God is Coming

Chapter 761 Arrogant

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Chu Jungui didn't understand the whole process until he took Li Ruobai to the starship.

Evans' raid started very smoothly, taking down the forward base with ease, and then he left two destroyers and a frigate to slowly move things in orbit, while he led the rest of the starships to ambush, preparing to attack Pepper Figure Legion. As expected, the Jiaotu army came to the rescue with all their strength. As a result, their jumping point was accurately predicted by Evans, and the battle began before the formation was reorganized.

Li Ruobai, who was hiding in the distance, also admired him very much. Although Evans had various shortcomings, he was quite sharp in fighting. He ambushed with the superior fleet, and the Jiaotu fleet was suddenly in chaos, and it was about to be severely damaged, and might even be completely wiped out. However, at this moment, a huge fleet suddenly appeared!

This fleet is obviously not far away, so they jumped over when they received the news at the first time. As soon as they appeared, they rushed straight to the battlefield, and indicated in the communication that they were here to rescue Jiaotu.

At this time, Evans' fleet was surrounded and was beating the Jiaotu fleet, but a powerful fleet suddenly appeared behind him, and the situation suddenly became extremely critical.

Without hesitation, Li Ruobai immediately led the fleet to attack from the side and rear, first severely damaged a destroyer of the opponent in one fell swoop, and then bit the opponent tightly.

The new fleet is led by a heavy cruiser, and there are three light cruisers and six destroyers in the fleet. The strength of the fleet is more than twice that of Li Ruobai. But Li Ruobai knew very well that if this fleet could not be stopped, Evans would be severely injured. Therefore, Li Ruobai never retreated, relying on the fierce firepower and heavy armor of the light-year starship to deal with his opponents.

But after all, his combat power was at an absolute disadvantage. In the blink of an eye, every starship suffered a lot of blows, and one destroyer was destroyed.

Fortunately, Evans' judgment was correct. He used Li Ruobai's opportunity to delay the opponent to attack with all his strength and defeated the Jiaotu fleet in one fell swoop.

Although it was the first time to cooperate, Li Ruobai and Evans played very well. Both sides agreed to abandon the opponent's other starships, and just tried their best to focus on the fire and patrol. Soon a destroyer of the Evans fleet was also destroyed, but he ignored it and continued to attack the heavy cruiser crazily. The same was true for Li Ruobai. The two of them were like lunatics.

The battle became intense in a blink of an eye, and the opponent's heavy patrol was riddled with holes in an instant, and if they fought for a while, they might be blown up in the air. At this moment, the commanding officer of the other side was finally terrified, turned around and fled, leaving behind several destroyers.

Li Ruobai and Evans crazily charged at each other's rear troops, posing as if they were determined to catch up with the heavy patrol. Chong Xun had already been scarred, so he immediately accelerated when he saw this, and then jumped into the void to escape. As soon as the flagship escaped, the other starships also lost their will to fight and quickly withdrew from the battlefield.

Li Ruobai's fleet was heavily scarred, and Evans was also powerless to pursue it at this moment. During the frantic attack on the opponent's flagship, his fleet was the main target of the opponent's fire. All the starships were injured, and one was directly destroyed. There are two heavy damages, and if they don't care, they may be destroyed at any time.

In this encounter, both sides suffered heavy losses. They each lost two destroyers. At the same time, many starships were severely damaged, and they could not return to the battlefield in a short time.

Only the Jiaotu Legion was lucky. Most of the starships were only damaged but not destroyed. In the end, only one frigate was lost.

What had been a well-planned raid by Evans turned into a disastrous encounter, a miserable victory at best, a draw in practice. Fortunately, the battlefield is still under his control in the end, most of the rescue capsules have been recovered, and the final casualties of the crew are around 1,000.

This fleet that suddenly appeared did not have any markings, and it did not identify itself from beginning to end. But their ship type can't deceive people, and the mastermind of the destroyed starship also has enough information, plus thousands of crew members have been captured, and many of them voluntarily opened their mouths as soon as they were captured. Various evidences show that this fleet is from the 4th Fleet, and they originally planned to stay nearby, waiting to join another fleet, and then go to the N7703 galaxy to perform missions.

Li Ruobai said meaningfully: "Jun Gui, did you see that? You came here to carry out a mission. What kind of mission is it? What kind of mission requires so many starships?"

Chu Jun returned: "Is there any evidence?"

Li Ruobai shook his head: "Not yet. The mission information should only be on the flagship, or even the flagship. The commander may not know what to do at this time. We only destroyed two destroyers, and no key information was found on it."

But Li Ruobai said again: "What evidence is needed now? What else is there in the N7703 galaxy besides us now? Evans found an excessive amount of supplies in the forward base. The person in charge of the base is from the Xu family, and Jiaotu belongs to the Xu family." Although the peripheral forces and the 4th Fleet are not direct descendants of the Xu family, they have always had an ambiguous relationship. Do you still need evidence if you put them all together?"

Chu Jungui frowned and pondered, and said: "The war has just begun, and the Federation is not an opponent that can be easily subdued. At this time, are they still in the mood for a civil war?"

Li Ruobai said: "You are so naive. The war between the dynasty and the Federation will not last long. Don't forget that there is a community next to it. In fact, we and the Federation want to resolve some disputes that cannot be resolved normally through war. Therefore, the overall scale of the war is still controllable. At this time, it is normal to take out some opponents. Don't forget, the Xu family can do anything."

Chu Jungui was silent for a moment, and Fang said: "That's it, I understand. But don't worry, I can do anything."

"That's right." Li Ruobai said approvingly.

Chu Jungui assembled the surviving fleet and returned to planet 4, and a large number of wounded will be sent to the planetary base for treatment. Chu Jungui immediately found that he still lacked an orbital medical center, or simply built a medical ship. In addition to the wounded on one's own side in wartime, the wounded among prisoners is also a trouble.

After Li Ruobai found out that the opponent was the 4th Fleet, he asked Evans to take away all the prisoners in order to avoid trouble. If there is no accident, these prisoners will be held in the Federation until the end of the war.

After returning to the orbital base, Chu Jungui returned to his office, staring at the star map.

Li Xinyi walked in quietly and stood behind Chu Jungui. Chu Jungui tilted his head slightly and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I was worried that you were in a bad mood."

Chu Jungui smiled and said, "Why am I in a bad mood?"

The girl jumped slightly, sat on the instrument cabinet next to her, swayed her legs, and said, "Of course I know that you will be in a bad mood. When I was young, I saw that Dad was just like you now. Nothing happened, in fact, I was in a very bad mood, which was the reason why I kept pestering and asking."

"Your father is going to be in charge of the whole family. With so many major events, there will naturally be times when you worry. Aren't we going well now? There's nothing to worry about."

"You and your father were bothered by the same things back then. I've heard Ruobai tell you what happened just now."

Chu Jungui let out a sigh of relief and said, "Actually, it's nothing. I just feel that I can't fight a battle happily. Even if the war really comes, I feel that defending against one's own people is even more important than defending against the enemy."

The girl said: "Father thought the same as you do now. Do you want to know what he said later?"


"Father said that everyone is just in the same dynasty, and those people have never regarded him as one of their own."

Chu Jungui was startled, and then savored these words carefully.

The girl said again: "Father also said that the lesser of two evils, if losing the war can destroy the biggest competitor, then those people would rather lose the war."

"Improbable?" Chu Jun returned.

"I thought so too at the time. Then my father asked me, do you know when people are the happiest?"

The girl didn't wait for Chu Jungui to answer, but said to herself: "When you and someone you know make a hundred yuan, you are not happy. But if he loses a hundred yuan and I only lose ten yuan, Very happy at this time.”

Chu Jungui finally understood.

The girl smiled and said: "At that time, I was still young, and I always felt that there were such dark people in the world. But when I got older and saw a lot, I realized that this is not darkness at all."

Chu Jungui was silent for a moment, and said, "I understand, thank you."

The girl looked at him with piercing eyes and asked, "What do you understand?"

"You'll know when the time comes." Chu Jungui actually made a fool of himself.

No matter how much the girl asked Chu Jungui, she didn't say anything. Her curiosity was not satisfied, and she was so angry that she wanted to give Chu Jungui two paws. But the girl knew how Lin Xi and Chu Jungui met back then, and this guy's actions were not serious, even if Lin Xi didn't get along well with him, the end of doing it herself might be even worse. After all, being carried around doesn't feel very good.

When the girl left angrily, Chu Jungui continued to look at the star map, but this time his mood was different from before.

After thinking for a while, Chu Jungui sent Evans a message, telling him not to deliberately conceal what Red Beard had done this time. Originally, with Evans' ability and connections, it was not impossible to completely cover up this raid without revealing any traces. But if you don't make any big moves, there will be more or less rumors about this matter. After all, such a fierce battle is not small in scale, and it is impossible to completely hide it.

The dynasty has already penetrated to the point of pervasiveness in the Federation. This war, which directly led to the declaration of war by the dynasty, will naturally attract attention. It won't take long for information to be put on the table of those who are interested.

At that time, they will naturally know that those who raided the advance base, defeated Jiaotu, and drove away the ambush forces of the 4th Fleet were actually light-years away. It's like a street fight. One party secretly approached the opponent after deliberate planning for a long time, but before he could even make a move, the opponent slapped him first. At this moment, the face of the planner behind the scenes can be imagined.

Thinking of this, Chu Jungui smiled and thought, how can I make your Xu family happy when I am in such a bad mood?

In fact, the news spread faster than Chu Jungui expected. It didn't take long for the information to reach some people's desks. An old man watched it, slammed the table angrily, and said angrily: "Arrogant! Too arrogant! I want to see how long you can jump!"

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