God is Coming

Chapter 755: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

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After leaving Chu Jungui's office, Evans' mood began to improve, and even better after entering the elevator.

To be honest, apart from the size of the offices, the rest of the building is impeccable. Including the separation of management and employee areas, special elevators for management, special restaurants, etc., all highlight the status of managers at all times. On the floor where Evans is located, there are two dedicated elevators leading to various parts of the company. These two elevators have eye-catching special signs and will verify the identity of users. People who don't meet the status can't use the special elevator even if they have a big emergency.

According to the designer's thinking, how big can an ordinary employee be? Compared with dealing with emergency situations, it is more important to appease the mood of the management.

Along the way, everyone saluted Evans, and many female employees would even look away shyly, not daring to look directly into his eyes. This made Evans in a surprisingly good mood. He rubbed his chin and said introspectively: "I can be happy about this. It seems that I am still a person. I need to strengthen my spiritual realm."

When taking the elevator, the sound of construction can be heard. Evans didn't find it noisy, because the Lightyear headquarters was adding various facilities at the fastest speed, many of which were welfare facilities, such as the newly completed fitness area, which even had professional gravity training rooms and fighting training rooms. As long as it's not the office, Chu Jungui is still very generous in other matters.

Evans entered the fitness area and made a beeline for the weight training room.

The battle is about to start, and Evans is used to getting his body into top shape before the war begins. And he felt that his potential was far from being developed to the limit, so he was unwilling to relax in the slightest. He wants to improve his strength quickly. Sooner or later, Evans will face the devil on the top floor head-on, win respect with his strength, and create a few square meters of office space for himself.

Light Year's fitness area occupies an entire floor, and only half of it is currently open, while the other half is still under construction. As Evans walked into the fitness area, he glanced at the sheltered construction area next to it. As the general manager of Light Year, he naturally knows what that area is for. It is divided into three parts, one is the indoor shooting training ground, which can simulate various combat scenarios; the other is the fighter driving training ground, it is said that the first batch will introduce more than a dozen basic models of fighter data for training; the last one is the mecha In the training ground, there will also be more than a dozen types of mecha data in the first batch.

To be honest, this fitness area is quite satisfactory to Evans, and the smoke of warmongers is everywhere.

Evans walked directly to the gravity room, and suddenly there were footsteps behind him, and then Evelyn's voice: "General Manager?"

Evans was also surprised. He stood still and said, "Why are you here too? Where is the chairman?"

"I'm on a business trip again, so I'm here to practice, so as not to gain weight." Evelyn said.

Evans looked at Evelyn's figure and said, "Actually, you don't need to practice at all."

Evelyn smiled and said, "It's not good if you don't practice. If you really want to gain weight, it will be difficult to deal with it."

"makes sense."

"Why do you come to the gym too?"

Evans said with a smile: "Just like you, in order to keep in shape."

"That's it, well, I won't delay you." Evelyn waved to Evans. The two are ready to separate and practice their own skills.

But after saying goodbye, the two did not separate, but walked towards the gravity training area together. Both of them were startled, and looked at each other with playfulness in their eyes.

"This girl is weird, isn't she willing to just be a clerical job and want to go back to her old job?" Evans thought to himself.

Evelyn was thoughtful: "Dare to enter the gravity training room, it seems that this general manager is not just good-looking as they said, maybe he has some strength. Well, I heard that Li Ruobai is also very good, It seems that the most unbeatable person in the entire light year is the chairman. I have to improve my strength quickly, the next move may be very dangerous, and I may have to block the gun for him again in the future."

There are several gravity chambers in the gravity training area, and you can set the gravity multiple according to your needs, up to 5 times the gravity. Gravity training is simply not something ordinary people can bear. Under high gravity, if you don't have a strong enough body, your internal organs will directly fall to pieces. If you just want to lose weight, you don't need to go into a weight training room at all.

Both Evans and Evelyn knew that the other was talking nonsense, but neither of them told the truth, and each entered the gravity training room.

At this time, people came to the fitness area one after another. Now it is close to the off-duty time. Generally speaking, employees should go home from get off work, but there are many people who choose to come to the gym, and most of them have a certain position when they are identified.

In this regard, Light Year is no different from other big companies. Those elites who are struggling in the workplace are more interested in fitness than going home or work itself.

As the off-duty time came, the fitness area became more lively, and the equipment was almost running out. At this time, two girls appeared at the gate. If two beautiful young girls are together, the attention they receive is much higher than the attention they receive separately, not to mention that they are not only young and beautiful, but also have dazed innocent faces, which make people feel helpful and happy at first glance. The urge to care.

Immediately, several men puffed up their muscles and walked over with duck steps, eagerly asking if there was anything they could do to help them.

The two girls did not have Light Year's badges on them, but identification showed that they were indeed Light Year's employees. A man who seemed to be nearly 40 years old came over, while secretly puffing up his chest muscles, while trying to exude youthful enthusiasm, he pulled a group of really young guys aside, and said to the two girls: "Which department are you from? How come I haven't seen you?"

The middle-aged man had a badge on his body, and his position showed that he was an assistant to the deputy director of the department. The young men next to him were either team leaders or senior managers, and their positions were lower than the middle-aged man. But apparently the middle-aged man was not strong enough to hold them down, so someone laughed and said, "Mr. Liao, you didn't often exercise before? Why, Madam didn't prepare dinner for you tonight?"

The middle-aged Mr. Liao blushed slightly, snorted, and said, "Has this fitness area just been repaired? You will see me often in the future. By the way, I haven't asked your names yet."

A girl said, "I'm Jill, and she's Yu Na. We're both members of the legal department for the time being, but we haven't gone through the formalities yet. We just reported today."

A 30-year-old man with a strong body squeezed Mr. Liao away, stood like a crab, and said with a smile: "It turns out that she is a lawyer girl! You have to practice hard with so many documents every day. I am the senior manager of the marketing department. Kai, professional fitness for 15 years! How about I take you?"

The assistant to deputy director Liao was not happy, and said, "Manager Li, you have to have a first-come-first-served one, right?"

Manager Li chuckled and said, "One person teaches one, is that all right?"

Although the young people next to them were not happy, but one of them has a high level and the other has practiced well, so they really can't compete. But as long as the two girls belong to the company, there is always a time when it is convenient to contact them.

Jill was counting something with his fingers at the moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he said, "Manager Li, you have been in the gym for 15 years, so you are almost 40?"

Manager Li's face suddenly flushed, and he coughed and said, "How could it be, it's a little bit worse, it's a little bit worse!"

Yu Na said at this time: "We are not familiar with this place, please tell us the place, Manager Li, and we can practice by ourselves in a while."

"What do you want to practice, I'll teach you!" Manager Li said earnestly, sweeping away the embarrassment.

"Oh, it seems that it can't be taught there... We are going to the gravity zone."

"Heavy, gravity zone??" The middle-aged muscular man's smile froze on his face.

There was a sudden silence all around.

The men's hormones subsided in an instant, and they looked at the two girls with a bit of surprise. Everyone knew that the gravity training room was not prepared for ordinary people. Although these two young girls had good curves, they were still slender, giving people a feeling of frailty. Do they really know what a gravity training room is for?

At this time, Chu Jungui's voice sounded at the door: "The gravity training room is at the end of the corridor, turn left, there are four in total. But, why are you here?"

The two girls turned around and said with a smile: "We are here permanently so that we can serve you at any time. Is this where we will work in the future? It is much better than imagined!"

"Oh, come here for a permanent stay? That's fine." Chu Jungui also thought it was very convenient. As for whether the group of people under him will follow their way, that's not what Chu Jungui cares about. Anyway, most of the employees are just decorations.

The two girls said earnestly: "Then let's go to training, by the way, don't you want to practice? Do you want to go together?"

"Me..." Chu Jungui leaned over and grabbed a barbell. Just as he was about to weigh the weight and check the quality, he suddenly felt countless eyes looking at him. This is normal. The chairman's sudden appearance in the fitness area will naturally become the focus of everyone's attention. Those who have already started training also consciously stop and stare at this side.

Chu Jungui didn't want to be seen by others like a circus animal, so he loosened his five fingers, and the barbell, which was slightly off the ground, fell back to the original place, stood up and said, "I'm here to check the quality of the equipment."

After all, Chu Jungui turned around and left the fitness area. In fact, he originally wanted to go to the gravity training room, but he never expected that it was already off-duty time, and such a large fitness area was actually overcrowded.

Jill and Yu Na watched Chu Jungui leave before entering the gravity zone and entering a training room.

People outside whispered: "They really went in!"

"It doesn't look like a good idea. If I'm sorry for them, I won't be beaten to death? Stop it!"

"Say it as if you had a chance."

"I don't have a chance. Do those two uncles have a chance? Manager Li's body is huge, but he's actually very weak. Don't you dare to enter the gravity room without seeing him?"

"By the way, the chairman really came to check the quality just now?"

"Cut, do you believe this? You obviously wanted to show off, but you didn't pick it up."

During the discussion, the door of the first gravity room suddenly opened, the brightness in the room increased greatly, and Evans walked out with a happy face.

"General manager!!" Everyone was taken aback.

Evans was too lazy to be polite, he just nodded his head as a greeting. He looked back and found that the other three gravity chambers were all in use. One is Evelyn, and who are the other two?

Evans was thoughtful: "It seems that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the company..."

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