God is Coming

Chapter 740 New Paris

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The star stream leaps out of the void, and in front of it is a blazing sun with 4 planets. Among these 4 planets, there are actually two beautiful habitable stars, one blue and one purple.

Dreamland Gemini is the most famous financial center and tourist destination in the Federation, less than 10 light-years away from the red ocean. The two twin stars are both habitable stars with unique and beautiful landscapes. Among them, the blue planet is famous for its environment similar to the parent star, and is known as the pearl in the crown of the Federation.

The stream approached the blue planet, then slowed down and docked in a private orbital station. The orbital station is ready for the shuttle spacecraft to enter the planet.

Li Ruobai and Chu Jungui walked out of the star stream and entered the shuttle spaceship. Along the way, Li Ruobai did not forget his last advice: "I have already arranged everything, and you must remember those precautions, so you can't mess it up."

Chu Jungui nodded, and then said, "I don't think it's necessary."

"It is necessary! Just do as I say, and you can go back after a set of procedures is completed, and you can fight however you want at that time."

"All right."

Li Ruobai was still a little worried, and said: "We went to Dream Gemini this time to turn 1 Light Year from a simple concept into a reality, so that people can see something in real life. Only in this way can we sell things to those old brands. This is a pre-set threshold. Later, we will first look at the office space, then select employees, and then hold the starship conference tomorrow."

The shuttle spacecraft entered the planet and docked in a huge star port.

This is New Paris, the largest city in Gemini Blue Star, with a population of more than 50 million people, and 20 of the top 100 large companies in the federation have their headquarters here. This city has built a huge dome covering the entire city. It has a wide coverage, many functions, and is well-made. It is a display of the most cutting-edge technology of the Federation. The dome can simulate any weather effect, and people here can always enjoy different scenery no matter night or day.

The hatch of the shuttle spacecraft opened, and there was a deep passage outside. Two beautiful girls in uniforms and four handsome waiters in formal attire were already waiting outside.

The beautiful girl in the lead bowed deeply, and said softly: "Welcome to New Paris, we are your exclusive receptionist, responsible for sending you to the hotel safely, and you can directly order any needs during the whole process."

Four male waiters were in charge of carrying the luggage, and Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai followed the girl leading them up the aisle. The passage is deep and quiet, the top is tens of meters high, the soft light only illuminates a small area below, and the top of the passage turns into a vast starry sky. Walking in the passage is like walking under the huge cliff of future time and space, and you can only see a line of stars above your head.

There was no one else in the entire passage, and the 100-meter-long passage itself was a pretty sight. The guiding girl introduced: "This is the exclusive channel for VIPs, and no one else will show up."

At the end of the passage, there is directly the VIP exit of Xinggang, and several speed cars are already waiting at the exit. The entire fleet includes two guest cars, four entourage and luggage carts, and a large luggage cart. But Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai didn't bring anything with them, and they didn't have any followers, so most of the vehicles were useless. But the fleet is hired as a whole and pays that much no matter how much stuff is brought.

The motorcade soon arrived at the reserved hotel, and Li Ruobai naturally chose the best room in the best hotel. The living room has a fully transparent dome, allowing you to directly enjoy the beautiful scenery of the city and the invincible night. There are 3 bedrooms in the room, a separate library and dining room, a dressing room for armor, and even a small room for the servants.

Chu Jungui actually didn’t care about the environment, but he knew that other people would, so he stayed at the best melting mountain hotel when he was in the Red Ocean. The room fee as high as 110,000 still made the test subject's heart skip a beat.

In fact, the room rate here is not much more expensive than the Melting Mountain Hotel, but Chu Jungui's mood is completely different. When he was in the Red Ocean, Chu Jungui knew that the most high-end hotel is the standard for financial professionals, and it is also a must-have for big liars. The most successful liars in history have long since become today's legends, and their descendants have also gone ashore through generations of hard work, and began to brainwash young people, talking about struggle, loyalty and dedication.

At that time, Mr. Chu had nothing to return, so the Rongshan Hotel was regarded as a bargaining chip for gambling. If you don’t place a bet, you have no chance to win money, and it doesn’t hurt you to stay there.

Now that everything is on the right track, the rent has become the cost of investment, and as much as it is spent, it will be earned back in the future, the test subject is naturally heartbroken.

Just after settling down, the exclusive butler knocked on the door and came in, saying: "Dear Mr. Chu, the guests you reserved have arrived. I have arranged for them to wait in the meeting room. In addition, this Ms. Kate has registered in advance, so I will send her Bring it here directly. She is waiting for you in the living room."

Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai entered the living room, and there was already a beautiful woman with a perfect figure sitting in it. Her facial features are sharp and intellectual, her clothes are simple and decent, and her whole body exudes a capable elite style.

Seeing Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai, she shook hands with them respectively, and then said: "I am Kate, a senior partner of Boston Star Consulting, and you can also call me Kai. I am very happy to have the opportunity to represent such an outstanding It is a unique company to form a local team. Mr. Li has already told us the requirements in advance, and we have selected some suitable candidates in the shortest possible time, and we believe that they are qualified for the work of 1 light-year.”

"There are a total of 13 people who came to interview this time, all of whom graduated from the top three colleges of the Federation and the Dynasty. Only one person is from the Community, but she graduated from the Chaos Business School, which has been ranked number one in the Community for many years. Next, she will be the first to interview , the position is the special assistant to the chairman."

Chu Jungui didn't think he needed an assistant, and no assistant was as useful as Kaitian.

Kate leaves the room, and a moment later brings in a striking young woman. She has short light brown hair, half of which is braided neatly and hangs behind her head, and the other side has short hair that falls naturally. In addition to her hairstyle, her face also revealed a wildness, and her dark skin was as delicate as a pearl. The most eye-catching feature is that there is a metal band on the side of her neck, shining with a dark silver light.

Noticing Chu Jungui's gaze, the woman said, "My name is Evelyn. This is my body transformation, mainly to strengthen the spine and nerve response speed. Human body transformation is very popular in the community, but I didn't plan to do it at first. It’s just that I was injured once on the battlefield and was pierced through the neck, so I made a reinforcement. As for the exposed part, I think it is very sexy.”

Li Ruobai seemed a little surprised, and said, "You said you were injured on the battlefield, and then you entered the academy that ranks first in the community?"

"Yes, I took the test after I completed the strengthening operation. But I just strengthened my physical function. I don't need a chip to pass the Chaos test. My own brain is enough."

At this time, Kate said next to her: "Evelyn has a top-level smart brain. Indeed, as she said, the courses of the Chaos Business School did not pose any challenge to her. She only took half the time of others to get the top 10." % grades. And during the holidays, she has a wealth of internship experience, leaving a perfect resume in the Border Guard, Star Thieves and the second largest gang in the community. She is an alternative and unique talent, a perfect fit for a light-year needs."

Evelyn glanced at Chu Jungui and said, "Are you the chairman? If you hire me, you won't need a bodyguard."

Li Ruobai was stunned, Chu Jungui didn't respond, but Kai Tian couldn't stand it anymore, and cried out in Chu Jungui's consciousness: "I can't stand it anymore, I really can't stand it anymore. If you let this arrogant and ignorant female follow you I would rather choose guinea fowl!"

At this time, Kate showed a strong psychological quality and super adaptability, and said with a smile: "Evelyn's personality also perfectly fits the culture of 1 Light Years. A strong and beautiful assistant has always been a source of topic, and can provide additional 1 Light Year has brought a lot of attention. Besides, Evelyn keeps her promises, she is a person with a perfect credit record..."

Evelyn doesn't move much, and her body hardly shakes when she stands there, which shows that she controls her body very well. Chu Jungui judged that her fighting skill is around 6.5, which is already quite a remarkable level. If Li Ruobai hadn't opened the Tianzi body, he really couldn't beat her.

Chu Jungui suddenly remembered the 10 million reward on his head, and said in his heart, "Very good, it must be her!"

"Uh..." Kate originally planned to make a long introduction, and there was actually another candidate behind, but Chu Jungui made a decision directly, and immediately blocked all her subsequent words.

Evelyn smiled slightly, bowed to Chu Jungui and made an exaggerated salute, showing the magnificent scenery on her chest for a moment, and then left the room.

Li Ruobai looked at her powerful back and said meaningfully: "Jun Gui, don't make mistakes!"

Chu Jungui ignored him and said directly: "Next."

The second interviewee was a man in his early thirties, who was handsome, mature, clean, elite, and tasteful. This man named Clarkson is actually 50 years old. He has been working for Forest Foods and has launched a series of quite successful products, such as the food maker that Chu Jungui first used when he woke up in the space research station, and the first time in the forest. High-energy food in a survival kit in Planetfall.

It is no exaggeration to say that this Clarkson has successfully disgusted a generation of people with rich styles and unchanging taste.

Clarkson came prepared, prepared a complete plan, and planned two completely different and complementary product routes for 1 Light Year, and planned to launch a series of high-quality, low-cost products to promote the target market in an all-round way. These products are all sold with personalized customization, but all of them are superficial personalization, and the inner things remain unchanged. Just like the burgers or fried chicken produced by Forest Foods, they all taste the same.

The core of Clarkson is that no matter how personalized the product is, as long as customers use it, they will immediately know that it is light years away.

This is very forest food... Chu Jungui thought to himself, and then said to Kate: "This person stays."

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