God is Coming

Chapter 765 Shorting

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Chu Jungui didn't know whether his words would reach the ears of those agents, it depended on Chitong.

Chitong knew that Chu Jungui was speaking for himself, and Chitong naturally knew which agents were outside the Xu family. As a first-level agent, Chitong has a lot of authority to assign the tasks of lower-level agents, so he will naturally try to keep the agents involved in the Xu family away from Chu Jungui.

The proxy is a semi-official force of the dynasty, but also a very important force. They act independently in name, but which one can be truly independent? Chu Jungui was also from the Special Operations Department. He didn't want to fight with other agents. Even if he fought with the Xu family, he would rather deal with people from other systems.

This warning can be regarded as the end of Chu's benevolence.

Of course, in the parlance of tactical deception, warnings can backfire on some people. Perhaps some diehard members of the Xu family wanted to take a walk in front of Chu Jungui, so that Chu Jungui would save trouble, otherwise he would have to spend his time distinguishing which agents belonged to the Xu family and which were just passing by unintentionally.

After the communication with Chitong was over, Chu Jungui started to prepare for his promotion. What is needed to advance to the rank is military merit, which is not difficult for Chu Jungui, so he asked someone to paint off the badge of the red beard on the starship that he had just recovered, and painted it with the badge of the Wang Banner Mercenary Corps, and gave it to Xi Nuo and Evans each sent a message, asking them to choose among their enemies and choose a few who are fat and easy to bully.

There are so many families in the Federation and so many registered star thieves, all of them are mobile military exploits, so there is no need to fight with the regular fleet of the Federation.

Chu Jungui feels that Lu Xien is not very honest, and the area of ​​psychological shadow for Jane is also seriously insufficient. These can be easily handled in the process of collecting military merits.

Of course, Chu Jungui would not rely solely on Sino and Evans when it came to selecting targets. He pulled out all the bases of the Louis family near the front line and prepared to analyze them again. Similarly, he listed all the assets held by the Boston Credit Bank, especially those close to the front line, and highlighted them.

Chu Jungui stared at the star chart for a while, and after roughly knowing it, he turned on the stock trading channel and looked at the stock price of Boston Credit Bank. The current stock price of Boston Credit Bank is 21 yuan, with a total share capital of 30 billion. This is a small bank with a market capitalization of only RMB 600 billion, net assets of only over RMB 300 billion, and an annual profit of about RMB 40 billion. These data show that the market is still quite optimistic about the bank, giving a higher valuation than the average.

But because of this, Boston Credit's stock price has become more sensitive to earnings.

Chu Jungui sent Henry a message: Take in 2 billion shares of Boston Credit Bank and sell them at the market price.

At this time, on the red ocean planet, it was already late at night on Henry's side. At this time, he was holding a wine glass, sitting in the middle, surrounded by beauties, and the surrounding lights were ambiguous, and three or four people of considerable status on the opposite side were touting to a climax, Henry's life and deeds were added three points, and they repeated them one by one.

Under the combined effect of music, alcohol, lights and hormones, Henry seems to have returned to the past. At that time, he climbed all the way, overcame obstacles, defeated countless opponents, and finally reached the pinnacle of his life. Of course, in this process, the family's help was intentionally or unintentionally ignored. Henry always believed that he had come to this day by relying on his ability.

This night, everything is so beautiful, if you don't receive that message.

The sudden flashing dark red light on the personal terminal made the half-drunk Henry sober up a lot in an instant. This kind of light means that the message is very important, or the person who sent the message is very important.

Henry waved the women around him to leave, and then opened his personal terminal, and saw the message from Chu Jungui. For a short piece of news, he read it at least seven or eight times, and then found the information of the Boston Credit Bank and read it quickly. Of course, Henry knows what the news of Chu Jungui means, and why he is targeting it. The question is, what is the probability of success?

Henry closed his eyes, carefully recalled what he had talked with Chu Jungui for an entire hour, and then compared the information of the Boston Credit Bank. After thinking over and over again, he finally looked at Light Year's account. At this moment, there are still more than 20 billion funds in the light year account.

After careful consideration, Henry finally replied with a message: Light Years has insufficient funds, do you want to issue a batch of additional stocks? It can also issue another 15 billion corporate bonds.

After a while, Henry waited for a reply: issue bonds.

Henry suddenly lifted his spirits, deleted the message to be sent to the equity department of the investment bank, sent the message to the fixed income department, and attached a message: full underwriting.

In the blink of an eye, there was 15 billion more funds in the Light Year account, and the batch of bonds still traveling in the mail had been eaten by the Excalibur Group. Of course, Henry would not give away such high-quality assets to outsiders. Chu Jungui's attitude that he would rather issue bonds than dilute the stock price was enough for Henry to make many judgments.

Then Henry began to arrange for the integration of stocks. These are all standard operations. As long as an order is issued and the review process is completed, everything else will be executed automatically. In a few minutes, most of the funds in the light year account disappeared, and then there were 2 billion more shares of Boston Credit Bank.

At this moment, Henry seems to have returned to the heyday of his youth, and the speed of consciousness has risen to a whole new level. His thinking was fast and careful, and he planned the operation of more than ten steps in an instant.

At the same time, Henry contacted 20 intermediaries in the market who specialize in large transactions, and received 11 replies. Afterwards, Henry dumped all the shares of Boston Credit Bank in the light year account at a discount rate of 5% lower than the current market price. Each of these middlemen has 200 million shares.

While carrying out these complex operations, Henry also opened a secret account, integrated 100 million shares of Boston Credit Bank at an unimaginable speed, and then gave it to the 11th middleman who responded at a discount of 3%. He checked that there was some money left in his account, and bought another million shares of 1 light-year stock.

All the operations were done in one go, and Henry felt that his personal chip, which was limited to 3,000 pieces in the universe, was starting to get hot. He checked the time, and the whole process took 11 minutes and 42 seconds.

After closing the special order interface, Henry couldn't help but sigh that so many and such large transactions were completed in just a little over ten minutes, and most of the orders were completed automatically. The time for ordinary investors to cut a few stocks back and forth, in a corner of the capital market, the fundamental pattern has changed. Most of the individual investors who owned Boston Credit had no idea what was going on, and they would probably only guess in vain as to why. But no matter how rich their imaginations are and how well they learn conspiracy theories, as long as they don't follow up immediately, the final outcome is inevitable.

While the small and medium-sized investors were still at a loss, the super institutions had already quietly done everything they should do. That's why Henry sighed. The extreme convenience of transactions and the complete abdication of supervision will only benefit the super institutions. The stronger the player, the more he likes games without rules.

Henry felt that he had always liked games without constraints and rules, and he sighed that it was just a habit. After making money, he would always sigh and mourn for his opponents. It made him feel super good about himself.

The few people on the opposite side saw that Henry was finally busy, so they all came together to inquire. Henry smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing, I just made a few deals."

Immediately someone praised: "You must have made a lot of money, right?"

Henry said lightly: "Not much, more than a billion."

A few people were dumbfounded, seeing Henry was busy for ten minutes, earning 100 million a minute? This expression satisfied Henry more than any flattery.

For the Excalibur Group, it has indeed made a lot of money. Issuing bonds for Light Year is an income, and holding Light Year’s bonds is another income; the stocks integrated into Boston Credit for Light Years are an income, and throwing these stocks can charge a handling fee; There is still a handling fee for repurchasing stocks, and there is another fee for returning stocks. All in all, as long as the Light Year account is moved, the Excalibur Group can collect money, so the most feared thing of the Excalibur Group is that the account does not move.

Henry did make a lot of money for the Excalibur Group, but he actually made more money for himself. That's right, that secret account is his own private money, which is strictly segregated from family property.

Henry sent a message to Chu Jungui, put down his personal terminal, and shook the wine glass in his hand. In Henry's eyes, this wine, which costs more than 100,000 yuan a bottle, is basically the same price as white water. Just drinking it is not enough to reflect its cheapness. Henry wondered if he should get a basin to wash his hands or something. Of course, taking a bath is a bit exaggerated. But maybe there will be such a day?

Henry narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly felt a little confused about his future life.

At this moment, Chu Jungui's goal was unprecedentedly clear. After receiving Henry’s message, he just glanced at it and continued with the work at hand.

On the star map in front of him, a planet is twinkling. There is a very large-scale mineral base on this planet, which produces a large amount of base metals and mid-range alloys. The market value of the entire mining base is about 30 billion, of which Boston Credit Bank holds more than 40% of the shares, and returns 20 billion in loans to the base every year for working capital.

Seeing this information, Chu Jungui knew that he had found what he wanted. As long as there is a fatal blow here, the effect will be reflected in the statement of Boston Credit Bank immediately, and it can directly pull its profit growth from more than 25% to a negative growth of 20% this year. At this time, its valuation that is much higher than the industry average will become very glaring.

Red ocean, day side.

Jane roared angrily: "Such a large-scale shorting, why is there no news before? It's all rubbish! Go check immediately to see whose account is shorting!"

The middle-aged man in front of her was obsequious, and after Jane finished yelling, he handed over a document and said, "It has been checked, and all short positions are from this account."

Jane took a look, and the word "light year" on it was particularly dazzling.

She suddenly stopped being angry, her eyes showed a dangerous light, and she sneered, "It's not so easy to be short..."

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