God is Coming

Chapter 773 Talent

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Jane had just delivered a short and powerful inaugural speech when the directors were suddenly discussing something. Immediately afterwards, she also received news from Murphy Shipping: The merchant fleet just acquired was encountered by star robbers, and all the transport ships were hijacked, and their whereabouts are currently unknown.

Not much is known about Murphy Shipping Jane, which is not within her purview, except that they are an important customer of the bank. Several relevant directors discussed for a while and agreed that this was an accident. As the war between the Federation and the Dynasty intensified, star thieves appeared like a blowout, and it was unknown how many of them were registered star thieves sent by the opposite side.

Now Murphy Shipping doesn't know who hijacked its merchant fleet, and what's worse, they haven't completed the insurance procedures for the fleet. However, Murphy Shipping has been reported to the federal government and has been listed as a major case. According to the normal process, the federation will come forward to investigate the matter and crack down on the star robbers who caused the accident.

After the discussion, the directors dispersed one after another. On such a happy day, no one wants to worry about such a small matter. This is Murphy Shipping's own business, and Boston Credit can't help them, and Murphy Shipping is only reporting and doesn't want Boston Credit to intervene. Once the banks decide to act, it's probably not a good thing.

The stock price of Boston Credit is still in full swing, soaring to 35. This price has exceeded the reasonable range, but because of the game with light years, people have ignored the so-called reasonable. The corresponding light-year price has dropped to 100, which is almost cut in half. Now 40 billion is close to the total loss, and Light Years has no intention of closing positions and claiming compensation at all, which means that the loss may continue to expand to infinity.

At this time, another big news appeared. The Bilinde Group announced that it would send a special operations fleet to the N77 star field to combat star robber activities there. This news seemed high-sounding, but it was soon pointed out that Light Year's base camp was in the N77 star field, and Bilinde's trip was aimed at Light Year.

As soon as this news came out, Light Year's stock price immediately fell below the 100 mark and went straight to 90.

Chu Jungui, who was on the starship, ignored countless calls for deposit calls, but finally felt a little uncomfortable when he saw the stock price movements of both parties. According to the analysis of the political component, once the trend is too strong, it is difficult to turn around, even if the facts have proved that the trend is wrong.

Chu Jungui pondered for a while, and with a thought, he released a message that he had prepared long ago.

A moment later, Chu Jungui saw an inconspicuous piece of news in the market news: The star thief who hijacked Murphy's shipping fleet came from the dynasty, and now the transport fleet has been transported to the territory of the dynasty.

As soon as this news came out, rumors spread, some said that all the crew members were killed, and some said that Murphy Shipping lost important supplies. As soon as the market became more concerned, Murphy Shipping couldn't sit still, and had to issue an announcement announcing the hijacking of the fleet. At the same time, it clarified that there was no news about the missing fleet, and there was no conclusive evidence that the crew had been killed. .

As soon as the announcement came out, the market was in an uproar, because the scale of the missing fleet was surprisingly large: a total of 4 super transport ships and 10 large transport ships! Such a fleet is enough to enter the top 1,000 in the federal shipping industry, and the original fleet size of Murphy Shipping is only twice this size. In other words, Murphy Shipping lost a third of its fleet at once!

In an instant, the stock price of Murphy Shipping fell by 20%, and the stock price of Enlian Insurance also fell by 10%, because the fleet was insured by Enlian Insurance.

In less than 10 minutes, Enlian Insurance issued an announcement, pointing out that due to the change of owner of the fleet, the renewal of insurance procedures has not been completed, and Enlian will not pay even a penny for this.

This announcement caused a bigger splash, and the stock price of Murphy Shipping fell another 10%, which means that this company with a market value of 40 billion has evaporated more than 10 billion in market value in just a few hours.

At this time, people finally discovered the relationship between Murphy Shipping and Boston Credit. Shares of Boston Credit are beginning to moderate their momentum.

At this moment, countless communication requests were sent to Murphy Shipping, and all communications were handled by the secretary. The president was hiding in the office, explaining to the image of an old man opposite in a low voice.

The old man's face was gloomy, and he said word by word: "The scientific value of these strange beasts is beyond imagination! Now the life support system can only last for 6 days, and there is no such special formula of life support solution nearby. Now you Tell me that the fleet you sent was robbed by the Star Thief? Can such a large fleet be robbed by the Star Thief? Are you so short of money that you can’t even hire an escort?”

Murphy's president smiled bitterly: "We have already hired an escort, and it is a lineup of one destroyer and two frigates. This order can also maintain an escort formation of this size. I also did not expect to encounter star robbers, In the past, no star thief appeared on this route at all. Now we are doing our best to track down the whereabouts of the star thief..."

The old man said angrily: "I don't care about star robbers, and I don't want to know! I just want to know when you will send the fleet over! Damn the fleet!"

"This is an accident, and we have lost a lot..."

"I don't care how much your ship sinks, and I don't care how many of your people die! People will die, and ships will always be scrapped, but these strange beasts are related to the scientific progress of the entire human race! I ask again, the ship Where?"

The president's face was displeased, but he still said kindly: "We will send a new fleet soon..."

"Immediately? I don't want to hear that word. You only have 48 hours. I won't see the fleet within 48 hours. We'll see you in court! I hope you don't forget that there is no force majeure clause in our contract." The old man dropped this sentence and cut off the communication directly.

The president instinctively felt something was wrong, quickly opened the contract, read it quickly, and beads of sweat gradually oozed from his forehead. There is indeed no force majeure clause in the contract, nor even other exemption clauses. The only requirement is to deliver the goods to the destination within the specified time limit.

If you want to make money, you always have to pay a price.

The president quickly checked all the fleets available for rent, and finally found 4, which could barely complete the contract together. Time was running out, so he bypassed all his subordinates and directly contacted the four small fleets, asking them to go to the Cangfu galaxy immediately. In order to fight for time, he had to grit his teeth and endure the harsh conditions of double the regular price and prepayment of all shipping costs. Seeing the four fleets changing course one after another, the president finally breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the chair, feeling extremely weak for a while.

However, at this moment, another piece of news came: The Cangfu galaxy was blocked by star thieves!

The president suddenly felt all the strength in his body disappear.

After a while, he struggled to open the message and read the full text.

A dynastic star bandit named Wang Banner Mercenary Group suddenly appeared in the Cangfu Galaxy and blatantly attacked the Galaxy Guard Fleet. As a remote and barren galaxy, the Cangfu galaxy guard fleet has only 4 destroyers, which is weak. However, the Wangqi mercenary group only had 4 destroyers. In a 4 vs. 4 duel, the entire galaxy guarding fleet was wiped out, and the Wangqi mercenary group only paid the price of one seriously injured and two slightly injured. After the Guardian Fleet was eliminated, the Wang Flagship Team announced the blockade of the galaxy, and all starships entering and exiting must undergo the most thorough inspection, otherwise they will all be sunk.

After reading the news, the president was filled with grief and indignation, and said angrily, "What are these trash guarding the fleet doing? This, this is simply a crime!"

Earlier, Chu Jungui also received the battle report, and felt that Evans was really good at fighting, and it was almost the best possibility to fight like this with the same force. But it's not all good news, there is also a not-so-pleasant news.

On Light Year's latest list of important shareholders, Kun is still there. Not only is he here, but the number of shares he holds has actually increased by nearly 1.8 million shares. Light Year's stock price has fallen below 90 now, and it was cut in half in a few days. Other shareholders are more or less selling, and only this guy is buying. Chu Jungui couldn't suppress the malice in his heart, and couldn't help thinking: Is this guy sick?

Looking at the share repurchase and shareholding increase plan that will be issued soon, Chu Jungui managed to calm down. He plans to use his last 10 billion to increase his shareholding by 1 light year, and at the same time use the remaining internal funds of light year to repurchase 100 million shares for cancellation. After the implementation of the two plans, Chu Jungui's shareholding ratio will exceed 70%.

However, Kun's unreasonable operations made Chu Jungui's two plans seem to be backing him up. After the completion of the plan, Kun's shareholding ratio will increase from 1% to 1.12%. Although the ratio is still very low, and although the increase rate is not large, it looks particularly dazzling.

Chu Jungui's entire huge and meticulous plan seemed to be overshadowed by this 0.12% increase, and even victory would not bring much joy.

For the first time in his life, the test subject felt that he had been humiliated, and it was in terms of IQ.

However, the importance of these two programs clearly far exceeds that 0.12% increase. Enduring the nausea of ​​swallowing flies, Chu Jungui sent out the two plans and executed them automatically. Seeing that the two plans had been sent, Chu Jungui had the urge to meet Kun and teach him the principles of life through melee combat.

At this moment, Kun is sitting in a bar with beautiful lights, holding a wine glass, and in front of him is a beautiful woman with outstanding looks. The two were chatting enthusiastically when Kun suddenly received two messages. One is that Guangnian announces the repurchase and executes it immediately, and the other is that Chu Jungui personally increases his holdings.

Kun read the two short messages over and over again, and he didn't wake up until the beautiful woman on the other side asked curiously.

At this moment, the color of the wine in the glass is so charming, and the face value of the beauty on the opposite side has also increased by three points. Kun suddenly felt that his mind was vast, and it seemed that he could hold half of the Milky Way.

"I suddenly discovered that I seem to have an advantage that I don't even realize myself." Kun said.

"I heard that your fighting skills are very good!" The beauty showed admiration.

"No, not fighting."

"what is that?"

"Talent." Kun's eyes were deep.

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