God is Coming

Chapter 774 Preparation

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Although the Cangfu galaxy is only a fringe galaxy with a total population of less than 2 million, it is the inherent territory of the Federation after all, and has never fallen into the hands of outsiders for more than 300 years. It is really unprecedented for someone like Wang Qi Star Pirates to block the galaxy so brazenly.

The inhabitants of the galaxy are scattered on two planets, one is a mining star, and the other is a planet with a simple ecosystem. The only orbital station in the galaxy has been occupied, and the destroyed starships of the Guardian Fleet have been dragged together. Hundreds of crew members are busy dismantling useful equipment from above and transferring them to the starships of the Wang Banner. Another part of the crew is urgently repairing the damaged starship,

Evans stood in front of the star map with a dignified expression and was silent in thought. In addition to Evans' own direct descendants, there are also several senior military officers from Light Years standing beside him. They had rich experience in their respective legions in the past, but at this moment they all stood silent.

After a while, Evans finally raised his head and said: "There is unfortunate news. If the opponent is smart and bold enough, he can draw a quick reaction force in the star field near us. In the case of maintaining the minimum defense Now, they can dispatch at least three destroyers and at least four frigates. This force can arrive in the afternoon as soon as possible, it all depends on whether our opponent is determined..."

At this time, an officer hurried in and said: "My lord! A Federation fleet has appeared at the jump point! According to the scanning information, this fleet has at least three destroyers and the same number of frigates! They are now flying rapidly into the galaxy, the target It is our orbital station. The bases of other planets have been communicating with this fleet, and an unknown signal has also been detected on our orbital station."

Evans looked unchanged, and asked, "How is the repair progress of our starship?"

"Except for one that is 77%, the rest are above 95%."

Evans nodded and said: "As expected, our intelligence cannot be kept secret at all, unless everyone in the orbital station is thrown into space. It seems that this battle is going to be fought at a disadvantage, but the enemy should Unexpectedly, we will fight with 4 starships instead of 3. Everyone, our mission is to absolutely seal off the galaxy for three days, and it will depend on the situation after three days. But if we escape now, we will not be able to complete the mission now .”

Looking at the fast-moving enemy fleet on the star map, Evans' whole body was full of light, and he shouted in a deep voice: "The flagship assault will start later, everyone follow! Today's battle must let the enemy remember our king's flag!" Star Thief Group!"

Although the officers' blood boiled with enthusiasm, several officers from Light Years had strange expressions on their faces. Of course they know that there are no red beards and Wang Qi, they are only light years away.

In any case, Wang Qi's mercenaries still fought brazenly. The rapid response fleet assembled by the Federation had no idea that Wang Qi would fight again.

The two sides fought fiercely in the asteroid belt in the center of the galaxy. In the end, the Federation Fleet was defeated by Evans' fierce assault and near-perfect command, leaving a destroyer behind and hastily withdrew from the battlefield.

In this battle, Evans' starships were damaged to varying degrees. He knew in his heart that if there was another similar battle, he would definitely lose. And the next time the Federation will come will definitely not be a quick reaction force, but a large-scale annihilation fleet.

Before Evans had time to enjoy the joy of victory, he immediately commanded the crew to clean up the battlefield and repair the starship, while not forgetting to dismantle the wreckage of the enemy starship. In Evans' opinion, the starship cannot be repaired to perfection anyway, so it's better to dismantle more spoils and bring them back.

If the Cangfu galaxy was blocked for the first time, and the federation's reaction was surprise and anger, then the second battle brought everyone a shock.

It is a well-recognized fact that the planetary guard fleet is poor in combat power, and it is normal to occasionally fail to defeat the star pirates, but the quick response fleet dispatched for the second time was carefully selected from the surrounding guard fleets and dispatched The commander is still a quite famous commander.

Such an army should be able to catch the star bandits who have not had time to repair with their superior strength. But no one thought that they not only lost, but also lost cleanly. After this battle, the Federation finally took the Wang Banner mercenary group seriously. The communications between the bases and fleets no longer used the title of "that Star Bandit" and replaced them with Wang Banner mercenaries.

Several galaxies around the Cangfu galaxy began to mobilize, and the federal military officially stepped in to organize a high-speed strike fleet. After discussing with several generals in charge of this matter, they believed that Wang Qi's mercenaries were not stupid, and they would never stay in place and fight head-on. They should have been prepared long ago. As soon as the federal strike fleet arrived, they would jump away immediately.

It's just that the assembly of the federal strike fleet will take time, and no matter how fast it is, it will be three days later. Several generals drew up a plan, and after appointing the commander of the strike fleet, they went about their own affairs. At this moment, the Dynasty and the Federation are fighting fiercely along the vertical line. Xu Bingyan has won three battles and has occupied 4 galaxies of the Federation. Around him, the Federation is gathering a powerful fleet of unprecedented scale. Not to be outdone, the dynasty kept mobilizing troops to the front line, and two of the nine fleets were already in Xu Bingyan's hands.

At this moment, as long as the generals in the federation have a position, they are all busy with the war, and they don't care about the trivial matter of the border for a while. No matter how powerful Wang Qi's star thief is, he is nothing more than a star thief. I don't have time to deal with it now, just drive it away. When the war is over and the hands are free, they will naturally pursue them to the ends of the earth.

However, the generals may not care, but the president of Murphy Shipping couldn't care less. This battle report made him feel cold all over, and he didn't even feel like cursing. He looked out of the window, and the originally excellent scenery of the upper floors now carried a bit of dangerous temptation.

The old man's image of Al's creature appeared in front of him again. This time the old man did not get angry, but carefully observed the expression of the president of Murphy Shipping, Fang said slowly: "You should have seen the battle report, I think we can't wait for your fleet within the deadline. For this reason, I have made a little preparation, I hope you don't mind."

At this time, the president received several messages one after another, his expression changed, and he said, "You detained our fleet?"

"It's not me, it's the court. It's just temporarily detained, just in case. As long as you complete the contract or pay the compensation, the fleet will be released."

Seeing that the old man was about to leave, the CEO hurriedly shouted: "Wait, I still have a solution! Fleet, the Federation's strike fleet to the Cangfu galaxy, after they drive away those damn star robbers, I can find a way to use their The starship transported the goods, but it was only one more day. Just one day!"

The old man hesitated for a moment, Fang said: "One day is not unacceptable, but an additional 300 million will be paid, and it must be paid within 24 hours."

"Yes!" The president gritted his teeth and agreed.

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