God is Coming

Chapter 736 Bounty

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The atmosphere in the command hall was weird, Sino was thoughtful, Evans and Keith couldn't hide their shock, but the one-eyed old man and the old researcher were full of relief.

As arrogant as Evans is, he has to admit that he underestimated Chu Jungui, and that the protection fee has been paid to the Louis family. Should he be said to be talented or lacking in intelligence?

The Louis family is mainly engaged in industry and finance. The family force is indeed not very high, but they can hire external legions to work for them! The famous legions of the Federation in history, such as the Lancers and the Pirate Flag, have often served as thugs for the Louis family.

Keith said cautiously: "This... I'm afraid it's not very good?"

Chu Jungui pulled out another star map, with more than a dozen targets on it, and said: "This is part of the tasks Lu Xien left for himself. These targets are also very close to the front line, and their output value is very high. If Lu Xien If Elder En refuses to support our proposal, then these tasks of his will also fail."

Keith didn't dare to say anything more, he finally understood that Chu Jungui was still going to face Lucian. Keith put Chu Jungui's meaning in the report in the most tactful way possible, and then submitted it through informal channels.

The next thing is to wait for the news, Chu Jungui will naturally not stay and wait, after leaving the instructor team behind, he will leave by himself in the star stream. The mobile base was due in three weeks, so Sino simply summoned all the red beards to train with the crew.

Evans also left with the champion knight. He was very disappointed that he could not spend the money from the Winton family, and felt that he had not fulfilled his responsibility as a migrant worker.

The old people stayed behind, gearing up, ready to take care of these rookies. Although they are old, but they can ravage thousands of rookies at one time, they still feel a heavy responsibility and must work hard.

With the delivery of Keith's report, there were moderate disturbances in the Presbyterian Church of the Louis family. Fuxi specially summoned several close and related elders to discuss this matter.

"This is a provocation to the Louis family!" An elder was very angry after reading the report.

Foch was very peaceful, saying: "This is not a provocation against Louis, but a provocation against Lucian. To be precise, it should be regarded as a counterattack. He is supporting one Louis to fight another Louis. In this matter , he wants us to remain neutral."

Another elder nodded: "They are actually targeting Jane and Richard, but if you want to deal with Richard, you can't avoid Lucien. The only way to pull Elder Lucien down, or at least deal him a heavy blow, Only then will we have a chance to deal with Richard. The little princess of the Winton family has expert advice behind her, and her shot is to compete for the ultimate move of the fleet commander. And at this sensitive moment, we can’t destroy the relationship with Winton for this little thing. Family ties."

Fuxi said: "The war is about to break out, and now is the time when the Winton family is the strongest. Many of our strategies must be implemented with the cooperation of the Winton family. Hehe, it seems that the little guy has grasped this point. So now , we need to find out whether Chu Jungui's threat has a chance to be realized."

"It's simple, just ask Lu Xien directly?"

"It makes sense..." Fuxi pondered for a moment, and said, "Inform Lucien that we will grant him an additional budget for the purchase of ships, and distribute it to him personally in the form of an interest-free loan, and let him strengthen his control over the frontline bases." patrol and protect."

"Lu Xien is not a fool. He will not understand Chu Jungui's threat. Let's just wait and see the result. If Lu Xien loses, give him what Xinuo wants."

Several elders made a plan in a few words, when suddenly some more messages came. One is that an unknown company suddenly borrowed 5 billion from the bank under the Louis family, and the other is that another company ordered dozens of starship main engines from the factory of the Louis family. These engines are worth 6 billion, enough to equip 15 destroyers .

Although the two companies were both shell companies and registered with unrelated people, the staff of the Louis family were quite experienced, and it was easy to find out that the person behind the two companies was actually Chu Jungui.

The elders were a little dumbfounded, this Chu Jungui planned to use the money from the Louis family to buy equipment from the Louis family and then deal with the members of the Louis family?

The Louis family's hands and eyes are open to the sky, and a series of obvious changes occurred in the assessment battle. It took only one day for the elders to investigate Chu Jungui clearly.

Fuxi thought for a moment, then Fang said: "I can give him a loan, and I can also adjust my schedule. I am free in the morning two days later, so I can see Hathaway."

At this moment in another mobile base, Lucien was furious looking at the messages that came one after another. He slapped the table heavily and said angrily, "Trash, it's all rubbish! This Keith, it's in vain that I'm still so optimistic about him. It’s useless! But if you want to blackmail me, you’re too tender!”

The image of another elder appeared on the console next to Lucian. It seemed that this elder was very familiar with Lucian, and asked directly, "Do you need me to help you hire a fleet?"

Lucien shook his head and said: "The money must be spent on key places. Hiring a fleet is too expensive. We don't know when the other party will attack, nor where they will attack. It is more likely that they are just Bluff and incapacity to act."

The elder said: "I have already checked, Chu Jungui's base is on planet No. 4, and that planet is the black hole of the famous general. No one wants to fight him on the surface of the planet. I don't recommend you to do that either."

Lucien's anger faded, and he said, "Since we don't know where he will attack, let's set a trap and give them a target they have to attack. Also, there is one thing I need your help with."

"Go ahead."

"I found out that Chu Jungui is buying a large number of starship engines and key equipment from the Federation, and his funds are transferred through 1 light-year. You find a way to investigate this company, and it is best to directly destroy it. I will Get a bank to work with you."

"no problem."

After the elder's image disappeared, Lucien switched on another channel, and an old man's image appeared after a while. Lucien saluted and said, "Dear Elder Fabias, long time no see."

The old man smiled and said, "It turned out to be Elder Lucian. Our cooperation last time was very pleasant, and I still remember it vividly."

"There is something I would like to ask for your help. I would like to inform the elders of the Winton family through you that Hathaway's recent actions have touched my bottom line. In this matter, the Winton family has crossed the border. I need a clear explanation and compensation package."

Fabias was startled, paused for a moment, seemed to understand the situation, and then said: "Okay, I will bring the news to you."

Lucien said: "Although the relationship between our two families is not good, if there is a ring of roses, it will not be good for us."

Fabias was noncommittal, and the video was the news.

Lucien thought for a while, and connected to a secret channel again. This time, a burly man appeared, but his whole body was very blurred, and he couldn't see any features. As soon as he appeared, he said in a hoarse voice: "Elder Jin Coin, it's a pleasure to see you again. What's your order this time?"

"I have a very troublesome enemy and need to make him disappear."


Lucien sent it immediately.

The mysterious man flipped through the pages quickly, and said while reading: "Sino? This is simple, and it didn't cost much at first, but now his identity seems to be a little different, and he needs to pay more, unless you can guarantee that the Louis family will not be traced. These few The old man is also the target? Well, there is no information, it is free first, it can be regarded as a bonus service...the last one...Chu Jungui??"

The image of the mysterious man was still for a few minutes, and then reappeared, saying, "This man is a little troublesome, and it may cost a lot of money."

Lucien gritted his teeth and said, "As long as I can kill him, I don't care about money!"

The mysterious man smiled hoarsely, and his voice was unspeakable: "I know that the gold coin elder has never been short of money, but you don't need me to tell you the possible price of this person. Maybe this is a sum of money that you even care about. "

"How much, tell me."

"1 billion, paid in advance."

Lucian pointed his finger and said, "It's already on your account."

The mysterious man checked the account and said, "You really deserve to be the elder of the gold coins! But I still have to explain in advance..."

"Usually you are not so long-winded." Lucien was a little impatient.

"I have a hunch that this person will be very difficult to deal with, so 1 billion is only the first payment, and follow-up will be added depending on the situation."

"You want to blackmail me?"

"My reputation has always been good."

"Then get it done!"

The mysterious man shrugged and said: "I have no problem, but for the sake of years of cooperation, I would like to remind you, don't be blinded by temporary hatred. You need to think again, whether to pay such a big price Really worth it."

"I will think about it."

The image of the mysterious man disappeared, and Lucian threw himself into the seat, feeling a little upset suddenly. He knew very well the cause of everything, and he knew very well that the source of the trouble was Jane. But partnering with Jane could bring huge benefits and inject new blood into the family bank's increasingly bloated organization. How to choose between potential interests and conflict with Chu Jungui, Lu Xien felt that it was not a problem at all.

It's just that a series of recent events made him accidentally see the shortcomings of Richard and Jane, as well as his own weaknesses.

Lucien tapped his finger, and the image of the assessment battle appeared in front of him again. The strange light cruiser was spinning irregularly, constantly throwing death flames on the enemy's head.

"The hit rate is more than 60%...the more you look at it, the less it seems like a coincidence!" Lucian whispered to himself, not so confident in his 30-year military career.

For a moment, between Jane and the huge wealth behind her, and this weird enemy, Lucian was shaken, and some didn't know how to choose.

The stream of stars jumped out of the void, and the familiar blue sun was ahead. As soon as he completed the space jump, Chu Jungui received two messages. The first one was that the loan was approved and would be issued on the same day, but the purpose of the loan was limited and it had to be purchased from a company under the Louis family.

This is a sign of the Louis family's neutrality, and Chu Jungui is not surprised. The second message is more interesting. It is a message sent by the mercenary agency to his identity as a mercenary hunter. It is the latest batch of reward lists. Chu Jungui is on the list, and the reward is as high as 10 million.

Chu Jungui rubbed his eyes to confirm that he did not count wrongly.

"That's not the right number..." The test subject counted a few more times, and began to seriously think about what went wrong.

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