God is Coming

Chapter 729 It's just for you to see

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Although Sino's flotilla was dismantled to pieces, it still had some strength left. But they all had to follow Sino's flagship, and now the champion knight suddenly lay down, and all the destroyers could only wait on the spot.

Naturally, Lucien would not miss this opportunity. Except for the flagship not moving, all the starships rushed up, trying to surround the opponent, and first take down the opponent's light cruiser in one fell swoop.

As expected of Lucian's experience, after the initial shock, he was ready to destroy the other starships first, and then concentrate on besieging the champion knight.

The light cruiser seemed to realize that he was in danger, and quickly changed course, passing Lucien's fleet, using the planet's gravitational force to accelerate, and avoiding the back of the planet at high speed. How could Lucien let this piece of fat go, and immediately ordered the fleet to pursue it. His destroyer is a little faster than the light cruiser. As long as he can bite the opponent, and wait for the heavy cruiser and light cruiser to arrive, he can send the only light cruiser in Sino's hand out of the battlefield.

The two sides chased and fled, and entered the back of the planet in a blink of an eye. Except for the referee team, no one knew what happened on the back of the planet.

The champion knight was still advancing at a slow speed, and circled the S-type. Not only Lucian was puzzled, but also the other starships in the Sino fleet.

Lucien sits on the flagship and watches over the champion knight. Although he didn't understand what Sino was doing, the current situation was clearly in his favor. As long as he killed the main light cruiser, the rest of the destroyers and frigates would not be a problem. At that time, the champion knight could not win alone and could not escape defeat.

Lu Xien thought about the situation of the battle, and sneered: Even if the opponent is insidious and despicable, the victory still belongs to him.

In such an obvious situation, the champion knight is still dawdling, and he doesn't know what he is dawdling about. The audience was already furious and yelling, wishing to kick Sino out of the way and appear on the stage by themselves.

In the strange confrontation, the light cruiser and the pursuit fleet came out from the back of the planet. To be precise, the light cruisers were rushed out of the planet's upper atmosphere, and so were all the pursuit fleets.

The surface of the light cruiser is heavily scarred, and one of the destroyer's main guns has been judged to be unusable. But the pursuit fleet behind it is much weaker, all the frigates are gone, and one destroyer is missing.

The two sides advanced at full speed, whistling past Lucian, and rushed into the back of the planet again. After a while, the two sides chased and fled, and then circled out from the back of the planet. This time, after Mr. Chu returned, only the heavy patrol and light patrol followed closely behind with two destroyers, and the rest of the starships disappeared.

Lucian suddenly had an inexplicable intuition that if the light cruiser were to circle the planet again, all these chasing troops would disappear.

He made a decisive decision and immediately commanded the flagship to meet Chu Jungui head-on!

The main gun of the heavy cruiser roared, and after replacing it with light training ammunition, although the power of the electromagnetic main gun was reduced, the speed of the bullet remained unchanged. The shell pierced the deep space and hit the light cruiser directly!

The timing of this cannon's firing was impeccable, and the light patrol was unavoidable, so it could barely deflect the hull at the moment of firing.

The heavy cruiser bombarded the area with the thickest armor on the side of the light cruiser. The terrifying impact knocked the light cruiser out of balance. The attitude engine of the light cruiser also seemed to have a problem. It turned into a roll, and faster and faster, like a piece of high-speed space junk smashing into the pursuit fleet behind.

Someone in the public channel of the battlefield screamed: "Here again...", but the signal disappeared after only one cry.

The chasing fleet separated in all directions. If it was hit by a randomly rolling light cruiser, it would be much more ruthless than a naval gun. Even if both sides are sentenced to be eliminated, the pursuit fleet will feel that they are at a loss. After all, their own side has an absolute advantage, so how could they all die together?

At this moment, Chu Jungui's light patrol was like a hornet's nest that had been stabbed, with full firepower, every available naval gun was firing, and missiles were sprayed out in groups, as if they didn't want money.

In an instant, the pursuit fleet was overwhelmed by the light cruiser's firepower. Almost every attack of the light cruiser hit the target, and Lucian was stunned to see it!

The chasing fleet was judged to be damaged piece by piece, and each piece of equipment was judged to be invalid. The combat power quickly bottomed out as if a faucet had been installed.

Lucien's mood at the moment was like seeing a blindfolded brat throwing mud crazily, every piece of mud could hit him.

He finally understood how those destroyers disappeared.

The light cruiser's frantic firepower pouring was finally over. In just a few minutes, it emptied the artillery shells equivalent to two light cruisers and the missiles of four light cruisers. The pursuit fleet was completely wiped out.

The light cruiser quietly floated in the universe, obviously exhausted its energy sources, and seemed to have lost even its power. It would take time to recharge, and Lucian was a little hesitant to rush up and completely kill this weird opponent.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a slight tremor on the hull, and then the referee's cold voice sounded: "The main engine was hit, and the judgment is invalid."

Immediately, the command cabin went dark, and half of the lights were automatically turned off, leaving only 20% of the starship's propulsion capacity. With this little power, he will run slower than the champion knight on the opposite side.

The champion knight's spirit was greatly lifted, and the speed of squirming unexpectedly became a little faster, and he crawled towards Lucien firmly.

Lucien switched the screen and saw two missiles inserted into his main engine. The missile uses a solid warhead, it will not really explode, it is just nailed to the engine. It was only then that Lucien thought, could it be that the light cruiser also quietly threw a few missiles at himself when it was attacking frantically just now?

What are your crew members doing? Lucian wanted to curse, but he already knew the answer. The crew members were all so distracted by the battle on the opposite side that they didn't even notice the approaching missiles. The starship's automatic defense system destroyed most of the incoming missiles, but the number of missiles launched by the opponent was too large, and two of them still avoided the automatic defense system.

The crew members of the family fleet were like this. Their training level was not high, and they all thought that they would win this battle. They came to participate in the assessment battle with the mood of vacation. It is normal to make mistakes.

At this time, the champion knight was still crawling hard but persistently. Lucien calculated the speed difference between the two sides and estimated that he would enter the range in 12 hours. For a moment, he wanted to stick it out, but doing so seemed pointless except to disgust his opponent. In the end, Lucian gritted his teeth and said "I admit defeat" with difficulty, then slumped on the chair weakly.

The assessment battle ended in this way, beyond everyone's imagination, countless media wanted to interview both sides like crazy, and many big shots were curious about what happened, even though the battle happened right in front of their eyes.

Patriarch Louis couldn't bear the pressure, and besides, he had been scolded for so long, so he immediately saw this as a chance to make a comeback in his reputation. After contacting the two parties, Lucien of course refused all interviews, simply turned off the communication, and left directly on the private starship as soon as he moved the base.

But the winners are generally more magnanimous. Xinuo didn't know that he was also scolded bloody. As soon as he heard that there was an interview, he immediately straightened his appearance and appeared in front of many media. Patriarch Fuxi was afraid that Sino would say something inappropriate, so he specially appointed an elder to accompany him.

The first question of the media is naturally the light cruiser with crazy performance.

Sino calmly replied: "That's exactly the tactic we arranged in advance, and the starship was also specially modified. Captain Ryan is still very young, but he is a very lucky guy. As for why the luck is so good, everyone can say Not sure. All in all, he just shoots a shot in the back of the ass, and maybe the opponent will go around and get on the shell by himself, that's it."

Sino's explanation was far-fetched, but there was no better one either. Under the complex electromagnetic environment, the starships of both sides cannot automatically lock the opponent, and can only rely on manual tracking and targeting. In this environment, the light cruiser almost hit the gun, and there is no explanation at all except luck.

It's just that even if Sino doesn't say anything, people have found a reasonable explanation by themselves, that is some kind of super command system that has never been seen before. Although people don't know what this system is, Sino has even got the champion knight, and it is not impossible to build more epoch-making powerful equipment. As for the lucky Ryan, he has been automatically ignored by everyone.

Whether people accept it or not, Sino just refuses to answer this question further. When he was in a hurry, Sino opened his mouth and said, "Why do you have such a high hit rate? It's simple, because they can't dodge! Why can't you dodge? It's not because of them..."

The elder next to him coughed quickly, interrupted Sino, and said, "Next question."

The elders also know that the family fleet is not trained enough, its level is average, and it is full of old soldiers, but this can't be stated clearly, right? There are quite a few people in the fleet with the surname Louis, and even more people who are related to relatives. We still have to take this face into account.

The second question is naturally about the champion knight, how did it come about, what is its performance, why does it behave so strangely when starting a battle, and so on.

Hearing these questions, Sino subconsciously glanced back, and the red-bearded officers behind him all had flickering eyes and stiff expressions, looking up, down, left, right, but not at Sino.

Sino swears in his heart that he will train these unworthy things well when he goes back, straightens his chest, smiles with a strong and confident smile, his eyes are firm and bright, and after looking around the audience, he speaks in a deliberately deep and deep voice : "To answer this question, I need to say a little bit more. Before the assessment battle started, no one believed that I would win. Many people naturally don't like people who want to change the status quo. But after the battle, seeing my champion knight, I'm afraid no one thinks I'm going to lose."

At this time, no one questioned Sino. From the moment the champion knight was born, his estimated combat power had reached an astonishing 22,000. In the hands of a qualified commander, it can completely defeat Lucian. So is Sino a qualified commander?

It has to be said that Sino, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, fits the image of an excellent commander when he is serious.

"Everyone has seen the battle process. I only sent a light cruiser and wiped out the opponent's fleet. Is this accidental? Of course not. From the beginning, I only planned to send Ryan."

Speaking of this, Sino showed a bright smile and said, "This champion knight is just for you to see!"

Patriarch Fuxi had a strange expression on his face.

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