God is Coming

Chapter 724 Evaluation

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It was not until Wei Dong's fleet left the orbit of the planet that Chu Jungui lifted his guard. The huge ship shadow originally hidden in the background of deep space emerged from the bow of the ship.

Only the bow of the ship, only half of it is installed with ship boards, and the rest are still in the frame state.

Just one bow is more than 200 meters. Most of the parts that have been built are the main gun and related components, and the cockpit is temporarily pasted. It's not so much the bow of a starship, it's not the flying main gun, it's still the style of a squirrel riding a cannon back then. It's just that although those frames haven't had time to lay the shell, they are completely different from normal starships in the scanner. no difference.

But that's just looking at it from the front. If you look at it from the side, it's a fish bone licked by a cat.

This thing can scare Wei Dong away, of course it's not just the appearance. In the case that the alpha crystal has not been upgraded, the test body still uses multiple beam units to increase the power of the main gun. For example, the main guns of two destroyers can be bundled together to serve as the main guns of a light cruiser, and four of them can be used as the main guns of a heavy cruiser. Now that Chu Jungui is more ambitious, he bundled up a few more. .

The beam cannon is good at this point, unlike the electromagnetic cannon or the particle cannon, they will interfere with each other and have to be fired in turn, but they are tied together and the bombing is over.

Of course, beam guns are not simply bundled, and still have extremely complex coordination and mutual interference elimination designs, but the difficulty is qualitatively different from other types of main guns.

The power of this main gun that scared Wei Dong away is 220% of that of ordinary heavy cruiser main guns, but its actual lethality is only 180%, and its energy consumption is 70% higher than that of the same-level beam gun of the Federation, and 70% higher than that of the same-level beam gun of the Dynasty. 50% higher. Under normal circumstances, this is a main gun whose technical level is behind the times. It's just that when the power reaches a certain level, other indicators are not so important.

In fact, this main gun is only equipped with the minimum number of energy compartments, and the stored energy is only enough for one shot, and it takes 36 hours to recharge after one shot. However, it only takes one shot to severely damage Wei Dong's flagship. If the only cutting-edge heavy cruiser is damaged, then he doesn't have to do other tasks anymore, and he will die if he goes there.

As for whether the 4th Fleet will let it go, Chu Jungui has already considered it. If they come again next time, they will see more than just this force. Chu Jungui still has 4 destroyers hidden, and the other 4 will be completed soon. A dozen destroyers could totally clear some guy up.

Wei Dong's fleet was a signal that the war was about to start. Chu Jungui continued to build starships with all his strength, and sent an application for promotion to the Special Operations Center. Just being a major is really hard sometimes, always being dictated by a group of colonels and major generals.

Apart from the 4th Fleet, Chu Jungui is more wary of the Federation. He has a deep hatred with the several legions of the Federation. Now that the war has resumed, he doesn't know if anyone is secretly thinking about it.

Indeed there are.

On the edge of the N77 star field, a huge mobile base is flying at sub-light speed and entering the star field.

In a small war room at the base, several generals of the Federation were discussing the next tactics in front of the star map.

"We need to establish a stable base here, establish a basic supply system on the spot, and then threaten the flanks and rear of the 4th Fleet to cooperate with the main fleet. In order to prevent the mobile base from being threatened, we need to clear some potential targets in advance, such as , entrenched in the light years of the N7703 galaxy..."

"Forget about light years." A general said.


"I can't say the reason, but you know, I was in this star field during the last battle, and I was still under the command of General Gamble at that time."

The remaining general also said: "I agree. As for the reason, William and I are good friends, and I have heard him talk about something. But I won't say what it is, otherwise William will not look good."

The general in the center looks bewildered, looks at his two colleagues, and wisely removes the light-year symbol from the star map.

In the Federal Luna V galaxy, a slender and graceful starship that looks like a white swan slowly entered the atmosphere, submerged in the light purple rain and fog that filled the sky.

The strong light of the stars can still penetrate the rain and fog and fall on the surface, which makes the rain and fog often have gorgeous and changing light bands. Countless magnificent colors are intertwined together, dreamy and charming, as if walking into a dream.

Most of the plants on the ground are tall and majestic, and can change different colors with the change of rain and fog to absorb sunlight. The surface of the entire planet is full of brilliance, which is a fairy-tale world.

With the landing of the starship, the most important aristocratic event on this planet kicks off. The little princess Hathaway of the Winton family will hold a grand party, and the guests include all the real people on this planet. noble. This is part of Hathaway's series of coming-of-age rites, which means that Hathaway will officially enter the stage of accepting pursuit.

Of course, this is just a symbolic ceremony, but even if it is symbolic, it has real meaning. Whether or not one can get an invitation to this evening party becomes a sign of whether one belongs to the real aristocratic circle. Some people even flew to the Luna V galaxy in advance, just to show their sincerity and try to get an invitation letter.

The reason why this party is so special is that Hathaway is fundamentally different from ordinary big family heirs. She is the top three heirs, and an important person who may succeed the head of the Winton family from another generation. So far, although her achievements can't be said to be brilliant, don't forget that they were all achieved during her college years, which belonged to work-study programs. Counting the history of the Winton family, it is unique that she can achieve this kind of achievement at her age.

The only blemish on this resume is that she has yet to prove herself on the battlefield. The only large-scale planetary raid to begin with failed, and was captured and boxed. Although Chu Jungui built a room for her later, in the eyes of the federal nobles, it was still a box.

At that time, this experience did have a certain impact on her, but as one young hero after another ran back from the N7703 galaxy in despair, the stain on the little princess was almost washed away. It's just that that galaxy, that planet, has quietly become a black hole in the talk of nobles, and everyone has selectively forgotten that there is such a place in the universe.

But the experience on Planet 4 did have some long-term potential consequences for Hathaway.

Hathaway is different from most aristocratic girls. She has never had any scandals since she was a child, and there are even very few ambiguous rumors. Most young men know that their status and abilities do not match her, so they quit early. Very few qualified people have ever thought of fighting with her, because everyone knows that it is easier to improve feelings on the battlefield. Between life and death, this is the best soil for the growth of love. Even if it is not love, it is a deep feeling that can cross races, classes, and even species.

It's just that Hathaway's raid was too fast, and it took only a few days from planning to implementation, causing several high-sequence children of high-minded nobles to miss the time. The real high-sequence children are very busy. They are all in important positions, so they naturally have to take on responsibilities that match their duties. For example, Kun, or the former Sino. From the age of 2, they have been fighting for their life plans, whether they like it or not.

So in that planetary landing battle, only two low-sequence children of the great nobles followed Hathaway in the end. They didn't have any hope of chasing Hathaway, but they all had dreams and joined the pirate flag just in case. They vowed to be the knights beside the princess, defeating all the evil dragons who covet the princess, and then duel with each other, the winner can embrace the princess.

However, princesses generally don't look for knights, and dragons are far more powerful than in fairy tales.

Two self-proclaimed young knights landed in a box and never came out again. One managed to escape with Hathaway in the end, and the other is still making contributions in Light Years, and has not yet become a member of the special company.

Those who escaped and those who did not have been forgotten. Little princesses can keep failing, they only have one chance in life. After being captured, they will embark on another trajectory from then on.

The past is over, and now the great nobles of the Luna V galaxy have gathered in the most magnificent manor on the entire planet, to celebrate the little princess of the Blue Rose family officially entering the blooming age under the light purple rain and fog.

Dusk is the most beautiful moment on this planet. The party has officially started. The Winton family is famous for their simplicity and connotation. The host's introduction and Hathaway's testimonials add up to only a quarter of an hour, and then there is free communication. time.

The entire manor is divided into more than a dozen areas, each area has a different theme, and there are hundreds of guest rooms in the manor for VIP guests to stay overnight. There is also an extremely luxurious starship parked in the manor, providing more than 200 suites. Many nobles have their own starships and will live on their own starships.

Jane and Richard were standing next to a fountain, with the dome above their heads, and they could see the rain and fog flowing halfway. They were surrounded by more than a dozen people, most of whom were of the same age, forming a small circle of their own. As the focus of the younger generation of the Louis family, Richard received invitations as a matter of course, and has many friends wherever he goes.

The topics discussed in the small circle are topics that young people like, finance and war. It's just that in front of Jane, everyone is obviously cautious when discussing financial topics, and they are also thoughtful when expressing their opinions, so as not to be considered unprofessional by her and affect their future impressions. The marriage contract between Jane and Richard will not be changed, only when the wedding will be officially held.

At this time, someone suggested: "It's almost time, we should go say hello to Hathaway and express our congratulations."

"Yeah, maybe I can impress her and let her remember my name. Haha, that's all I hope for."

Several young people were talking and laughing, not noticing that Jane's face was a little unnatural. Richard also thought it was time to bless Hathaway, so he followed the proposal and walked to the second floor with several young people. This is a necessary procedure and etiquette, and Richard also hopes to take this opportunity to repair the relationship with Hathaway.

Heather stood on the large terrace on the second floor. This is the most beautiful place in the entire manor, and most of the sky is covered with rain and fog. This is also the place that best suits her identity. Unlike other young people, more than half of the people around Hathaway were older, and they were discussing major issues of the entire Federation in twos and threes. The only few young people were faintly majestic, their demeanor was completely different from that of ordinary noble children, and the topics they talked about were all about the direction of the federation's policies. But what they are discussing is not whether the policy is good or bad, but what policy should be chosen.

People kept coming to congratulate Hathaway, but they all knew that they did not belong to the circle around Hathaway, and they would leave soon after paying their respects.

After another wave of people left, the group of Richard and Jane walked over. Seeing them from a distance, Hathaway smiled charmingly, and her whole body was so beautiful that it seemed to be shining. She took the initiative to take a step forward and said, "I've been waiting for you, Richard."

Richard was a little flattered, and also showed a sincere smile, and gently hugged Hathaway with the most elegant manner. Properness is the core of aristocratic etiquette, and it will directly affect a person's reputation in the aristocratic circle. For this kind of etiquette hug, Richard has been tortured for a full 4 months, but at this moment he still feels much worse than Hathaway.

After warm and sincere greetings, Richard stepped aside and introduced, "This is Jane, my fiancée."

Jane saluted, and said words of blessing according to the lines memorized in advance. Outwardly she was also known for her graceful demeanor and impeccable presence, but here, by contrast, she seemed stiff and unnatural. According to the words of the nobles, elegance and taste are not yet innate.

Richard had the urge to hide his face when he saw it. The older people around him were all big figures in the Federation, and the younger ones were all in high positions. At least he is not qualified to stand in this circle right now. With so many pairs of eyes watching, any small gaffe of Jane's will be infinitely magnified.

Fortunately, Hathaway also made mistakes... Richard saw her pick up a glass of pink wine with a strong and sweet taste from the waiter's tray.

Going to get a drink when Jane is paying her respects is disrespectful, it's a faux pas. And what Hathaway also took was a sweet wine, this kind of wine for little girls is not the standard for real nobles. And putting this kind of wine on the tray also shows that the waiter has not undergone strict training. How could he put wine casually on the tray for the guest of honor? It could almost be called an accident.

After Jane finished reciting her speech, Hathaway said softly with a perfect smile, "Although we haven't met, I've heard of you. Thank you for being here, and thank you for your blessings. Ah yes , I have a small gift for you, and I also have a sentence to tell you: Even if you marry Richard..."

"...you're still a whore!"

With a bang, the glass of rosé liqueur was splashed on Jane's face! Some sticky wine flowed down the snow-white skin, pulling out streaks of color.

Throughout the whole process, Hathaway's demeanor and smile were flawless, perfect enough to force the test subject to pick her up.

She is always elegant.

(PS: When it’s time for the double monthly pass, you have to think about it anyway, add one more and ask for a ticket.)

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