God is Coming

Chapter 741 Decoration

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After spending a whole morning, Chu Jungui interviewed all the people. It has to be said that Kate is very professional, and has almost built the entire management team. Each candidate has its own characteristics, either with personality or resume, and almost all of them are retained. The reason why one was fired is because Kate deliberately left redundancy. If all of them were left behind, wouldn't it appear that the boss had no idea?

After all the interviews, it was lunch time. It is a tradition for high-end people in the Federation to hold a meeting at lunch time. They can talk about things without delaying eating, and they can also impress themselves by the way.

Lunch time is considered business time. Kate prepared a guest list of seven people for Chu Jungui, all of whom are well-known local business people. Of course, they are all related to 1 Light Year's business.

The lunch will be held in the hotel. Chu Jungui's room has a special small restaurant. As for the dishes, there is no need to worry about them.

The atmosphere at the dining table was very lively, and everyone inadvertently boasted about themselves, and even more of each other. Everyone speaks concisely and powerfully, straight to the point. A joke that can be told in three sentences never needs five sentences. After all, time is limited, and everyone has to give others time to express themselves.

The one-hour lunch ended on time, and Chu Jungui didn't feel like he had gained much except for remembering a bunch of messy people and things. And after the whole meal, he only ate 2% full. After all, everyone was talking, and each dish basically only took one bite. Everyone regarded weight loss as a daily life, so Chu Jungui felt embarrassed to eat more . But if all the dishes are swept away, Chu Jungui can actually eat 5%.

It was difficult for the test subject to understand why it took so much effort to put a bunch of low-calorie things on the table, just for the sake of looking good?

The key project after lunch is to visit the new building of 1 light year. The only harvest from the luncheon was that Chu Jungui finalized the contract for the new office building on the spot.

After lunch, the flying car took Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai to the new office building.

The new office building is located on the edge of the city, and you can see the arc-shaped landing dome from a distance. In front of the 500-meter-high building are low-density buildings and a large forest, with an excellent view. This is not considered the most expensive location in the city, it can only be regarded as second-class, but it is quite in line with the current positioning of 1 Light Year. The best place is the lakeside area in the north of the city, which is all occupied by the headquarters of the top 100 companies, and the current light years are not enough.

This building alone cost Chu Jungui 11 billion. With this money, a dozen destroyers could be built. This price made Chu Jungui hesitate a lot when making a move, but he was finally convinced by the historical data. Properties in the core area of ​​the core planet’s core city rarely lose money no matter what the current price is. Now that the war is about to start, the price of the property has dropped to a very low level, and there is a high probability of returning to its original position after the war.

This is not the only reason. Another reason is that by summarizing the experience of some famous people in the history of the Federation who went from liars to legends, Chu Jungui found that a famous property will always be a turning point in their careers. Of course, it may be good or bad. , but most successful companies will build a landmark building of their own. The building is not only an asset, but also a financial instrument.

The payment of the building payment can be delayed to 6 months later, and Chu Jungui can completely raise a sum of money from the market to pay the building payment by issuing additional shares during this period. When the purchase is completed, Mr. Chu can mortgage the building and get another loan. The mortgage rate of this kind of high-quality property is quite high. If you operate it well, you can even get a loan at 90% of the market price. In this way, Chu Jungui's financial pressure in a short period of time is actually not too great.

Chu Jungui's office is naturally on the top floor. In the new decoration design plan, half of the floor is divided into the chairman's office, and the other half of the floor is the office and meeting room of other directors. Chu Jungui's room faces the dome area with the best view, and you can see the 180-degree view from the whole room.

In addition, the top floor has been specially designed, and some areas have a floor height of 25 meters, so the operator built a waterfall here...

Ten floors below the dozens of floors are vacant, and the lower part of the lower area is leased to other companies. Kate's suggestion is to wait for the business of 1 Light Year to gradually expand, and then slowly liquidate these small companies.

After looking around the building, Chu Jungui returned to the top floor and stood in front of the 15-meter-high floor-to-ceiling windows looking at the glazed dome in the distance.

Such a magnificent scenery is just suitable for expressing some emotion. Chu Jungui brewed his emotions for a while, but nothing came out after that.

At this time, the metaphysics component finally found an opportunity to jump out, and said, "I think this building has bad feng shui..."

Chu Jungui immediately cut off its energy source.

Kate was unaware of the encounter with the metaphysical components, and asked: "It will take a little time to customize the office. We have prepared three prefabricated schemes for you to choose from, namely classical, renaissance and surreal minimalist themes. You see Which style do you like? Or if you have other preferences, our designers can come to communicate with you and re-design the plan.”

Chu Jungui pondered for a moment and said, "Do we have a board of directors?"

Li Ruobai was startled, and said, "Of course there is a board of directors, every listed company has one."

"Who are our directors? I don't seem to have seen them much."

Li Ruobai smiled and said: "Your family is the only one, and the rest of the shares are in the hands of acquaintances. Those directors are all professional directors sent by the Winton family. Their role is to sign and agree. Several independent directors are similar, so of course you Not impressed with them."

Chu Jungui thought the same way, basically he and Kaitian did all the work that the board of directors had to do, and all the directors were summoned to sign after the matter was decided.

Thinking of this, Chu Jungui said: "Since I don't have any impression of them, then remove all the director's offices on this floor and open up the entire floor. This waterfall should not be one-sided, but a vertical waterfall."

"Get through..." Kate thought of the huge space of 4,000 square meters on the first floor, and her breathing was interrupted in an instant. However, she is a professional after all, and she immediately burst into a smile that was so enthusiastic that she was about to shine, and praised: "It's really bold!"

Chu Jungui looked around: "Space is beautiful, don't put too many things, just a table, a chair, a cabinet, and a set of sofas. Oh, by the way, find a corner and build me a armor changing room and a weapon room .”

"No problem!" Kate quickly wrote down the request.

Li Ruobai said: "Wait a minute, here is a booth to display the latest starship produced by Light Year."

"Starship!" Kate's eyes lit up. It turns out that Light Year is really making starships, so it's completely different.

"Yes, it is our latest starship. The booth needs to be large, so that the size of the model or holographic image will be large enough to leave a deep impression on people!"

Kate's eyes turned to Chu Jungui. After all, this is Chu Jungui's office, and he has to wait for his final decision.

"Are you impressed?" Chu Jungui had another chance to ponder.

After thinking for a few minutes, he said, "Move the booth downstairs. Since we want to show it, we should show more things. Our mobile base should also be on the agenda. Ruobai, get it out quickly."

Li Ruobai was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Chu Jungui was telling him to draw quickly.

Kate reminded: "If the exhibition hall is placed on the next floor, what about the offices of the directors?"

"Move down one floor." Chu Jun returned.

"This... good."

Chu Jungui thought for a while and said: "What Ruobai said just now is very correct. Only the big size can make a deep impression. Let's open up the lower three floors and turn them all into exhibition halls."

"Uh... what about the directors?"

"Keep moving down."

Kate didn't dare to ask more, anyway, this is the client's request, no matter how unreasonable it is, she has to endure it. As an outstanding professional manager, there is still some forbearance.

The directors and the general manager will work on the first floor, and the next floor is the offices of the vice presidents, and the next floor is various functional support departments such as operations, finance, administration, legal affairs, etc., and the risk control will be further down. One floor, but occupies a separate floor, and then the office area of ​​each functional department.

This is the result of temporary compression, but Chu Jungui is still dissatisfied: "The space occupied by these management is too much, it is unnecessary. Put all the offices of the managing directors and vice presidents on the first floor, and then put the office of the board of directors, the general manager The manager's office is all there."

Kate was really taken aback, and said cautiously: "Is this too small? A good office space can make people feel happy, and it is a necessary condition for attracting high-end talents. Look..."

"It makes sense..." Chu Jungui began to ponder again, and Kate began to be terrified.

After waiting for a while, Chu Jungui finally finished contemplating, and said, "Ruobai, are those directors you said just now useful?"

Li Ruobai said: "It's useless, as long as it's alive."

Chu Jungui asked again: "Then what's the use of recruiting so many people here?"

Li Ruobai thought for a while and said, "A display."

"That's it. It's just for decoration anyway. What kind of high-end talents are needed? Two more meeting rooms on this floor!" Chu Jungui made the final decision.

In the eyes of the test subjects, the original general manager's office was too big, and a battalion could fit in it according to the light-year standard! What a waste of such a large space. As for Mr. Chu's office and the exhibition hall, they all want to impress others. Since they want to impress, the bigger the impression, the deeper it will be, and it can be reached to the extreme.

If Kaitian were to design this, the whole building might only have two floors, the exhibition hall on the lower floor and Chu Jungui's office on the upper floor. As for the others, all in the basement.

After the layout of the entire office building was assigned, Kate sent the plan directly to the designer team for immediate modification, and within 12 hours they would come up with a prototype plan, and then complete it within 24 hours. As for the modification of details and the selection of artwork, it can be done slowly.

After modifying the layout of the office building, Chu Jungui felt much more comfortable. He then met with accountants, lawyers, and various people from various related industry associations in the unmodified office. The meeting was on the one hand to identify intermediaries offering external services and on the other hand was meant to showcase the new office building of Light Years.

The effect was exactly as Li Ruobai expected, when all kinds of high-end elites with salaries saw this imposing office building, all their arrogance and reserve disappeared, and their attitudes were so good that Kai Tian felt a sense of crisis.

Chu Jungui spent the whole afternoon like this in a straight suit and a pair of long legs of various colors.

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