God is Coming

Chapter 762

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At the end of the vertical line, there is an energy light flashing from time to time in an unnamed galaxy. The vast space is in a mess, a large number of wreckage is slowly floating, a heavy cruiser has been cut off in the middle, and the rear half of the ship is no longer known. The scale of the war can be seen from the size of the wreckage.

Among the countless wreckages, there are still many rescue capsules floating, and most of them are fighters floating in space only wearing battle armor.

Small boats flew cautiously among the wreckage, scanning the surrounding space, firing tractor beams from time to time, absorbing the rescue capsule with living people inside to the back of the boat, and then continued the search.

Many soldiers wearing only battle armor had no signs of life, and the search and rescue boat flew past them without hesitation, looking for the next target.

This is not in line with the norm. Under normal circumstances, the party cleaning the battlefield should take back all humans, regardless of whether they are enemies or friends, even if they are already corpses, they must also take them back, and return them to the other party in the future. But now, these search and rescue boats are in a hurry, and several of them are only looking for soldiers from the dynasty, even if the federation is still alive, they ignore it.

A light second away from the battlefield, there is a huge capital ship hovering. The lights in the command hall were dim, and only the star map in the center was emitting light. In front of the star map, a man as handsome as a woman was staring at the star map, meditating silently.

A lieutenant general came in quietly and called softly, "Marshal Xu."

The man didn't turn his head and said, "One, I'm not the marshal yet. Two, I said don't bother me at this time."

The lieutenant general said: "You are only short of the ceremony from the marshal, and even the decision has been made. In addition, there is indeed an important military situation that needs to be reviewed by you."

The man finally turned around, and it was Xu Bingyan, the supreme commander of the dynasty's front line. He turned on the light screen handed over by the lieutenant general, glanced at it, his expression remained unchanged, and said: "Did the 'cleaning' operation fail? I don't think so, isn't the fleet still 90%? Even if the advantage is not enough, from the 4th Fleet Wouldn’t it be good to borrow some stock?”

The lieutenant general said: "The meaning over there is that according to the original plan, I am afraid that there are not enough troops. The opponent is unexpectedly difficult, and is a real opponent."

Xu Bingyan put the light screen aside and said: "If you don't have enough troops, you can borrow them from the 4th Fleet."

"They borrowed it, and the reply of the 4th Fleet was that the war had already begun, and the troops were tense, so they could not give so many troops."

Xu Bingyan called up the star map of the N77 star field, and understood what was going on after just a glance, and said: "This Su Jian, it seems that he really wants to be a marshal! If N77 only defends for a long time, it must have enough troops, but This guy actually wants to attack. Well, if he is allowed to win a battle with inferior forces, it can indeed add a bargaining chip to his marshal's scepter."

The lieutenant general's face was gloomy, and he said, "If we can't handle our business, is it because he also wants to be a marshal?"

Xu Bingyan thought for a while, and said: "The matter over there is neither big nor small. If you ignore it, it will always be a hidden danger. The Lin family is dying, and there can be no accidents at this time. Chu Jun is in his hands." Some are exactly what the Lin family lacks most at present, and that is money. So, you go for a run."

The lieutenant general said: "Marshal, the battle here is not over yet..."

Xu Bingyan raised her eyebrows slightly, and said, "Why, do you think I can't win without you?"

The lieutenant general hurriedly said: "Of course not! I mean, I can help you share a little here."

Xu Bingyan said: "I'm not worried here. The battle just now proved that I haven't forgotten how to fight. But if the matter over there is not handled properly, it may become a serious problem. If I remember correctly If so, it seems that no one can do anything about Chu Jungui so far. If you go this time, you can try to recruit him if necessary."

The lieutenant general was taken aback, and said, "Isn't that good? After all, he hurt a lot of us this time. If we recruit him, I'm afraid some brothers will complain."

Xu Bingyan said indifferently: "Recruit him first, wouldn't it be much easier to deal with him then?"

The lieutenant general suddenly realized.

"Go, don't bother me if there is no important matter. My old opponents are not vegetarians, and we must be more serious in order to defeat them."

The lieutenant general withdrew, and the command cabin fell into darkness again. This is Xu Bingyan's habit, he likes to think about the star map in the darkness similar to the universe.

Two days later, Chu Jungui, who was far away in the N77 star field, also received the battle report.

Xu Bingyan led the 6th Fleet and half of the 5th Fleet to make a sudden attack, and fought fiercely with the 3 Federation Fleets and two legions for a day and a night, defeated the opponent with a slightly inferior force, and won the first battle victory. In this campaign, the ratio of Xu Bingyan's troops to the opponent's was 4:5, but the final battle loss ratio was 1:3, which can be called a big victory.

This battle broke the Federation's encirclement of the longitudinal line in one fell swoop, and Xu Bingyan's main fleet could go deep into the Federation's hinterland at any time, taking the strategic initiative in one fell swoop.

After this battle, some people have already called Xu Bingyan the number one general of the dynasty.

Although the battle report only gave a general overview, many problems can already be seen. Starship decisive battles are different from ground battles. There is no terrain to use, and in most cases they can only fight head-to-head. Xu Bingyan dared to take the initiative to attack with inferior forces, and was able to win a big victory, which is indeed brilliant.

The Xu family has always started with arms and equipment, and they have a talented commander like Xu Bingyan, whose rise is already unstoppable. It's just that I don't know how the Lin family offended the Xu family so that they were targeted like this. Under normal circumstances, when a new family rises, an old family related to the field such as the Lin family will give up some of the benefits, and then the two parties will live in peace and wait for the next development.

But the Xu and Lin families were not like this. The Xu family gathered momentum and immediately used thunderous tactics against the Lin family, using all kinds of tricks together, completely in an unstoppable posture. Although the Lin family is not as good as it used to be, the heritage is still there. Lin Xuanshang is still young and deeply rooted in the army. In such a fight, most of them would lose both sides, and the Xu family didn't want to win anything.

Xu Bingyan naturally wouldn't understand even the questions that Chu Jungui could figure out at this moment, but he just did it.

Facing such an opponent, Chu Jungui also felt a headache. The more Xu Bingyan fought victoriously, the more he would not let Chu Jungui go. At this moment, Chu Jungui no longer had the slightest chance of luck in his heart. The political component had already analyzed countless historical figures, and came to the conclusion that all those who held high positions in the army like Xu Bingyan and fought all the way up, all of them were one-sided, willful Like iron, once a decision is made, no one can change it.

Now that Xu Bingyan has sent troops over to pacify Lord Chu, he will definitely not give up halfway. At this moment, Chu Jungui definitely has no possibility of surrender or compromise.

The test subject had no fear, but in the face of the newly promoted God of War figure in the dynasty, Chu Jungui knew that he could not take any chances, and victory could only be based on absolute strength.

Chu Jungui had made up his mind, so he boarded the starship and sailed to low orbit. Not far from the orbital station serving as the base camp, there is another space station. This space station was separated from the original orbital shipbuilding base, and it has only one mission, which is to build Titans.

Titan is now Light Year's biggest secret, and the fewer people who know about it, the better, that's why the dock was separated.

The starship slowly docked at one end of the dock, and Chu Jungui directly flew out of the starship, flew to a high place, and looked down at the dock.

At the other end of the dock, Titan was lying there quietly, the kilometer-long hull made him look like a real ancient giant beast. It's just that this giant beast still only has a skeleton, and the flesh and blood have not yet been completed. Engineers are dragging boxes of materials to the designated location for installation. This is a somewhat primitive way of working. Even though there are hundreds of engineers busy at the moment, it still looks sparse. Chu Jungui looked at it for a while, and could hardly see the progress. According to this speed, I am afraid that Titan will not be able to complete the project in another 50 years.

Just then, a transport ship broke through the storm clouds and flew into space. It adjusted its direction and soon approached the dock and docked at the berth.

The entire cargo hatch of the transport ship was opened, revealing the piles of supplies inside. It's just that the materials this time are a bit strange, and the appearance is not neat at all, which makes the test subject who always likes to be smooth and neat look uncomfortable for a while.

The uneven surface of the cargo suddenly moved, and the octopus workers bounced off the cargo pile and quickly climbed out of the cabin. Their bodies are all inlaid with pieces of armor made of composite materials, and they look like warriors covered in scales from a distance. There is no artificial gravity in most areas of the dock, but this does not bother the working beasts. They seem to live in the outer space by nature. Wherever their arms and legs touch, they are firmly attached to the surface, and then another or several arms and legs Reach forward and grab the new adsorption surface.

The single arm of these working beasts is five meters long, so they can easily span seven or eight meters with one movement. Even several working beasts will connect with each other, and the distance can even exceed 30 meters at one time.

These working beasts quickly covered the entire dock, they crawled around, and there were so many of them, it looked like a biochemical disaster at first glance.

Chu Jungui was taken aback at first, but after watching for a while, he realized that these work beasts were actually familiar with the environment. Sure enough, after the first working beast crawled around, he returned to the transport ship first, dragged three standard containers from above, and put them directly into the warehouse of the dock.

Several other working beasts worked together to drag out a huge 10-meter-square equipment box, and then transported it to the side of Titan at an incredible speed.

Several engineers were already standing there in a daze. Although they had seen the work beast before, it was the first time they had seen such a big work beast, and it was still in space. It wasn't until a working animal tapped an engineer's chest with his arms and legs that he came to his senses, overcame his inner fear, and beckoned his companions to come and receive the equipment.

Hundreds of working beasts moved a shipment of goods to the designated location in a blink of an eye, in an orderly manner without any chaos. Chu Jungui looked at the time, and it took only 15 minutes for the working beasts to evacuate a ship full of thousands of tons of supplies.

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