God is Coming

Chapter 760

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Now that Chu Jungui is back, he took advantage of the opportunity to join in the discussion on the evolution direction of the work beast.

A consensus has been reached on the fact that the work beasts have entered deep space, and now the disagreement lies in the direction of evolution. The wise man wants to develop in the direction of greatly improving the comprehensive ability, so the time to cultivate the working beast will inevitably be extended.

And Li Xinyi believes that in terms of comprehensive ability, humans are competent enough, but now there are not so many humans who can not be paid. Therefore, work beasts should cover areas that humans are not good at, including low-end, dangerous, repetitive, and high-intensity tasks. Of course, the more the better, as long as simple functions are enough.

Le Mans is somewhere in between, tending to be a little stronger than the current workbeast, but not necessarily as strong as the wise man demands. In addition, he and Li Xinyi also have different routes. Le Mans tends to create real life in deep space, while Li Xinyi thinks that things that can be solved with armor should not be solved by living organisms. Just like a person can use a gun, there is no need to evolve the arm into a gun.

After listening to all the proposals, Chu Jungui was considering the trade-offs, and the political component said quietly: "That Le Mans wants to do the work of the creator!"

Chu Jungui thought about it, and it was true. But what is the psychology of a wise man?

Tactical deception gave the answer: "It is still a child, looking at thousands of descendants, it must be scared, right? What if one of them mutates?"

Chu Jungui thought about the tens of thousands of little Chu Jungui standing in front of him, and suddenly shuddered.

After hesitating for a while, Chu Jungui asked again: "Where's Li Xinyi?"

The metaphysics component feels that the opportunity to express himself has come: "What the Xinyi Demon King thinks, can only be understood but cannot be expressed..."

Chu Jungui turned off the metaphysics component casually, and asked, "Who activated it?"

The three major components were all silent, and in the end it was tactical deception to tell the truth: "Among us, it is the fastest update iteration, and it keeps updating itself almost as soon as it starts up. ability to activate."

Chu Jungui had quite a headache. A guy who didn't know himself but worked very hard would be troublesome wherever he was placed.

All in all, Li Xinyi's mental state was left alone, but Chu Jungui knew the evaluation of her by the components.

According to the analysis of the components, the wise man is indeed a psychological problem. In fact, Wise Men and Kai Tian are intelligent beings with group consciousness, somewhat similar to human parliaments, and a resolution is reached after discussion. This resolution is the idea expressed by Wise Men and Kai Tian. As for the individual tiny wills behind the resolution, they can be ignored.

Theoretically speaking, it doesn't matter how many copies the wise man splits out. After Li Xinyi updated its thinking model, the wise man's multi-thread processing ability has improved exponentially. Now there is no problem in manipulating hundreds of thousands of sub-consciousnesses at the same time. When not controlling at ordinary times, the sub-consciousness can rely on its own intelligence to decide actions independently, or act according to orders.

So Li Xinyi prefers to create tens of thousands of workbeasts first, without workbeasts, her Titan is nowhere near completion.

As for the comprehensive ability and true intelligence, can the work beast be stronger than humans? At least so far, human beings in this corner of the Milky Way have proved that they are unique intelligent life, and there are definitely a lot of human beings. In the past, only one planet, the parent star, could reproduce, but now there are thousands of large and small planets. To reproduce on a planet, quantity is the greatest advantage of human beings.

But when it comes to human beings, Chu Jungui immediately thinks of a word, salary.

The costless history of the Light Year Legion is coming to an end, and Chu Jungui is well aware of this. Although Wilson, Roland and other generals did not say anything, it does not mean that this matter can be delayed indefinitely.

Originally, Chu Jungui was planning to solve the problems of the treatment and family members of the soldiers of the legion, but every time he was blocked by reality. On the starship, the limited space has to be used to fill armor and energy cabins, so naturally there is not much room for people to stay. The more comfortable the crew lives, the lower the combat effectiveness of the starship. This is the unique light-year theorem.

As for taking the family back home, we have to wait for Chu Jungui to find a more livable place. No one wants to live on planet No. 4. If there is no pressure to survive, the world where there is no sunshine all year round and only thunder and lightning overhead can make people crazy. The reason why all the Lightyear Warriors work like crazy is also because it can relieve stress.

The last thing is salary. Originally, this was the easiest problem to solve. However, it was during this time that Chu Jungui started his financial career. He is now very clear about the significance of the cost to 1 light-year. Every reduction in the cost of one yuan will bring about an expansion of the market value by dozens or even hundreds of times. Investors in the market don’t care how you earn your money. They clamor for being socially responsible and earning money ethically, but they are more honest than anyone else in investment. Look at the 1 light-year skyrocketing The stock price will know.

As a unique star thief concept stock in the market, Light Year used the stock price to slap the bears severely, and repeatedly slapped them.

Why are light-year starships so cheap? Isn’t it because labor costs nothing and energy costs nothing? But is this the real advantage of Lightyear? What should the light-year advantage be?

When Chu Jungui was contemplating, Li Xinyi's voice sounded next to his ears: "Have you thought about it? Hurry up and make a decision!"

At this time, Chu Jungui had made up his mind and came up with a combined plan. The comprehensive ability of the new working beast will be one level stronger than the existing ones, but it is not to the extent that the wise men imagined, and it does not have the ability to fight. It is not a complete life in deep space, and still needs to rely on external armor to maintain life. Warframes are much cheaper and faster to build than Workbeasts.

This is actually a compromise plan. It is not as extreme as Li Xinyi's plan, and the individual is not as powerful as the wise man's Le Mans plan. It maintains a balance between the individual and the number. The advantage of this solution is that it is more flexible. In the future, the work beast can do more work, and it can also meet most of the needs of Titan construction. A few jobs with particularly high requirements can be solved by people.

The next few days were tense and busy, with new nests constantly being built, batches of experimental working beasts crawled out of the nests, most of them were recovered, and only a few remained as samples for experiments or comparisons. After a few batches, the working beast has evolved to look similar to the expected plan, and it is expected to stabilize after another three or five batches.

At this moment, the issue of the treatment of the light-year warriors that had been bothering Chu Jungui was suddenly resolved in an unexpected way: the war broke out.

The dynasty and the Federation declared war within 3 hours, and the war broke out across the board in an instant, while the community declared neutrality. The scale of this war is obviously larger than the last one. The dynasty had accumulated strength on the longitudinal line for a long time, and at this moment, it came out in full force, tearing apart the defense line that the Federation had painstakingly managed in a blink of an eye.

Xu Bingyan personally led the main force of the fleet to go deep into the territory of the Federation, seeking a decisive battle.

The N77 star field is the secondary battlefield, where the Federation gathers superior forces and tries to completely expel the dynasty fleet. In just a few days, the battle situation entered a white-hot stage.

In the storm that swept across the entire star field, planet No. 4 was temporarily calm.

Nearly 10 days after the war started, Chu Jungui received the first detailed battle report. The battle report was sent by the Special Operations Department. If it weren't for this battle report, Chu Jungui would have almost forgotten his identity as an agent.

In the battle report, the description of the cause of the war is as follows: "On the 22nd of the mother star calendar, federal troops disguised as star thieves attacked the advance base of the Fourth Fleet and had a fierce battle with the reinforcements of the Fourth Fleet. However, according to the inspection of the wreckage on the battlefield afterward, it was determined that there were federal starships in the sneak attack fleet. In view of the vile nature of this provocation, the dynasty decided to formally declare war on the Federation after careful consideration.”

This battle report, Chu Jungui felt weird no matter how he looked at it. According to the description in the battle report, he had to think of Evans' action. It's just that Evans is not pretending to be a star thief, he is a red beard star thief. As for the federal standard starship, Evans can even get the champion knight, what else can't he get?

Could it be that the war was really started by light years?

Isn't the target of this operation the Jiaotu Army? Why did they fight with the Fourth Fleet?

These questions can only be answered when they meet Evans or Li Ruobai. In addition, Chu Jungui is also very clear that the war will be fought sooner or later, and the light year is just a fuse, regardless of whether there is a light year or not.

Now that the war has begun, Light Year's focus has shifted to starship manufacturing. The four shipyards started construction at the same time, and the first batch of deep space work beasts were sent to orbit. These working beasts seem to be quite adaptable to the new environment, with a high degree of task completion, and they are no worse than human engineers in places that require low-end repetitive labor.

Chu Jungui set off with the two destroyers that had just been completed and rolled off the assembly line, and patrolled around the N7703 galaxy to ensure that no Federation or Dynasty starships appeared.

Planet 4 itself is safe, but now Chu Jungui has more and more assets in orbit. When it comes to building a large platform for destroyers, it is very valuable. These are the objects that need to be protected. Moreover, the orbital platform is not covered by storm clouds, which is much more dangerous than the ground base. That's why Chu Jungui led the starship to take the initiative to attack. Once an enemy is found, he can attack immediately.

The first inspection did not see the Federation starship, nor the Dynasty starship, but encountered Li Ruobai's returning fleet. Li Ruobai knew that the defense of planet 4 was empty, so he led the fleet back immediately. It's just that the fleet that appeared in front of Chu Jungui not only had every starship scarred, but there were only 4 destroyers left.

Chu Jungui couldn't wait to board the ship, so he directly connected to the communication and asked, "What's going on? Are you okay?"

Li Ruobai looked haggard, and said, "Don't mention it, I thought I was going to fight Jiaotu, but I didn't expect to have a fierce fight with the Fourth Fleet."

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