God is Coming

Chapter 756

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Chu Jungui was sitting in the office, surrounded by dozens of light screens floating around at the same time, collecting and sorting out information at high speed. The mastermind of the entire building is under his control, and 98% of all computing power is recruited by Chu Jungui. With the help of huge computing power, Chu Jungui turned into the most professional hacker, wandering around in the network, capturing information nodes one by one, or manipulating hosts to plunder computing power.

Collecting information is one aspect, and Chu Jungui is also for his own safety on the other hand. The topographic maps of several kilometers around the building all appeared around Chu Jungui, and Chu Jungui first screened out dozens of important nodes. These nodes either have important information themselves, or are necessary nodes leading to important masterminds.

Chu Jungui took an inventory of the computing power in his hand, and then eight progress bars appeared on the map at the same time.

Chu Jungui closed his eyes slightly, and the seat began to blow air-conditioning, but his body temperature still rose slowly. Kai Tian turned into a human form, surrounded by 6 screens, and was fully cooperating with Chu Jungui.

Ten minutes later, the first progress bar came to an end, and Chu Jungui took down a miniature mastermind 50 meters away from the building. This mastermind controls the water, electricity and air supply of a third of the block, and is also responsible for 30 small shops and 50 units. Chu Jungui let the main brain continue to complete the daily work, and the remaining computing power was all incorporated into his own network, and the overall computing power increased by 10%.

Chu Jungui immediately started two new progresses. At this time, the progress bars came to the end one after another. After the first batch of eight progresses were all completed, Chu Jungui increased his computing power by 30% in total, and obtained 2 other important pieces of information.

Chu Jungui redistributed computing power while browsing the information. In the first round of exploration, he found 5 more masterminds that could be used. In addition, there is an office building a block away, and there is also a loophole in the brain.

Chu Jungui immediately concentrated 80% of the computing power to attack the main brain. After 20 minutes, the lights of the building suddenly dimmed, and then returned to normal. However, the tasks being processed by all users in the building quietly slowed down by 5%, while Chu Jungui's total computing power increased by 150%.

At this time, half of the monitoring points around the Guangnian headquarters building have fallen into Chu Jungui's hands.

At this moment, Chu Jungui suddenly realized that the data he had sent to attack a miniature mastermind was being targeted, and then the other party began to track it backwards. This opponent struck very fiercely, crossing more than a dozen nodes in a blink of an eye, and approached the Light Year headquarters.

Chu Jungui's attention was all on a medium-sized mastermind, and he didn't have time to pay attention to the tracker for the time being, so he handed over the matter to Kaitian.

Kai Tian raised his eyebrows, but didn't pay much attention to it. He casually arranged an interception, and continued to follow Chu Jungui into the siege of the medium-sized mastermind.

However, the office suddenly turned dark red and turned into a state of alert. The interception laid by Kai Tianbu was actually easily breached by the opponent, not even 5 seconds before and after.

Chu Jungui was slightly surprised, and Kai Tian immediately sent an idea of ​​the other party's luck, and immediately deployed 3 more interceptions. The 3 interceptions lasted a total of 18 seconds.

Now Kai Tian's face couldn't hold back anymore, the black mist around it rolled back and condensed into a human form, but the feet were still a little blurry. Kai Tian took a deep breath, calmed down, and prepared to fight this guy who dared to provoke him.

After inhaling in one breath, Kai Tian remembered that he didn't need to breathe, and the human form was just a form, with no heart and lungs inside.

Fortunately, it at least learned thick-skinned from Sino, and began to analyze the opponent's offensive routines as if nothing had happened, and prepared targeted layouts. As soon as Kai Tian started to concentrate, he deployed more than ten interceptions in an instant. However, the opponent seems to have begun to exert force, basically breaking an interception in two or three seconds. But after he broke all the interceptions, Kai Tian laid more than a dozen new interceptions.

In this way, the two sides fought around a key node, and the fight was thrilling.

In the Gemini Police Headquarters building, a warning sound suddenly sounded in a lobby, and a red area lit up on the topographic map of the capital city.

The hall door opened, and several senior police inspectors hurried in and asked, "What happened?"

A police officer got up and said: "A large-scale hacking incident occurred in District 7 of Lakeside. There are already more than a dozen masterminds suspected to be controlled by hackers, and the number is still increasing rapidly."

A senior police inspector with thick black hair said: "It's Lakeside District 7 again? Didn't a case of assassinating a rich man just come out a few days ago? Has it been solved?"

The police officer was a little embarrassed and said: "So far no effective clues have been found."

"Didn't you almost catch the killer at that time? Why are there no effective clues now?"

The police officer whispered: "It's just a little bit worse. Those killers are not very good, but the one who covered them is definitely a master. The escape route was unexpected, and all traces were erased afterwards."

The senior inspector said impatiently: "Okay, let's continue! This case involves more than a dozen rich people. You should know how much pressure I have! What's going on with the hacker now? If it doesn't work, let Luo's 17th Division deal with it." .”

"Sheriff Luo is already dealing with it."

The senior inspector was taken aback and said, "He's already dealing with it? So why is the cyber attack still spreading?"

At this time, the topographic map has zoomed in on Lakeside District 7, and it can be seen that dark spots are constantly appearing and getting bigger and bigger. Each color spot represents that a main brain has been captured, or at least suspected of being captured. Here, a piece of golden light is also wandering around, fighting fiercely with the dark spots, some spots are eliminated by the gold, and the map returns to normal. But on the whole, there are still more and more stains, and from time to time there will be several small stains connected together, quickly dyeing a large area black.

The golden light is like a lonely knight, rushing left and right in the enemy's formation, but no matter how brave he is, the number of enemies is too many, and they are still increasing.

The senior police inspector frowned and looked at it for a while, then suddenly said: "Go to the 17th place."

Several police inspectors led a dozen or so entourages into the elevator in a mighty manner, all the way down, and did not stop until the 17th floor underground. Here is the 17th office, which is responsible for the information security of the entire planet.

They were familiar with it and went directly into a hall at the end of the floor. In a special room in the corner of the hall, a young police officer was lying on a dedicated data link recliner, directly connecting his personal chip to the network. In the entire first floor of Office 17, half of the floor is filled with all kinds of masterminds.

"Lo, what's the situation now?"

The young policeman didn't get up, his entire upper body was covered in the data cabin, and only the voice came from the speaker: "The opponent is not a single person, but an organization. It's hard to say how many people there are, but there are at least a dozen first-class experts."

The inspector frowned and said, "So many master hackers suddenly gathered together, what exactly do they want to do?"

"I don't know now, but there is a guy who is about to be caught by the tail. In another half an hour, when his physical strength declines, I can find his lair."

Another inspector stared at the map for a while, and suddenly said, "Those guys are trying to seize control of this area."

Several police inspectors looked at each other, and one of them said: "It seems that something is going to happen tonight. Let's check the Lakeside 7 area thoroughly, and don't miss anyone in the area!"

The rest of the police inspectors also nodded. The combined authority of several of them is enough to mobilize the planetary mastermind to assist in the operation.

With an order, the topographic map immediately becomes extremely complicated, and every time it is enlarged, there will be countless densely packed information. With the support of the planet-level mastermind, the situation of the entire lakeside area 7 is undoubtedly in great detail, and it is all presented in front of his eyes. Even the number of insects in the area has been scanned to a certain extent.

The electronically synthesized voice broadcasts at an extremely fast speed: "Now there are 154,405 human beings in the area, with an average of 70 people entering and 65 people leaving every minute. Among them, 80,000 are permanent residents or staff, and the rest are floating population. Number of special groups And the distribution is as follows: 17 suspects who are committing crimes; 1,113 conspiring illegal incidents, involving 4,109 people, 95% of which are economic cases; 820 direct and indirect physical demand traders, and will increase to 1,700 in 30 minutes ; There are 18 mercenaries and killers, and 30 are on their way..."

Several inspectors noticed something strange at the same time: "Why are there so many mercenary killers?"

There is a small artificial lake in the area where the Light Year headquarters building is located. The area surrounding the artificial lake is divided into 7 blocks, which are arranged directly from 1 to 7 according to the number. This area is the commercial and financial district second only to the Great Lakes District. There are many high-end office buildings, and as usual, there is a shopping mall full of big names. Even if there is a small noodle restaurant in this area, what it sells is a bowl of sky-high noodles that is worth the daily meal cost of the lower class.

Both mercenaries and killers need to remain anonymous. Most of these guys in the gray world are shady. Their favorite place to stay is the bottom area with a large floating population. The small apartment that goes down can be transferred at any time. Under normal circumstances, they would not like to hang out in places like the Lakeside District, except for top-notch mercenaries and killers of course.

The real top killers and mercenaries will not be recorded by the system, or the recorded information will be false or outdated. Now the system has found more than a dozen killers in a scan, and more killers are coming.

With so many third-rate and fifth-rate killers gathered in one place, it is impossible to do a shocking case, but there must be a lot of trouble. If something big is going to happen, these police inspectors will feel relieved, because this kind of thing is usually out of their turn. The scary thing is that those guys who are not very good but confident enough to do big things will not only mess up things that are sure to happen, but also leave a feather for future generations.

In a dark corner, one person raised his head and drank the wine, then slammed the cup forcefully, and said sharply: "Today we will never return! The war can be lost, but the king of Chu must die!"

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