God is Coming

Chapter 738 Why is it unnecessary?

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After viewing the new base, Chu Jungui returned to the orbital station and saw Li Xinyi in the rest area. The girl was wearing a comfortable suit, her hair was pulled back casually, she was wearing a pair of glasses with blue light, and she was holding a drink cup with a straw in her mouth. Standing in front of the projection of the operation terminal, she was concentrating on it. The data on the screen in front of her was jumping rapidly, and it seemed that conscious operation alone was not enough, and sometimes two little paws had to be used.

The frequency of the girl's movements is also extraordinary now, after all, she has the child body of Kaitian on her body, and completing dozens of operations in a second is considered a daily skill.

Chu Junhui came behind her, without interrupting, but quietly looked at the screen. The data on the screen jumped into one piece, but it was completely distinguishable to Chu Jungui.

The girl is modifying the design of the starship. In the center of the screen is a new batch of destroyers to be built, and in the corner is the design drawing waiting for further processing and optimization.

There will be an optimization every four new starships. Although the girl is a genius, she is still alone after all. Even if she alone can handle three or four senior starship designers, the amount of work she can complete is still limited. The design process has been optimized to the greatest extent, but there are only more than one hundred starship designers in Light Years, and most of them are maintenance engineers who have become monks and changed careers halfway through.

Fortunately, the light year starship has brought minimalism to the extreme, and can use off-the-shelf modules to complete the original design. Even so, the first starship built was like a completely undecorated rough house, with no other functions except for fighting.

Light Year's current orbital station can start construction on four rough starships at the same time, so the optimization of the girl is also a batch of four, and each batch is bolded and enlarged, and some new functions are added. At this time, a design drawing in the corner caught Chu Jungui's attention, and with a flick of his consciousness, he transferred the design drawing into his own consciousness.

This is a half-revised design of a starship. It is the huge starship that scared Wei Dong away. This starship has just built a skeleton and installed the main gun system. Why did you start modifying it again?

Only then did the girl discover Chu Jungui's existence, and turned around to call her brother-in-law vaguely.

Chu Jungui put out the half-revised design of the starship and asked, "Are you modifying this?"

"Well, there are some problems with the original design. I just made up a starship design course, and now I have some new ideas, so I fine-tuned it."

The problem is, Chu Jungui does not remember what the original design looks like.

This starship was named Hercules, and it was originally compared to the heavy cruiser, but only its firepower and defense surpassed the heavy cruiser, and other aspects were greatly reduced according to the light-year tradition. Therefore, regardless of the bow, it is already more than 200 meters, but the original design of the whole ship is less than 600 meters.

After the entire ship is completed according to the design, the estimated combat power is about 11,000, which has reached the passing line of the heavy cruiser. If subdivided, the firepower is 18,000, the defense is 12,000, and the shield defense is 9,000, but the power is only 8,000, which fails, and other aspects do not exceed 5,000.

Regardless of the federation or the dynasty, there is a very important item in the starship combat power evaluation system, self-sustaining power. Self-sustainability refers to the time it can maintain a certain combat power without supplies or only with ammunition replenishment. In self-sustainability, there is a sub-item with considerable weight: crew living standards.

On this one, Hercules scored 50.

The passing score for the heavy cruiser is not 100, but 10,000.

It is precisely because of the tragic performance of breaking a thousand in self-sustaining power that the final evaluation of Hercules is only 11,000. Of course, if Chu Jungui drives it himself, the extremely violent Hercules can blow up any opponent with the same rating.

This is the original Hercules, only a tiny shadow can be seen in the revised blueprint. The modified Captain Hercules directly doubled to an astonishing 1200 meters! This figure surpasses almost all known heavy cruisers, and the overall shape maintains a short and thick shape, so the diameter of the hull has reached 200 meters.

This is an unprecedented behemoth, and naturally it must have tusks worthy of its size. The girl directly doubled the number of beam cannons, and the power of the main guns soared to three times that of ordinary heavy cruisers, which is also an unmatched number among heavy cruisers.

However, due to the backwardness of the Alpha cannon, the consequence of the increase in the main cannon is that the energy compartments used for energy storage also increase accordingly, and the increase is three times the original number. A large number of energy chambers require more power furnaces to shorten the charging time and increase combat power. As a result, the proportion of space occupied by the entire main gun system has not dropped at all.

However, the huge hull's demand for power increases geometrically, regardless of the number of engines, power output control, or corresponding energy supply systems.

In the end, the girl further improved the armor level of the entire ship, and the shield remained as it was. The reason is also very simple, Light Year's survival grade armor materials are leading in both Dynasty and Federation, but the shield generator is two full generations behind. Therefore, it is most efficient to increase defense by increasing armor.

Although the design drawing is only half completed, the final appearance of the finished body can already be vaguely seen. In an inconspicuous little corner of the massive notes on the design drawing, there is an evaluation target for the final completed body: 24,000.

This seems to be a number with special meaning, but Chu Jungui still doesn't know why the girl set such a goal.

In addition, the living standard of the crew in the new design has finally been greatly improved, which is 10 times higher than the original version.

In fact, with the current production capacity of Light Years, it is already very difficult to build the original version of Hercules, and the new version has so many changes that it can be called Big-Hercules. I don't know if the girl will change it to a super Hercules, or even a real Hercules if she continues to modify it.

Looking at the new design drawing, and thinking about the new base built by the wise men, and the terrifying huge refining furnace in the new base, Chu Jungui suddenly had an indescribably strange feeling, feeling that the entire light-year style of painting seemed a bit Not right.

The girl has been filling in, correcting and modifying the design drawings of the destroyer, as if she has no time to care about Chu Jungui. While revising, she kept splitting out detailed tasks and sending them to different researchers and engineers. The girl was like a humanoid mastermind, running at high speed and bursting out genius inspiration from time to time.

With her modification, the estimated combat power of the destroyer is also rising. Although the increase is only 3.5 points, the victories continue, and the total combat power value has exceeded 5500, and it is still rising. You know, the living standard of the crew of this destroyer is only 35 points.

This is a bit scary. If the life of the crew is deducted, the combat power of the entire ship will exceed 6,000, and the dawn of approaching light cruisers has already been seen. At the same time, the cost of this starship is only one-third of that of its peers.

These destroyers are all Light Year's own models, and they will basically never leave the N77 star field, so the crew's living conditions are a little bit more tolerable, and as long as the battle is won, no one will complain. This is not the case for the version sold to the outside world. A lot of space has been vacated to accommodate the crew quarters. These spaces are occupied by the power cabin and energy cabin. If there is not enough power, the main gun will have to shrink, and the shields will have to be decorated less.

Therefore, when the crew life score of Lightyear’s external version reaches 4000, the overall combat power is slightly less than 5000. It’s just that Lightyear sells the destroyer at the price of a high-end frigate, which is very popular among star thieves.

Chu Jungui watched silently for an hour, but Li Xinyi still had no intention of stopping. During this time, the combat power of the new destroyers had increased by 10 points. Chu Jungui couldn't wait any longer, he cleared his throat and asked, "How did Hercules change into that?"

"What's wrong?" the girl asked without raising her head.

"It's not bad, it's just that the workload is too great, and the construction period can't be evaluated."

The girl said casually: "It's okay, the wise man has already fattened up and can harvest another crop. If there are enough working beasts, the construction period will be greatly shortened."

"What?" Chu Jungui didn't understand.

The girl said: "Le Mans has found a more effective formula, which can make the wise man grow faster, so that more offspring can be separated. Now it can be harvested every three days. And I updated the wise man's algorithm, He can control more daughters at the same time through the new algorithm. Well, let me see his current control limit... is 15,000. There is still a lot of room for improvement in the new algorithm. If it is not enough, there is still Kaitian ?"

Kai Tian was startled by the disaster, and hurriedly said: "I am different from the wise man! Our evolution direction is completely different, and even the food we eat is different! I can't harvest it, Queen!"

The girl finally turned her head, put on a pair of special glasses and looked at Kai Tian for a while, seeing it flickering and flickering, making her heart skip a beat.

After watching for a while, the girl said: "Sure enough, your evolutionary level is much behind that of the wise, and you are almost a big stage behind. You don't leave for the next period of time, I will ask Le Mans to give you more feed, no, Food, make sure you grow as fast as a wise man."

Kai Tian was even more panicked when he heard it, stuffing and fattening, why does it sound so familiar? What about after gaining weight? Just look at what happens to the wise.

Kai Tian hurriedly mobilized his intelligence, and finally came up with a reason: "My evolutionary direction is a single superintelligence, which is different from the distributed intelligence of a wise man. Only in this way can I help the master and the queen to the maximum extent!"

The girl was unmoved, and said, "Is it smarter? It's simple. I'll just update the algorithm for you. In the future, if you think according to the new algorithm, the efficiency will increase by orders of magnitude."

Kai Tian was so frightened that he didn't know what to say, all his eyes disappeared in his body, not to mention its new image that conforms to the aesthetics of advanced wisdom. In his opinion, thinking according to an algorithm is more terrifying than segmentation. Does that mean that there will be no freedom of thinking in the future?

Even the lower beings with two legs have an old saying, give me freedom or give me death. As a top life form, Kai Tian couldn't be worse than a human being.

Chu Jungui felt Kaitian's panic, quickly changed the topic, and asked: "Isn't the original design of Hercules pretty good? A little optimization is enough, there is no need to make such a big change, right?"

"Is necessary."

"To be honest, I didn't see it."

The girl gave Chu Jungui a blank look, and said angrily: "Why is it unnecessary? I heard that someone borrowed a champion knight for you to play with, and it looks like it's so amazing! I'll build a better ship than hers for everyone to see." look!"

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