God is Coming

Chapter 764 Reminder

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So after the First World War, Evans not only returned all the starships he borrowed from who knows where, but also earned back a frigate, which of course remained in Redbeard.

Looking at the detailed information of this frigate, Chu Jungui was not calm again, and almost had the urge to rush to the Federation immediately. This frigate is only 20 years old, and already belongs to the latest generation of starships. Most importantly, it is actually equipped with the latest beam cannon of the Federation!

Although it is a small beam cannon, some key parts are common, including the focusing lens that can significantly increase the energy density of the beam cannon. This lens has always been on the Federation's embargo list. It is three generations more advanced than Light Year's existing technology, and it is about 120 years more advanced in terms of research and development time.

The light-year alpha cannon equipped with this lens will immediately increase its power to a higher level, and the energy density of a single cannon will increase by at least one-third. In this way, the combat power of the Alpha cannon roughly equaled the average level of the Federation's first-line beam cannons. However, the continuous attack capability and lifespan of the Alpha Cannon far exceeds that of the Federation's beam cannon. In a comprehensive evaluation, the Alpha Cannon equipped with a lens is already at the first-line level.

Although there is no manufacturing process for the focusing lens, but with the real object in hand, the research and development progress will be greatly accelerated. Chu Jungui suppressed his impatience, first calmly transferred Redbeard to the N77 star field, and then went to meet up and took the frigate into his hands. In addition to the focusing lens, there are at least dozens of technologies on the frigate that are light years ahead.

A few days later, Chu Jungui quietly returned to planet 4 with the newly acquired frigate. As soon as the frigate arrived at the orbital station, hundreds of engineers immediately swarmed up like locusts and dismantled the frigate without any scruples. Carefully transported to the laboratory for analysis and cracking.

Hundreds of progress bars immediately appeared in Chu Jungui's consciousness. Although the orbital station has been equipped with a small mastermind, the computing power is still far from enough. Chu Jungui re-analyzed hundreds of reverse engineering studies, and prioritized a dozen of the most important or easiest projects to achieve breakthroughs, giving priority to computing power, and then handed them over to Li Xinyi.

According to Light Year's current computing power, it will take at least four to five hundred years to complete these hundreds of new researches. Of course, Chu Jungui can't wait for such a long time, and purchasing more masterminds has to be put on the agenda.

More advanced masterminds are obviously on the federation's restricted list. Chu Jungui has no authority yet, and it is difficult to have authority in the short-term future. The same is true for the dynasty, but it is still possible to obtain the advanced medium-sized mastermind as the agent of Chu Jungui, but it needs to be upgraded to a second-level agent. The community does not have similar restrictions, but only a few powerful countries can produce advanced masterminds, which are rare and extremely expensive.

After thinking about it again and again, Chu Jungui still felt that it was more likely to get an advanced mastermind from the Dynasty channel. He found a secret communication channel and entered an extremely lengthy and complicated three-dimensional secret code.

After a while, the image of Chitong appeared in front of Chu Jungui, but it was a little blurry, and it would appear twisted and torn from time to time. This shows that the distance between Chitong and him is close to the communication limit.

Chi Tong seemed a little surprised, and then smiled and said: "Jun Gui, if you hadn't come to me, I almost forgot that there is an agent like you. How long has it been since you took on the task of an agent? According to regulations, I You can be fired."

It was only then that Chu Jungui remembered that the agent still had a prescribed amount of tasks. He has been busy during this period of time, and the light years are also developing rapidly, which almost made him forget that he is still an agent. I don't know if it was influenced by the Xu family, and the Special Operations Department has never taken the initiative to come to Chu Jungui, and naturally it has not provided any substantive help. This is completely different from when I first became an agent. Even now that light years have gradually become a reality, the Special Operations Department only provides some information, and this information is almost public information. If the Special Operations Department does not give it, Chu Jungui can also get it from other places, and the time is short. Not much.

Seeing Chu Jungui's silence, Chitong felt that the atmosphere seemed a bit dignified, so he smiled and took the initiative to ease the atmosphere: "I was just joking."

Chu Jungui finally spoke and asked, "Is the Special Operations Department part of the Xu family?"

Chi Tong was stunned, his face changed slightly, and he said, "The Special Operations Department belongs to the dynasty. The Xu family only has certain influence on some affairs, but it is very limited. You can rest assured about this."

"I was given up some time ago, right?" Chu Jungui's second question was equally sharp.

Chitong was silent for a while this time, and Fang said: "It cannot be said to be giving up, this is not our principle. At most it can be said to be...ignoring. If you ask for help, the Special Operations Department will still intervene, but it may be necessary. Pay some price."

"What kind of price?"

"Regular costs, such as paying the necessary funds for action or exchanging military merits, there may be some special costs, for example, I am just using an analogy, the conversion of certain positions."

"I don't understand who is behind the Xu family, who actually has such a big influence."

Chitong said: "The Xu family is actually not very powerful, and there are several families in the dynasty that can fight against them. It's just that some of the things you encountered in the past happened to be in their superior field, so the Xu family has no power." The illusion of being everywhere. In addition, instead of asking who is behind the Xu family, it is better to ask who is on the opposite side of the Lin family."

Chu Jungui had heard similar sayings more than once, and asked, "What did the Lin family do to have so many enemies?"

Chi Tong said: "I'm not very clear about the affairs of the upper echelon, and I don't want to know. Our agents are more neutral and will not participate in the battles of these big families. I know the relationship between you and Lin Xi, but even if In this way, I still want to say that these families are actually similar, no one is much better, and of course, no one is particularly bad."

Chu Jungui said: "I don't care about the Lin family, I only care about Lin Xi and her family. This is my position, and this will not change."

Chitong nodded, "I see, I will report to the higher authorities, and I have no right to interfere with how they decide. But as far as I know, this is acceptable. As I said just now, the influence of the Xu family is not that great. big."

"That's good, I want to be a second-order agent."

Chi Tong was taken aback, and said, "Is this going to be a little faster?"

"In terms of strength, I have already reached it." Chu Jungui said calmly. Ordinary Tier 2 agents only own three to five starships. Light Year now has more than a dozen destroyers in hand. Although they are a bit smaller, their total combat power has far exceeded that of ordinary Tier 2 agents.

"The promotion of authority needs to be exchanged for military merit, strength alone is not enough."

"This is my military achievement in the last war." With a bang, Chu Jungui submitted double-digit starship military achievements in one breath, all of which were his achievements in the last war.

Chitong's expression changed, and he said, "These military achievements are now being held by the Special Forces Headquarters, and they are all in a frozen state."

Chu Jungui's expression remained calm, "The Xu family deducted my military merits?"

"It's not a deduction, but a temporary freeze. I don't know the specific reason. But as long as the reason for the freeze is gone, these military achievements can be used again." Chi Tong explained a little weakly.

"It turns out that my military rank has been unable to be promoted. This is the reason. Well, I understand, these military achievements are useless, right? I still have some here."

Chu Jungui threw out a heavy cruiser, a light cruiser and several frigates. Among them, the light and heavy patrol belonged to the Louis family fleet, the destroyer and frigate came from the Bilinde Legion, and a federally registered star thief.

Federally registered Star Bandit is equivalent to a semi-official force, just a bit worse than the family legion. Destroying their starship is also counted as military merit, but it only costs 20% off.

Chitong was taken aback: "There was no war a while ago, how did you get so many military exploits?"

Chu Jungui did not answer.

"Well, these military achievements can be confirmed. You are only halfway from the standard of a second-tier agent. Come on!"

Chu Jungui asked: "Is it enough to have two more heavy cruisers?"

"Where is the need for heavy patrol?" Chi Tong smiled helplessly, and said, "Let's put it this way, the vast majority of second-tier agents are promoted by doing various tasks and relying on frigates to accumulate enough meritorious service. There are not even destroyers, so where are the heavy patrols? There are not many Tier 3 agents like you who can provide heavy patrols. Even if there are some people, most of them are achieved with the help of external forces."

"It doesn't matter what type of ship it is, as long as I have enough military merits, right? Does it count as taking down the enemy's base?"

"Of course, but not all bases can be taken over by us, so in addition to occupation and takeover, the complete destruction is the same. Of course, the spoils in this process belong to you personally. If you don't want it, you can also exchange it Military merit."

"After becoming a second-tier agent, my exchange authority will not be restricted by the Xu family, will it?"

"This is the principle! If the Xu family really dares to do this, then I will be the first to object!" Chi Tong looked serious.

Chu Jungui finally nodded, and said, "That's good. After the promotion, I will exchange 10 advanced large masterminds first, please prepare in advance."

"Ten units?? You want to build a mobile base?" Chi Tong was taken aback again. Ten large masterminds can support the full-power operation of a fully functional mobile base. General agents don't need a large mastermind at all, let alone ten.

Chitong's words reminded Chu Jungui, he thought thoughtfully, "Are you moving the base? I forgot about that, so prepare 20 units!"

Chitong was also suffocated, unable to speak for a while.

Chu Jungui said again: "By the way, there is one more thing."

"you say."

Chu Jungui said: "I know that some agents work for the Xu family, or are from the Xu family at all. If you want, you can remind them that in the future I will go around the area where I am active, or don't let me know when I come. .Otherwise, I don't guarantee that they can leave that star field alive."

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