God is Coming

Chapter 766 There is no reason to lose

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Such a large-scale short-selling naturally immediately attracted the attention of the Evanton family, and they quickly found out the Excalibur Group and 1 Light Year. Excalibur Group is just a platform, and the one who is really short is naturally 1 Light Years. As for some other scattered accounts, it seems to follow the trend at first glance, so there is no need to pay attention.

Why did 1 Light Year target the Boston Credit Bank? If you know a little bit about the inside story, you will naturally know the grievances and grievances. The Evington family quickly held a temporary elders meeting, and made an exception for Jane to attend.

At the beginning of the meeting, the presiding elder went directly to the topic: "We all know that 1 Light Years suddenly shorted Boston Credit Bank yesterday, and the amount reached an astonishing 42 billion. Affected by this news, the stock price has now fallen by 3%, and There are more and more short-selling people following the trend in the market. This time I convened everyone to determine the countermeasures. Jane, please talk about it first.”

All eyes were on Jane.

Without the slightest stage fright, Jane said: "As we all know, I have fought with Chu Jungui who is behind Guangnian several times, and I have lost and almost killed him. Until now, one of his arms is still mechanical. This person has a stubborn personality. , Arrogant and arrogant, once the goal is determined, it will never be easily changed, and it will not be influenced by outsiders, so don't think that he will compromise, negotiation is just a waste of time."

"He is a very difficult opponent, his ideas are unconstrained and unpredictable. If you want to kill him, you must either take the initiative to attack, or seize the opportunity and counterattack with all your strength. Passive defense is only a dead end. Fortunately, this time he made an early shot, which means He was caught by us. The losses from short selling can be endless, and I can return all the losses I suffered on the Light Year Bonds back then. Of course, I have to add some desserts to him."

Jane paused, and continued: "First of all, we have to release bad news to cause the stock price to fall."

All the elders were stunned, but there were also some who were thoughtful.

Jane looked around and said: "Only when the stock price falls can we get enough shares, and even buy all the stocks that Light Years sold short. If the stock price is low, we can invest less money. Wait until we collect enough shares. Chips, we will announce a series of good news again, which will cause the stock price to rise sharply. At that time, Chu Jungui will find that there are not enough chips in the market for him to close his position. At that time, he can only watch us continue to raise The stock price until he completely blows up his position. At that time, his more than 40 billion margin, the billions of retained funds in his account, and his light-year reputation will all be wiped out!"

Jane made an exaggerated explosion gesture.

All the elders began to discuss one after another, and many people were quite moved. After a while, an elder said: "If you want to squeeze the short indefinitely, you will need a huge amount of funds. I want to ask, is this necessary?"

"Yes!" Jane said firmly. She explained: "If you have read Chu Jungui's information, you will know how terrible he is. I think the Aveton family absolutely does not want to have such an opponent in the future. Maybe I am not nice, all the uncles here Uncles, you are no match for him at all. If you don’t take this opportunity to completely defeat him, in a few years, the Avington family may not even exist.”

The elders discussed for a while, and finally made a decision. The Great Elder said: "We will prepare 40 billion of our own funds and invest in this operation with a leverage of 1:2. The specific action steps will be decided and implemented by a temporary seven-member committee. The members of the committee are as follows: I, Jane..."

After the meeting ended, the Aveton family immediately began to make secret moves, quietly collecting scattered chips in the market. At the same time, some bad news about Boston Credit Bank suddenly began to circulate in the market. Although it has not been confirmed, combined with the sudden large-scale short selling yesterday, the market suddenly became panicked, and many small investors and small institutions began to sell the shares they held in Boston Credit Bank.

In just three days, the share price of Boston Credit Bank fell to 18 yuan, a drop of nearly 15%.

The topic surrounding the Boston Credit Bank has become a recent hot spot in the market. Various celebrities have expressed their opinions on this, and they have used their imaginations. Various inside stories have been released. Of course, many people have cited Chu Jungui and Jane's Making a fuss about the relationship, some people even speculated that Chu Jungui wanted to do something wrong, but failed to succeed, and then became angry from embarrassment, and acted angrily.

The lace is just embellishment, and of course more analysis has to focus on who wins and loses in this round of battle. No matter how much money you have, you are all investors. The so-called investors are to participate in the event, and those who do not participate can only be called spectators.

As in the past, the celebrities from all walks of life were divided into two factions, each occupying one side. Regardless of the final outcome, there will always be a group of people who are right.

At this time, there was an undercurrent on the market, and all the bad news came and went, and the stock price of Boston Credit Bank fell steadily. Those celebrities who supported the Evington family still stood firm, but when the stock price fell by more than 20%, they did not dare to buy it, and many began to quietly short.

None of these bad news had anything to do with Chu Jungui. The test reflected that he was busy painting and coloring the starship and installing an appearance kit by the way. The test subject felt that it was too perfunctory to just change the badge, and it was simply provoking the IQ of the dynasty and the federal regulators. Those famous liars in the history of the Federation, no, the industrial giants, are all doing a full set of plays. So Chu Jungui took the time to produce a batch of appearance kits, so that the dynasty mercenary group has one style, and the red beard star bandit group has another style.

These kits only modify the appearance, so they are called appearance kits.

Chu Jun's return was delayed for a few days because of the temporary installation of an appearance kit. Chu Jungui was not in a hurry in the past few days. Counting the time, Clarkson and several other managers should have results, so Chu Jungui prepared the appearance kit and went to see Clarkson's information.

At the same time, Jane appeared in front of Lucian again.

"What are you doing here?" Lucian looked unhappy. If this Jane hadn't provoked Chu Jungui inexplicably, the subsequent series of things would not have happened.

Jane didn't make any noise, and directly sent two documents, saying: "I hope Uncle Lucian can sell these two assets to Boston Credit Bank, and the acquisition plan has been attached."

Lucian just glanced at it, then sneered, "Assets worth 20 billion, sold to Boston Credit for 12 billion? Are you trying to rob?"

"No, I just want to invite you to share a large amount of money together, and at the same time, we can make our common enemy never recover."

Immediately afterwards, Jane talked about Chu Jungui's sudden shorting of Boston Credit and his counterattack plan.

After listening quietly, Lucien was noncommittal, and suddenly asked, "Has there been any major problems with Boston Credit recently?"

"No, absolutely not, the asset quality is very solid, and I can guarantee this on my reputation."

Lucien asked again: "How much money have you prepared?"

"150 billion." Jane slightly exaggerated the figure

Lucien quickly calculated a few figures, and said after a while: "It's okay to want these two assets, but I want 1 billion shares of Boston stock at a cost of 16 yuan."

The stock price of Boston Credit Bank is still above 16 yuan. If you want to buy 1 billion shares in one go, it will definitely have a significant impact on the stock price, and it will also disrupt Jane's plan. Lucien's request is essentially to buy stocks from the Aveton family, and it is based on a market discount model.

Jane tried: "Uncle Lucian..."

Lucian still had the same smile on his face, but this smile now showed a professional and distant indifference, saying: "We are talking about business now."

Jane also returned to her cold and stern look, and said, "This condition... I agree."

This acquisition has obtained high-quality assets of the Louis family, and the price is quite...reasonable. After the two acquisitions are completed, the profitability of Boston Credit Bank will be significantly improved, which will have a direct boost to the stock price. Naturally, for Light Years who are shorting, this is a disaster.

After reaching an agreement with Lucien, the two sides immediately signed a series of secret agreements. Under the strong promotion of the leaders, the process of signing the agreements was fast and smooth, but only the last contract with no substantive significance remained unsigned. According to federal law, all contracts are part of the acquisition, and if one is not completed, the acquisition can be considered as incomplete, and there is no need for an announcement. This is exactly the insidiousness of Jane and Luxien. They want to throw out the acquisition case at a critical moment, so that Chu Jungui can't stand up.

It took only an hour for the entire acquisition to go to the final step.

After carefully checking the acquisition case, Lucien also let out a sigh of relief. Both of these assets are properties under Lucien's name and are his core assets. The reason why he was willing to bet on them was precisely because he saw Chu Jungui's huge short position of more than 40 billion in Boston Credit Bank.

To be honest, Lu Xien hated Chu Jungui far more than Sino.

If he hadn't met Chu Jungui, Xinuo would have become a tramp long ago, and he didn't know when he would die in any corner of the vast galaxy. It was because of Chu Jun's return that he was directly defeated in the exercise for the commander of the ship and became a laughing stock. In the end, it was still because of Chu Jun’s return that his fleet was almost scattered in place. Not only was he forced to take in thousands of terrified sailors, but even the surviving crew were in panic all day long. A large number of people asked for leave under various names and claimed to be sick, and some even resigned directly.

As for those loyal and bloody crew members, more than half died in that battle.

Without a formed fleet, Lucien's authority will be greatly weakened accordingly, and so is his authority. Now no one listens carefully to his speech in the elders' meeting, and some middle-aged backbones with real power in the clan even dare to contradict him. So when Jane made a request, Lucian agreed without much hesitation.

Of course, Lu Xien is not stupid. Although he hates Chu Jungui, at this age, he can naturally distinguish between hatred and interest. Buying 1 billion shares of Boston Credit Bank at a low price is Lucian's real goal, and the potential future income is likely to exceed the value of these two assets.

Lucien has already smelled the smell, and Jane is about to set off a huge wave.

The right time, place and people are all there, and there is no reason to lose this battle.

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