God is Coming

Chapter 777 The Source of Uneasiness

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After switching off Richard's newsletter, Jane asked herself, "What am I, no, worried about? What else is there to worry about right now?"

She looked at herself in the mirror, she was still sharp and beautiful, but there was a faint anger in her eyes. Jane was startled, she knew very well that anger was just a tool used to mask fear. Anger, no matter the situation, does nothing but make things worse.

So what are you afraid of?

Jane turned on the light screen, listed all related events and actions on it, carefully sorted out the relationship among them, and finally formed an extremely complicated relationship diagram. She followed the key nodes of the relationship diagram one by one, and after reading it, her mood did not become lighter.

No matter how you look at it now, Light Years is a losing game, it's just that you lose more and lose less. Everything in Boston Credit is under the control of the Aveton family, and Jane can be sure that there will be no problems in the board of directors and management. As long as Boston Credit continues to operate according to the current situation, even if the Avonton family and surrounding funds throw away all the increased holdings, the stock price will stay at the 24.5 line. This is its reasonable price. After all, it has excellent quarterly reports. At the same time, two high-quality assets were acquired.

This is the worst case scenario. At this time, the light-year loss will be about 8 billion, and the loss of various costs may be about 10 billion. It was a heavy blow to Chu Jungui, but it was far from fatal. This is also the reason why Jane wants to put Mr. Chu to death in one fell swoop. If I miss this time, I don’t know when I will have such an opportunity. After all, only Boston Credit in the entire market has nearly half of the shares in AI. In the hands of the Wendun family, Mr. Chu chose to be short, and he was simply throwing himself into a trap.

Theoretically, Chu Jungui has already lost, but Jane always feels that something is not right. Is Chu Jungui the kind of person who would be caught without a fight?

Jane thought over and over again, and finally came to the conclusion that there is only one possibility if this can also lose: the federal stock market is closed. Under the current financial system, the battle is already won.

It's just that the funds in her and the Evington family's hands have been used to the extreme. If they want to raise the stock price, they will need at least 100 billion. This is by no means a small number. The funds must also go through the last round in the elders' meeting.

And Jane is actually very clear that the selling pressure on the stock price is unexpectedly heavy at the current position. Except for some scattered stocks, there must be quite a lot of them from those so-called allies. Those people must have bought a lot in private when they were working together, and now they are all profitable, so rich that they can make friendship and commitment worthless. If the stock price can't go up all the time, it will become quite dangerous. Those funds and institutions are guys who see the wind and the wind, and if the wind direction is not right, they will run away ahead of time.

The so-called alliance is nothing in front of nearly 100% profit.

And to raise it further, the amount of funds required is sky-high. Of course, Jane understands the difference between one trillion and one hundred billion better than Richard, but she is more aware that this is a complete overall situation, and it is impossible to get out of it. It's just that Richard's tough attitude surprised her. It seems that the Louis family exerted a lot of pressure behind it. This made Jane a little annoyed. If Richard was more capable, the pressure from the family would be able to withstand it.

Jane looked out the window, and suddenly understood the source of her anxiety. Although Jane always felt that Richard was not capable, and she also felt that Sino was the same, but her successive choices were actually the same. She wanted to find someone named Louis. It doesn't have to be Louis, Winton is also fine. It's just that old families like Winton don't value emerging small families like Evanton, and only Louis, who is at sunset, will take a fancy to her talent.

Jane can leave Sino, and she can also lose Richard, but she cannot leave Louis. After getting along with Sino and Richard, the two high-ranking heirs, Jane knew that it was absolutely impossible for her to find a third Louis. In her mind, none of the Louis outside the top ten had a surname of Louis.

She sighed, cleared her mind, and sent a message to Chu Jungui: I think we need to talk.

To her surprise, Chu Jungui replied quite quickly: no need.

The reply is good news, Jane cheered up, and sent another sentence: It is very necessary.

Chu Jungui replied: Really?

Jane: Really!

This time Chu Jungui was silent for a moment before replying: 3 days, no, find a time to talk in 5 days.

Jane smiled slightly, waved her fingers in the air, and then replied: 7 days later, I will wait for you in the office.

It took half an hour this time before Jane received a reply: You set the time, and I choose the location. I will let you know one day in advance.

Jane couldn't help laughing, it seems that Chu Junhui is still living in the shadow of being plotted against last time, which is a good thing, maybe she can make good use of this.

After agreeing to meet with Chu Jungui, Jane felt a lot more relaxed, and her tense body softened. She walked to the window, put herself comfortably on the sofa, enjoyed the beautiful scenery outside the window, and at the same time began to plan strategies for meeting and negotiating.

24 is Jane's bottom line. At the same time, Jane knows that the current price of 35 will not last long, so she plans to choose a suitable price between 24 and 32 to settle the war with Chu Jungui. Chu Jungui will lose about 20 billion yuan, which is equivalent to making up for Jane's previous loss, plus several billion yuan in compensation. In this way, Jane is generally regarded as a small victory, and Chu Jun's return is nothing more than a broken muscle. If it ends here, the two of them will have something to do in the future.

But Jane has no better choice now, and the Louis family is obviously very surprised by the current profit and plans to end it. As for the grievance between Jane and Chu Jungui, it is nothing in the eyes of the family.

This is a choice without a choice, and it is not Jane's original intention. It's just that if the Louis family chooses to turn around, Jane has no choice. Even if she wanted to insist, other funds and institutions would definitely flee with the Louis family. If Louis is willing to support, then Jane is sure to put Chu Jun to death, and the harvest is far more than the 40 billion that Chu Jungui shorted.

The decaying ancient family... Jane thought, and unexpectedly found that she was very calm.

At the other end of the distant deep space, Chu Jungui sat in the command cabin of the starship, frowned and said, "Is it too exaggerated?"

"In this way, she will postpone the meeting time instead of advancing it." Tactical deception explained.

Chu Jungui shook his head and said, "It's not necessary at all, what she thinks is completely unimportant now."

On the star map in front of him, the Cangfu galaxy is flickering. When Chu Jungui moved his mind, the starship immediately began to accelerate, and after a while it reached the jumping speed, and then jumped into the void.

After Chu Jungui's flagship, one starship after another opened the space to jump, and each starship had the logo of Wang Banner's mercenaries on its body. This unprecedentedly large fleet headed for the Cangfu galaxy.

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