God is Coming

Chapter 745

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Chu Jungui seriously thought about Guangyear's moral attributes, and found that the result was not optimistic. Li Ruobai's series of operations obviously had nothing to do with trying to save face, but the effect was immediate, and the intentional order was received right after the press conference. Although the addition of the word "intention" is actually not binding, at least there is a possibility of turning it into a real order soon.

Single-celled life forms like Kaitian and Wise Men have no face at all.

And Li Xinyi regards the wise as leeks, waiting for the opening of the sky is like stuffing ducks, and designed a killer like a great orator that mainly destroys the soul. No matter how you say it, it cannot be classified as gentle and gentle.

Thinking about it this way, Chu Jungui felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the entire upper echelon of Light Year, and only he was relatively normal.

Clarkson's suggestion is actually not about morality, it is a core: to win. After analyzing it, Chu Jungui also thinks that Star Bandit is a bright road, and the more he thinks about it, the brighter the future seems to be.

Clarkson didn't know the real situation of Light Year, he just suggested that Light Year could end up as a star thief himself, while Chu Jungui felt that he had to end in person. As long as the family fleets of those big families are disabled, they will obediently come to buy light-year starships.

Around this core point, Chu Jungui quickly formed a whole set of strategies.

When he walked out of Chu Jungui's office, Clarkson didn't know how many family fleets his proposal would disgust.

After everyone had made appointments, Chu Jungui connected to Xinuo's communication and asked, "Did there be any reply from Lu Xien?"

"Yes, just one sentence: Let us die." Sino faithfully relayed the original words.

"How's your training going?"

"It's not going well. These masters and soldiers are very difficult to serve, and each of them is very good at pretending to be dead. Now the pressure from the family is also great, and people interfere every day. I pushed back, but this is not the way." Sino vomited bitterly.

Chu Jungui asked a few more questions, and knew that Xinuo's situation was indeed not good. These sailors used to live a life of easy benefits and high benefits. It is naturally unbearable to start high-intensity training now, and none of them understand why they do this. There are thorns emerging every day, even if Keith takes the lead in training hard. use. Now there are hundreds of people in the entire fleet just in confinement, and the confinement rooms have long been insufficient. Hundreds of rooms were opened temporarily, and they were all full in a blink of an eye.

Those who were on duty also had a muddling attitude, so the effect of the training would not be much better, and even the old people couldn't do a good job. Sino even used interrogation methods such as starving food, blowing cold wind, and not giving him sleep, but there were still many people who would rather die than submit, threatening to make Sino look good after the training.

These crew members were either from the Louis family, or they were related to each other. Sino could never really use physical punishment.

After listening to Sino's complaint, Chu Jungui simply replied: "You still want to keep them, but it's not necessary."

Both Sino and the old people actually want to transform these crew members into qualified or even outstanding starship talents, but sometimes people can't force it, and there will always be those who cannot be successfully transformed. It is wise to give up at this time.

As for how much to give up, in Chu Jungui's mind, anyone with a salary higher than light years should give up.

Fortunately, Chu Jungui is also clear now that this kind of thinking can only be an idea. So when Sino asked about the current countermeasures, Chu Jungui just said: "Add another 500 confinement rooms."

It wasn't all bad news for Sino. After the first week of training, a group of dedicated people appeared in the family fleet, led by Keith. This group of people included most of the middle and high-level military officers, but the low-level non-commissioned officers accounted for a very small proportion.

In fact, no matter Chu Jungui's instructors or the old people, the training provided is of a very high standard, and it is directly linked to actual combat. As soon as a group of knowledgeable officers got started, they quickly understood the preciousness of these trainings, and naturally they refused to let go of the opportunity.

Except for a few young and vigorous non-commissioned officers at the bottom, most of them are old fried dough sticks waiting to die when they are middle-aged and just want to find a comfortable place to stay. Their credo in life is that they would rather take less money than work more. For this kind of guy who can't be motivated by money, the test subject has no good way, not to mention that the last thing the test subject wants to do is to use money to motivate.

Immediately after the communication was cut off, Sino sent a detailed list, which listed all the fleet personnel who had trained hard and were eager to make progress.

At this time, Evelyn knocked on the door and entered the office. She stood in front of Chu Jungui's desk, put her hands on the desk, leaned slightly, and asked, "What can I do?"

Chu Jungui glanced at her, and sent a copy of the list sent by Sino and the list of the Louis family fleet to Evelyn, and said, "Analyze these two documents."

Ai Fulin didn't expect that Chu Jungui actually sent a task, so without saying a word, she left the office and went to work.

Chu Jungui opened the star map and began to study the inspection and protection targets of the Louis family fleet. As soon as the star map was opened, there were hundreds of bases and interest points of various names, hundreds of important routes, and dozens of routes that required regular patrols. From this star map, we can see how powerful the Louis family is. After all, Chu Jun has only had two bases until now.

As soon as Chu Jungui moved his mind, he first ruled out those targets in the hinterland of the Federation, leaving 23 target points, and then he ruled out those targets that were of little value and that the family fleet would only go to once a few months or even a year . Most of the fringe star fields are similar targets, so after exclusion, only 5 bases and 11 important routes are left. On the contrary, there are many important routes in the fringe star field.

Among these bases and routes, there are 4 bases and 7 routes belonging to Sino. The strength of Sino's fleet is obviously weaker than that of Lucian, but the difficult missions assigned to them are far more than Lucian's. Anyone with a discerning eye can see what's going on.

However, when assigning tasks, those elders may have forgotten that the border star field is risky. Chu Jungui was thoughtful, and when his consciousness moved, a route that Xinuo was in charge of was marked out separately.

Then Chu Jungui chose one of the three bases in Lucian. The base is located on an uninhabited planet that has been leased by the Louie family for 299 years. The environment of the planet is extremely harsh and the magnetic field is extremely strong, but it produces a variety of precious and rare elements. The Louis family has built 3 mining bases on the planet.

Moreover, this galaxy is located in a remote location, not near any major shipping lanes, and must be patrolled alone. Due to the harsh climate of the planet, it is a natural defense in itself, but it is not as extreme as planet No. 4, so the starships of ordinary star pirates dare not land on the surface of the planet at all. Because of this, the Louis family usually does not have many troops stationed at the base. Because of the difficult planetary conditions, the Louis family stipulates that there will be a rotation every 4 months.

According to the plan, now is the time for the base's garrison to change defenses, and one-third of the garrison will be rotated.

"The time is not bad." Chu Jungui was thoughtful, and then checked the mission arrangement on Lu Xien's side, and found that he would go to the planet to patrol in half a month, and transport the garrison for a change of defense by the way.

This task was originally a B-level task, but with the addition of transporting the rotating garrison, it became an A+-level task. The missions of the Louis Family Fleet are all graded according to difficulty and importance, and then the evaluation and allocation of funds are determined according to the grade of the completed mission. In fact, the Caleb planetary base has not been in danger for many years, and the difficulty rating of the A+ level task is obviously high, which clearly shows that it is an easy and labor-saving task that Lucien prepared for himself.

On the other hand, Sino's task load is huge, and the risk is obviously much higher, but the most rating is B+, not even an A. The two bases that were A in previous years have all been reduced to B now. Under this evaluation system, Sino was exhausted, and he couldn't compete with Lucian in the year-end evaluation.

In fact, this is quite normal. Originally, Sino's fleet commander was snatched by force. It was equivalent to a large piece of meat from Lucian's bowl, and the opponent would of course try to make things difficult.

Chu Jungui was thinking, and Evelyn walked into the office again, and put the information in front of Chu Jungui, saying, "It has been analyzed."

"So fast?" Chu Jungui picked up the information and took a look. Ai Fulin had already marked out those who trained hard and those who resolutely did not practice, and analyzed it from multiple dimensions such as age, ability, salary, and proportion. It even roughly judges the current ability and possible potential of the general staff based on the existing information, and the conclusion is also clear and concise.

Chu Jungui glanced over and received two messages. One is that most capable people are among those who insist on leaving or staying, while those who follow the crowd silently are mostly mediocre. generation.

Another conclusion is that most of the people with the highest salaries are willing to stay, so after weeding out a group of unqualified and those who want to leave, the average salary will rise significantly. This conclusion made Chu Jungui not so happy.

Such a report was able to be formed in a short period of time, and Chu Jungui had no choice but to praise it: "Very good!"

Evelyn looked at Chu Jungui with provocative eyes, and said, "What is this, give me some challenging tasks next time."

Chu Jungui asked thoughtfully, "Do you have any connection with the intelligence dealers in the gray world?"

"There are none here, but I have friends who know people in this field, and I can contact you if necessary."

"Very good. I want the information on this matter. The sooner the better, the more detailed the better, and it must be kept secret." Chu Jungui sent Evelyn the A+ task of resupplying and transporting troops from the Caleb planetary base.

Although Evelyn was not afraid of anything, she was also taken aback when she saw the information, and asked, "You want to deal with the Louis family?"

"It's just an elder of the Louis family." Chu Jungui corrected.

"That's almost crazy. Well, I will try my best, but in this matter, the price of information may not be very low, and they will not help me for free."

Chu Jungui's mind had already turned to other matters, and he just said, "As long as you get the information, you can do as much as you want."

"Understood." Evelyn left the office.

Seeing her leave, Chu Jungui was thoughtful. Lu Xien should know about such a big effort to find information, right?

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