God is Coming

Chapter 778

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After making an appointment with Chu Jungui, Jane felt better, so on the second night, she held a grand reception in the name of Boston Credit, and opened branch venues in three galaxies. The current technology has allowed people from different places to gather together in the form of holographic images, as if they were really in the same place. The only fly in the ointment is that there will be no sense of touch, and people will pass through the images.

The scale of the reception was quite grand, and more than a hundred people were invited, all of whom were some powerful friends of the Aveton family, or managers who were in charge of large funds.

The atmosphere at the reception was lively, and many people had benefited a lot from participating in Boston Credit. The topics of discussion were mostly around the war between Boston Credit and Light Year, and occasionally they would talk about some major current events or wars.

Jane changed into a low-cut evening dress, graceful and radiant. She is undoubtedly the protagonist tonight. Although she is standing in a corner of the venue, she is surrounded by important people. Those who feel that their status is not enough, or those who buy less Boston credit, are embarrassed to join her.

A young financial talent is talking loudly at the moment: "Boston Credit is naturally an excellent company, but the current price is indeed a bit expensive. Of course, considering the benefits brought by light-year replenishment, the current price cannot be said It's very expensive. However, I think Miss Jane still has a lot of good news that she hasn't told us, right?"

Jane smiled lightly and said, "I can't say that, it would be a violation of the rules."

Another middle-aged man said with a smile: "For things like regulations, it depends on how we explain them."

Everyone laughed, they obviously had a deep understanding, even if some didn't understand it, they had to pretend to have a deep understanding at this moment.

An old man said slowly: "Now the Aveton family can be said to be invincible. No matter what happens, the stock price will stand above 25. Moreover, the Aveton family has increased their holdings at a low level. The profit is more than 100 billion at least. I think more than half of the credit should be credited to Miss Jian."

Jane hurriedly said: "Because of the support of the family and your trust, we have worked together to achieve today's situation. However, I can assure you that the plan for next year is almost completed, and the growth will not be the same as this year's. So fast, but certainly not the norm for banks."

Everyone nodded one after another, dispelling many thoughts of taking profits.

Jane observed everyone's expressions and breathed a sigh of relief. She suddenly saw a familiar figure in the crowd, it was actually Henry. Henry participated in the video and should be in another branch venue. Jane apologized to the people around her, walked quickly to Henry, and said hello.

After exchanging pleasantries, Jane cut straight to the point: "I really didn't expect you to come. If I remember correctly, Light Year's short selling was done through the Excalibur platform."

Henry nodded: "Yes, but you invited me over."

Jane knew that Excalibur was a big financial institution, and the person in charge of the Aveton family in other places didn't know the inside story, so he would naturally invite Henry.

"Now that you're here, let's enjoy this night. It's interesting to think that we stood on opposite sides twice, all because of Light Years."

Henry glanced at her in surprise, and said, "You are different from the rumors, so calm? I thought you would pour a glass of wine on my face!"

Jane smiled and said, "If you're not angry, I can try it. But it's boring because it won't hit real people. There are always winners and losers when doing projects, and I can't afford to lose. Putting aside the factors of position, I still I appreciate you very much, and maybe we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future.”

"That's not like you."

"You don't know me well, but it's okay, there will be opportunities in the future. Oh, by the way, why do you look so haggard?"

Henry sighed: "How can you not be haggard when you are at the end of your life? It's not like you, you have already earned countless money, right?"

"In our line of work, we are naturally sensitive to numbers."

Henry suddenly remembered something, and said, "You probably have too much money to spend now. I have a private starship, Cruiser 200, and it's only been used for 2 years. How about selling it to you at the original price?"

Jane chuckled: "You really know how to do business."

Henry glanced at her and said angrily, "Haven't you heard that there is a non-public limited edition of the Parade 200? Only 30 were built in total, and all of them were sold by invitation. That's mine."

Jane's eyes lit up, "Are you sure you don't want it?"

"There is really no way, and for some reason, there is no way to borrow money from other channels."

Jane pondered for a while, feeling a little moved, and said, "Let me think about it and give you an answer tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll leave it for you until tomorrow, and there will be no price increase. But after this incident, all our grievances about Light Year have to be written off."

"no problem."

When the two were chatting about the same, a young man suddenly came over and said to Jane: "Miss Jane, can I ask you a question? Murphy Shipping has been in a lot of trouble recently. If it can't complete the contract and can't find As for the fleet, I’m afraid it may go bankrupt. I saw from the quarterly report that Boston Credit has placed a large amount of loans in Murphy Shipping, what do you think of this matter?”

Now that you know it's presumptuous, why ask? Jane can't wait to pour a glass of wine on the young man's face. If she wants to pick up a woman, it's not like this. But looking at the serious look on this young man's face, he really wanted to know the answer instead of attracting Jane's attention, which made Jane even more angry.

She suppressed her anger, maintained a decent smile, raised her chin slightly, and said with a condescending attitude: "Murphy Shipping has a history of more than two hundred years, and has experienced countless storms and waves. I believe they will have the difficulty now." There is a way to overcome it. The opponent is just taking advantage of the current situation. During the war, we have no way to ask the dynasty to arrest the star robbers, but the war will always end and their fleet will come back. All difficulties It's temporary."

"But how to resolve the transportation contract? According to the information I have seen, Ayer Bio has filed a lawsuit and asked the court to freeze most of Murphy Shipping's fleet. It is said that the terms of the contract are very harsh, and Murphy Shipping will definitely lose. Lose billions."

The smile on Jane's face has almost disappeared, and she still retains the last bit of patience, saying: "I can only say that Ayer Bio's approach is immoral, and they will be cast aside by investors..."

"But its stock price has risen by 120% recently..." the young man interjected inappropriately.

Jane quietly sent a message to the host of the reception through her personal chip: Who put this damn thing in? ! !

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