God is Coming

Chapter 735 Business Model

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The name of the Louis Family Fleet sounds good, but it is actually a private army with a semi-independent nature. Because of insufficient military spending for a long time, the Louis family fleet has a lot of autonomy and can do many things. In a sense, this is equivalent to a star thief with a noble license.

The most expensive thing in the fleet is actually the people, and what Chu Jungui wants to buy is the starship. This batch of off-the-shelf starships has a high potential for modification, and many of them are very new. To put it bluntly, even if they are bought and dismantled into parts for research, there are many technologies in them that Chu Jungui can't even buy now. .

But Chu Jungui is no longer a test subject who doesn't understand anything. He understands that the reason why this fleet is attractive is because of the name of the Louis family, and with this name, he can do many things. If people like Keith are fired, then the name of Louis must not be used again. After thinking about it, Chu Jungui always felt a little bit at a loss.

Whether you can afford it or not is not a problem. You don't need cash to buy a fleet. Chu Jungui can pay with 1 light-year stock, which is sometimes equivalent to currency when buying large assets.

Evans didn't rush, and waited patiently for Chu Jungui's answer. Anyway, no matter what answer Chu Jungui gave, he would be able to cover everything here, and he could ensure the normal operation of the fleet and allow Xinuo to be the commander for three months safely. As for three months later, what does it matter to him? This is just a job, as long as the immediate work is done well, this is the correct work attitude, and the long-term work does not need to worry about part-time jobs. If the boss chooses to work wisely, it will benefit. If the boss chooses to be unwise, then change the boss.

Chu Jungui repeatedly thought about the pros and cons, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that there were too many variables, and it was difficult to come up with a particularly good solution.

After pondering for a long time, Chu Jungui finally realized that there might not be a perfect solution to this matter, and he could only settle the matter before him first. Maybe the current predicament is the deliberate action of Richard and Lucian, trying to make Sino quit.

Don't think that Sino is sometimes unreliable, but after returning to the Louis family, he has become a nail in the enemy's interior. At least the Louis family will not officially face Light Years, while Richard and Jane will have to deal with Xi Nuo. Nuo's constant provocations and attacks from within will take a lot of energy away.

Therefore, support for Sino is necessary, and now we are looking at how to maximize the benefits. Chu Jungui did not want to contribute to the Louis family in vain.

Chu Jungui reorganized the task list of the family fleet, and roughly came up with an idea, saying: "If the use fee of the mobile base is maintained at the current level, then I don't think it is necessary to use this base anymore. The fleet can Resupply at our mobile base."

Evans was stunned for a moment: "You also have a mobile base?"

The presence or absence of mobile bases is the sign that distinguishes large and small legions, which is why Evans was so surprised.

Unexpectedly, Chu Jungui replied: "No."

Evans felt relieved, and a little funny. This young man clearly has nothing, yet he speaks as if he already has it, which is very similar to Sino. But young people are bound to be vain and impulsive. Evans thinks it is understandable. Chu Jungui looks about his age, so he must not have his own wisdom and maturity. When he thought of this, the light on his body became brighter again.

Just as Evans' mood improved, he heard Chu Jungui say, "...but I can buy one."

You can really blow it... Evans was shocked and felt powerless to complain.

At this time, Chu Jungui continued to say to Xinuo: "Apply to reduce the use fee of the mobile base by half first. If the elders disagree, then this base will not be used. I will buy one or build one and rent it out to you. Personnel rights must be downgraded, at least the right to replace a certain percentage of the crew, and the right to independently determine the salaries of the crew.”

As if you could actually buy it... Evans resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

Sino nodded repeatedly and wrote down one by one. Keith next to him felt bad, especially the last two, which gave him a chill down his spine. He quickly said: "I'm afraid this is not possible. The appointment of crew members has always been decided by the family. As long as they are official crew members in the establishment, even the lowest-level cleaners, they must have the order of the family before they can be appointed or removed."

Chu Jungui said: "I know, so I asked Xinuo to take this right back. If there is no such thing, how can I train you?"

Keith smiled apologetically: "No, really no need! In addition, even if this item is mentioned, I am afraid that the higher-ups will not agree."

"I will agree. They can solve this small matter." Chu Jungui was referring to Evans.

Evans' smile froze. This matter can indeed be resolved if the Winton family intervenes, but the question is why? It's not good for the Winton family, nor for him, Evans, not to mention that Evans knows that Sino doesn't like him. Evans is just good looking, not good tempered.

But being pointed at by Chu Jungui, Evans was too embarrassed to say that there was nothing he could do. If the Winton family didn't have this bit of face, the champion knight wouldn't have driven directly into their base.

Evans gritted his teeth secretly, then nodded with a smile, with excellent demeanor.

Keith had no choice but to say, "If we do this, the Council of Elders will probably cut our funding, and the losses outweigh the gains."

Chu Jungui said: "The Council of Elders still has a budget for fleet renewal and expansion, right? Go ahead and apply for it, send this budget, and we will purchase starships and weapon systems independently."

Sino quickly memorized it.

Keith sighed and said, "Will the elders agree..."

"It's okay, they..." Chu Jungui wanted to point at Evans again, but Evans quickly clarified: "I don't have authorization for this, so I can't solve it!"

Evans came here to solve the current problems for Sino, and not to be Sino's father, just solve the problem, how could it be possible for Sino to reap the benefits?

"Can't it be solved?" Chu Jungui pondered for a moment, then pulled out the star map again, concentrating on it.

Evans was afraid that Chu Jungui would come up with some outlandish ideas, so he hurriedly said, "Actually, the basic problem has been solved, why don't we discuss the training of the crew first."

"Wait a minute, if you don't take the human rights into your hands, the training effect will not be very good." Chu Jungui's meaning is very clear, if he can neither be fired nor his salary cut, what should he do with this person?

Speaking of this, the old people suddenly felt relieved, and Evans looked radiant.

Evans continued with a smile: "You can train as you want. If you don't cooperate well, you will not only be punished, but also very heavy. You can try the method of the recruit company. If anyone dares not cooperate, then Just suppress it on the spot, double the punishment, and keep punishing until you pass. Believe me, no matter who it is, no matter how stubborn his character is, he will never survive a week of scientific punishment."

Evans puts a lot of emphasis on the word science.

Keith broke out in a cold sweat when he heard this, and hurriedly said, "In this case, I'm afraid someone will complain."

"Don't worry, any complaints against me will not be accepted." Evans' smile was as warm as the sun at the moment.

The one-eyed old man also said: "We are good at training rookies, and we are even better at repairing thorns. If any thorn can survive three days, it means that his bones are really hard."

What the one-eyed old man said was hard in the physical sense.

The old researcher added: "We don't know how to deal with complaints, but we know how to deal with people who complain."

Keith began to break out in a cold sweat. The three groups of people became weirder and more difficult to mess with each other. Now only Chu Jungui did not express his opinion... Just as Keith was about to ask, he suddenly realized that Chu Jungui had already expressed his opinion, and his opinion was layoffs and salary cuts!

"The devil!" Keith thought through gritted teeth. Whether it's Evans or the old people, at most it's just corporal punishment. Keith has seen this kind of people a lot. As long as you follow their hair and do what you tell them well, and don't fight against them, then they will really will be nice to you.

But Chu Jungui is different, he rushed to lay off staff and reduce salary at the beginning, this is not at all intended to give people a chance to repent! Keith instinctively felt that this cold-blooded and cruel practice must be resisted, otherwise he might be the first to be laid off, or at least he would be a role model who took the lead in reducing salary.

Thinking of this level, Keith quickly stated: "Don't worry, I will supervise their training, and there will never be any thorns! If there is any, I will pull it out first!"

The old people didn't expect Keith's attitude to be so good, and they were surprised but deeply satisfied. Evans didn't care, and now that the problem was solved, he said, "Fine, I don't have a problem."

At this time, Chu Jungui had just recovered from his contemplation, and said, "Sino, add the third item just now, apply for a special budget, and say that you want to buy two new destroyers, and the fleet will decide how to buy them."

"This...isn't that good?" Sino felt that this request was too much.

"It doesn't matter, report it first, and they will approve the budget in a short time." Chu Jun returned.

Since Chu Jungui said so, although Xinuo didn't understand it, he did it seriously. This time without Keith speaking, even Evans couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "This is indeed too much. Even if the Winton family came forward, they would not make such a request."

Chu Jungui thought about it, and felt that there were no outsiders present, so it was better to explain, so he pulled out the star map. There are more than 20 locations marked on the star map, some are bases, some are routes, and some are directly the names of planets.

Chu Jungui said: "These locations are the mission objectives of the fleet. Although the types of missions assigned are different, there are patrolling resource planetary bases, protecting mobile bases, and ensuring smooth shipping routes. These missions all have a common goal. , It is to ensure the safety of these locations and ensure the smooth output of resources. Don’t forget, this is a dangerous period, and war may break out at any time, and these targets are very close to the front line.”

Chu Jungui turned to Keith and said, "You can use your own way to gently remind the higher-ups that if you accept our plan, then these missions will be successful, and the Louis family will also have a powerful fleet of their own. If you don't accept it, then These missions...are bound to fail."

Evans suddenly realized that this guy wanted to collect protection money!

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