God is Coming

Chapter 757 Cell Level Application

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Chu Jungui half-lyed on the seat, this position saves the most energy, but his body temperature is still rising rapidly, and the high heat emitted by his body can no longer be suppressed by the ventilation of the seat alone.

Fortunately, the medium-sized mastermind was finally taken down at this time, Chu Jungui felt the surging computing power, his heart relaxed, and his body temperature began to drop slowly.

Beside him, Kai Tianzheng was fighting fiercely with his opponent, and a large piece of meaningless colored bars appeared on his entire body.

"It's not done yet?" Chu Jungui was a little surprised.

"That guy... is difficult to deal with... he is not alone... he is a group of people..." Kai Tian has tried his best, even speaking intermittently, if it is not for maintaining its image, it would have used projected text .

"A group of people..." Chu Jungui quickly scanned the data of the confrontation between the two sides, and found that the opponent was indeed a group of people, with at least 20 different styles of attack. There may be differences in means, but the style is difficult to hide. Even small differences can distinguish two completely different people.

With so many people working together, I am afraid it is not a loose civil organization. Chu Jungui thought for a while, and realized that the planetary government might have been alarmed, and what Kaitian was fighting against might be the entire group of people in the government responsible for information security. It was these attacks with very different styles that made Kai Tian tired of coping.

But in terms of style differences, who can compare to the Kaitian of single-cell aggregation intelligent life?

Chu Jungui intervened immediately, and thousands of floating light spots immediately appeared around Kaitian's body. Each light spot was a randomly generated personality, and each personality could independently design an interception plan with its own style. Originally, with Kaitian's strength, he couldn't afford thousands of personalities, but with the computing power provided by the newly captured medium-sized mastermind, this is not a problem.

Kaitian's intelligence does not belong to the category of human beings. As soon as Chu Jungui pointed it out, he immediately understood the key point, so he brought the advantages of distributed multi-threaded concurrent thinking to the extreme, and in a blink of an eye, he laid a huge monster in front of the attacker. A terrifying maze, and the maze operates completely autonomously, there is no need for Kaitian to take care of it.

Sure enough, once the style changed, the opponent's speed of cracking the level suddenly slowed down, and it took an average of half a minute to solve a level.

In Division 17 of the Planetary Police Headquarters, the silence in the channel was broken by a strange cry: "Haha! There is a master coming from the opposite side, but is it because of me? Let me see the time, 41 seconds!"

Another voice said disdainfully: "You are not the only one who is an expert. I also just cracked a difficult level, but it only took 34 seconds."

The person in front was unconvinced: "Cut, who knows if the difficulty on your side is really high!"

The descendants were suddenly a little annoyed, "Why, are you saying that I lied?"

At this time, a clear, soft but also majestic voice sounded on the channel: "The difficulty of the level has indeed increased, and the opponent should have replaced a high-end team."

"Director Luo, you also met? How is the speed?"

"3 in 55 seconds."

Immediately, there was a burst of admiration in the channel. This speed is simply inhuman, which is why Luo was able to hold down a group of self-important monsters in 17 places.

Luo said again: "Don't be careless, there are new levels to come."

Someone shouted: "This kind of interception program is not designed casually, even if there are not many, everyone work harder, get rid of them all quickly, and get those mice out!"

Luo said indifferently: "This is an organized case. I have sent a special police team to search the target area. We must work harder. If those guys from the special police team catch someone first, there will be no fun. gone."

There was a sudden wail in the channel, and someone shouted: "Boss, are you too despicable?"

Another person said: "Are you new here? It's not the first time the boss doesn't follow the routine."

"Stop talking, hurry up and work!"

The channel fell silent again, and the speed at which the agents conquered the level increased significantly. The average speed of conquering the level dropped from 33 seconds to 30 seconds, an increase of nearly 10%. More than 20 agents can clear dozens of checkpoints every minute. At this speed, everyone feels that they can pass the checkpoint before the police force reaches the target area.

It's just that including Luo, no one knows that the remaining levels in front of them are 3896, and 50 new levels can be generated by themselves every minute. After Kaitian changed his thinking, he directly evolved from a level designer to a random level generator.

After solving the problem on Kaitian's side, Chu Jungui began to pay attention to the surrounding movements. As a result, a simple scan found more than a dozen sneaky guys trying to occupy the commanding heights with a good view. It's fine if there are one or two occasionally, so many people are looking for the commanding heights together, and they are all around the Guangnian headquarters building. If it is said that they are not coming back for Mr. Chu, I don't think a dog will believe it.

As a cautious test subject, Chu Jungui weighed the value of the targets in the whole building, and finally felt that he was the only one worthy of dispatching so many killers. None of the others together seemed worthy of being assassinated.

However, Chu Jungui was also speechless looking at the killers setting up sniper positions in the surveillance screen. Don't they know there's a surveillance called array imaging? The principle is similar to radar, and no camera is needed at all.

Kai Tian also sensed something was wrong and said, "Master, these people seem to be targeting you."


"Should I ask the guinea fowl to lead someone to kill them all? Although the guinea fowl is a bit weaker, it is still no problem to kill this group of chickens."

Chu Jungui thought for a while and said, "No need."

Kai Tian suddenly called out: "Master, look there!"

Chu Jungui's consciousness turned to Kaitian's side, and he saw that in a room in the building next door, several guys who covered their faces and dressed as geeks set up a miniature mastermind, and were busy surrounding the mastermind. When Kai Tian found them, he had already cracked the defense of their mastermind and gained control.

Chu Jungui took a look and found out that these guys were trying to capture the mastermind of the Guangnian headquarters building. It's just that they didn't know how long they were busy, and they still had no threat to the mastermind of Guangnian. They couldn't even trigger the alarm, so they couldn't attract Chu Jungui's attention.

Chu Jungui compiled an attack program and an interception program at will, threw them into their main brain, and then separated a link for each main brain and equipment controlled by him, and hung them on this main brain. As for the computing power under his control, Chu Jungui also reluctantly allocated 0.5%, and also hung up. In this way, all the hacker attacks around seemed to be done by these people, and had nothing to do with Chu Jungui.

Immediately after, Chu Jungui discovered several abnormal data activities. He divided part of his attention and began to track backwards. Immediately, he saw more than a dozen unmarked flying cars entering District 7 from several directions. These flying cars all had Extremely high authority, took over all monitoring in the area along the way. And their authority comes from the planetary special police force headquarters.

It seems that the clumsy actions of those killers still alarmed the planetary special police. Chu Jungui was thoughtful, since the special police came, there was no need to do it himself. It's just a pity, I thought that the title of 'Mercenary Hunter' would become famous after tonight, but it seems that I have to wait again.

While sighing, Chu Jungui mixed the positions of several killers with the normal monitoring data and sent them to the special police. These special police officers were obviously well-trained and reacted extremely quickly. The dozen or so speeding cars were immediately divided into several teams, three cars in one team, and rushed to different places.

Chu Jun returned to his consciousness and said to Kaitian, "You can rest tonight."

Kai Tian stood up, to be precise, it floated up, there were still two clouds of black mist under its feet, but it was completely human form above the knees, and it was almost impossible to tell the difference from a real person.

"Master, it's time to change your cooling system. Do you want to use liquid nitrogen instead?"

Chu Jungui was also thinking about this issue, and said, "I don't need it for now, I'll think about how to use the heat."

"This is easy to handle, as long as a layer of skin that can absorb and transfer energy is created, a few pieces are enough. This is the design plan." Kai Tian immediately sent over the information, which was detailed down to the molecular level. The internal structures of the cells are clearly marked.

This is the wisdom of the Wu Clan, but Kaitian has learned to present them in a way that humans can understand.

The core of this skin is energy-absorbing cells and energy-storage cells, and the two cooperate with each other. Energy-absorbing cells absorb heat, and then convert it into energy substances through energy-storage cells, and then release it when necessary. Many other functions can be added on this basis, such as adding several layers of defense cells to increase defense; adding cells that can emit rays of different frequencies to become bio-radar; adding light-emitting cells to illuminate or project images; or adding energy conduction cells to make interfaces Charge your device...

This is true cellular application. Even the test subjects were eye-opening, and had a new understanding of the Wu Clan.

It's just that why are there so many fifth-rate killers suddenly appearing around? Chu Jungui thought of a possibility, and hurriedly checked the bounty on his head, and sure enough, it had increased from 10 million to 14.91 million. Although the amount is still unreasonable, the 50% increase can be described as huge, but why is there a whole?

Out of curiosity, Chu Jungui looked at the bounty composition, only to find that the newly added part was actually a collection of dozens of sporadic small bounties. After further investigation, they finally found out the true identity of a bounty offerer, who turned out to be a crew member of the Louis Family Fleet. He paid the ransom in advance and was released in the first batch. He didn't expect to hold a grudge, and after paying the ransom of 3 million, he was able to offer 500,000 to reward Chu Jungui's head.

In this way, a group of people collected a bounty of nearly 5 million, which made Chu Jungui a lot more attractive in the hearts of the killers.

Chu Jungui has stopped here, but a few geeks in the secret room next door are still struggling, still trying to break through the mastermind of the light year headquarters, and feel that success is in sight.

Their mastermind suddenly became a little slow. A few geeks are engrossed in their work and feel nothing. At this moment, there was a bang, and the door was suddenly kicked open, and then a dozen heavily armed policemen poured in, pointing at these geeks with black guns, and each of them had several guns assigned to their heads.

A SWAT officer projects the image of a tall, handsome, upright man. He glanced at the micro-mastermind, which was clearly outdated by the times, and his face was filled with admiration. He smiled and said, "I am the chief of Division 17 of the Planetary Police Headquarters. You can call me Luo. What you are doing now is enough Each of you can be imprisoned for 300 years, but fortunately, you met me. I can now give you a chance to join the 17th place. How about it, while sitting through the prison, and entering my 17 places, how would you choose?"

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