God is Coming

Chapter 748 Light Year Advantage

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"Where is the advantage of light years is the first question we need to think about." Clarkson's voice was low and powerful, but the man opposite was too bright, making his eyes always blink subconsciously, unable to match his tone with his eyes .

Fortunately, there are gestures.

Clarkson waved vigorously, trying to add momentum, but almost knocked over Evans' water glass. He had no choice but to take it back resentfully, but instead of showing his momentum, it became a bit ridiculous.

Clarkson is sitting in Evans' office at the moment, reporting his painstakingly thought-out strategic plan to the new general manager. It's just that Evans' office is only 20 square meters in total, and a wardrobe for changing inner armor is stuffed in, so there is not much space left.

There is only a small desk that is 2 meters long and 1 meter wide between Evans and Clarkson. If Clarkson moves a bit more, it is not the water glass that hit Evans in the face.

Fortunately, when the strategy discussed is grand enough and the amount of business is huge enough, you don't care much about the occasion. Cafes and fast food restaurants do not hinder the discussion of business worth hundreds of millions, not to mention that there is an independent office, although it is a bit small.

Although the office is small, the things we discussed are important... Clarkson quickly adjusted his mentality and continued: "Only by clarifying the goal can we continue to build capabilities around this goal and raise barriers so that competitors cannot shake us advantages. Then we can decide which resources to invest in or how to obtain these resources according to the capabilities we need to build. In recent years, we urgently need to launch a special starship for star thieves that can really shake the market. This product will become The unique competitive advantage of 1 light year. In order to launch this starship, we need to build 6 new departments, recruit 115 experts and 700 new employees..."

Evans listened patiently for ten minutes, then interrupted Clarkson, and said with a smile: "You are right, but since I have come to be the general manager, there is only one light-year advantage. enough."

"What?" Clarkson was a little dazed.

"Can fight." Evans smiled brightly.

When walking out of the general manager's office, Clarkson turned his head and gave the middle finger bitterly to the door of the general manager's office. can fight? What competitive advantage can be planned? Just find a group of people who can fight to be executives!

Looking at the long row of deputy general manager's office next to him, Clarkson suddenly felt that his hope of being able to sit in seemed not so great.

Outside the Caleb galaxy, several transport ships jumped out of the void, followed by several frigates. Form a formation with the transport ship and slowly sail towards the interior of the galaxy.

A few light seconds away, another fleet is quietly moving, keeping a constant distance from the transport fleet. In the flagship's command hall, Lucien changed back into his military uniform, stared at the star map, and remained motionless.

Richard next to him also changed into a military uniform, but with the rank of colonel.

"Will they come without the champion knight?" Richard asked.

Lucien said slowly: "It's not like they only have one champion knight. They can return one and borrow it from other places. Even if there is no champion knight, they still have to find a way to get other starships, relying on themselves Those three small boats can't rob our transport fleet."

Richard smiled and said: "The family's annual meeting will be in half a month. If they don't come, I will humiliate Sino at the annual meeting. I think if he wants to show some face, he will never Appeared in the family public place."

"This is another meaning of this operation. Sino is just a temptation. If you can't even deal with him, opponents within the family will soon jump out one by one."

"I see. The next thing is to wait. Patience is an essential virtue."

Lucien was quite appreciative: "It's very good that you have this idea."

The transport fleet is still heading towards the galaxy at a normal speed, if you want to hijack it, you have to do it here.

Half a day passed in the blink of an eye, Lucian was still calm and relaxed, Richard was a little restless, and he didn't know why.

At this time, an unfamiliar signal suddenly appeared on the star map, and two unmarked starships appeared, approaching the transport fleet at high speed.

"Here we come!" Richard cheered up, but then he was a little disappointed.

In deep space, starships without markings are most likely star robbers. However, judging from the detection signals, only two destroyers came, which made the Lucian fleet, which had assembled 4 heavy cruisers and 4 light cruisers, feel like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. A Wing Knight is more than enough to kill these two destroyers.

Lucien didn't relax just because the opponent was weak, and ordered in a rigid manner: "The whole fleet moves forward, and the Yuhua and Flying Fish will go out at full speed and make a detour."

The huge fleet left the ambush position and approached the transport fleet at high speed, while a light cruiser and a wing knight quickly increased to full speed, intercepting the opponent's rear, preventing the opponent from escaping by jumping in space.

At this moment, the two destroyers seemed to be ignorant of their situation, and were still approaching the transport fleet at high speed. The transport fleet was flustered for a while, and the formation was chaotic. Obviously, some captains wanted to escape, but they turned around and fell halfway before being suppressed by force, and they had to face the attackers together.

Inquiry has already sounded in the public channel: "We are the Louis family fleet, please identify your ship immediately and stop approaching! Otherwise, we will regard it as a hostile act and reserve the right to take further actions!"

In the front destroyer, Li Ruobai stood in front of the podium, and calmly replied: "We are the Wangqi Star Bandit Group from the Dynasty, and we have just registered and established today. Congratulations, you will become the first prey of our Star Bandit Group to carry the Enter the history books!"

If it weren't for the scruples of the mission requirements, the commander of the transport fleet would have wanted to swear and register today? Ghosts believe it.

However, his task is to hold off the opponent and wait for the ambush main fleet to enter the battlefield. The fleet commander began to negotiate seriously: "Our fleet has sufficient escort forces, and it may not be so easy for you to eat us with your strength. In addition, all the troops transported in our fleet are to replenish the soldiers of the planetary base. They are all ores, I am afraid there is nothing you are interested in."

"Soldiers? I don't believe it." Li Ruobai sneered. He was also waiting for the opponent's ambush fleet to appear.

"How will you believe it?"

"It's very simple, you turn off your weapons and let my people board the ship to check."

"I repeat again, this is the fleet of the Louis family. What you do is a serious provocation to the Louis family!"

"I don't care if you are Louis or Henry. If you don't let the inspection, no one will leave today!"

The commander of the transport fleet was silent for a moment, and when he saw a large green fleet logo appearing on the edge of the star map, he finally sneered and said, "Okay, stop pretending! I know you are light years, now You can’t leave even if you want to! Later, if you are lucky enough not to be killed, I will send you to that idiot Xinuo to see what kind of expression he will have.”

Li Ruobai said: "We have nothing to do with Guangnian. Once again, we are star robbers registered with the dynasty. Since you must start fighting, that's good, we will accompany you!"

The muzzles of the main guns of the two destroyers began to emit light. As soon as he saw the opponent's main gun starting to recharge, the commander of the transport fleet immediately ordered: "Fire!"

The three frigates had already moved forward. After receiving the order, the main guns were fired immediately, and three high-energy beams bombarded the leader Li Ruobai's flagship at the same time.

Li Ruobai also laughed, "I'm just the main cannon, you guys fired first!"

The light of the main guns of the two destroyers suddenly became extremely dazzling, and the charging speed more than doubled in an instant? Two thick high-energy light beams comparable to light cruisers cut through the deep darkness, and slammed on the frigate on the far left!

The frigate's shield only lasted for a few seconds under the ferocious attack before it collapsed. Under the continuous bombardment of the high-energy light beam, the armor melted like ice and snow under the sun. A big hole, 80% of the armor in the deepest part has been destroyed, and it will be penetrated in two more seconds.

Almost lost a frigate in just the first round, instantly frightening the fleet commander into a cold sweat. The opponent's firepower was unexpectedly fierce. Fortunately, it was a frigate. If the first shot fell on the transport ship, the consequences would be disastrous.

He immediately ordered: "Retreat! All the transport ships turned and retreated, approaching the rear fleet. The Oak retreated immediately, the Poplar No. 1 and No. 2 crossed to cover, and then retreated..."

The entire transport fleet was in chaos in an instant, and the huge and cumbersome transport ship slowly turned around, trying to escape from the battlefield. The winged knights in the distance are coming at full speed, even faster than the frigates known for their high speed, and it only takes a few minutes to get into range.

However, Li Ruobai's two destroyers had already started the second round of recharging, and the muzzles of the main guns began to shine with death light again.

A second attack landed on another frigate, knocking it into a panic in an instant. Fortunately, this shot did not hit the transport ship.

Li Ruobai ignored the winged knights who were coming at high speed, and commanded the fleet to recharge and prepare for the third salvo. At this time, the two frigates began to release missiles. Most of the missiles were destroyed midway, but one missile broke through the interception and hit the destroyer. The explosion knocked out the destroyer's shields and left extensive damage on the hull. However, the damage is large but not deep, and it is still far from penetrating the armor. This is what the frigate can do.

At this time, a shining high-energy beam of light appeared in the deep sky in the distance, concentrated and powerful, and the winged knight finally arrived!

The commander of the transport fleet finally breathed a sigh of relief, and roared in the public channel: "You can't run away, just wait to become space garbage! Idiots!"

Li Ruobai looked at the time and said to himself, "It's almost time to come."

Waves suddenly appeared in the void in the distance, and starships jumped out of the void one after another, and flew straight towards the battlefield before the space disturbance was eliminated!

"So I hid my hand! I underestimated you." Lucian sneered, but the more and more starships came out, the smile on his face gradually froze.

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