God is Coming

Chapter 747 Personal Design

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After returning to peace, Chu Jungui continued to read the documents in his hand. Some of these materials come from Sino, and some come from the instructors' group, all of which are about the origins of those mysterious old men.

Sino told the story of meeting the old people, but he didn't tell Chu Jungui that he knew the names of these old people.

Chu Jungui also searched for third-party intelligence channels, but found nothing. Those intelligence dealers who usually seemed to be very capable suddenly turned into idiots collectively, and could not find any clues at all.

But Chu Jungui knew that these mysterious old men had no ill intentions towards Xinuo, that was enough. Everyone will have a secret, since Chu Jungui cannot be found out, he will not force it.

The most important job now is to prepare for the battle. Chu Jungui pulled out the list of light-year starships, and now there are 8 destroyers that have been completed and can be used immediately, and 4 more destroyers will be offline before the action. In this way, Chu Jungui has a total of 12 destroyers in his hands, and even according to the combat power on paper, it has exceeded 60,000, which is equivalent to a fleet of 6 federal-style heavy cruisers.

If Lu Xien's action can be delayed a little longer, Mr. Chu will have two more destroyers in his hands. But with the existing starship, it should be able to give Lucien a big surprise. Chu Jungui doesn't know how many fleets Lu Xien can muster, but as long as the gap between the two sides is not too large, Chu Jungui will not back down.

The only regret is the Hercules. Chu Jungui looked at the 2% construction progress and could only shake his head. In a while, don't expect this big guy to be put into use.

Chu Jungui collected the materials and walked out of the office. Outside his office door, Evelyn separated a separate office and placed her seat there.

Seeing Mr. Chu come out, she immediately stood up and asked where he was going. Chu Jungui simply replied "Business trip" and left on his own.

Not long after leaving, Clarkson walked out of the elevator and went straight to Mr. Chu's office. Evelyn stopped him and said blankly, "The chairman is not here."

Clarkson was taken aback: "I saw him arrive at the company this morning! Where is the chairman? I have something urgent to report."

"On business trip."

"Where are you going, how long will you be going, and when will you be back? How can I contact him?" Clarkson asked a series of questions.

"I don't know." Evelyn said blankly.

Clarkson was suddenly dissatisfied, "I don't know anything, how did you become an assistant to the chairman?"

Throwing down these words, Clarkson turned around and left, looking for Li Ruobai, which made Evelyn's face turn green and pale with anger, but she couldn't get angry.

There is also an assistant sitting at the door of Li Ruobai's office. This assistant is much more normal. She is also from a prestigious school. She is not as wild and dangerous as Evelyn, but has fair skin, a gentle voice, and a warm attitude towards others. , capable of doing things, all in all, he is quite an assistant that meets the normal definition.

It's just that Li Ruobai was not there, and the assistant also didn't know where he went, let alone Li Ruobai's contact information. Li Ruobai can only look for her when he has something to do, she can't find Li Ruobai.

"Why is it all like this?" Clarkson was quite disappointed, holding on to the business plan that he wrote all night.

Li Ruobai's little assistant had a much better attitude than Evelyn, comforting her softly, but it didn't seem to have any effect on Clarkson. He looked disappointed, and said sadly: "One or two are so dishonest, how can the company have any future!"

"Maybe they really have something important..."

Clarkson raised the business plan in his hand and said: "What is more important than products? Any company that wants to become a legend must have enough legendary products. Products are the foundation of a company!"

"The service seems to be okay?" The little assistant asked carefully.

"It is difficult to make a great company through service, only products can. Those professors in your school can't teach you, and they haven't actually done it themselves. They are all theories."

The little assistant agreed, and then said: "Anyway, I am quite satisfied with the environment and salary now, and I can't control what the bosses do."

Clarkson thought for a while and said, "If I'm leaving, do you want to come with me?"

"Me?" The little assistant was a little surprised.

"You have great potential and you are still young. If you work hard for a few years, you will have a pretty bright future. You are doing nothing here now, it is a waste of time."

The little assistant seemed a little hesitant and asked, "But will you really leave?"

"If I can't use my ability here, I will. If you follow me, you will be the founding elder of the company in the future, and you will have equity. Only in this way will you have the opportunity to change your destiny and improve your class. You can't change your destiny just by working part-time! "

The little assistant thought for a while and said, "But without this salary, I will not be able to live. I am too embarrassed to ask for such a high salary in the early days of your business!"

Clarkson was a little disappointed: "You are still young, why do you just look at the present and don't think about hard work and struggle at all? If you go on like this, you will be disabled. After a few years, you will have no chance to fight. "

The little assistant sighed and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Clarkson. But I just joined the job, so I don't really want to leave right away. If...if I really don't do well here in the future..."

Clarkson kept a straight face, deliberately not answering. Do you want to wait for him to develop before coming to him? That's another story, and there has to be a price.

The little assistant took a sneak peek at him, seeing that he didn't get the answer he wanted, so he smiled sweetly and said, "...then I have no choice but to go back and inherit the family business."

A hard hit.

On the 3rd planet in the Ekron Galaxy, the tallest building is the Winton Family Building. This huge artificial building with a height of 2100 meters is simply a man-made landscape of the planet. There are three main buildings in the building. One is the important institutions of the Winton family, and the presbytery is also among them. The other building houses the headquarters of several Winton family businesses, and the last building is the commanding body of the various armed forces of the Winton family.

At this time, the sky had just dawned, and Hathaway had already appeared in Building C of the Winton Building, and then took the elevator straight up to the 210th floor.

She walked through the long corridor and came to the office at the end. The door of the office opened automatically, and the inside was brightly lit. Evans was already waiting inside.

Evans stood up and said, "Is this your new office? It looks good. But, are you going to stay at the Jolly Roger?"

Hathaway nodded: "One of the seven pirate flag squadrons will be assigned to me."

"The pirate flag is not a second-line army. It will go to the front line. This kind of life of fighting and killing is not good for girls."

Hathaway walked behind the desk, put herself in the chair, and said a little tiredly: "My brothers don't want me to come to the pirate flag, but the more they don't want to, the more I want to come."

Evans shrugged and said, "Anyway, this job is not easy to do, and I have persuaded it. You asked me to come here, what's the matter?"

Hathaway asked: "What do you think of Chu Jungui?"

As soon as Evans heard the name, he became serious in an instant, and said: "The first feeling he gave me was that he was dangerous, very dangerous! But apart from an indirect fight, my contact with him was actually Not much. I don't hate him, though."

Hathaway said: "That's good, don't you have nothing to do these days? Then do me another favor."


"No, sit in the office."

"Oh, forget it, let's listen to the specifics of what to do first, and then think about how to refuse." Evans seemed to lack interest.

Hathaway said: "Light Year put the headquarters in Gemini, and recruited a new group of people. They still lack a general manager, you can do it!"

"That kind of small company also needs me to be the general manager?"

"They just bought a new headquarters building."


"I also have shares in it."

"As soon as you hear it, you know that there are not many..."

"A total of 240 million."

"What about the stock price?" Evans still didn't care much.


Evans was silent for a second, "Are you the largest shareholder?"

"No, I'm only 20 percent."

Evans leaned back and sighed: "Okay, I get it. Well, I fought for you when I was young, and I have to make money for you when I grow up."

Hathaway smiled slightly and said, "Who told you to be idle? Hurry up!"

"Okay, I'll leave in the afternoon. You just said that they bought a new headquarters building?"

"Well, quite a nice building."

"Okay, it's a little consolation, at least the office is much bigger than yours." Evans glanced around. Hathaway's office is only over 100 square meters, completely unworthy of her status. But in the Winton headquarters, where every inch of land is expensive, this is the only way to go.

Hathaway smiled and said, "It doesn't matter how big the office is, as long as there is a terminal, isn't it?"

"That's different. The size of the office reflects not only the status, but also the quality of life. When I arrive, I will send you photos of the new office."

"Okay." Heather waved her hand slightly and watched Evans leave the office.

Gemini, a well-known Bounty 3000 slowly docked at Xinggang. As a private starship, Bounty 3000 is only a little less luxurious than Xingliu, but because it is one size smaller than Xingliu, it can directly enter most planets without transiting through orbital stations, so many wealthy people will choose it.

Evans walked out of the starship. Although he was wearing a hat and sunglasses, his dazzling temperament could not be concealed. In addition, he came down from the Bounty 3000. Evans gained a lot of unknown things along the way. How many concerned eyes, until he stepped on the speeding car.

Half an hour later, a fleet of 4 flying cars slowly stopped in front of Guangnian's new headquarters building.

Evans stepped out of the speeding car, looked up at the magnificent building, and then at the dome and green space in the distance. Even though he was as picky as he was, he said, "It looks pretty good."

Several people came out of the building, and the first was an intellectual beauty who greeted her and said, "Is this Mr. Evans? I am Tina, the administrative director of 1 Light Year Group. I have been notified that you will be the general manager." Now all the preparatory work has been completed, only the confirmation of the chairman is left. However, according to the notice, during the period when the chairman is away, you can perform your duties first, and make up for confirmation later. "

"Is Mr. Chu here?" Evans was a little surprised.

"Yes, the chairman is on a business trip. He didn't say where he was going or when he would be back."

Evans was startled again, and said helplessly, "Is this the one who knew I was coming and planned to be the shopkeeper? Forget it, take me to the office."

After a while, Evans looked around, the light fluctuated, and said, "Is this really the general manager's office?"

"It's here, the chairman designed it himself."

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