Let's not talk about painting, but which one of the really good starships is not very beautiful?"

This is true, the old staff officer did not continue to argue, but ordered to start scanning the opposite starship. Unsurprisingly, however, the scan failed. Trying to scan against the background of storm clouds is like looking directly at the sun with the naked eye, and you can't see anything.

At this time, the starship on the opposite side flickered, and a laser shot over, setting up an optical communication channel.

"This is the Light Year Territory, please report your identities!"

"We are the 4th Fleet Task Force. We have the highest command of the four star systems N7703, 7709, 7710 and 7713, and can take all actions required to complete the mission. Now, according to the authorization of the fleet headquarters, our fleet has decided to temporarily recruit your troops Starships, a total of one destroyer, three frigates, one deep space transport ship and the corresponding crew and combat supplies. Please complete the assembly and handover of the starship within one hour."

There was a silence after the order was given, and then a calm and steady voice sounded amidst the noise: "I refuse."

Wei Dong frowned slightly, stopped the adjutant who was about to explode, took over the communication channel, and said: "I am Wei Dong, the commander of the task force, with the rank of major general. You probably don't know me, but it doesn't matter. This time my mission It is related to the success or failure of the entire star field battle, so it is necessary to mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized. Before light years, I also recruited all the starships and materials of Ahn'Qiraj, High Tower and Steel Gate, and then Sauron , ring and burning left hand, so you don’t have to worry about who we are targeting, everyone is treated equally. Besides, you are Chu Jungui, right? I heard that you are a very good commander, so I welcome you to join.”

Chu Jungui was slightly taken aback, but the person opposite gave him a slightly different feeling. This feeling is somewhat similar to that of Lin Xi's family, rigid, arrogant and inflexible, a typical soldier born for the battlefield.

Chu Jungui hesitated for a moment, then consulted the opinions of the three major components, and finally said: "I refuse."

Wei Dong's face darkened, and he said: "This is an order! You are also a soldier, and you should know the consequences of disobedience!"

"That depends on the appropriateness of your order. Besides, I do not have to obey your orders, nor do I have to obey the orders of the Fourth Fleet."

Wei Dong didn't get angry immediately, and said, "Are you trying to betray the dynasty?"

"No, I just want to fight in my own way. Besides, if you commandeer all my starships, what will happen to my base and the people in the base?"

"If the Federation attacks, you should do your best to resist. If you fall, you can wait for the fleet to counterattack."

Chu Jungui said: "Light Year is special in nature, I'm afraid we won't be able to wait for the day when the fleet counterattacks. Therefore, I refuse any requisition."

"I know the nature of light years, but I know the overall situation better! You are doing this for your own selfishness, and you are ignoring the whole battle situation!" Wei Dong's voice was already quite severe.

"It seems that there is no need for us to continue talking. General Wei, I want to remind you one last thing. Regarding the legality of a series of recent orders from the 4th Fleet, my lawyer is already preparing a lawsuit, and perhaps it has already been submitted to the court. So After the war, I'm afraid some people in the 4th Fleet may not be very happy."

Wei Dong said in a deep voice: "That's a matter of the future, I just care about the present. Besides, after this battle, I may stay in this star field forever, and no matter how many lawsuits there are, it has nothing to do with me."

If Wei Dong is telling the truth, Chu Jun thinks he is an admirable figure. It's just that the decision-making of the test subject is never mixed with emotion, and the same is true for those involving the top task.

"Unfortunately, Light Year refuses to requisition."

"You are disobedient, and I have the right to deal with you now." Wei Dong raised his hand and pointed at Chu Jungui's starship.

Liu Miao's image was next to him, and he who had been silent all this time suddenly said, "Wait!"


"Chu Jungui has special attention from above, and he should be treated differently from other forces. His personality is also different from other people. Therefore, skip the warning and directly test and attack. If you don't want to, then I can Do it. But then you lose the opportunity to get extra evaluation."

Wei Dong heard something in Liu Miao's words, and was about to speak, but was stopped by Liu Miao. Liu Miao said: "You can stick to the principle, but you must admit that neither you nor I have the ability to fight against the higher authorities. Moreover, this is not something out of the ordinary. After the warning, you will also conduct a tentative attack, right?"

Wei Dong frowned, nodded, and gave the order.

A destroyer on the side received the order, and fired the main gun that had been prepared, and the shells with a large number of high-energy particles instantly spanned 10,000 meters and bombarded the side of Chu Jungui's ship.

With a bang, the entire starship vibrated violently and turned over. The armor belt was brutally torn, and a large piece of broken armor scattered into the starry sky. The remaining armor melted quickly like ice and snow meeting sunlight.

The cannon came so suddenly that Chu Jungui didn't even have time to activate the starship's shield. The attacker's information quickly flashed through his mind. The dynasty cheetah-class destroyer, the composite electromagnetic main gun, is famous for its firepower and attack speed. The gun just came as soon as it was said, and it almost pierced through Chu Jungui's armor. .

In Wei Dong's fleet, there are three Cheetah-class destroyers. There are also three light cruisers and one heavy cruiser, and their firepower is still higher than that of the Cheetah-class destroyer.

So Wei Dong is not afraid of Chu Jungui's resistance at all, it is just a destroyer, if he dares to fight back, he can be sunk immediately. After the first shot, Wei Dong signaled for a pause in the attack and said, "You still have one more chance to surrender..."

Before he finished speaking, the alarm sounded suddenly, and a high-energy light beam suddenly appeared, blasting on the destroyer that fired! The destroyer's armor melted quickly, and only half of it was left in a blink of an eye. The destroyer evaded urgently and wanted to turn to the rear and fire back with the main gun, but two small black spots suddenly appeared and hit the ship at high speed, followed by a violent explosion!

The two missiles hit by the destroyer company were also blown to pieces and drifted hundreds of meters away. The Cheetah-class destroyer is not good at defense. It was suddenly attacked continuously, and its armor has been blown to a very dangerous level. It may be penetrated after a few more hits!

There was an instant silence in the command room. No one expected that Chu Jungui not only dared to fight back, but also struck so hard! It's like fighting on the street. The side with the advantage gets a slap in the face, but they don't expect the opponent to punch backhand.

Fortunately, human beings will lag, but the mastermind will not. The combat mastermind automatically starts to scan the surroundings of the fleet at full power. As a result, red light spots surface one after another and appear on the star map.

There are actually 4 starships ambushing behind the fleet, and they are all destroyers!

Wei Dong's temperament became more and more courageous as he became more frustrated, his face sank, and he directly ordered: "Sink the enemy ship that is firing!"

The entire fleet moved immediately, and the two starships continued to monitor Chu Jungui, while the rest of the starships turned around one after another. Wei Dong's fleet has locked on to the starship that fired, and now Wei Dong is going to sink the starship that dared to fire in front of Chu Jungui. He wants Chu Jungui to know that even if he hides his strength, the power of life and death is still in the hands of the 4th Fleet.

Just when the fleet was about to enter the coordinated attack position, Chu Jungui's voice sounded: "General Wei, do you want to hand over the flagship here?"

Suddenly, a piercing alarm sounded in Wei Dong's ear, and the mastermind activated the highest emergency procedure, bypassing Wei Dong to forcibly activate the shield, and directly entered the overload mode. The massive energy demand drained almost the power of the entire ship in an instant. Except for the main gun, all the secondary guns were down.

In the deep sky dozens of kilometers away, a group of dazzling rays of light lit up, like lighting up a miniature sun! The light almost turned everything around into pure black, but the huge and terrifying shadow behind the light could still be vaguely seen.

These rays of light are a sign that the high-energy beam main cannon has fully charged, and it can blast out a terrifying stream of energy light at any time. The detection data of Wei Dong's flagship showed that the power of the opponent's main gun hit far surpassed that of his flagship!

Amidst the harsh sirens, the shadow of death instantly enveloped everyone's hearts.

"Let's go, I'll pretend that what happened today never happened." Chu Jungui's voice was still calm, but suddenly there was a calming charm.

(PS: More updates will be added tonight, so stay tuned!)

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