God is Coming

Chapter 739 Locusts

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Hercules' plan was ultimately based on the girl's opinion, and Chu Jungui did not insist on his own opinion.

In order to build this gigantic thousand-meter ship, there is still a huge gap in production capacity. Various materials and raw materials are measured in at least one million tons, and there is also a huge demand for outsourcing. According to Chu Jungui's forecast, the construction period is at least 15 years.

However, the construction period is only judged according to the current production capacity of Light Year. When the wise man and Kaitian create a working beast and the other creates a half-life engineering machine, the production capacity potential of Light Year can no longer be measured by human standards. .

Both the wise men and Kai Tian have infinite possibilities, and the girl has a crazy idea to capture more fog tribes. She concluded that there are still many Mist tribes hidden on this planet, and there may even be more Mist tribes existing in the form of embryos, just like Kaitian back then. As long as these fog tribes are found, the problem of production capacity will be easily solved.

Of course there are difficulties. Brother Dao is nowhere to be found, and the beast tide has also stopped. It is very difficult to find the lair of the Mist Clan on planet 4. But the girl was full of confidence and proposed two options.

One is to build more and bigger engineering vehicles at a big deal, and I don’t mind a few hundred meters. First, I just cut off the surface of the planet and dig the ground for 300 meters! If the Wuzu can't be found even by modifying the planet, then go one step further and find a way to blow up the planet.

The second plan is to use fog to make fog, let the wise man and Kaitian also form their own beast tide, with the support of Le Mans, a genius who doesn't know what he is thinking in his brain, the light-year beast tide will definitely make Dao understand What is the real beast tide. Le Mans even has the basic plans for several Beasts ready.

Since the wise man developed the 8th generation of working beasts, the combination of beasts and machines has basically matured, and a brand new vast world suddenly appeared in front of Le Mans, and all the shackles that bound this greasy bald man were broken.

Now that the energy can be supplied by batteries, the feeding and digestive systems of all war beasts can be removed, and the extra space can be used as you like. If you want, you can add skeletal, muscular, and scale armor to strengthen offensive and defensive and athletic capabilities. It's all muscle, and it can run for a few days without eating or drinking after plugging in a battery. Just think about how terrifying it is.

You can also use these spaces to make a four-legged or even multi-legged transport animal, which is not less efficient than an engineering vehicle, and can do things that an engineering vehicle cannot do, such as climbing trees.

Kaitian disagrees with this point, so it has been secretly researching engineering vehicles that can climb trees.

As for those one-off war beasts, they were already on the fringes, and Le Mans just drew a sketch and threw it aside. For example, a jet flying beast with a belly filled with bio-mass explosives is completely an upgraded version of a living missile. If the biological explosives are taken out and one or two needle-type missile warheads are inserted instead, it will be an intelligent and self-seeking anti-aircraft missile.

On planet No. 4, the needle-type missile cannot be intercepted autonomously, and can only be launched to a designated position to explode by preset coordinates, which is equivalent to manual operation.

All in all, unless Brother Dao goes to the sky, gets into the center of the earth or into the storm clouds, sooner or later his words will be revealed.

The girl even contemplates making plans to explore the storm clouds.

Chu Jungui suddenly thought of the huge shadow hovering in the storm clouds, and was startled. Although the girl is a genius, a genius always likes to crazily explore on the verge of death. There seems to be signs of this at Le Mans lately.

All in all, during the period of Chu Jungui's absence, Guangnian's four brains showed signs of barbaric growth. The wise man and Kaitian were not human beings, and their thinking was not restricted by human beings. Li Xinyi and Le Mans also have a tendency to transform into non-human beings, and they have the tendency to come from behind.

Chu Jungui was secretly startled, but fortunately he had the overall situation in his own hands, so that he would not let Guangnian run wildly on the road of inhumanity.

From the top to the bottom of the entire light year, it seems that Li Ruobai is a little more normal. But before Chu Jun returned to look for him, Li Ruobai hurried over by himself.

"Jungui! I heard that someone gave you a Star Stream?!" Li Ruobai asked excitedly as soon as they met. The ears of the girl next to her suddenly perked up.

"I just borrowed it from me temporarily, and I will return it soon." Chu Jungui instinctively felt that something was wrong, so he quickly explained.

"That's amazing, I can't even borrow it! Hurry up and take me up there to have a look!" Li Ruobai looked excited.

Chu Jungui always felt that something was wrong, "It's fine to show you, but do you like this?"

Li Ruobai gave him a blank look, and said: "You don't understand again. Star Stream not only represents the top luxury, but also represents the trend of art, as well as the perfect combination of avant-garde and conservative design concepts. Now there is an opportunity to go up, naturally do not miss it."

"Okay, let's go there."

"Wait, I'll go too." Li Xinyi said suddenly.

"This...no problem." For some reason, Chu Jungui suddenly felt guilty.

The girl jumped up from her seat, opened the closet next to her, and quickly dragged out a large suitcase in her hand.

"What's this?"


Chu Jungui had a bad premonition, but Li Ruobai added fuel to the fire: "Why didn't I think of it? In this case, we have to call Le Mans and the others."

The girl's eyes lit up: "Yes, they disassemble professionally!"

Li Xinyi looked at Chu Jungui with provocative eyes, as if waiting for him to object. Unexpectedly, Chu Jungui just smiled bitterly, and then nodded.

Chu Jungui secretly checked the stock price of 1 Light Year, and he could only comfort himself like this: "Forget it, even if it is demolished, it's nothing, I can afford it..."

However, he conveniently checked the price of Xingliu, and instantly became less calm.

A moment later, a large team of hundreds of people boarded the star stream waiting in outer space in two transport ships. As soon as Xingliu's crew opened the hatch, they saw a large group of people rushing in, all wearing overalls and carrying tool boxes.

The sudden scene made the crew almost say "we don't need to repair it", but the strict training allowed her to keep smiling and treat the influx of locusts with the most perfect posture.

As soon as this group of people came in, they looked around, and some directly opened it. They didn't even spare the reception hall full of artistic flavor, moved the sofa away, and even turned up several famous paintings to look at the back.

The crew members were at a loss, and the captain found Chu Jungui immediately. Chu Jungui couldn't say anything at this time, he could only say that any damage would be compensated according to the price.

Unexpectedly, the captain said: "Mr. Chu, you misunderstood. If there is any loss of this starship, the Winton family will be responsible for it, and you don't need to bear any responsibility. The reason I came to you is just to confirm whether they are you. friends."

You don't have to pay for it if it's broken? Chu Jungui felt even more uneasy.

The captain immediately gave orders to the crew, asking them to cooperate with all dismantling operations. If the other party can't find a place to start, they must carefully guide and explain.

But even the test subjects know a truth, there is no free lunch in the world. If it is really going to be dismantled like this, the favor will be too great.

Fortunately, all of Guangnian's engineers are highly skilled, and Li Xinyi's on-site guidance is there. In fact, even Li Xinyi doesn't know that there are wise men and Kaitian who can cheat. As long as there is a gap, they can get in and make the structure clear.

The dismantling went on for half an hour, and the crew also changed from initial panic to calmness. These people disassemble the starship very professionally. Every dismantled device and part will be numbered, scanned, and then placed in a special area by category. Extra care was taken when moving the artwork, leaving no scratches or stains.

Half an hour later, Li Xinyi gave an order, and the engineers began to put it back together. The process of putting it back together was a bit slower than dismantling it, and there were a few small mistakes. However, under the guidance of Li Xinyi, and the crew members were there to help, the problem was quickly resolved, and finally all the restoration work was completed within an hour. .

The star stream is like new, as if the locusts have never been here.

At this time Li Ruobai asked the girl in a low voice: "Have you got the maintenance manual?"

The girl said: "Of course! I made a few small faults at random, so they obediently handed over the maintenance manual. What about you, have you got it?"

"It's a little troublesome, but 80% of the basic structure has been scanned, and the internal layout and decoration style have also been recorded. If we want to build a starship-style starship in the future, at least we have the starting foundation."

"Very well, go back and talk."

Neither the girl nor Li Ruobai avoided Chu Jungui, so Chu Jungui could only smile helplessly.

The carnival of dismantling was finally completed, the girl was not interested in the starship, Li Ruobai didn't stay any longer, and everyone returned to the base in a mighty manner.

As soon as he arrived at the base, Li Ruobai plunged into his office and began to immerse himself in revising the presentation materials. Under his signal, Chu Jungui also followed up the office, and saw that the export version of the starship that Light Year sold to Star Pirates appeared on the screen in front of Li Ruobai.

Li Ruobai directly began to modify the picture: "This needs to be changed a bit, here needs to be greatly changed, and here, here and here..."

In the blink of an eye, the starship on the screen was completely changed beyond recognition, and the appearance of the light-year starship could not be seen at all, but it was a little more like a star stream.

What finally appeared on the screen was a starship with an epoch-making dreamy atmosphere, but with a bit of industrial style. Even Chu Jungui had to admit that this starship was indeed very beautiful.

Li Ruobai modified a few more details before he was satisfied, and said, "How about it, doesn't the starship I modified look good?"

"You...revised it?"

The girl modified Hercules, and what she changed was the blueprint. Li Ruobai modified the light year starship, what he repaired was a picture, without the word 'design', what he did was a painter's work.

"Yes, how is it? Does it look good?" Li Ruobai asked.

"It's not bad, but our starship is not like this..."

"Just look good! By the way, when you go to the Federation, I'll give you a ride along the way."

"I shouldn't be going back these few days. Xingliu will return to the Federation by himself tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? That's fine, let's go to the Federation together!"

Chu Jungui was puzzled: "What are you going to do?"

"Sell starships!" Li Ruobai raised the painting in his hand.

"Isn't this the right time? The war will start at any time."

"Wars will always start, so it's convenient for us to sell starships. You should familiarize yourself with these materials first." Li Ruobai couldn't bear to say, and directly stuffed a bunch of materials for Chu Jungui.

At this moment, in the distant red ocean, Kun looked at the graceful figure of Xingliu in front of him, and rarely showed a struggle. He clenched his teeth and paused several times in the air before clicking.

The picture changed, Kun's hand suddenly shook, and the wine glass in his hand almost fell to the ground. He managed to gather his composure, and then saw a name in front of the long string of numbers: basic framework fee.

In other words, the money can only buy a frame, if you want a real star, there is also a hopelessly long optional list below.

Instead, Kun calmed down, turned off the screen, searched for all the money left in his account, and bought another 12,300 shares of 1 Light Year.

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