God is Coming

Chapter 737

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The world of mercenaries is a mixture of gray and black, there is no law here, only some ancient unspoken rules and money are recognized. The reward list is also divided into several levels. Basically, those with less than 10 million are considered junior lists, and are generally issued to rookies and low-level mercenaries. Chu Jungui just authenticated his name and paid the registration fee. He hasn't done anything else, so naturally he couldn't receive the intermediate and advanced lists.

The target of the bounty is very random, and it is very likely that you are on the list just because a rich person thinks you are not pleasing to the eye. The amount of bounty will be set according to the difficulty of hunting the target, and it will also affect the mercenaries who accept the task. Chu Jungui's bounty matches everything from appearance to basic information, obviously it was done by someone who knows him well. But the problem is that Chu Jungui is running on both sides of the Dynasty Federation, wandering in deep space every day, and his base camp is on planet 4. Finding him in deep space is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but attacking his base camp on the surface of planet 4, then Just want to turn on hell mode.

Just finding Chu Jungui is so difficult, let alone actually taking him down. Only after the mercenaries have exhausted all their efforts to find Mr. Chu will they truly realize the malice of life.

Chu Jungui has no time to care about the bounty now, the star stream has stopped at the designated place, and a light-year high-speed starship is already waiting there.

Chu Jungui flew into Light Year's own starship, and just as he sat down, the starship flew towards the interior of the galaxy at a terrifying acceleration, as if being kicked by someone. This instantaneous acceleration made Chu Jungui slightly dizzy, and Chu Jungui judged that the instantaneous acceleration had exceeded 100G. This level of acceleration is not something ordinary people can bear, even elite pilots plus top-level flight armor will feel uncomfortable, unless they are pilots at the same level as Sino.

The starship vibrated violently, making terrifying noises, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Chu Jungui felt that something was wrong, so he left his seat and entered the cockpit under tremendous acceleration. Chu Jungui, the two pilots in the cockpit, had the impression that they were the best pilots in the regiment. At this moment, they also seemed very uncomfortable, just gritted their teeth and endured it.

"Slow down." Chu Jungui ordered immediately.

A pilot flipped the switch, and the speed of the starship dropped sharply, but at this time it was approaching sublight speed. The starship turned on the warp drive, entered sublight speed flight, and quickly entered the interior of the galaxy.

Chu Jungui directly connected his consciousness to the main brain of the starship, and he understood what happened after a while. This is a newly built starship whose main purpose is to transport a small number of people into and out of the galaxy. The starship is mainly designed by Li Xinyi, and then the wise man finally refines and finalizes it. This is the problem.

The starship itself is the size of a flying boat, but it is directly equipped with a destroyer engine for high speed. Because of the lack of power adjustment equipment, the wise man simply set the power to off, on, and high. Once the destroyer's engine is turned on, such a small spaceship will naturally be launched from a gun barrel.

A wise man does not have the concept of overload.

However, as soon as this starship was built, it became a tool for ace pilots to compete in their skills, and more than a dozen capable pilots rushed to drive it.

It was just a trivial matter, but Chu Jungui immediately thought of the issue of the light year starship. He purchased all the main and key equipment, and some non-essential equipment can be saved, which formed the simple and rough style of the light year starship, as well as the characteristics of bringing the violent aesthetics to the extreme. The idea behind designing a starship for the test body is to use every ton of mass for attack and defense.

The experience of driving a lightyear starship is not even comparable to driving a tractor, it is simply sitting on a mixer. In the past, except for their own use, they were sold to star thieves. This problem is not particularly prominent. After all, star thieves are fine as long as they are alive, and they dare not ask for extravagant comfort. But now that there was such a potential customer as the Louis family fleet, Chu Jungui had to think more about it.

Thinking of Keith's snow-white fat body, Chu Jungui knew that he would not be able to last three days in the light-year starship. The veteran soldiers of the Louis family were not much better.

The bill for the Louis family's starship fleet also reminded Chu Jungui of something he had neglected for a long time, and that was the issue of the treatment of the Light Year Warriors.

Chu Jungui began to recall the information he had seen.

The salaries of ordinary sailors in the Louis Family Fleet are not high, with an average annual salary of just over one hundred thousand, which is not out of the ordinary for dangerous industries, and this money can buy a 1-square-meter house in the famously expensive Tabby 3 galaxy . But this is only a superficial phenomenon. The real situation is that the cost of various subsidies, food and housing alone exceeds the annual salary, and this does not count the paid vacations and office space provided to them.

All the crew members of the family fleet, even the lowest ones, live in single rooms with a full set of facilities. If they don't like to eat canteens, the rooms also have their own kitchens and custom-made food machines, which can fully show their talents.

Every year, crew members can have one month of paid vacation, and officers can have two months. In addition, it is said to be a dangerous industry, but in fact, the entire fleet has only 9 casualties in the past 10 years, which is less than double digits. Seven of the nine people died in an accident while on vacation, and the other two died of sudden illness. All in all, no one died on the battlefield.

It's not that the family fleet has no battles, they have to fight several times a year, but there is a huge gap between the two sides of the battle, Lucian is fighting star robbers who don't even have light cruisers. And most of the trophies won are converted into benefits and distributed, so the crew can still earn hundreds of thousands of extra income every year.

In contrast, red-bearded star thieves also have to pay salaries, but most of them do not exceed 50,000 a year. They are the real high-risk occupations, the kind that can reimburse half of them in World War I.

After reviewing the information, Chu Jungui felt that if the family fleet is to be successful, the personnel authority must come over, but with Sino's ability, even if there is a little princess behind it, it may not be possible, and it must be used. means.

At the same time, the improvement of the treatment of Light Year Soldiers must also be put on the agenda, otherwise the connection with the Federation and the Dynasty has been opened, and people's hearts will inevitably fluctuate.

Among the people around Chu Jungui, Wilson and Roland, the former officers of the Federation, worked conscientiously and never complained or demanded. The soldiers below were suppressed by the officer corps, and there was no sound. But this is a good thing and a bad thing. Silence does not mean that there is no problem, and it may be waiting for an opportunity to erupt. Although all the light years were subdued by Chu Jungui, obedience is not forever. There used to be a crisis of survival, but now it is obvious that survival is no longer a problem.

After thinking about it, Chu Jungui felt that it was time to provide something to the people of the legion, but this would significantly weaken the strength of Light Year, and also affect the appreciation potential of Light Year.

Before making a final decision, Chu Jungui decided to go to the wise man to see what he had to say. Both wise men and Kaitian are non-human minds, and they often have particularly peculiar ideas.

The high-speed starship stops at the orbital station, and Chu Jungui transfers to the starship specially used to shuttle through the storm clouds to enter the No. 4 planet.

When he came to the new base, what appeared in front of him was a base that was larger than the shadow of doom and No. 2 base combined!

Although the new base is only a frame, the diameter of the foundation has been laid to an astonishing 2,000 meters! You can see how ambitious the wise man is just by looking at the foundation.

In the corner of the new base, a brand new production center has been built. This is an all-round production center with all kinds of equipment in it. It is a small base in miniature. This production center is responsible for all the equipment required for the construction of the production base, in short, it is dedicated to expanding production capacity. Parts of various engineering vehicles, large-scale special equipment and even biochips will be continuously produced from here to speed up the construction of the base.

In terms of energy, a newly built energy center has been erected, which is already filled with power furnaces, but most of them are idle, because they can't absorb that much energy at all. Even so, Chu Jungui saw that the base was charging 50 standard energy capsules at the same time.

These energy capsules will be collected and sent to the outer orbit, and then sold to the 4th Fleet or other forces, and then the empty energy capsules will be purchased or exchanged for refilling.

At this moment, the entire base is full of work beasts, but there are not many humans. Chu Jungui was visiting the base when a strange working beast galloped past him.

That's right, running. This working animal is stranger than ever. It has eight arms and is much longer than other working animals. It looks more like an octopus than a starfish. It has four eyes, evenly distributed around the head, which allows it to work 360 degrees without dead ends, without turning around at all. The most peculiar thing is that it has a large round box on its head, which grows together with the flesh and blood.

The wise man followed Chu Jungui, and immediately introduced after seeing the situation: "This is the eighth generation of working beast, which has been completely improved and upgraded. Its arms and legs are an average of 1.5 meters long, and its standing height is 2 meters. A single arm and leg can lift a ton. Heavy. The main improvement is a breakthrough in human-machine fusion, allowing it to use batteries directly. The battery on its head is specially designed to meet the energy needs of a week of high-intensity work after being fully charged, and can be replaced directly when it is out of power. According to calculations, the efficiency of the 8th generation of working animals is three times that of ordinary working animals. At present, the second batch of the 8th generation in the base has just been released, and it has stabilized. The total number is 90. At present, there are 5,000 working animals in the entire base. It is planned to replace all of them with the 8th generation of working beasts, so that the overall efficiency is equivalent to 11,000 human engineers. After all, human beings still have to eat and sleep, and occasionally have some small emotions."

While listening to the wise man's report, Chu Jungui activated his battle armor, flew high into the sky, and looked around.

In the distance, two huge engineering vehicles are trying to plow a hill, and the double-leaf forest in the distance is collapsing in patches. Hundreds of transport vehicles are going back and forth, transporting and loading and unloading by themselves. It can put hundreds of tons of raw materials into the workstation. There are already three large workstations around the base, which are responsible for refining the raw materials and turning them into raw materials for the next step of refining.

In the corner of the base, nearly a thousand working beasts are climbing up and down, building a terrifying refining furnace. The height of this refining furnace has exceeded 100 meters, but there is still no sign of capping. Chu Jungui retrieved its data and found that the final height would reach 210 meters!

This giant refining furnace will be used to produce basic metals and building materials, and can refine 21,000 tons of raw materials at one time.

This is the first time that Chu Jungui has a refining furnace that can process 10,000 tons of raw materials at a time. The behemoth that is being built at a high speed finally has a rudimentary form of a large industry.

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