God is Coming

Chapter 779 Just go!

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No matter how angry she is, in this kind of public occasion, Jane must maintain the most basic demeanor. Whether that stunned young man was really stupid or pretended, the questions he asked were very sharp. At this moment, there are more and more people on the sidelines, and Jane is very clear that this question must be answered, otherwise there will be a lot of selling in the market tomorrow.

Jane called the waiter, picked up a glass of wine from the tray, took a sip, and used this action to soothe her emotions and clear her mind.

She first looked at the people around her, paused on purpose, and said, "If it were me, I would short Ayer creatures now."

This sentence can be said to shock everyone, and everyone subconsciously waited for Jane's explanation.

Jane paused for a moment again, whetted her appetite, and said, "There are no outsiders here, so I'll just say something that shouldn't be said. In fact, if you want to complete the order of Ayer Bio, Murphy Shipping has another choice, and this opportunity It is often overlooked by people, and that is the Federal Mobile Rescue Fleet that is going to expel the Star Pirates."

Someone subconsciously said: "Using federal warships to complete private orders? Isn't this a violation?"

Jane's smile is full of wisdom: "Just now a gentleman once said that whether it violates the regulations depends on who interprets the regulations. I think this sentence covers the survival wisdom of the Federation for more than a thousand years."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Now that Murphy Shipping has a way to complete the order, there is no way to talk about compensation for Ayer Bio, and the stock price will not only go up and down, but will also fall even worse. After all, it can be regarded as offending the entire shipping industry and the banks led by Boston Credit that did not have time to draw loans. Although the three companies that have already drawn out their loans have no losses, they will also place the blame on Albio, and then continue to give Murphy Shipping a loan with the cheek. They are very familiar with this set.

That's why Jane said that she would short Ayer Creatures. Some of the people next to them were still there, but a few found an excuse to leave in a hurry, probably looking for a place where no one was around to secretly place an order.

Jane pretended she didn't see it, took a deep look at the young man with a smile, and said, "Do you have any questions? Oh, by the way, I don't seem to know you yet. Aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

In fact, if Jane wanted to know the details of the young man, he didn't need to ask him face to face. As long as he went back to find someone to check, he would definitely find out all eight generations of his ancestors. The reason why she asked this was actually tantamount to a naked threat.

Who knew that the young man didn't know if he didn't understand, or he was still pretending to be stupid, he frowned and said: "There is no need for an introduction, anyway, you don't know me, and I don't plan to make friends with you. I'm just interested in the process of this matter." I'm curious, by the way, I have another question, what if the federal rescue fleet loses?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then laughed. At that moment, a middle-aged man patted the young man on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Young people are cute! The rescue fleet is a specially selected elite fleet, and they are basically regular fleets. How can ordinary star thieves win? If you know the fleet It just so happens that a friend of mine is very close to the military, and when we talked about it, he said that Lieutenant General Chennault was leading the army.”

The young man was at a loss: "Who is Chennault? Is he famous?"

An old man next to him said slowly: "He is not particularly famous, but in the first battle of the longitudinal line, he was the only one who drew a tie with the dynasty. After the enemy's superior reinforcements arrived, he withdrew. The battlefield. Based on this achievement, he was promoted to lieutenant general. I met him twice. The injury is still not completely healed, so I didn’t go back to the front line. It happened that there was something about the Cangfu galaxy, so I sent him there. To be honest, the dynasty mercenaries are quite capable of fighting, and I’m afraid I’m afraid to change to a general with a lot of moisture. go."

The people around suddenly nodded. Jane sounded a bit harsh. The old man's words seemed to be satirizing that the children of the big family were all without real skills, but they still wanted to block the way for the promotion of civilians.

The young man was not convinced yet, and asked, "Will Chennault definitely win if he goes?"

The old man's face turned ugly, he laughed and said, "To convince you, I have to tell you how many starships there are in the rescue fleet. But even if I know, I won't tell you. After all, you and I are not that close. cooked."

The young man waited to ask again, but he found that the people around him took two steps back and distanced themselves from him. He also didn't understand why he suddenly became the object of hatred for everyone.

People around said: "Which organization does this kid belong to? With such a personality, his boss must be having a headache, right?"

"Oh, I remembered, he just said that he is from the Zhenzhi Fund, and their boss is himself a weirdo."

Someone has already said courteously to Jane: "Miss Jane, do you want me to drive him away for you?"

Jane smiled calmly: "Why bother, you are a guest when you come. Besides, he just asked some questions."

The man said indignantly: "Bah! How can he ask a question? It's not embarrassing for him to ask, and I feel awkward for him!"

At this moment, Jane finally felt that she was still a bit attractive, her smile became a little blurred, and she was about to say something, when suddenly the panoramic screen above the center of the reception venue changed suddenly. The host on the screen said at a fast speed: "Interlude an urgent news! This station has just received a message from the Cangfu Galaxy. In order to eliminate the King Banner star bandits who blocked the galaxy, the fast rescue fleet specially formed by the Federation has just arrived. Cangfu galaxy. But the star robbers did not flee, but chose to resist, and the two sides have already started a fierce battle! It is reported that the Wang Qi star bandits have assembled an unprecedented fleet, and our rescue fleet is not dominant. The situation Unexpected. The frontline battlefield reporters will send back detailed reports later, please wait patiently! Now we invite Mr. Trudeau, an expert on Star Pirates, to analyze the past and present of Wang Qi Star Pirates. Mr. Trudeau, Hello……"

There was a sudden silence at the reception, and everyone was dumbfounded. The old man who claimed to be acquainted with Chennault was even more shocked and couldn't say a complete sentence, but repeated: "How is this possible, how is this possible..."

Jane's mind was blank, and she looked at the panoramic screen in a daze. The experts on the screen were buzzing, but Jane couldn't hear a word.

At this moment, a piercing strange laugh broke the silence, and the young man said loudly: "I thought there would be an accident! It's exactly as I expected!"

Jane couldn't bear it anymore, walked over quickly, and slapped the young man on the face!

The crisp slapping sound attracted everyone's attention, and Jane was only a little embarrassed, and said sternly: "I'm doing it for the federal soldiers!"

Everyone was startled for a moment, and then applauded loudly!

The young man felt ashamed, looked around, and saw that no one seemed willing to stand up for him, so he had to leave with his face covered.

Jian just felt angry, and suddenly received a message, which was actually from Chu Jungui: I have something to do tomorrow, see you in the afternoon the day after tomorrow. I prefer open spaces, so I won't go to your place, but to my office.

Jane quickly replied: My office is quite big.

Chu Jungui: With me, that's it.

Jane took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and said, "Just go!"

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