God is Coming

Chapter 751: Louis Vacation Group

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When the vacation group of the Louis family saw the 6 destroyers suddenly appearing ahead, they were not very nervous. It was already close to the hinterland of the Federation, so it was very safe, and even 20% of the escorting light cruisers had submitted leave applications, so everyone was very relaxed.

When they received each other's calls, they even felt very funny.

"We are the King's Banner Star Thief Group of the Dynasty. Now we ask you to stop the ship immediately and give up resistance. We will try our best to ensure your personal safety!" Chu Jungui finished the above passage with some unfamiliarity.

As a result, the reply in the communication channel was a series of ridicules and greetings, to the effect that they dared to offend Louis's family, whether they were impatient or not. There are also quite a few who directly abuse immediate female relatives. The muzzle of the light cruiser's main gun even began to glow, and it actually began to store energy.

Dare to resist? Chu Jungui was taken aback, and felt that he should update his knowledge of the Louis family fleet, never heard of them being so brave?

Confused, Chu Jungui naturally couldn't sit back and watch the opponent launch an attack, so all the starships fired at the same time, instantly eliminating most of the light patrol's shield. Another hit will break the shield.

At this time, the cursing and ridicule in the communication channel instantly turned into exclamation and screams. Some people were still shouting "I want you to look good later", but most of them were screaming and shouting indiscriminately.

Chu Jungui was taken aback when he heard the confusion in the communication channel. He didn't understand what was going on, why the fleet communication channels were so chaotic, and there were at least dozens of people on the line. However, Chu Jungui did not stop preparing for the second round of salvo. Finally, when the destroyer was about to finish charging, the communication channel returned to silence, all noises were blocked, and then a voice sounded: "I am the commander of the fleet. Major General Chigurh, please stop attacking, we surrender."

"You have to take a round of artillery to surrender, you are really a lowly creature." Kai Tian said disdainfully.

The light cruisers and transport ships all stopped, and Chu Jungui separated two starships to board the transport ship and take over the authority. His flagship is on the light cruiser.

When Chu Jungui walked into the command cabin of the light cruiser, more than a dozen officers inside had already put their weapons on the table, and the captain was holding the digital key to open the starship commander, waiting for the handover.

Chu Jungui looked around for a week, and suddenly felt that although this starship was quite advanced, it was not without room for improvement. For example, the command cabin was obviously too big, and Chu Jungui only needed one-third of the space to achieve the same. function, the space saved can be used to install armor.

At this time, the people behind Chu Jungui began to search the officers, found all the weapons, and then asked for the low-level authority of the battle armor and even the personal chip. As a result, it immediately caused a backlash. A colonel shouted: "I am a senior military officer of the Federation! You can't treat me like this! If you still want a ransom, you must guarantee my treatment!"

The person in charge of the body search suddenly punched the colonel in the abdomen, causing him to bow like a shrimp. Amidst the colonel's painful groans, the man said word by word: "First of all, only major generals and above are senior military officers in the Federation, but unfortunately you are not; secondly, only active soldiers in the Federation have military ranks, and neither are you; finally, even if So what if you don’t guarantee your courtesy, how dare you refuse to pay the ransom?”

The colonel was speechless and could only cover his stomach and groan. The other officers were all silent, and they didn't dare to resist anymore. They honestly completed the transfer of authority.

The colonel of the Louis Family Fleet didn't know that the soldier standing in front of him was once a colonel, and he was a colonel of the first-line regiment, so it was natural to look down on him.

All personal low-level permissions are concentrated in the hands of Chu Jungui. With low-level permissions, it means that there is no privacy at all. All the memories and secrets in these people's chips will be exposed to Chu Jungui.

In an instant, the test subject only felt his eyes widened, and an extremely wonderful and absurd world appeared in front of him. For example, the colonel who was knocked down was ambiguous with the captain's wife, and the colonel's sister was the captain's secret lover. The two didn't know each other, and both thought they had completely humiliated each other. Similar relationships abound, and the people in the light patrol alone can weave a complex web, with enough material to film dozens of goofy dramas.

The test subject had to accept all the information, and the political component got such a huge and unexpected data, it felt like it was going to be upgraded again in an instant.

At this time, the latter two transport ships also completed the receiving procedures, but to Chu Jungui's great disappointment, more than 300 people were found in the entire two transport ships, and 200 of them were crew members.

Chu Jungui looked unhappy, grabbed the captain and asked: "There are more than 100 people transported in total, do we need two transport ships?"

The captain said honestly: "We must ensure a comfortable journey, so we have strict requirements on the per capita living standards for officers when they travel. The standard for officers above 150 square meters is 70 square meters for ordinary soldiers."

That is to say, you have to live in a suite when you take a transport ship? Not only Chu Jungui was dissatisfied, but also the old people who were used to standing up and sleeping in Guangnian were also extremely dissatisfied. If you don't squeeze out a three-fold five-fold ransom, Chu Jungui will feel sorry for the fuel for the space jump.

The three intact starships were taken over by people from Light Years, and followed the fleet to make a space jump and appeared in the N7703 galaxy.

Li Ruobai had just arrived at this time, and when he saw Chu Jungui, he asked, "What are we going to do with these prisoners now?"

Chu Jungui had already thought about it: "Detain them for a period of time first, and kill them. This is the detention plan."

According to expectations, most of the people captured this time will eventually be released back, so Chu Jungui is not going to take the trouble to send them to the surface of planet 4, which might reveal the secrets of planet 4. Chu Jungui's plan is to build a rail station directly to detain these prisoners. Since the orbital station may only be used once, it can be as cheap as possible.

When Chu Jungui entered the galaxy, four transport ships had already set off to build an orbital station not far from planet No. 4.

The rail station uses prefabricated structural blocks, and the internal structure is very simple, which is very easy for engineers to build. The main structure of the orbital station is a hall, in which there are toilets and other functional areas. There is only one door to enter and exit, connected to the pneumatic door. Outside the door is the area for changing the armor, and then through an airtight door is the space.

The internal area of ​​the entire hall is only more than 2,000 square meters, and each person can be apportioned to 0.5 square meters after deducting the functional area. There were only nearly 4,000 prisoners in total, but only 40 toilets were built. The width of the toilet cubicle is only 60 centimeters, and people who are slightly fatter have to squeeze in to go to the toilet.

There is no restaurant, and the problem of eating is solved by throwing food from the ceiling. The solution that Chu Jungui prepared for the captives was a high-calorie energy bar and one liter of water, twice a day per square meter. As for who can grab it and who eats how much, the experiment doesn't plan to take care of it at all, it all depends on the self-government of the prisoners.

The energy bar is made by Light Year, which is very suitable for the taste of the test subject. At this point, it fully reflects the equality and courtesy that Guangnian treats the captives, and what the chairman likes to eat is what he gives you.

It took less than a few hours to build such a simple orbital station. In the blink of an eye, the captives were sent into the orbital station one by one. They were forced to take off their armor, sign the registration form for their personal belongings, and then enter the hall .

In the area where the armor was changed, several light-year personnel registered blankly, and the rules and instructions were repeated on the overhead broadcast: "Wangqi Star Bandit is committed to providing the highest quality and safest service for the hostages. Before the account, you will be able to enjoy the leisure time here. The service staff will never urge the ransom, and when the ransom arrives depends only on your willingness. In order to ensure that your life in the next period of time is as good as you want, here Promulgate the following life instructions..."

"First, do not make violent movements under any circumstances. The space station itself is a simple single-layer structure, and the various parts are connected by connectors. Violent vibrations may easily cause the connectors to fall off, causing leakage of the space station.

2. The toilet is automatically cleaned every 8 hours, please wait patiently.

3. If you are not satisfied with the diet, you can apply for a customized set meal, which will be charged separately.

4. The sleep time is unified from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., and gravity will be cut off during sleep. Please enjoy adequate sleep.

5. If you want to end your time here early due to personal reasons, please shout three times I want to pay the ransom, and the staff will contact you. Please also note that a 15% service fee will be charged for paying the ransom in advance.


39. Matters not covered in the above clauses shall be implemented in accordance with other regulations of Wang Qi Xing Pirates.

40. The right to interpret this provision rests with Wang Qixing Pirates. "

Some captives are still unwilling to give up at this moment, shouting for rights and treatment, the light year personnel in charge of registration only replied coldly: "My only suggestion is to save energy."

Regardless of whether they are willing or not, and regardless of their original position, in short, most of the prisoners were stuffed into the orbital station. When many people crowded together, there was inevitably a small commotion, and then there was only a click, and a partition in the toilet cubicle suddenly cracked a crack.

Someone immediately exclaimed: "The quality is so poor!?"

The captives looked at the hall walls, floor, and ceiling made of the same material as the toilet cubicle, and the commotion suddenly subsided. Immediately afterwards, some people suddenly remembered something and rushed directly into the toilet cubicle.

Suddenly someone shouted loudly: "Everyone in the toilet comes out, let the officer go first!"

The yelling was naturally ignored by everyone, and the sound of flushing water was heard in the toilet. This voice startled many people, who did not expect such an ancient flush toilet to be equipped in the space prison.

Worse yet, they didn't hear the water tank refilling.

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