God is Coming

Chapter 730 Don't you feel inferior?

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Both the assessment battle and the press conference were over. Although there were frequent accidents during the process, the results were acceptable.

The media and outsiders didn't know what happened. As the head of the Louis family, Fuxi naturally knew why the champion knight couldn't move.

Don't forget that there was also a referee on the champion knight, who had faithfully recorded Sino's panic and helplessness at that time. So when Sino was bragging in front of hundreds of cameras and microphones without changing his face and heartbeat, Fuxi couldn't bear to look directly.

It's just that hundreds of years kept him calm throughout the press conference, which disappointed those who tried to find something from his expression.

After the press conference, Fuxi did not stay to have dinner with Sino, but left directly with two confidant elders.

On the returning starship, an elder asked, "Could it be true that Sino is the commander of the fleet?"

Fu Xi smiled and said, "Why not? This little guy is considered a talent, at least when I was his age, I didn't have such a thick skin."

"Indeed, when we were young, we knew that the referee was sitting below, but we couldn't brag so calmly. If I hadn't known the real situation, I would have thought what he said was true."

Another elder said: "Lucien needs to be appeased. His faction has lost a lot of reputation this time. I am afraid that he will become angry and may even retaliate against the Winton family. Even if it is their faction's own actions, the Winton family Not necessarily so. Our current relationship with the Winton family is delicate and fragile. But I don’t think breaking up now will do us any good.”

"Agree." Fuxi nodded, and asked, "How to appease, do you have any suggestions?"

"It's very simple. The family fleet is divided into two according to the ratio of this assessment battle. From now on, there will be two family fleets and two fleet commanders. Lucien can keep the title of commander and part of the interests. He also commanded more starships than Sino, which is to save some face. As for the loss, he lost so ugly, of course he has to pay a price. As for Sino, he never thought that he could really become the fleet commander, but I just want to show off. Now that I have a real job and a fleet, I should be satisfied. We have taken care of Hathaway's face."

Fuxi nodded and said: "This plan is good. But the family fleet has its own missions, what should we do with these missions?"

"Give half to Sino. You can give him the most difficult ones."

Fuxi said: "Investigate the commander of the light cruiser, and if possible, bring him into the family. See how many unmarried young people are there, and let him choose one."

"Is it necessary to pay such a high price?" an elder objected.

"Looking at it now, a starship commander is nothing, but maybe it will be different after a while. Oh yes, arrange a time for me. I want to meet the little princess of the Winton family." Foch said.

The hearts of the two elders trembled, and they understood that this meeting was not easy.

At this time, Sino was standing on the pier of the mobile base, shaking hands with a tall and handsome man opposite. The man has golden curly hair, and when he smiles, he seems to be able to illuminate the surroundings, just like the sun god in mythology.

"The condition of the champion knight is very good, which makes my work a lot easier, so I won't stay any longer. If there is a chance in the future, maybe I can take you to relive the wonderful experience of driving the champion knight."

"I hope so. Goodbye, dear Evans." Sino waved, watching the man mount the champion knight.

The moment the hatch closed, the champion knight soared into the air, first moved sideways, then rotated 90 degrees, and flew out of the mobile base. The whole process is extremely smooth, with only a very faint beep. Once out of the mobile base, all its main engines lighted up, emitting a faint blue light, and the huge hull suddenly accelerated, disappearing into the depths of the starry sky.

This mobility alone can kill most light cruisers and destroyers. This is the real champion knight.

Sino's smile froze on his face, and after a while he let out a pooh and said, "What are you showing off?"

Sino's contact with the champion knight was definitely not pleasant, and the same was true with this man who came to receive the champion knight. This man named Evans has a similar appearance and background to Hathaway, the same impeccable and elegant manners, and he can drive the champion knight so smoothly and silky, compared to Sinoo mentally handicapped.

At this time, the mobile base vibrated slightly, and Xingliu left the mobile base from another dock and disappeared in an instant. Chu Jungui didn't even have time to stay for the dinner, so he hurried back to planet 4.

Sino left the pier, returned to the interior of the base, and strode towards the restaurant. The restaurant has been set up, and the chefs at the base specially prepared a 30-course meal to celebrate the victory of the assessment battle, including all the red beards and the people in charge of starship maintenance at the base.

In the officer's restaurant, hundreds of red-bearded officers and some of the family's fleet commanders had already started drinking, and the atmosphere was extremely warm. When Sino walked into the restaurant, all the red beards cheered loudly to him. Sino waved with a smile and came to the main seat. The Louis family seemed to attach great importance to Sino, the son who had been kicked out, and even left an elder to attend the celebration dinner.

Speaking of which, Sino and this elder also knew each other, and the relationship was at least not bad. Immediately, the two started talking about the past, and the relationship quickly heated up under the influence of alcohol.

The atmosphere in the banquet hall was getting hotter and hotter, and the red beards began to let themselves go, pulling the officers of the base and the fleet to fight for drinks, not only hooking their shoulders, but sometimes pinching each other's necks to drink hard.

These red beards are all from humble backgrounds, how can they have the opportunity to contact members of the top nobles of the federation? But after a few big glasses of wine, all living beings are equal in the eyes, it doesn't matter who you are, as long as you don't drink, you will be in trouble with me. What are you doing with so much wine left in the glass? Fish farming?

Xinuo was also drunk, and the whole world was shaking in his eyes. But his mood at the moment is completely different from that of his subordinates. The more drunk he is, the more he gnashes his teeth, and secretly swears in his heart: "These little bastards can't fight a war, and a drink is worth two! Starting tomorrow, if I don't drill you to Diarrhea, I will change my name to Louis 10010! You wait for me, I will build 20 toilets in each starship first! But no one can take advantage of the loopholes, I will demolish all the original toilets!"

When Xingliu jumped out of the N7703 galaxy, Chu Jungui received a letter from Sino: "Boss! Can you come back quickly, I need your wisdom! Oh, and by the way, bring that damn Kaitian with you!" , although it is a lowly creature with little use, I have to admit that it always has unexpected ideas on how to torture humans..."

After Sino chattered on and on for half an hour, Chu Jungui finally understood what he meant.

The Louis family moved quickly, and the procedures for new appointments and fleet allocation had been completed. Sino was officially appointed as the commander of the Louis family fleet, but now there are two commanders. A total of one heavy cruiser, one light cruiser, four destroyers, and three frigates were assigned to the newly formed Louis 2nd Fleet. The fleet has been assembled and is waiting for Sino to receive it.

However, Sino got wind of it, and the crew of the family fleet didn't intend to let him accept it easily, so they put in all their energy and prepared to give Sino a blow. These crew members used to follow Lucien, obviously they were all his people, so their attitude towards Sino was naturally not much better.

Sino was not stupid, he knew that the crew of the family fleet could not be restrained by the red beards under his command, and vice versa. And he himself couldn't control these crew members, especially since there were several thorns inside. If the reception is messed up this time, it will be difficult to manage in the future.

So as soon as Sino received the news, he immediately started asking for help.

At the beginning, Chu Jungui did not expect that Xinuo could actually be the commander of the fleet. According to the plan, the number of starships assigned to him is not too small, and it is also a force that cannot be ignored.

As for suppressing thorns, the political component and tactical deception are very good at this, but what Chu Jungui didn't expect was that the art component was also good at this.

After thinking about it, Chu Jungui connected to the channel of the base, and said to Wilson: "We have summoned 20 instructors from the special company, and we have a group of new crew members who need to be polished."

Wilson asked: "Do you train newcomers? Everyone can do this. What level of instructors do you need, and to what extent?"

Chu Jungui recalled the process of the assessment battle, and said: "These crew members have a certain foundation, but that's all, not even third-rate. As for the level of training, let's use it first."

Wilson asked a few more details, then became serious, and said, "I roughly understand that these crew members are probably the kind of rookies who don't think they are good at all."

"They shouldn't be too young."

"Then there are more dishes."

When Chu Jungui thought about it, it made sense.

Wilson said: "I think there should be 30 people in the training group, 15 of whom are experts in various combat and tactics, 10 experts in psychology, and 5 experts in torture. After all, some students are not only stupid, but also very stubborn. The most prominent feature is It’s just that they don’t think they are stupid. In this case, the role of guidance is far less than punishment, and a small operation of 3 minutes is enough for them to remember for a lifetime.”

"It makes sense! Bring 10 torture experts!" Chu Jungui made a decision immediately.

In the void, an old-fashioned starship is slowly drifting. When Chu Longtu was sitting in the command cabin, admiring the deep space scenery, a message ruined his good mood.

He read it several times, and then sent the message to everyone in the starship, saying: "Let's put the matter at hand first, and read this."

The one-eyed giant finished watching and said, "It's that little fellow named Xi..."

The old researcher said: "His surname is Louis and his name is Sino. He has been correcting you for 50 years!"

The giant man snorted: "It's up to them how to pronounce the Federation's love. I just like the way of the dynasty. What's the matter? Who made his first character be Xi, so I think his surname is Xi!"

The old researcher was helpless: "Even if you are right, the surname is Sino!"

Chu Longtu interrupted them: "Okay, stop arguing. The little guy said that his subordinates have performed poorly this time, and they will soon accept a group of newcomers. I am worried that they will not be able to suppress the newcomers."

The one-eyed giant sneered, full of murderous intent: "Doesn't this mean that we didn't train well last time? Or, let's go and practice for him again?"

"You have to practice hard!" the old researcher said slowly, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop several degrees.

At the same time, Hathaway also received a message from Sino. She sighed faintly, waved her hand to summon the man who looked like a sun god, and said, "Go."

Evans smiled and said, "I have no problem, but if I go, won't that guy feel inferior?"

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