God is Coming

Chapter 771 Boring news

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The door of the office opened, and a tall and handsome male assistant said, "The reporter is already waiting in the meeting room."

"I'll be right there." After finishing speaking, Jane said to the image of the middle-aged man: "Kun is a very good person, but he seems to be a little weird recently. If you are willing to share some of the conversation, I will be very willing to find a suitable place to listen."

"Very happy. Lastly, your office is very tasteful."

The image of the middle-aged man disappeared, and Jane followed the male assistant to the meeting room. Seven or eight cameras have been set up in the meeting room, more than a dozen staff members are busy, and a well-known male host of the Federation is doing the final dressing in front of the mirror.

The interview started quickly. After skipping the opening remarks, the male host asked with a charming smile in a magnetic voice: "The stock price of Boston Credit has fallen sharply recently, accompanied by many negative rumors. As the proposed executive of Boston Credit Director, what is your comment on this? Is Boston Credit in any crisis?"

Jane said with an elegant smile from strict training: "You should ask what kind of major opportunities Boston Credit will have. In fact, I don't care about the news circulating in the market. Those are just rumors and some shameless villains Rumors spread to short Boston Credit. It won’t be long before investors see a fundamental change in Boston Credit’s fundamentals.”

"Can I understand that it is a change for the better?" The male host was very cooperative, after all, he received a lot of money for this interview.

Jane showed a charming smile: "Otherwise?"

"This is really very good news, can you be more specific?"

Jane put her finger on her lips and said: "Be patient, these news cannot be disclosed yet. But investors who hold Boston Credit will not wait long, they will receive the first gift tomorrow, and then in the next few days They will continue to receive gifts every day..."

The male host made a pause gesture to the staff and said, "Let's take a break."

Jane and the male host came to the lounge. The male host carefully closed the door and asked expectantly, "Can I buy it now?"

A little good impression in Jane's heart was instantly shattered, but she still kept smiling and said, "Of course."

The host quickly operated the personal terminal, and after a few minutes he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Ha! I tripled the leverage and bought a total of 4 million shares. This is where I bet all my wealth and life. Shall we continue the interview?" ?”

The interview continued. Although Jane didn't say it explicitly, she showed her strong confidence in Boston Credit, and hinted that there would be a really important news tomorrow.

The male host had clearly taken a position and asked, "Wouldn't it be bad for someone who shorted Boston Credit?"

Jane finally couldn't control her emotions, and gritted her teeth: "It will be quite miserable!"

The interview was broadcast live in real time. Halfway through the interview, the stock price of Boston Credit began to change. Now the short-selling event of Boston Credit has become a hot spot in the market, and any sign of trouble will attract attention. In such a sensitive environment, the impact of Jane's high-profile remarks on the stock price is almost immediate.

At the end of the interview, Boston Credit's stock price had risen by 2% in just one hour, and when Jane threw out the resounding "it will be pretty miserable!" , The increase instantly exceeded 4%!

At this time, the share price of Boston Credit was approaching 17 yuan, and many keen analysts immediately sensed the opportunity and began to throw out the remarks that "I have pointed out that this stock is bound to rise". More folk stock gods took the opportunity to announce the withdrawal of members, apprentices, students and other names.

After the interview, Jane returned to the office and saw the share price of Boston Credit begin to counterattack. In fact, this was already in her expectation. These days, Jane and her family funds and peripheral funds have absorbed more than 100 billion chips in market value. In addition to the original shares held by the Aveton family, there are still remaining tradable shares in the market at this time. There are not many, and if a little new capital joins, the stock price will take off immediately.

Looking at the rising stock price, Jane had already predicted the end of Chu Jungui. Now Chu Jungui is almost certain to lose, and there is no possibility of returning to heaven.

More than two-thirds of the shares in the market have been concentrated in the hands of the Aveton family, and Jane herself directly and indirectly holds 20 billion. In fact, she doesn't have so much money anymore, and 18 billion of it is borrowed. Peripheral funds, such as various small funds, and the strategic ally Pinnacle Fund hold at least 10%, which is another tens of billions of market value. These chips will not be released, even if Chu Jungui wants to throw down again, he will not be able to find any chips.

Boston Credit is also under the control of the Evanton family. They can send any news they want, and they can do whatever they want. From this point of view, Chu Jungui is in a completely passive state. In Jane's view, he is completely fighting a war that is impossible to win. That's not bravery, it's stupidity.

Thinking of this, Jane sighed quietly. She also had to admit that Chu Jungui was a formidable opponent she had never seen before, but she never expected to end up in this matter. Perhaps he is still inexperienced and does not understand that the risks of shorting can be endless. But now, there should be no hedging tools sold to him, the overall situation is set.

Thinking of this, Jian Moming opened the communication channel, sent Chu Jungui his address, and said, "If you want to talk, you can come here to find me."

After sending the message, she waited for a moment in vain, and then found that Chu Jungui did not reply.

The next day arrived in a hurry, and within the first minute of starting work, Boston Credit released an announcement: the quarterly report will be announced in advance!

In this announcement, Boston Credit also made a directional forecast for the quarterly earnings data: substantial growth. At the same time, an estimated announcement was made on the performance of the whole year: an increase of more than 50%.

This is a real blockbuster, which means that Boston Credit has entered a high-speed growth channel, which is almost impossible in the banking industry. As soon as the announcement came out, the market was also excited about it, and Boston Credit's share price soared all the way, approaching the 20 mark in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Chu Jungui was sitting in the office, admiring the boundless beauty outside the window. The office space made him feel very comfortable, as if he was in an open mountain, and his words echoed.

Chu Jungui knew about Boston Credit's announcement as soon as it came out, which was within his expectation. And he doesn't care about this, the consciousness has been tracking Evans' fleet and Yuan Heifeng's fleet. In a few hours, they will meet at the predetermined place.

And this is not Chu Jungui's final backhand.

At this moment, Chu Jungui felt as if he had overlooked something, as if someone had sent a boring message?

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