God is Coming

Chapter 775 Everyone is Drunk

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A moment later, the image of the old man appeared in front of Chu Jungui again. This time he put on a rather warm smile and called Mr. Chu respectfully.

"How is things going?" In the eyes of the old man, Chu Jungui was always expressionless.

The more expressionless Chu Jungui was, the more the old man would smile sincerely and cheerfully, just like seeing a long-lost relative. He bowed slightly and said: "The preparations for the prosecution have already begun. Miss Jill and Yu Na are extremely efficient. They detained 60% of Murphy Shipping's fleet in one day. I can't find a usable ship in here. By the way, I gave them a day's grace at a cost of 300 million."

The old man looked at Chu Jungui as if asking for credit, but Chu Jungui frowned slightly, and said, "I don't remember asking you to do this."

The old man's face turned pale in an instant, and he explained, "I just..."

Chu Jungui interrupted him, saying: "I don't have time to listen to your explanation, remember, don't be smart next time! If there is another one, our previous agreement will be void."

The old man looked ugly and said, "Don't worry, I won't do it again."

Only then did Chu Jungui nod his head and said, "There is more than one bank that lent money to Murphy Shipping. In addition to Boston Credit, you should give some information to the other banks, and they will know what to do."

The old man's eyes were a little complicated, and he said, "If the bank withdraws the loan, Murphy Shipping will be finished."

"I know."

The old man said: "May I take the liberty to ask, do you have any grievances with them in the past?"


The old man hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "Then why put them to death?"

Chu Jungui thought about it seriously, and said, "Probably because they are unlucky."

The old man wanted to ask a few more questions, but Chu Jungui glanced at him indifferently, and he was startled immediately, swallowing all the questions back. Chu Jun said calmly: "Don't ask questions that you don't need to know. If you do what I have told you, I will return you 10% of the equity in Aier Biotechnology, and only increase the price by 30%."

At this time, Aier Biotechnology has a market value of only 6 billion. A few days ago, Chu Jungui secretly acquired more than 80% of the shares through different channels, half of which were purchased from the elderly. The old man has been in charge of Aier Biology for many years. He originally thought that the company would not be dead or alive, and that it would not be able to make much progress. Since someone wants to buy it, it is better to sell it all and retire with peace of mind. But he never expected that Chu Jungui would sign such a contract with Murphy Shipping the day after he took over.

Originally, the old man thought that this was an extremely stupid contract, no matter how harsh the terms were, it would not be able to make up for the freight several times higher than the market price. And no matter how many terms are listed, as long as Murphy Shipping delivers things, those terms are useless. But no one expected that at this moment, the star robbers blocked the Cangfu galaxy.

If it is said that these two things are not related, the old man would not believe it even if he was beaten to death. But if these two things are really related, then Chu Jun's return will be unfathomable. Whenever the old man thought of this, he would break out in a cold sweat. If it’s just that, it’s fine, but Chu Jungui proposed that as long as he continues to act on behalf of Aier Biology and do things according to Chu Jungui’s orders, Chu Jungui will sell back 10% of the shares to him, which is only higher than the original price 30% only.

A company with a market value of 6 billion suddenly received a compensation of 3 billion, and everyone knows how the stock price will behave. The old man feels that he does not need to retire so early, and his self-esteem and reserve are no longer important. In the past few days, he has been working for Chu Jungui with the idea that there is no priority in learning, and that those who are masters are teachers. Since he has such a philosophy, it is reasonable to respect Chu Jungui's attitude.

The war in the capital market has reached a fever pitch, and the share price of Boston Credit has shown a downward trend, and it is difficult to break through repeatedly at 36 yuan.

At this time, it was the fourth day that Boston Credit began to fight back. As usual, the company announced the news of an asset acquisition in the early morning local time. This news will obviously stimulate the stock price on weekdays, but under the current situation, it just needs to strengthen the stock price a little bit. There was a lot of selling around 36 yuan, and the funds in the hands of Jane and Avonton had already been exhausted, and they were unable to undertake so many shares.

Some unfavorable news about Boston Credit began to spread quietly in the corner of the market. It is said that the asset quality of Boston Credit has a big problem. The rumors spread more and more widely, but Boston Credit did not come out to refute the rumors, so the stock price began to fall slowly. On the other hand, Guangnian started to rebound and stabilize at around 95 yuan under the double large-scale increase of holdings by the company and Chu Jungui.

The markets were volatile, and investors were suffering, whether they were betting on Boston Credit or light years. Among all living beings, only Kunpo has the feeling that everyone is drunk and I am alone. The stock price of his latest purchase of Light Year is 89. Although the profit is not much now, the advantage is that the purchase is near the lowest point, and the profit will be made the next day after the purchase. This method can hardly be described as fierce. The only regret is that Kun bought 160 million instead of 1.6 billion.

Seeing the slow but firm climb of the stock price, Kun only felt that Chu Jungui was nothing more than that, after all the tricks were done, wouldn't he want to work for him in the end?

Relying on her sensitivity to the market, Jian faintly felt that the momentum was wrong. For a moment, she also thought about whether to stop here and take profits on the leverage part she held. However, this is no longer a matter of her alone, but a matter of the entire Aveton family. The position in Jane's hands can be closed at a profit. Who can sell the hundreds of billions of market value held by the Aveton family to?

Those peripheral funds are actually unreliable, unless they are locked up with a contract, otherwise, no matter how good they say, once the market changes, they will run faster than rabbits.

Throughout the morning, Jane was a little restless. She asked Murphy Shipping twice through the channel, and the answer she got was that the operation was normal and orderly, and she was actively trying to find the hijacked fleet.

Although it was an official answer, it somewhat reassured Jane. After thinking about it, Jane finally decided to carry on the war to the end!

She immediately showed amazing action, and it took only one noon to convince all the board members, and it took another hour to go through the whole process. Then in the afternoon, Boston Credit exceeded the expectations of the whole market and announced another announcement. New Property Acquisition!

So far, the two assets obtained from Lucien have been announced, Boston Credit's performance has been strongly supported, so market confidence has been rekindled, the stock price has started to rise again, and finally broke through the 37 yuan mark.

At this moment, the market value of Boston Credit was fixed at 1,110.9 billion, and Jane's net worth exceeded 30 billion for the first time.

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