God is Coming

Chapter 780 Live broadcast

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The atmosphere of the reception has completely disappeared, and everyone is discussing what just happened. Because of that slap, everyone noticed Murphy Shipping. In this era of extremely transparent information, with the help of a personal chip and a little search, we can understand what happened and how it will affect Boston Credit.

The question is, why does Albiology have to deliver in the Canghu galaxy, and at the critical period of delivery, the fleet of Murphy Shipping was hijacked, and the Canghu galaxy was also blocked by star thieves. It would be too coincidental to say that the two events are not related. But if there is a connection, how can a small company like Ayer Biotech have the ability to make Star Pirates, especially Wang Banner Mercenaries, who dare to confront the Federation Fleet head-on?

Although Murphy Shipping is bigger, it is not worth the effort. Why?

A small number of people have doubts, and most people are more concerned about whether the Cangfu galaxy will win or lose the first battle. As for the death or life of Murphy Shipping, it has nothing to do with them.

The so-called star thief expert was still buzzing on the screen, people didn't care what he was talking about at all, they were all waiting for the battle report from the front line.

Finally, the host tilted his head slightly, as if he was listening to something, and said: "Everyone! Now we have received the first-line battle report from the front line, and now this station will exclusively report it for you!"

At this moment, the screen changed and turned into a bright deep space. A large-scale fleet is driving, and the sun of the Cangfu Galaxy is in front of it.

From perspective, the image is from a starship of the Federation Fleet. In front of the image side, a majestic heavy cruiser is leading the three light cruisers behind it, driving at the forefront of the entire fleet. Judging from the formation, it should be a destroyer that took the video.

The picture changed again. It was a peaceful deep-space voyage. Suddenly, a spot of light appeared in front of it. Then there were more and more spots of light. Immediately, a shrill siren sounded in the starship. The image locks on those light spots, and then zooms in, revealing starships that have never been seen before!

The Federation Fleet deployed their weapons one after another, the flagship slowed down and joined the light cruiser behind, and then the starships opened their shields. The flagship shouted to each other on the public channel while getting ready for battle.

However, the other party did not respond at all, one starship after another jumped out of the void, and finally formed a huge fleet consisting of 15 destroyers!

There were bursts of gasping sounds in the video, obviously the person who took the video did not expect to encounter such a powerful star thief!

At this time, Chennault's voice sounded in the channel: "Everyone, don't panic, the opponents are nothing more than star robbers. No matter how many they are, they are just star robbers. What's more, their combat strength is equal now, and there is no reason to lose. No matter how strong they are, they can beat them." Xu Bingyan?"

Only then did the mood of the officers and soldiers stabilize. The opponent is just the Star Pirates. They are all regular fleets. Although they are not the first line, there is no reason why they can't win against the Star Pirates?

Chennault seized the opportunity and ordered: "After the battle begins, all ships focus their fire according to the assigned targets, and the instructions must be strictly followed!"

The fleets of the two sides are gradually approaching. Unexpectedly, although the opponent is a star thief, the formation of the fleet is tight and tight. The entire fleet seems to be commanded by one person, and the subtle movements of each starship are exactly the same!

Most of the guests at the reception don't understand war, but those who are experts are not ruled out. The old man was shocked, and said again and again: "Well, how could this be a star thief? Even the most elite fleet is nothing more than that!"

Someone next to him asked, "Could it be that General Chen will lose?"

"General Chen has experienced hundreds of battles, and his will is not comparable to that of mere star robbers. This battle still has to be fought." Although the old man said so, but seeing his serious face, he knew that the battle was not as easy as he said.

The fifteen starships of Wang Qixing Pirates lined up in a strict lineup, slowly pressing on. People at the reception could feel the pressure of the coming rain through the big screen. Many people were pale and short of breath.

A beam of light tore through the darkness of deep space, and it was a starship of the Federation Fleet who fired first. Some people applauded loudly at the moment, but those who knew the military secretly thought that something was wrong. Obviously, someone in the Federation Fleet could not bear the pressure and subconsciously opened fire in advance.

The high-energy beam accurately hit a destroyer of Wangqi Star Pirates, quickly consuming its shield. However, a shocking scene happened at this time. All the king flag starships did not fire, but continued to press forward. Only the starship that was hit retreated instead of advancing.

At this moment, Chennault must be so angry that he wanted to scold his mother. He had planned the opening fire perfectly, but he didn't expect his subordinates to be so useless, firing ahead of time exposed the target. However, the opponent's command was impeccable, and the targeted target retreated immediately. In this way, even if Chennault wanted to fire, half of the own starships scheduled to focus on the target would not have entered the optimal range.

Chennault chose to focus on three targets in the first round. At this moment, he didn't care much, and directly changed a target. But because a destroyer fired ahead of time just now, and the main gun is still cooling down, the number of starships focusing on this target has changed from four to three.

The Federation Fleet opened fire first, and the high-energy light beams bombarded the three starships in front of the opponent like a torrent. The starship's shield lasted less than two seconds before being defeated, and then the high-energy beam fell on the hull, starting to ablate the armor crazily.

The audience on the screen was instantly excited and applauded! I just hate that the image is not very clear, and I can't see the speed at which the opponent's armor is ablated, otherwise it would be perfect.

Under the frenzied bombardment of the federal fleet, the Wang flagship team still did not fire, but continued to advance against the opponent's high-energy beam!

A few seconds later, the main guns of the Federation starship stopped firing one after another and entered a cooling state. At this time, the Wang flagship team had already approached tens of kilometers. In deep space, this distance is almost close to hand-to-hand combat.

At this time, in the enlarged image, the appearance of the starship of Wang's flagship team can already be vaguely seen. The bows of the three starships that were set on fire were mottled everywhere, with deep pits within deep pits, but just like that, they could still drive forward. Its armor is surprisingly thick, so it can block a round of focused fire.

At this moment, the bomb bay of the Wangqi starship opened, and space torpedoes blasted out one after another, like a bee that had been stabbed in a nest, roaring towards the Federation fleet.

Everyone was dumbfounded again, there are too many space torpedoes!

Only heavy-duty space torpedoes can pose a threat to large starships above destroyers. Generally, a destroyer destroyer throws a dozen or so torpedoes, and each Wangqi starship throws at least a hundred!

Thousands of space torpedoes converged into a dense mass and rushed towards the Federation Fleet.

To be honest, the quality of Wang Qi's space torpedo is really not that good, its appearance is rough, and its speed is slow, but it can't be big enough or thick enough. Besides, no matter how slow it is, it is faster than the starship. With its head, three or five shots can severely damage a starship. If there are more than ten hits, even the heavy cruiser can't stand it.

The Federation Fleet couldn't help but panic, and there were already starships preparing to flee. However, at this moment, the deep space was suddenly illuminated by a strong light, and the main guns of the Wang flagship team began to fight back at the same time!

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