God is Coming

Chapter 758: Quirk

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The police search operation was quick and efficient, and successfully captured more than 20 killers and more than 50 people who provided services for them. As the trial progresses, more people are sure to fall into the law. The operation appears to have been a success.

After the police withdrew, Chu Jungui quietly regained control of the surveillance facilities and the surrounding masterminds, and most corners of the entire area fell into Chu Jungui's eyes. However, this round of searching did not find any valuable targets. In other words, Chu Jungui did not find a killer who could threaten him.

He originally thought that the large wave of parallel imports in front of him was a means to divert his attention, and let himself relax his vigilance by the way, so that the real killer could seize the opportunity to strike. Now it seems that I think too much.

But Chu Jungui is also very clear that those top killers are not so easy to find. If they are found after a round of searching, they can't be called top killers. But the test subject has patience, and now the whole area is under his control, no matter who wants to harm him, sooner or later his feet will be exposed.

But Chu Jungui himself also felt strange. It stands to reason that Jane should have gotten the news that he was going to deal with her. With her character, she probably couldn't bear it, and she would act first. She had already assassinated Chu Jungui once, and she didn't care about doing it again.

In the next few days, Chu Jungui went about his activities as usual, went to and from get off work as usual, deliberately and unintentionally exposed some flaws, but he never found any trace of the killer lurking. He took care of everything up and down the entire light year, but he still didn't encounter assassination.

Evans has already left, and Sino is also busy with the family fleet. He even has clues to the old starship from that day, but Chu Jungui still hasn't found the killer in Zuojin. The test subjects have already tried various methods, all-round probing and searching, and designed many traps specifically for special groups such as mercenary killers. It stands to reason that as long as they are human beings, it is impossible to hide their secrets, but they still found nothing.

After a busy week, Chu Jungui began to ponder, isn't the killer human?

The more he thought about it, the more Chu Jungui felt that there was such a possibility. At least the existence of the Wu Clan let Chu Jungui know that human beings are not the only intelligent race in the universe. If the killer is not a human being, then the scope of monitoring needs to be expanded, but this may not be effective, but the cost is very high, and it is easy to be exposed to the sight of the planetary government again. Chu Jungui was also undecided whether to expand the scope of surveillance.

On the planet Red Ocean, Kun is holding a glass of red wine, staring at the screen in front of him. Next to him is the image of Richard, talking non-stop.

"Okay, I see, no problem, I will find a way to deal with him. But it will take time, during this time you should protect yourselves first." When Kun spoke, his eyes never left the screen, which shows how much Perfunctory.

How could Richard fail to see Kun's absent-mindedness? He looked at the screen that Kun was staring at, and saw two starships on the screen, making an all-round comparison.

The starship on the left looks better, but the data is very simple, while the starship on the right looks more like an experimental ship that has not yet been finalized, but the data is very detailed and solid.

Kun is concentrating on comparing the data of the two starships, every slight difference must be carefully recorded and carefully analyzed. Richard was a little strange and asked, "Is this Billind's new starship?"

"Well, our experimental ship, now that the basic data has been tested, there is still a little finishing work before it can be finalized."

"Are you going to transform into a starship design?"

"No, I'm just curious." After Kun finished speaking, he felt a little unreasonable, and explained one more sentence: "After all, I will use this starship to fight in the future, so I need to study it thoroughly."

"Okay, then you are busy."

Cutting the communication, Richard leaned back and covered his face with his hands. Jane came over and asked, "how is it, does he still not agree?"

Richard said depressedly: "It's as perfunctory as last time, I feel that he doesn't want to deal with Chu Jungui at all, and I don't know why. He hated it so much a while ago, but now he suddenly doesn't care .”

Jane was silent for a moment, and said, "Without Kun, wouldn't you be able to find the killer?"

Richard said helplessly: "You saw what happened to the killer last time. Without Kun's help, I couldn't find a killer of his level, let alone a better one. It's useless to go to an ordinary killer."

"Why is Kun like this, have you found the reason?"

"No, I'm not very good at asking, and I probably won't say anything if I ask."

Jane pondered in a low voice: "Without Kun's help, can we really not find a top killer..."

"No way, I think, we should hide for a while, and ask Ander Group to be responsible for our safety."

"Ender won't protect us forever! If you don't want to find it, I'll find a way." Jane turned and left the room.

Richard tried to call her back, but finally shook his head.

It was nearly dusk, and Kun had completed the comparative analysis of the two starships. Looking at the data differences in the list, he frowned slightly. Some of these data differences can be improved, some are caused by different ship types, and some are errors. Bilind's experimental ship has completed most of the tests and is about to be mass-produced. Its data is naturally correct, and the problematic ones are the starships for comparison.

Richard didn't see that the starship for comparison was the starship that Light Year had just released, and the designer was the famous artist Zoli.

Kun was very entangled at this time, and he knew exactly what these data differences meant. If Light Year could get the watch in his hand, or even simply get the data of the test ship, then maybe it could really turn the starship on paper into reality. Kun was startled suddenly, he actually had the idea of ​​whether to give the data to Light Year!

In the early morning, when Evelyn walked into Chu Jungui's office, what she saw were dozens of screens surrounding Chu Jungui, all of which were formula numbers that she could not understand, or some abstract patterns .

"Let's play tricks..." Evelyn complained from the bottom of her heart. There are not many things that even she can't understand, how could all the screens be. Another normal person doesn't need dozens of screens.

Although complaining in her heart, Evelyn was very respectful on the surface and said: "The information you want has been obtained."

After Chu Jungui received the information, he scanned it at a glance, and unexpectedly found that the second half of the information was all about the Avonton family, including major industries, places of residence, important figures, etc. While not exhaustive, it is fairly complete.

Avington is Jane's family. Following this information, Chu Jungui successfully found Jane's branch and the most important industry of her branch: Boston Credit Bank.

The moment he saw the Boston Credit Bank, Chu Jungui began to search for its information. As a listed bank, it is not large in scale, but its public information is detailed enough. Chu Jungui quickly browsed its annual reports and gradually gained a deeper understanding.

"In addition to Jane's personal information, I thought her family might also be worthy of attention, so I sorted out a piece of information." Evelyn said.

"Very good!" Chu Jungui finally praised her.

"That's right, I'm a professional!" Evelyn puffed out her chest proudly before leaving the office.

Chu Jungui now has a new idea. For Jane and Jane's family, because there are no prominent political figures, the family business is extremely important. Being able to own a bank, even if the scale is small, is also a very important part of the layout of the entire family business.

Originally, Jane and Richard lived in secluded places and were surrounded by many bodyguards. Unless Chu Jungui took action himself, there was not much chance of killing them. But now, Chu Jungui has a new plan, which may be more cruel than killing them directly.

Chu Jungui connected to the channel of Henry of the Excalibur Group and asked, "How can we bring down a bank?"

Henry was taken aback: "Our Excalibur hasn't offended you, has it?"

"I mean in general terms, such as small and medium-sized banks."

Henry is also a smart person, guessing: "Are you going to deal with the Evington family?"

"I didn't say it was them, I just wanted to learn more about this."

Henry took a deep breath and said, "Well, in fact, banks are most afraid of two things, one is reputation, and the other is asset quality. Most bank failures in history are related to these two aspects..."

Chu Jungui listened quietly for an hour and learned a lot. Sure enough, only the bankers know how to bring down a bank.

Chu Jungui searched the customer list of Boston Credit Bank and quickly found the target. Then Chu Jungui connected Evelyn and said, "Let Clarkson come to my office."

After a while, Clarkson sat upright in front of Chu Jungui. The grand space of this office made him tense subconsciously, and his heart was full of admiration for capital.

Chu Jungui sent a company name and said: "I want the control of this company, preferably indirect, but effective control must be guaranteed. Do it."

Clarkson silently recited the name of the target company twice, and instantly felt his whole body was full of energy. He stood up and strode out of Chu Jungui's office. Before returning to his small office, Clarkson rushed to the break area, grabbed a handful of stimulants, and returned to the office. He wasn't going to sleep these two days.

Chu Jungui looked at the several screens on the left, and the disorganized data on the screens were put together in his consciousness to form a star map. In the star chart, Evans is leading a huge fleet of 15 starships sailing fast, approaching the advance base of the 4th Fleet.

In this fleet, 8 destroyers were provided by Chu Jungui. Evans found 1 light cruiser, 3 frigates and 3 planetary landing ships from nowhere.

About a few hundred light seconds away from Evans' fleet, there was another fleet sailing silently. It was a fleet of five destroyers led by Li Ruobai. In case there is an accident in Evans' operation, Li Ruobai will show up to respond.

Chu Jungui has already figured out the strength of the Jiaotu Army. They have a total of 5 destroyers and 8 frigates. They are considered strong, but they should not be Evans' opponents.

It's just that Chu Jungui doesn't understand. With this guy's background, why did he come to work for him? Could it be that everyone's children have quirks?

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