God is Coming

Chapter 759 Psychological Problems

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Of course Chu Jungui had investigated Evans' background. Although he didn't know much about it, what he had found was already prominent enough. Evans is also a member of the Winton family. Although it is considered a side branch, this side branch has almost as long a history as the direct line, and there are various mysterious legends attached to it, which are almost more exaggerated than the direct line.

Different from other offshoots, the lineage Evans belonged to has outstanding appearance, completely comparable to the direct lineage. And the Wendun family's direct lineage is famous for its good looks, which is enough to be called together with the Tianyu Li family.

Evans's line of succession is not high. He is already in the 30th place. It stands to reason that he has no possibility of inheriting the Winton family. He is not at the same level as the little princess's top three picks. But in the family, he seems to be valued unexpectedly, and he can be seen in many important events.

Evans' own family situation was hidden behind the fog, and his parents could not be found at all. The more this is the case, the more it shows that he is not simple.

As for the low order of succession, there is also a possibility that Evans or the forces behind him don't care at all.

Evans and Hathaway graduated from the same school, but graduated 4 years earlier than Hathaway, and their grades in school are always in the top ten, but they have never won the first place. After graduating, for two full years he seemed to have disappeared without any information, where he went or what he did.

However, in melee combat alone, Evans has a super high level of 10.0. Kai Tian always felt that Evans was weak, and that was compared with Chu Jungui, and Chu Jungui suspected that Evans might still be hiding some strength.

No matter how you look at it, such a person is expected to do great things. Even if he joins the federal army, he should probably be a lieutenant general by now, and it is not impossible for him to be a marshal in the future. Why did he want to work as a migrant worker one light-year away? Could it be because he saw a bright future hundreds of years later?

Chu Jungui also asked Hathaway, but the little princess vaguely and perfunctorily explained it without elaborating.

Mr. Chu calculated the time, and Evans would arrive at the destination in one day and launch an attack. At this time, we can only hope that he succeeds.

Chu Jungui's attention returned to the Boston Credit Bank. He called two more managers, gave the names of the two companies, and asked them to purchase separately; finally called Evelyn in and asked her to go to the bank. Registered a starship leasing company.

Now only after the completion of the acquisition of the three companies, Chu Jungui can start the layout. However, it takes a little time to acquire the company. Taking advantage of this spare time, Chu Jungui quietly returned to planet 4.

The appearance of Planet 4 is still the same, with storm clouds billowing and roaring. When Chu Jungui passed through the clouds and landed in the base, he saw that 80% of the construction of the new base had been completed, and all energy and raw material primary processing systems had been completed, and now an additional high-level processing area was being built for processing All kinds of high-end raw materials, including survival grade materials.

The new base is full of crawling work beasts, all with batteries on their heads, scurrying around quickly. Among the large number of working beasts, there are several very special working beasts. They are taller and stronger, and their bodies are obviously covered with exoskeletons. But the exoskeleton is not made of biological material, but metal!

These exoskeletons are designed in advance, and then embedded into the body of the working animal, so that the efficiency of the working animal is greatly increased, and the strength is also significantly improved with the help of machinery.

On the other hand, the machines that operate automatically are significantly inferior, with only a small increase in quantity and no essential improvement in quality. A large number of newly produced construction vehicles are driven by work animals instead.

Seeing this scene, Kai Tian was immediately indignant. It is not on the 4th planet, how to create more self-running construction machinery? It is obviously impossible for a wise man to help him.

The production capacity of the new base is increasing day by day, but it still cannot keep up with the speed of raw material extraction. When Chu Jungui landed at the base, he happened to see a new batch of construction vehicles starting to work.

Chu Jungui activated the auxiliary flight system of the battle armor, flew to the top of an ark, looked down from a high position, and looked into the distance.

Dozens of large engineering vehicles drove out of the base one after another, heading for the workplace several kilometers away. The workplace was originally a rolling hill, but now a flat land with a radius of one kilometer appeared out of thin air. The hills in the range are all gone. On a large hill at the edge, several giant engineering vehicles are working in circles, and every time they circle around, the ground will drop three meters where they pass.

Chu Jungui still remembered that the hill was originally about 150 meters long, with a radius of three to four hundred meters. Now the base remains the same, but the height is only 90 meters. It seems that within a few days, this hill will be flattened.

Under the leadership of guys like Li Xinyi, Wise Man, and Le Mans, the new base has really opened the map modification mode.

Chu Jungui flew down from the ark and walked into the newly built headquarters. In the command hall, Chu Jungui saw the wise man, Li Xinyi and Le Mans who were discussing enthusiastically.

Among the three is the image of a working beast. This working beast is much more complex and taller than ordinary working beasts, with a height of more than 4 meters. It has ten arms and legs, six big and four small, and the full length of the arms and legs is more than 10 meters. There are two power batteries embedded in the body of the working beast, and the entire body is covered with metal or transparent materials.

Le Mans said: "We have solved the problem of working beasts surviving in a vacuum, and the next step is to remove the artificial materials covering the body surface, so that working beasts can truly become life in the universe!"

Li Xinyi shook her head and said: "It's not necessary. In that case, the working animal needs to tighten the complex skin structure, and the growth rate will be greatly slowed down, which does not meet the requirements of mass production. I think it is very good now, for deep space protection Just make a set of armor for them.”

At this time, the wise man said: "The deep space work beast still needs to evolve in a comprehensive and powerful direction. I think the next step is to add functions such as remote communication, comprehensive detection, information processing, and storage. If necessary, an emergency life support module can also be added. The goal is to allow them to survive for at least 72 hours in the deep space exposure state. In addition, the intelligence of the working beasts also needs to be improved. If three thinking cores can be added, then they will have a certain ability to manipulate weapons , and can obey specific orders."

"It's not necessary! Mass production is the kingly way. Workers don't need quality, just quantity." Li Xinyi still objected.

The wise man finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said: "The mass-produced one is not a work beast, it's obviously me, okay!? I can't stand it!"

The girl showed a pure smile: "That's just your psychological problem, not a physical problem. Don't worry, I will develop a special cutting knife to ensure fast and good cutting."

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