God is Coming

Chapter 744 Existence in theory

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After the warm-up of the assassination at the cocktail party the night before, Light Year's starship press conference was unprecedentedly hot the next day, and major media flocked to the magnificent press conference hall.

Chu Jungui did not appear on stage, but was hosted by Li Ruobai throughout the announcement, mainly because he did not know what to say when he appeared on stage.

As expected, Li Ruobai lived up to expectations, and he spoke with great demeanor in front of hundreds of media, and he was also very good-looking, which naturally gained a lot of impression points. When the image of the light-year starship appeared, the cool shape, the painting full of avant-garde art and the exaggerated main gun immediately detonated the audience!

Li Ruobai introduced the data of the light-year starship one by one. Almost every important data was released, which caused a lot of amazement.

Chu Jungui watched quietly from the audience, his heart like an ancient well.

At this point in the press conference, Chu Jungui no longer knew what to say. The effect was indeed better than expected, I don't know how much, Li Ruobai is indeed a person born for big occasions, the more people he faces, the stronger his appeal will be.

On the high platform, Li Ruobai calmly said the gorgeous and rigorous numbers, as if they really existed.

In the first half, Chu Junhui tried to think about how to achieve the performance figures Li Ruobai said, but in the second half, he stopped thinking about it and just watched Li Ruobai's performance quietly.

The press conference did have a remarkable effect. Halfway through the opening, Light Year's stock price began to rise strongly.

More and more people began to pay attention to this conference.

Kun half-lyed at one end of the couch, looking at the virtual image in front of him. This three-dimensional holographic image is 5 meters in length, width and height, and Li Ruobai in it is completely restored in a 1:1 ratio, just like being at the press conference in person.

Kun originally lay half-lying casually, but as the small screen beside him showed that Light Year's stock price began to rise, he also changed from lying down to sitting, and his expression gradually became serious.

There was another person sitting on the other end of the couch, with long blond hair tied behind his head, looking unrestrained and unrestrained. While watching the press conference, he quickly looked up the historical data of Light Years. And floating on his left is the projection of the Light Year Nova, which is slowly rotating. As the press conference progressed, performance figures were marked on the starship.

The long-haired man looked at the new starship, frowned and said, "Can light years really build this kind of starship? This data looks familiar!"

Kundao: "Because the data is similar to the new test ship we just completed, of course it looks familiar."

The long-haired man said: "So that's it! We are still in the test ship stage, how could light years build a starship of this level? It's fake at first glance."

"No, at least one key point is true."


"Painted by Zoli."

The long-haired man looked at Kun in astonishment, and became even more astonished when he realized that he was not joking. He looked through the light-year history again, and said: "This company is very capable of tossing around. It makes announcements and news every now and then. How can this be the way to do things with a sinking heart?"

Kun shook his head and said seriously: "No, this is the embodiment of the management's due diligence."

The long-haired man took a deep look at Kun and said, "Kun, I know you bought their stock. But don't you think that since you bought it, your evaluation of 1 Light Year is completely different from other companies?" Set the standard."

Kun smiled brightly: "That's because you don't know how much I bought!"

On the screen, 1 light-year has broken through the 180 threshold, and funds are still pouring in, heading straight to 200. Judging by this momentum, I am afraid that the three-year target price mentioned by the institution will be realized within the month.

The long-haired man shook his head and sighed: "There are always so many stupid guys. Kun, since you've made money, stop it early. This kind of fake news will be exposed sooner or later, and it will be too late to throw it away. "

"I know." Kunman answered casually, keeping his eyes on Li Ruobai, waiting for him to spit out the next magic number.

The long-haired man could only sigh.

At this moment, on the Federal Financial Channel, a well-known securities analyst is commenting on Light Year's starship conference in real time. With a little excitement and fanaticism, he said sonorously: "As we all know, when 1 Light Year was just listed, we firmly gave the highest target price in the whole market, 70! Now it seems that whether it is the original 70 , or 170, which was updated later, we are too conservative. But in the entire market, we are the most serious and thorough institution that studies 1 light year, and the stock price has risen by a full 8 times since the recommendation! Now 1 light year has just been released The latest starship, first of all, I have to say that Zoli's design is beautiful! Now with the press conference, a lot of data has been released, let's analyze these performance data now..."

Staring at the entire set of data, the analyst suddenly froze.

After a while, he said carefully: "These data... Well, these data are self-consistent! That is to say, as long as one of them is true, then the whole set of data is true. This starship is theoretically It can exist!"

The comment area immediately exploded, and someone among them suddenly said: "This set of data is very similar to the test ship newly developed by the Bilinde Group! Is Light Year so powerful?"

This inconspicuous comment was immediately seen by the analyst, and he directly picked it up, commenting: "This is called a hero who sees the same thing!"

With the end of the press conference, the stock price of 1 Light Year, which continued to rise and broke through 190 in an instant, gradually fell back, but it also stabilized around 180, with a single-day increase of 20%. The market value of 1 light year has also reached more than 210 billion.

If the market value is used as the ultimate measure, then this conference is an unprecedented success. It's just that Chu Jungui is not in a good mood.

On the way back to the 1 light-year new building, Chu Jungui received the latest list of important shareholders. This list is automatically updated every three days, and only important shareholders with more than 1% of shares are listed on it. This time at the end of the list, a familiar name appeared, Kun.

"Why is this guy lingering?" Chu Jungui frowned. He remembered that Kun's shareholding was 11.9989 million shares when he looked at the detailed shareholder register last time, but now it has become 12.0039 million shares. This guy already holds more than 10 million shares in his hand, what do you want to do with these 5,000 shares? Just to enter the core shareholder register for Chu Jungui to see every day?

When Chu Jungui was speculating about Kun’s intentions with all kinds of malice, Kunzheng was in high spirits talking with friends to make dinner appointments, and at the end he didn’t forget to emphasize: “You guys treat me tonight. Not out."

Everyone was naturally surprised: "Don't you even have an unlimited card? So frugal?"

Kun said: "There is also an upper limit for the unlimited card. The upper limit is 10 million, and it has been used up. Don't ask, there is still 175 yuan in the card, you can figure it out!"

Everyone speculated whether Kun had taken a fancy to another woman recently, but Kun just smiled and didn't answer. After making an appointment for dinner, Kun turned on the securities channel again. During this period, several beauties tried to contact him, but all the communication requests were directly pressed.

Returning to the 1 light-year headquarters, according to the schedule, Chu Jungui should meet with the newly arrived managers one by one and listen to their work plans.

Sophie, the public relations director of 1 Light Year, was the first person I met. She is actually 40 years old, but she looks about 30 years old. Her demeanor is arrogance and coldness, and she has long legs that are standard for high-end elite ladies. She deliberately maintains her image around 30, which, according to her, is the most attractive and threatening age for successful men.

Sophie first praised the press conference hosted by Li Ruobai, and then explained the key points of 1 Light Year's publicity in the future, as well as the key public relations government departments and core media.

Chu Jungui listened to her quietly, and asked: "What should I do if there is bad news? For example, what I promised was not fulfilled, or the cake I drew could not be fulfilled."

Sophie said without thinking, "Then draw a bigger pie!"

Sophie was followed by Clarkson, and one night was enough for him to thoroughly optimize the two product lines proposed during the interview. Clarkson originally proposed during the interview that Light Year’s starships should be divided into two versions: one is sold to star thieves, and the other is sold to major families and needs security. In short, it is to fight star thieves of. The two versions will be updated in turn. If the Star Pirates are powerful, they will sell more star pirates. If the Star Pirates are beaten badly, they will sell them subsequent models of starships. All in all, only when star thieves are strong can they sell more starships. If there were no star thieves in this world, who would need starships?

During this meeting, Clarkson further proposed: Star Thief is the key. In view of the fact that the Federation already has giants such as Bilinde and Ander Group in terms of security, it is obvious that Light Year will be at a disadvantage if it competes with them. Instead of fighting with several giants in the security field, it is better to devote itself to the development of the star thief field. Light Year can fully support his own star thief agent force, and he might as well end it himself.

A powerful team of star thieves will promote a certain family to become a new user in the security market, while a group of powerful star thieves will promote the prosperity of the entire security market. In this regard, a giant like Ander would naturally see clearly that instead of suppressing Light Year, they might form an alliance with Light Year overtly or covertly, or at least reach a tacit understanding.

Therefore, Light Year should focus on expanding the market in the Star Thief, vigorously launch new equipment suitable for the Star Thief, and become the leader in the field of Star Thief equipment supply.

After thinking about it, Chu Jungui asked: "Clarkson, what you said is very reasonable, but big guys like Ander Group and Bilinde Group must also understand, so why don't they do this?"

Clarkson was prepared, and said calmly: "They are actually doing it, but they are just playing around and sneaking around, and they will never be able to get on the stage. Because behind each of these big groups are several ancient families, big aristocrats They all have one fatal flaw in common: they want face."

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