God is Coming

Chapter 772

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The day after the earnings forecast was issued, Boston Credit dropped a real depth bomb: they actually released the quarterly report ahead of schedule!

In the quarterly report, Boston Credit's performance increased by 30%, which is already a rare performance in the banking industry. Then they updated their annual performance outlook, clarifying that the performance growth will be more than 100%!

This number is beyond the limit of imagination of all institutions, even those analysts who rely on imagination to survive. The market boiled instantly, and the stock price of Boston Credit soared. It passed the 25 yuan mark in an instant and continued to climb .

Chu Jungui was sitting in the office looking at the scenery when he suddenly received a call from Henry. Henry's face looked haggard. He looked at Chu Jungui, hesitated to speak, and said after a while: "I just want to remind you that if the stock price of Boston Credit rises to 35 yuan, you will have to make up the deposit. And With the current market situation, I’m afraid you won’t be able to find any financing channels. So if you want to make any preparations, time is running out.”

After saying this, Henry's image disappeared, and Chu Jungui always felt that he seemed to have something to say.

At the other end of the communication channel, Henry fell back and collapsed on the chair. He was gasping for breath, his brow was dripping with sweat, and he was not at all as relaxed and freehand as before. At this time, the assistant knocked on the door and came in. He was startled when he saw his appearance, but he still bit the bullet and said: "Boss, I must remind you... If the stock price exceeds 28, you must replenish the margin."

"I see." Henry waved his hand weakly.

The assistant didn't leave immediately, and said hesitantly, "Maybe, you should go home once."

Henry's eyes were a little empty, and he said slowly: "Since I was a child, I have never made any demands on my family. This is the belief I have always adhered to, do you understand?"

"Faith can be rebuilt, but this time, if you liquidate your position, you will only have faith."

Henry's face showed pain.

The assistant continued: "History will only remember the winners. Of course, if the losers lose enough, they will also be remembered by history. But you are not among them."

Henry didn't understand, "Why? Am I not miserable enough now?"

"The losers that history remembers are all rare great successes before they fail. Let me be blunt, although you are miserable now, you are not qualified to be remembered by history."

Although the assistant's words were not pleasant to listen to, Henry still listened to the truth. He gritted his teeth fiercely, and said, "That's right, I can't just wait to die like this! Get ready to fly, I have to go back to my family."

The assistant reminded: "You haven't been back for 20 years, and you still have to prepare some gifts. Give me 2 hours, and I will prepare a special gift for you for each elder."

Henry nodded, thought for a while, and said, "If I get through the difficulties this time, I'll find you a promising department as the director!"

The assistant said: "If possible, I would rather go to a remote star field to prepare a branch."


The assistant left in a hurry, and at this moment, the stock price of Boston Credit had already rushed to 27. Henry's communication channel kept flickering, and the number of letters in the mailbox was also increasing rapidly. He didn't need to look at them to know that these must be to inform him to replenish the security deposit. However, even if the warehouse is really liquidated, Henry still has at least 48 hours of buffer time, which is enough time for him to get emergency funds from his family. But, after that?

In the afternoon when the quarterly report was released, Boston Credit's stock price soared to 30, and its market value approached trillions! In contrast, the stock price of 1 light year has dropped from nearly 200 to 150, and it is still falling continuously, seemingly without end.

At the moment when the stock price hit 30, Boston Credit's extraordinary shareholders' meeting and board of directors will be held soon. At these two meetings, Jane will officially become the executive director.

At this moment, the victory is in sight, but Jane is not satisfied, she wants to pursue the victory and crucify her opponent in one fell swoop. Therefore, just before the meeting, she also held a small press conference, announcing that there would be a major asset restructuring news tomorrow.

It was said to be a small press conference, but in this sensitive moment, the news spread throughout the market in an instant. Boston Credit, which had already risen greatly, continued to rise to 32 yuan, and it was likely to double within three days.

At this time, Chu Jungui seemed unable to sit still. He found the beautiful host who interviewed him back then, and conducted a simple remote interview. The beautiful host is going crazy. It is every reporter's dream to be able to interview the light-year-old boss at this time. This interview will definitely establish her position in the entire industry.

It took her only 5 minutes to complete the makeup and change her hairstyle, and then the speed of light appeared in front of the screen. When Chu Jungui appeared, all the staff held their breath. As a person who has already lost tens of billions, and there may be more, everyone wants to know what Chu Jungui is thinking at this moment, or how to fight back.

The beautiful host was just about to make an opening statement, but unexpectedly Chu Jungui spoke first: "I guess your first question is to ask my opinion on the quarterly report just released by Boston Credit."

The beautiful host was taken aback, and had no choice but to say, "Yes, you really know me well."

Chu Jungui said: "There is an obvious mistake in this quarterly report, that is, a 35% increase in the quarterly report does not necessarily mean a 100% increase for the whole year."

The beauty host still has a certain financial background, and said: "But this year has been three quarters, and it has been confirmed that the project will enter the fourth quarter. Even if the performance in the fourth quarter is flat, their growth this year will exceed 50%, which is very good. Amazing!"

Chu Jungui said: "No, no matter how high the first three quarters are, it does not mean that the annual performance will increase. This is their mistake."


Before the beautiful host could ask any further questions, Chu Jungui said, "The above is all I want to say, goodbye."

Facing the instantly blank screen, the beautiful host took a long time to react, and the camera faithfully spread her stunned expression to every corner of the universe.

After finishing the interview, Chu Jungui finally left his big office. Seeing Mr. Chu coming out, Evelyn instinctively asked, "Where are you going?"

"Business trip." Chu Jungui threw down such a sentence as usual, entered the elevator, and headed to the rooftop. The flying car is already there waiting.

Although Chu Jungui's interview was as short as only a few sentences, it also spread throughout the market. The reporters, who refused to let go of any conflict, tried their best to find Jane who was holding a board meeting, and asked her about Chu Jungui's views.

Jane's reply was only a sneer and one sentence: "He thought that one sentence could make the stock price fall? This is not a whine of despair, what else could it be?"

Indeed, after Chu Jungui's interview was published, Boston Credit's share price soared another 10%.

Just when the market was boiling, the president of Murphy Shipping suddenly received a piece of bad news.

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