God is Coming

Chapter 750 Take a good rest!

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When the heavy cruiser that suddenly arrived started to lock on to the second target, Lucian finally knew that the situation was over, so he made a decisive decision and immediately led the rest of the fleet to retreat. Chu Jungui was caught off guard, so the entire fleet concentrated fire on a heavy cruiser, damaging its engine, but Lucian's flagship took the opportunity to escape from the battlefield.

Speed ​​is the eternal blemish of light-year starships, Chu Jungui could only watch Lu Xien's tail vent quickly go away, and lamented in his heart.

Lucien's joint fleet has 4 heavy cruisers and 4 light cruisers. The combat power of the two Wing Knights alone is 32,000. The total combat power of the entire fleet exceeds 70,000, which is higher than Chu Jungui's estimated combat power of 61,000. Out of line. This was an evenly matched battle. In actual combat, Chu Jungui relied on his excellent command and precise bombardment to accumulate a little more advantage in each offensive and defensive round, and when the advantage was large enough, he would defeat his opponent in one fell swoop.

In the end, unexpectedly, an uninvited guest suddenly appeared. It was powerful, but it ended up disrupting Chu Jungui's inevitable victory.

In the end, three of the four heavy cruisers escaped, one of the four light cruisers was destroyed, one was severely damaged, and their speed was damaged, and the other two also escaped.

The three frigates that were still in good condition also managed to escape. Li Ruobai only had two destroyers in hand, and he couldn't stop them. So the final result is one heavy cruiser and two light cruisers. Fortunately, all the transport ships obediently stopped and surrendered, otherwise Chu Jungui's heart would be even more painful.

As for the loss, it was negligible, with single digit casualties, and four destroyers were damaged and needed to be repaired for a while.

The old and hideous heavy cruiser did not approach Chu Jungui's fleet. It turned around and left the battlefield just like that. Before leaving, it just left a sentence: "You're welcome, little guy!"

Chu Jungui didn't chase them, nor asked their identities, because it was useless to ask. At this moment, Chu Jungui just wanted to say to them: "Thank you!"

It wasn't until Gu Jiu Chong Xun disappeared out of sight that Chu Jungui finally recovered and ordered, "Save people."

The destroyers immediately dispersed and began to recover the rescue capsules floating in space. The destroyers under Li Ruobai's command had already boarded the transport ship and began to take over authority one by one. Sure enough, the transport ship was full of heavily armed soldiers, but they were all honest and surrendered without firing a single shot. This is the deep space of the universe, resistance can only seek death.

After half a day, the battlefield was cleaned up, and Chu Jungui finally counted the results of the battle.

A total of 1 heavy cruiser, 1 light cruiser and 4 transport ships were captured in this battle, and one light cruiser was destroyed. The Louis family fleet suffered 1,100 casualties and 3,300 prisoners, of which 2,000 were the base garrison that was scheduled to rotate. The transport ship not only has a full set of equipment for these people, but also enough supplies for the entire base to last for half a year. Needless to say, these are all cheaper for Chu Jungui.

The destroyed light cruiser can still recover 30% of the materials and 15% of the equipment, and the captured heavy cruiser and light cruiser are about 85% intact. These two starships are as large as the standard starships in active service of the Federation, about 30 years ahead of the light-year starships. According to preliminary statistics, the two starships can roughly bring Chu Jungui 35 core technologies and hundreds of fringe technologies updates. When all technologies are fully digested, the combat power of light-year destroyers can increase by about 300-500, and the cost will increase by about 100 million.

After cleaning the battlefield, the next step is to replay and evaluate the battle. There is nothing to say about the part that Chu Jun is responsible for. It is either 100 or 99. The one point deducted is probably because the body temperature is too high and the speed of thinking slows down. All the starships have completed the assigned tasks quite well. Since the crew and soldiers joined Light Years, their combat level has risen sharply.

Li Ruobai, who commanded independently, was an unexpected surprise. He commanded well and had a well-founded advance and retreat. With two destroyers, he bit the opponent's transport fleet, and even withstood the flanking attack of the Wing Knight. All in all, this is a glorious victory, if not for the sudden appearance of the ancient heavy cruiser.

Chu Jungui has mobilized all channels to investigate the origin of the ancient heavy patrol, and at the same time let Sino secretly keep an eye on Lucian's movements. Chu Jungui concluded that Lu Xien would not think that he would lose this battle, so he would blame all the reasons for the defeat on the old heavy cruiser. After returning, he would definitely use all his strength to investigate the origin of the heavy cruiser.

After cleaning the battlefield, Li Ruobai retreated with the transport ship and spoils first, and then Chu Jungui led the six intact destroyers into the space to jump again. He came out this time and the matter is not over yet, there is still a route that has not been robbed in time.

In the deep sky, a light cruiser and two transport ships are sailing quietly. This route has always been safe, and there is a federal squadron base not far away. At the same time, the emblem of the Louis family on the fleet will make the star thief retreat.

In the command room of the light cruiser, the captain and two officers were toasting and chatting in a leisurely manner.

"I really envy those guys in the back. They won't come back after a long vacation, right?" said an officer.

Another officer nodded: "Although it's a pity to lose this job, it's better than being under that fool's hands."

"That's right. When General Lucian led us, good things would happen every now and then. It's not like now, in addition to training or training, it seems that we are really going to fight." Another officer also said.

"Captain, what about you? You don't want to follow that idiot Sino?"

The captain's eyes were deep, and he said with a bitter smile: "I'm not like you, how can I have a choice? I can only work here."

The officers disagreed, "Where can't you find a good job with your talent? Why do you have to be bullied by those instructors every day?"

The captain was thoughtful, "Speaking of which, those instructors are really good. I'm afraid the instructors I used to be in the military academy are not as good as them."

"What's the use of being good? We don't need to go to the battlefield."

"That is, if you want to go to the battlefield to fight, who will come here?"

The captain sighed: "Anyway, this is just a job, and it doesn't matter who it is for. When you reach your destination, you will leave, right?"

The two officers looked at each other and said with a smile: "You can see this? We plan to use up all kinds of leaves, and we will take three months of leave first."

The captain frowned and said, "If you do this, you will offend Sino to death."

"If you don't offend him, you can offend General Lucian. Is there a choice now?" The two officers sneered.

"That's true." The captain's face was worried. If he didn't leave, he would also offend Lucian. It's just that Lucien has limited starships now, and he is not a direct descendant of Lucian, otherwise he would have taken him away when the fleet was split up, how could he be thrown to Sino?

The fleet flew quietly in the deep space, as quiet as if everything had stopped.

Moving the base, there was a roar in Sino's office, followed by the sound of something being thrown to the ground. After venting, Sino calmed down, returned to his seat, pressed the intercom, called the adjutant in, and ordered: "Clean this place, immediately!"

The adjutant was a lieutenant colonel in his thirties. He frowned when he heard the words, bent down slowly, and began to pick up the broken teacups, vases and scattered documents on the ground.

Sino pressed the communicator again, called the deputy commander of the fleet, and buried himself in processing the documents while waiting.

A few minutes later, Fleet Deputy Commander Keith walked into the office and was taken aback when he saw the mess all over the place.

Sino just looked up and saw that the adjutant was still tidying up slowly, and immediately shouted: "I haven't finished tidying up after so long, haven't I had enough to eat?! What's the use of you trash?"

The adjutant's face flushed instantly, he stood up abruptly, and said loudly: "I am an officer of the fleet, not a cleaner, let alone your servant! You threw this pile of rubbish, clean it up yourself!"

Xinuo stared at him, raised his eyebrows, and said coldly, "I can't deal with you anymore, can I?"

The adjutant also went all out, and said loudly: "Your order is for the purpose of humiliating people, and it can't be justified anywhere! Don't think that your current sequence is high, what's the use of light high? Your original one has long since abandoned you. Now, I’m really telling you, you really can’t do anything to me! At worst, drive me away!”

"Want to leave? It's not that easy, is it?" Sino sneered, and said, "If you get fired, you will have to be compensated from the fleet funds. How could such a good thing be possible? Besides, the family also spent a lot of money on nurturing you, that's all." It would be a waste to let you go, Keith!"

Keith stood to attention and saluted.

Sino said: "Transfer this guy to the logistics department to wash the deck. Didn't he say that he is not a cleaner, so let him be a cleaner. In addition, if he is sick and wants to take sick leave, he must get my approval, which one?" If the military doctor dares to give him a sick leave form, he will also be sent to clean the deck!"

The lieutenant colonel's adjutant was startled and angry, and shouted: "Sino! You are really despicable and shameless!"

Sino said with a cold face: "Isn't your family related? Let them use it quickly until I let you go. If they can't take you away, you have to wash the deck for a day."

After finishing speaking, Sino said to Keith, "Choose me a new lieutenant."

"Yes, what is your request?"

"Be obedient, good-looking, that's all, I don't have any requirements!" Sino laughed.

Keith was a little embarrassed, and said: "Currently, all the adjutants who meet the conditions are men, and there are few female soldiers in the mobile base and Starfleet..."

"As long as you are obedient and good-looking, what are the requirements? If you don't have enough military rank, I'll make a report and just mention it. Isn't it a lieutenant colonel? How big is it? It's not easy to make a few sets of clothes?" Sino said carelessly.

Keith was helpless, first waved the lieutenant colonel to leave, then closed the door, and said, "General Sino, are you serious? If you do this, the reputation will be very bad."

Sino sneered and said, "Where is my current reputation? If it is really good, so many people will ask for leave at the same time, all of them are at least 2 months old, and many of them ask for leave suddenly on the way out of the mission Yes. Does that mean they have to go on vacation regardless of whether I approve or not?"

"This, maybe it's a coincidence." Keith himself didn't believe it.

"Okay, hurry up and find a new adjutant. If you really don't have one, you can choose one from the military doctors and nurses." Sino waved Keith to leave.

When Keith walked out of the office, the restlessness and fury on Sino's face suddenly disappeared. He looked out of the window and thought to himself with a sneer: "Hugh! Let you take a vacation, the boss has prepared a holiday resort for you, you should take a good rest!"

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