God is Coming

Chapter 752

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Settling the captives is only a small matter, but the big thing is dismantling and analyzing the captured starships. Chu Jungui went to battle in person, led thousands of engineers into the relatively intact heavy patrol and light patrol, and dismantled all the important equipment and technologies that Light Year hadn't mastered, and handed them over to the leaders led by Le Mans. The research team cracks it.

While he was busy, Chu Jungui's communication channel suddenly lit up with a strange request. Those who can find Chu Jungui's communication channel are not acquaintances, but also people related to acquaintances, so Chu Jungui clicked on the communication, and the image of Lu Xien appeared in front of him.

Lu Xien stared at Chu Jungui, sneered, and said, "Chu Jungui?"

"You are looking for the wrong person." Chu Jungui directly cut off the communication.

After about a few minutes, the communication request came on again, Chu Jungui clicked on it, and Lu Xien appeared again, sneering: "I just checked, you are Chu Jungui!"

"I'm not." Chu Jungui cut off the communication again.

After a while, the communication was stubbornly turned on again, Chu Jungui clicked on it, and it was still Lu Xien. Lu Xien's face was angry, and he said without a pause: "Chu Jungui! I know that you are the one who attacked my fleet..."

"It's not me." Chu Jungui skillfully cut off the communication.

On the other end of the communication channel, Lucien was furious, picked up an antique vase, and was about to smash it against the wall when he suddenly received a message.

The message was sent by Vincent, and it was not an instant message, but a message: "Lucien, the two light cruisers are fine, but the repair cost of the Wing Knight needs 1 billion. This is not the amount I can solve. Lucien, you must be responsible for this. In addition, the heavy cruiser has been preliminarily identified to be a mechanical heavy hammer from the community, and the specific information is now being traced."

After receiving this message, Lucien was asked to put down the vase that had been raised high. He was so angry that he no longer needed to vent.

"1 billion, 1 billion, hehe..." Lucian repeated the number, sneering but not helping to solve the problem. Although he was annoyed at Vincent's failure to take responsibility, he also knew that the repair fee was something Vincent couldn't afford and couldn't cover. Lucien had to plug the hole for him. But if he just paid the money like this, it really made Lucian's anger hard to suppress. If the Winged Knight hadn't escaped first, the battle would not have collapsed so quickly.

But thinking about it calmly, Lucian knew that if he was in command of the Winged Knight, he would choose to retreat immediately. The Wing Knight is not suitable for offensive battles, and it is not as good as the heavy patrol of the same level with a balanced offense and defense.

1 billion is not too much, and it is not too much. Although Lucien can afford it, it will inevitably feel a little heartache. Especially since this is only the first loss.

Lu Xien took a deep breath, calmed down, and connected to Chu Jungui's communication again.

This time when he saw Chu Jungui, he didn't get angry or threatened, but said calmly, "I think we need to talk."

This time Chu Jungui did not hang up immediately, but asked, "What are you talking about?"

This is simply asking knowingly. Lucian was so angry that he managed to suppress it. He said in a deep voice, "Talk about something we need to talk about. Tabby 3 Galaxy, I'll wait for you here."

Chu Jungui thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll go there tomorrow."

After cutting off the communication, Li Ruobai next to him said, "Agreed to talk with him so easily? Shouldn't you talk about the conditions first?"

Chu Jungui shook his head and said, "If we don't talk about it, those hostages won't be able to stand it anymore."

At this time, just one day had passed since the detention, and the number of applications for early payment of ransom exceeded 100, and it was still increasing rapidly. It is expected that the increase in follow-up applications will be faster and faster, so the ransom matter must be dealt with as soon as possible. After all, those who are willing to pay the ransom are good people, and the principle of the test body is to ensure that good people will be rewarded.

Li Ruobai said: "Then you go, I will continue to deal with the starships here. Just to remind you, these starships will be returned, but the state of the return is largely up to us to decide .”


Without delay, Chu Jungui boarded the starship, jumped into space, and left the N7703 galaxy.

In the Tabby 3 galaxy, when Chu Jungui set foot on the main star, there were already two young and capable beauties waiting for him. They are all lawyers from Storm Law Firm. They look young and immature, with innocent and innocent faces, but they are actually quite old-fashioned and difficult to deal with. They are one of the ace lawyers of the law firm. Some natural appearance is also their camouflage and weapons.

At the beginning, Chu Jungui paid a lot of money to choose this law firm, because of their unscrupulous and stalking style of doing things. Looking at it now, this law firm really lived up to expectations and sent two seemingly innocent lawyers to assist Chu Jungui and Lu Xien in the negotiation.

The members of the Louis family were already waiting. Chu Jungui was picked up by the flying vehicle and flew directly to a secluded manor on the outskirts of the city. Then a beautiful waiter brought Chu Jungui to the reception room and poured him a cup of steaming tea.

Lu Xien appeared in casual clothes, and after sitting down, he cut straight to the point and said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to be so powerful. This battle has won me wholeheartedly!"

Chu Jungui looked innocent, and the tactical deception component accelerated. "What battle? When did we ever fight?"

Lu Xien didn't take it seriously, he chuckled, and said, "Since we've seen it, we're all here to solve the problem. We don't need to waste time, let's just say it, Wang Qixing is yours."

"Of course not. From a legal point of view, I have nothing to do with Wang Qi Xing Pirates." Chu Jun returned.

Lucian was a little displeased: "It's no secret."

Chu Jungui was unmoved: "My lawyer can prove that 1 Light Year has nothing to do with Wang Qi Xing Pirates."

The young girl on the left let out an ah, as if she suddenly woke up, and nodded quickly: "Yes, it doesn't matter!"

Lucien shook his head helplessly, and said, "Well, if you say it's okay, then it's okay, but you know this star thief, right?"

"I've heard that it's the registered star thief of the dynasty." Chu Jun returned.

"Just heard?" Lu Xien looked at Chu Jungui with a half-smile.

"Of course it's not just what I heard. In fact, they also asked me to do something."

"Oh, what are you going to do?" Lu Xien also accompanied Chu Jungui, pretending to be stupid.

Chu Jungui said seriously: "They have just captured a group of prisoners recently, and they want to see how they can send more than 3,000 people home."

"Only captured prisoners? What about the starship?"

Chu Jungui pondered and said: "They didn't say they found the starship."

Picking up...Lu Xien's eyelids twitched. Fortunately, the city was very deep, and he suppressed his temper again, and asked: "You can check again, they should have picked up a few starships, right?"

Chu Jungui turned to the girl on the right: "Have they picked up the starship?"

How would the lawyer girl know? Vaguely said: "I don't know!"

Lucien said: "Both the personnel and the starship must be handed back, and both are indispensable!"

Chu Jungui said: "The personnel told me that there should be no problem. But as for the starships, how many do you think they can pick up?"

Lucien was startled by this question, and then said, "Three ships."

"Okay, three ships." Chu Jungui replied without hesitation.

"Wait, transport ships don't count." Lucian quickly added.

"The transport ship doesn't count, of course."

Lucian's meaning was very clear, that is, the three starships had to be returned, even if they turned into wreckage. The transport ship and its supplies are no longer needed.

But this is not enough to satisfy Chu Jungui. He said: "First of all, I need to know how to return these three starships? The personnel have to pay for food and accommodation, and the starship also has maintenance costs."

Lucian gritted his teeth and said, "We're all out!"

"Very good! The second point is that since it is a picked-up spaceship, there must be some damage, maybe it will be severely damaged. Do you still want such a starship?"

"Yes, of course! Even if it is broken in two, we still want the parts."

Chu Jungui nodded in satisfaction. So far, the conditions he wanted have basically been discussed, and the next step is the details. Chu Jungui leaned forward slightly, and asked with some expectation: "So, how much do you think the maintenance costs of these three starships will be?"

The veins on Lucien's forehead twitched, and he said, "Shouldn't this be decided by Wang Qi Star Bandit?"

Chu Jungui said: "Yes, I will ask them later. But I think, with so many starships, the maintenance cost is 1.5 billion, right?"

Lucien's face changed slightly, and he said angrily, "Why don't you go snatch it?!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Lu Xien knew it was wrong. Didn't Chu Jungui just grab it? If he robs again, Lucien really has nothing to resist.

There was no sign of panic on Lucian's face, and he said, "I'm afraid there is no need to talk about it. Tell Wang Banner Star Pirates, let them prepare to face the Federation's annihilating army!"

"Okay, I will convey it truthfully."

Seeing that Chu Jungui was unmoved, Lu Xien sighed and said bitterly: "We are all here to solve the problem, but your way of talking can't solve it."

"It's not just us who want to solve the problem."

What Chu Jungui said was inexplicable, and Lu Xien was about to ask a question, when he suddenly received a new message: Some crew members have sent back a message, strongly demanding that the ransom be paid immediately!

Lu Xien took a deep look at Chu Jungui, without hiding anything, and said, "I heard that some missing sailors came out again, and they strongly demanded to pay the ransom immediately. What's going on?"

Chu Junhui didn't change his face: "Probably he is homesick."

Lucian finally couldn't bear it any longer, slapped the table heavily, and shouted: "If you don't want to talk about it, then don't talk about it!"

Chu Jungui said calmly: "Okay, but I heard that they saw someone throw something away again, maybe they will find some base personnel or something."

This was a naked threat of force, but Lucian was unable to deal with it.

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